Possible to write an Express GET route that accepts an array of unknown length? - express

Like the title says, is it possible to write an Express GET route that accepts an array of unknown length?
I know I can use a POST request and just include an array in the body, but it isn't posting something so much as getting something!
I need to know how to encode the url. Most of what I am seeing is for arrays of particular length. This could be for 2 or 20, or more.

You can use the query parameter and use a delimiter, as search engines of old where your search string was actually in the url with spaces demarcated with +. This allows for an array of indeterminate length.
Did not get any feedback for HOW to encode an array to accept a url, so this is the approach I am going with. Even in my googling I couldn't find much on HOW to encode a URL to have an array in the params object, rather than the query object, possibly because I was searching for how to do it for an array of indeterminate length?


unable to perform search on custom_field(JIRA-Python)

I'm getting the below error when I search on custom_field.
{"errorMessages":["Field \'customfield_10029\' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."],"warningMessages":[]}
But I have enough permissions(Admin) to access that field. And also I enabled the field visible.
URL = 'https://xyz.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=status="In+Progress"+and+customfield_10029=125&fields=id,key,status'
Custom fields in JQL searches are referenced using the abbreviation 'cf' followed by their ID inside square brackets '[id]', so your URL would be:
Make sure you properly encode the square brackets in UTF-8 format in your language's encoding method.
PS. Generally speaking, it's much easier to reference custom fields in JQL searches by their names, not their IDs. It makes the search URL easier to read and understand what is being searched for.
I get a 400 response code with customized field syntax:

Is there a function in sPacy to get the string given hash?

Basically looking for opposite of spacy.strings.get_string_id() which does not need to load the language model to get the vocabulary. I tried StringStore methods, but you need to add the string first or else you get a "Can't retrieve string for hash 'xxx'" error.
Use case is the hash is serialized then it is unserialized somewhere else.
No, you will need to keep a copy of the StringStore from the pipeline you used to process your documents in order to look up strings for hashes in the future.
In the end, it's nothing more than a list of strings that have been seen before, either as tokens or annotations, which you can simply re-add to a new StringStore.

Parse streaming JSON in Objective C

I am using JSON-RPC over TCP, the problem is that I could not find any JSON parse capable of parsing multiple JSON objects correctly, and it would be relatively hard to split it, since there is no delimiter used.
Anyone knows a way how I could handle i.e. this:
{"foo":false, "bar: true, "baz": "cool"}{"ba
Somehow I need to split it so I end up just with the first, complete JSON object. The remaining string needs to stay in buffer until I have enough data to parse it properly.
XBMC's JSON-RPC doc does give a hint:
As such, your client needs to be able to deal with this, eg. by counting and matching curly braces ({}).
Update: As Jody Hagins pointed out, beware of curly braces inside JSON strings when using this approach.
Another possible and probably much better solution would be using a streaming JSON parser like yajl (or its Objective-C wrapper yajl-objc). You can feed the parser with data until it says the current object is done and then restart parsing.
#ePirat, if someone just concatenates multiple JSON dictionaries without delimiters, they should be shot.
For parsing: JSONSerialization parses NSData which could come in any encoding. Fortunately, if you have multiple JSON dictionaries concatenated, they are quite easy to take apart. All you need is looking at the bytes and check for the characters \ " { and }.
If you find a { then increase the counter for "open brackets".
If you find a } then decrease the counter for "open brackets". If the counter is at zero, you've found the end of a dictionary.
If you find a ", then repeatedly look at the next character. If the next character is a " then skip it and go to the normal processing (you've found the end of a string). If the next character is a \ then skip that character and the following character. If the next character is anything else, skip it.
If you reach the end of the data, then your JSON data is incomplete. You could remember which state you were in (count of open brackets, whether you are parsing a string, and if parsing a string whether you just encountered a backlash character) and continue right where you left off.
No need to convert the NSData to a string until you've separated it into dictionaries. If you suspect that you might be given UTF-16 or UTF-32, check whether bytes 0, 1, 2 or 1, 2, 3 are zero (UTF-32), then check whether bytes 0 and 2 or 1 and 3 are zero (UTF-16). But in that case, if the server sends non-standard JSON in UTF-16 or UTF-32, change "the person responsible should be shot" to "the person responsible must be shot".

How to search within a URL field in Solr? (like *wildcard*)

In Solr I have a field dedicated to URLs. The URL field can be anywhere up to 2000 in length. However, I only ever need to search the first 200 characters.
Example URL:
I've experimented over the last 2 weeks with Grams and various combinations of Tokenizers to no avail. I always seem to fall short. I would provide examples but they are all standard so no point cluttering this with non-working types.
The main problem seems to be with how Solr deals with punctuation. It treats non-A-z/0-9 characters as separators. How do I disable this for a field?
For example I can search: 'google' and get the correct result, but when I search 'google.co' nothing comes back. Same problem with most of the non-A-z/0-9 characters, it seems to treat them as a separator.
Everything needs to be *wildcard*searchable from 4char strings up to 200 char strings.
So the following search terms would return the above result. '&aqs','ow&aqs=','ps://www.goo','q=help+','2014/he'... etc
How would you define a field type for the URL wildcard use case?
You can use a string field for your url and use a filter that cuts it off to 200 characters.It can be a regex expressions also to keep only 200 characters for that field.
String field will match the exact tokens

IOS JSON escaping special characters

I'm working in IOS and trying to pass some content to a web server via an NSURLRequest. On the server I have a PHP script setup to accept the request string and convert it into an JSON object using the Zend_JSON framework. The issue I am having is whenever the character "ø" is in any part of the request parameters, then the request string is cut short by one character.
Request string before going to server.
[{"description":"Blah blah","type":"Russebuss","name":"Roscoe Simulator","appVersion":"1.0.20","osVersion":"IOS 5.1","phone":"5555555","country":"Østfold","udid":"bed164974ea0d436a43f3cdee0e005a1"}]
Request string on server before any parsing
[{"description":"Blah blah","type":"Russebuss","name":"Roscoe Simulator","appVersion":"1.0.20","osVersion":"IOS 5.1","phone":"5555555","country":"Nord-Trøndelag","udid":"bed164974ea0d436a43f3cdee0e005a1"}
Everything looks exactly the same except the final closing ] is missing. I'm thinking it's having an issue when converting the string to UTF-8, but not sure the correct way to fix this issue.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
first of all do not trust the xcode console in such cases. you never know which coding the console is actually using.
second, escape the invalid characters before you build you json string. easiest way would probably to make sure you are using the same unicode representation, like utf-8, all the time.
third, if there are still invalid characters use a json lib with a parser (does the encoding). validate the output by parsing back to e.g. NSString. or validate the output manually by using a web form like http://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/
the badest way is to replace the single characters in the string, build your json and convert back. one way to do this could be to replace e.g an german ä with its unicode representaion U+00E4 (http://www.utf8-chartable.de/).
Thats the way I do it. I am glad that I nerver needed to go further than step three and this is the step you should do anyway to keep your code simple.
Please try to use Zends internal json Encoding:
Zend_Json::$useBuiltinEncoderDecoder = true;
should fix your issue.