Capture image in android device using keyevent - selenium

I am trying to use the below code to capture the image and save it but while running the code , this part is ignored
((AndroidDriver<?>) getDriver()).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_CAMERA);
Is there any alternate way to tap on the "click" button of the camera.

Try below code snippet
((AndroidDriver<?>) driver).pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.CAMERA));
For your reference list of AndroidKeys


mediapipe hair segmentation in Javascript

How would I convert this demo into a standalone script that runs in the background without needing to press the 'run' button or display the code? I've inspected the source, but the JS all seems to be minified and hard to decipher.
only android and c++
enter image description here

Proper way to close dialogs in Flutter tests

Flutter's WidgetTester has a pageBack() method for popping the route stack. When I open a page as a fullscreen dialog using MaterialPageRoute's fullscreenDialog property, the pageBack() method does not work ("One back button expected on screen"). I can't find an alternative method for the job.
What is the standard way to cancel/close a dialog in a Flutter test?
I am able to close the dialog as follows:
await tester.tap(find.byIcon(Icons.close));
But then I could have instead done a pageBack() as follows:
await tester.tap(find.byIcon(Icons.arrow_back));
Why have the pageBack() method but no equivalent for closing a dialog?
I have not yet written my Cupertino UI yet. Will that test need to look for a different icon?
See also a similar problem I had with selecting the overflow menu.
UPDATE: Maybe pageBack() emulates pressing the system back button, not the back arrow? In that case, there would be no need to emulate the behavior on iOS, and I would have to find the back button by icon to emulate pressing it, anyway.
You can have a dialog that contains a button with a text 'X', which pops the dialog.
This button, you can find with
await tester.tap(find.text('X'));
and don't forget to pump to go through with the tap
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
Have a look at the full code sample the flutter team is using to test dialogs: source code
I think finding by Icons.close seems reasonable. I did similarly in my app. Another option could be assuming the x,y of the button in the navigation bar and just tapping at that location on the screen.
I faced a similar problem earlier and I found the following solution that worked fine for my case.
Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop('dialog')
Or you can write like,
You can check the brief documentation on Flutter Navigation and Routing here.
Hope, this would work. Have a great day.

How to replace react-native FlatlList indicator

I have write custom header in FlatList.
Now I want to replace the indicator with other picture both in Android and ios.
I have try many way to modify it, but all Failed.
here is my demo code

How can I switch camera by onClick using Google Vision API

Can I change .setFacing(CameraSource.CAMERA_FACING_FRONT) by clicking button ? I used it for qr-, barcode scanning and want to change cameras.
I have found answer for my question.
I just called CameraSource.release(), my init() method with FRONT param and all other logic
and recall cameraSource.start(visionCameraView.getHolder());
and it's worked

How to automate native "Search" button in Appium Java

After sending keys the Native Keyboard opens automatically on IOS.
How can i automate Tap on native keyboard "Search"?
Appium + Java + Selenium + Eclipse
If you are using java-client 3.1.0, you can use this:
((AndroidDriver) driver).sendKeyEvent(AndroidKeyCode.ENTER);
Assuming you are automating a native mobile application. then you can easily click on the search button.
driver.findElement(By.Xpath("xpath of search icon")).click();
If you are automating web application then you need to change your context to native like below.
Get the current context handles
Save the current context Context to Native
Change the Context to Native
Click on the search button
change the context to default
String currentContext = driver.getContext();
driver.findElement(By.Xpath("xpath of search icon")).click();
Not sure if this would be helpful for you since it's been half a year but I did have a similar problem. If I was going to search with "Bruno Mars" in the search field, I would just have appium type in "Bruno Mars\n" and the newline would automatically trigger the search button. However, recently my devices weren't responding to the new line anymore. I winded up downgrading the google keyboard to 4.1.x and I was able to use new line method again. The problem was that the devices had auto updated to to version 5.x. So downgrading the keyboard solved the issue for me.