Performing action when clicking off an element - vue.js

The below code allows me to have a click-to-edit header tag within my application.
I'm looking for the best way to handle exiting editing mode when any other action is performed on the page... either a click or a drag-n-drop.
<validator name="teamSetValidation">
<input id='teamSetName' v-if="isEditingName" type="text" v-model="" class="semi-bold p-t-10 p-b-10 m-l-15 edit-header" v-on:keyup.enter="saveTeamSetName()" v-on:keyup.esc="doneEditing()" v-validate:name.required.maxlength="teamSetRules" :isEditingName="true"/>
<h3 v-else class="semi-bold p-t-10 p-b-10 m-l-15" v-on:click="editing()" :isEditingName="false">{{ }} <span class="fa fa-edit"></span></h3>
<div class="text-small">
<span class="text-danger" v-if="$">A name is required.</span>
<span class="text-danger" v-if="$">The name you provided is too long.</span>
<div class="b-grey b-b m-t-10"></div>
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#page',
data: {
// When true, user can edit the teamSet name
isEditingName: false,
teamSet: teamSet,
teamSetRules: {
required: false,
maxlength: 64
methods: {
editTeamSetName: function () {
saveTeamSetName: function () {
if(this.$teamSetValidation.valid) {
var teamSet = this.teamSet,
self = this;
url: '/team/',
type: 'PATCH',
data: {
error: function(res) {
message: 'Unable to save changes',
type: 'error',
hideAfter: 3
editing: function () {
this.isEditingName = true;
Vue.nextTick(function () {
doneEditing: function () {
this.isEditingName = false;

Attaching a blur event to the input should do the trick:
<input id='teamSetName' v-if="isEditingName"
type="text" v-model=""
class="semi-bold p-t-10 p-b-10 m-l-15 edit-header"
:isEditingName="true" v-on:blur="doneEditing()"


vue select all checkboxes with value generated by computed methods

My page has a Select All checkbox at the top where upon clicking it, it should have checked all the checkboxes. Here's my code:
<div class="columns bottom-border">
<div class="column">Student</div>
<div><a v-on:click="revokePoints()">Revoke</a><br/><input type="checkbox" v-model="selectAll">Select All</div>
<div class="columns" v-for="(behavior) in sortBehaviors(behaviorList)" :key="behavior._id">
<div class="column">{{ behavior.studentID.firstName }} </div>
<div class="column is-1"><center><input type="checkbox" :value="setCheckedValue(behavior.dataType,behavior._id,behavior.studentID._id,behavior.actionDate)" :id="setCheckedValue(behavior.dataType,behavior._id,behavior.studentID._id,behavior.actionDate)" v-model="checkedIDs"></center></div>
data() {
return {
positiveName: '',
behaviorList: [],
checkedIDs: [],
selected: []
selectAll: {
get: function () {
return this.behaviorList ? this.selected.length == this.behaviorList.length : false;
set: function (value) {
var mySelected = [];
let self = this;
if (value) {
this.behaviorList.forEach(function (behavior) {
var getDataType = behavior.dataType
var getID = behavior._id
var getStudentID = behavior.studentID._id
var getActionDate = behavior.actionDate
var getGeneratedID = self.setCheckedValue(getDataType,getID,getStudentID,getActionDate);
self.selected = mySelected;
console.log("self selected")
methods: {
return "1:" + dataType + "|2:" + id + "|3:" + studentID + "|4:" + actionDate
var pointsToRevoke = this.checkedIDs;
When I click on the Select All checkbox, console will display that self.selected will have the id of all the checkboxes. But the issue is the checkbox for all the values displayed are not checked...
It is difficult to help because your code is not completed. But I would approach that a bit differently. I hope this codepen can help you.
const list = [
{ id: 1, name: 'New York', checked: true },
{ id: 2, name: 'Sydney', checked: false },
{ id: 3, name: 'London', checked: false },
{ id: 4, name: 'Chicago', checked: true }
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
isAllChecked: false
methods: {
checkAll: function() {
this.list = => ({,
checked: !this.isAllChecked
this.isAllChecked = !this.isAllChecked
computed: {
getAllCheckedIDs: function() {
return this.list.filter(city => city.checked).map(city =>
getNotAllCheckedIDs: function() {
return this.list.filter(city => !city.checked).map(city =>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="city in list" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="city.checked" />
<button #click="checkAll">Check all</button>
<div>Checked IDs: {{getAllCheckedIDs}}</div>
<div>Not Checked IDs: {{getNotAllCheckedIDs}}</div>

Vue.js / How to access the function in another component

I just started learning Vue.js. I need to call the function in another component in my project. When I add new data to the table with createAnnouncement.vue, I want to go into announcement.vue and call the queryAnnouncement function. How can I do that? I would appreciate if you could help, please explain with a sample. Or edit my codes.
Announcement.Vue template:
// more div or not important template code
<div class="dataTables_filter" style="margin-bottom:10px">
<input class="form-control form-control-sm" placeholder="Search" aria-controls="m_table_1" type="search" v-model="searchField" #change="filter()">
<a style="float:right" href="#" data-target="#create-announcement-modal" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-primary">
<i class="">Add</i>
// more div or not important template code
Announcement.Vue Script Code:
import toastr from "toastr";
export default {
name: 'announcement',
data() {
return {
announcements: [],
searchField: "",
deleteCsrfToken: this.$root.csrfTokens["deleteAnnouncement"]
beforeMount: async function () {
await this.queryAnnouncements();
methods: {
filter: async function () {
await this.queryAnnouncements(this.searchField);
queryAnnouncements: async function (filter, pageSize, pageIndex, sortBy, sortType) {
var data = {
"query[general-filter]": filter,
"pagination[perpage]": !!pageSize ? pageSize : 10,
"pagination[page]": !!pageIndex ? pageIndex : 1,
"sort[field]": sortType,
"sort[sort]": !!sortBy ? sortBy : "asc"
let response = await axios
.get("/Announcement/QueryAnnouncements", { params: data })
this.announcements =;
createAnnouncement.vue code:
<button #click="createAnnouncement()" v-bind:disabled="contentDetail === ''" class="btn btn-success">
//not important template codes
import toastr from "toastr";
export default {
name: 'create-announcement',
data() {
return {
contentDetail: "",
createCsrfToken: this.$root.csrfTokens["createAnnouncement"],
methods: {
createAnnouncement: async function () {
var self = this;
var data = {
content: this.contentDetail,
let response = await axios
headers: {
RequestVerificationToken: self.createCsrfToken
if (response.status == 200) {
$("#create-announcement-modal .close").click()
toastr["success"]("Kayıt başarıyla eklendi!", "Başarılı!");
self.contentDetail = "";
else {
toastr["warning"]("Hata", "Kayıt Eklenemedi.");
Please show with sample or arrangement, my english is not very good. Thanks.

Vue 2 Emit selected data back to parent component

Struggling to sort out how to get a selected value from a Typeahead component to pass back to the parent component. I'm allowing the user to search from a variety of data to link a record to a post. Once the user clicks one of the typeahead drop-down records, I pass the item to the sendlink method - I've checked that the data passes ok. When I do the emit using the selected-link event, I'm not getting the data in the parent component.
<div v-if='posts.length === 0' class="header">There are no posts yet!</div>
<form action="#" #submit.prevent="createPost()" class="publisher bt-1 border-fade bg-white" autocomplete="off">
<div class="input-group">
<input v-model="post.content" type="text" name="content" class="form-control publisher-input" placeholder="What's the lastest?" autofocus>
<span class="input-group-btn">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Post</button>
<span class="publisher-btn file-group">
<i class="fa fa-camera file-browser"></i>
<input type="file">
<div #click="doit" v-on:selected-link="onSelectedLink">{{ }}</div>
placeholder="Link Post to Trip, Business, etc"
<post v-for="post in posts"
var axios = require("axios");
import post from './PostItem.vue';
import typeahead from './Typeahead.vue';
export default {
components: {
props: ['postableId', 'postableType', 'model'],
data: function() {
return {
modellink: {
"name": "n/a",
"description": "",
"id": null,
"model": "n/a"
post: {
id: 1,
content: "",
edited: false,
created_at: new Date().toLocaleString(),
user: {
id: 1,
name: '',
posts: [
id: 1,
content: "",
edited: false,
created_at: new Date().toLocaleString(),
user: {
id: 1,
name: '',
created() {
methods: {
onSelectedLink: function (talink) {
alert(JSON.stringify(talink, null, 4)); = talink
doit() {
alert(JSON.stringify(this.modellink, null, 4));
fetchPostsList() {
if( this.postableId ) {
axios.get('/api/' + this.postableType + '/' + this.postableId + '/posts').then((res) => {
this.posts =;
} else {
axios.get('/api/post').then((res) => {
//alert(JSON.stringify([0], null, 4));
this.posts =;
createPost() {'api/post', {content:, user_id: Laravel.userId, vessel_id: Laravel.vesselId })
.then((res) => { = '';
// = Laravel.userId;
// this.task.statuscolor = '#ff0000';
this.edit = false;
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
deletePost(post) {
axios.delete('api/post/' +
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => console.error(err));
<transition-group name="fade" tag="ul" class="Results">
<li v-for="item in items" :key="">
<span #click="sendlink(item)">
<strong>{{ }}</strong> - <small>{{ item.model }}</small><br>
<small>{{ item.description }}</small>
<p v-show="isEmpty">Sorry, but we can't find any match for given term :( </p>
var axios = require("axios");
export default {
name: 'Typeahead',
props: {
modellink: {
type: Object,
required: false
source: {
type: [String, Array],
required: true
filterKey: {
type: String,
required: true
startAt: {
type: Number,
default: 3
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: ''
data() {
return {
items: [],
query: '',
taitem: ''
computed: {
lookup() {
if(this.query.length >= this.startAt) {
axios.get(this.source + '/' + this.query).then((res) => {
this.items =;
isEmpty() {
if( typeof this.lookup === 'undefined' ) {
return false
} else {
return this.lookup.length < 1
methods: {
sendlink: function (taitem) {
this.$emit('selected-link', taitem);
reset() {
this.query = ''
In your PostList.vue, move the v-on:selected-link="onSelectedLink" from the div to typeahead like below. When emitting an event from child to parent, the listener on the parent needs to be on the child component tag for it to work.
<div #click="doit">{{ }}</div>
placeholder="Link Post to Trip, Business, etc"

How to defer form input binding until user clicks the submit button?

I wanted to make a two-way data binding on my form input in Vue.js 2.3. However, I cannot use the v-model directive, because I want the data to be updated only on clicking the submit button. Meanwhile, the input value may be updated from another Vue method, so it should be bound to the data property text. I made up something like this jsFiddle:
<div id="demo">
<input :value="text" ref="input">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<p id="result">{{text}}</p>
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function() {
return {
text: ''
methods: {
update: function () {
this.text = this.$refs.input.value;
It works, but it does not scale well when there are more inputs. Is there a simpler way to accomplish this, without using $refs?
You can use an object and bind its properties to the inputs. Then, in your update method, you can copy the properties over to another object for display purposes. Then, you can set a deep watcher to update the values for the inputs whenever that object changes. You'll need to use this.$set when copying the properties so that the change will register with Vue.
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function() {
return {
inputVals: {
text: '',
number: 0
displayVals: {}
methods: {
update() {
this.copyObject(this.displayVals, this.inputVals);
copyObject(toSet, toGet) {
Object.keys(toGet).forEach((key) => {
this.$set(toSet, key, toGet[key]);
watch: {
displayVals: {
deep: true,
handler() {
this.copyObject(this.inputVals, this.displayVals);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo">
<input v-model="inputVals.text">
<input v-model="inputVals.number">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<input v-for="val, key in displayVals" v-model="displayVals[key]">
If you're using ES2015, you can copy objects directly, so this isn't as verbose:
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data() {
return {
inputVals: { text: '', number: 0 },
displayVals: {}
methods: {
update() {
this.displayVals = {...this.inputVals};
watch: {
displayVals: {
deep: true,
handler() {
this.inputVals = {...this.displayVals};
<script src=""></script>
<div id="demo">
<input v-model="inputVals.text">
<input v-model="inputVals.number">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<input v-for="val, key in displayVals" v-model="displayVals[key]">
You can use two separate data properties, one for the <input>'s value, the other for the committed value after the OK button is clicked.
<div id="demo">
<input v-model="editText">
<button #click="update">OK</button>
<p id="result">{{text}}</p>
new Vue({
el: '#demo',
data: function() {
return {
editText: '',
text: ''
methods: {
update: function () {
this.text = this.editText;
Updated fiddle
With a slightly different approach than the other answers I think you can achieve something that is easily scalable.
This is a first pass, but using components, you could build your own input elements that submitted precisely when you wanted. Here is an example of an input element that works like a regular input element when it is outside of a t-form component, but only updates v-model on submit when inside a t-form.
Vue.component("t-input", {
<input type="text" v-model="internalValue" #input="onInput">
return {
internalValue: this.value,
wrapped: false
this.internalValue = newVal
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
if (!this.wrapped)
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
this.wrapped = true
Here is an example of t-form.
<form #submit.prevent="submit">
return {
isTriggeredForm: true,
for(let input of this.inputs)
Having those in place, your job becomes very simple.
<t-input v-model="text"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text2"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text3"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text4"></t-input><br>
This template will only update the bound expressions when the button is clicked. You can have as many t-inputs as you want.
Here is a working example. I included t-input elements both inside and outside the form so you can see that inside the form, the model is only updated on submit, and outside the form the elements work like a typical input.
Vue.component("t-input", {
props: ["value"],
template: `
<input type="text" v-model="internalValue" #input="onInput">
data() {
return {
internalValue: this.value,
wrapped: false
watch: {
value(newVal) {
this.internalValue = newVal
methods: {
update() {
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
onInput() {
if (!this.wrapped)
this.$emit('input', this.internalValue)
mounted() {
if (this.$parent.isTriggeredForm) {
this.wrapped = true
Vue.component("t-form", {
template: `
<form #submit.prevent="submit">
data() {
return {
isTriggeredForm: true,
inputs: []
methods: {
submit() {
for (let input of this.inputs)
register(input) {
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
text: "bob",
text2: "mary",
text3: "jane",
text4: "billy"
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<t-input v-model="text"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text2"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text3"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text4"></t-input><br>
<t-input v-model="text"></t-input>
<h4>Update Data</h4>
<button type="button" #click="text='jerome'">Change Text</button>

Vuejs reactive v-if template component

I'm struggling to understand how to make my component reactive. At the moment the button is rendered correctly but once the create/delete event happens, the template does not change. Any tips on how to update the component after the event has taken place?
new Vue({
el: '#app'
Vue.component('favourite-button', {
props: ['id', 'favourites'],
template: '<input class="hidden" type="input" name="_method" value="{{ id }}" v-model="form.listings_id"></input><button v-if="isFavourite == true" class="favourited" #click="delete(favourite)" :disabled="form.busy"><i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i><button class="not-favourited" v-else #click="create(favourite)" :disabled="form.busy"><i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i></button><pre>{{ isFavourite == true }}</pre>',
data: function() {
return {
form: new SparkForm({
listings_id: ''
created() {
computed: {
isFavourite: function() {
for (var i = 0; this.favourites.length; i++)
if (this.favourites[i].listings_id == {
return true;
methods: {
getFavourites() {
.then(response => {
this.favourites =;
create() {'/api/favourite', this.form)
.then(favourite => {
this.favourite.push(favourite); = '';
delete(favourite) {
this.$http.delete('/api/favourite/' +; = '';
Vue.component('listings', {
template: '#listing-template',
data: function() {
return {
listings: [], favourites: [],
created() {
methods: {
getListings() {
.then(response => {
this.listings =;
Vue expects HTML template markups to be perfect. Otherwise you will run into multiple issues.
I just inspected your template and found an issue - the first <button> element does not close.
Here is the updated version of your code:
Vue.component('favourite-button', {
props: ['id', 'favourites'],
template: `
<input class="hidden" type="input" name="_method" value="{{ id }}" v-model="form.listings_id"></input>
<button v-if="isFavourite == true" class="favourited" #click="delete(favourite)" :disabled="form.busy">
<i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
</button> <!-- This is missing in your version -->
<button class="not-favourited" v-else #click="create(favourite)" :disabled="form.busy">
<i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<pre>{{ isFavourite == true }}</pre>
Note the comment on 7th line above, the closing </button> tag is not present in your template.
As a side note, if you do not want to type back-slash at the end of every line to make multi-line template strings, you can use back-ticks as shown in my code example above. This will help you avoid markup errors leading to Vue component issues and many hours of debugging.
Another reference: Check out "Multi-line Strings" in this page:
Relevant lines (copied from above page):
Any whitespace inside of the backtick syntax will also be considered part of the string.
console.log(`string text line 1
string text line 2`);
EDIT: Found a possible bug in code
Here is another issue in your create method of favourite-button component:
methods: {
// ...
create() {'/api/favourite', this.form)
.then(favourite => {
this.favourite.push(favourite); // Note: This is the problem area = '';
Your success handler refers to this.favourite.push(...). You do not have this.favourite in data or props of your component. Shouldn't it be this.favourites?