How to fetch Spark Streaming job statistics using REST calls when running in yarn-cluster mode - hadoop-yarn

I have a spark streaming program running on Yarn Cluster in "yarn-cluster" mode. (-master yarn-cluster).
I want to fetch spark job statistics using REST APIs in json format.
I am able to fetch basic statistics using REST url call:
http://yarn-cluster:8088/proxy/application_1446697245218_0091/metrics/json. But this is giving very basic statistics.
However I want to fetch per executor or per RDD based statistics.
How to do that using REST calls and where I can find the exact REST url to get these statistics.
Though $SPARK_HOME/conf/ file sheds some light regarding urls i.e.
5. MetricsServlet is added by default as a sink in master, worker and client driver, you can send http request "/metrics/json" to get a snapshot of all the registered metrics in json format. For master, requests "/metrics/master/json" and "/metrics/applications/json" can be sent seperately to get metrics snapshot of instance master and applications. MetricsServlet may not be configured by self.
but that is fetching html pages not json. Only "/metrics/json" fetches stats in json format.
On top of that knowing application_id pro-grammatically is a challenge in itself when running in yarn-cluster mode.
I checked REST API section of Spark Monitoring page, but that didn't worked when we run spark job in yarn-cluster mode. Any pointers/answers are welcomed.

You should be able to access the Spark REST API using:
From here you can select the app-id from the list and then use the following endpoint to get information about executors, for example:
I verified this with my spark streaming application that is running in yarn cluster mode.
I'll explain how I arrived at the JSON response using a web browser. (This is for a Spark 1.5.2 streaming application in yarn-cluster mode).
First, use the hadoop url to view the RUNNING applications. http://{yarn-cluster}:8088/cluster/apps/RUNNING.
Next, select a running application, say http://{yarn-cluster}:8088/cluster/app/application_1450927949656_0021.
Next, click on the TrackingUrl link. This uses a proxy and the port is different in my case: http://{yarn-proxy}l:20888/proxy/application_1450927949656_0021/. This shows the spark UI. Now, append the api/v1/applications to this URL: http://{yarn-proxy}l:20888/proxy/application_1450927949656_0021/api/v1/applications.
You should see a JSON response with the application name supplied to SparkConf and the start time of the application.

I was able to reconstruct the metrics in the columns seen in the Spark Streaming web UI (batch start time, processing delay, scheduling delay) using the /jobs/ endpoint.
The script I used is available here. I wrote a short post describing and tying its functionality back to the Spark codebase. This does not need any web-scraping.
It works for Spark 2.0.0 and YARN 2.7.2, but may work for other version combinations too.

You'll need to scrape through the HTML page to get the relevant metrics. There isn't a Spark rest endpoint for capturing this info.


To control the log flows in kibana end through logstash config

During performance testing, we receiving many log files at a moment. We are facing logs lagging in our environment. It takes too much time to reach the normal flow. So, our concern is, we have to control the log flows through Logstash, while application team doing performance testing !
Suppose, If application team pushing the 1k of logs while doing performance testing. In the meantime, kibana trying to receiving the whole 1k of logs. but it does not received the whole logs due to not able to handle the huge much of load at that time.
So, In that case, We need to get the logs like 10mins some count of logs and another 10mins some count of logs and this is the way, we need to controlling the logs while doing performance testing.
The above given logs document sizes are just for an example only.
This is the Logs Flow - FileBeat/MetricBeat -> AWS Kafka -> Logstash -> ES -> Kibana to visualize the logs in kibana.
We would like to know if we can control the log flow at Logstash - filter part from Logstash config file. Could you please guide us to proceed further on this part ?
Yasar Arafaath A.

GET Mapreduce Job Progress after Job finished

I'm developing a application that can collect mpreduce job progress info to analyze.The first way is parse log file.but It's ugly。Is there any method like hook or plugin can do this
You can probably use the YARN application API to get most of the information. See this Yarn Application API
Here is an excerpt from the page:
... All query parameters for this api will filter on all applications. However the queue query parameter will only implicitly filter on unfinished applications that are currently in the given queue.
There are other YARN APIs too, that you can utilize to achieve your goal. It is certainly better than scanning log files.

How to create a Datalake using Apache Kafka, Amazon Glue and Amazon S3?

I want to store all the data from a Kafka's topic into Amazon S3. I have a Kafka cluster that receives in one topic 200.000 messages per second, and each value message has 50 fields (strings, timestamps, integers, and floats).
My main idea is to use Kafka Connector to store the data in a bucket s3 and after that use Amazon Glue to transform the data and keep it into another bucket. I have the next questions:
1) How to do it? That architecture will work well? I tried with Amazon EMR (Spark Streaming) but I had too many concerns How to decrease the processing time and failed tasks using Apache Spark for events streaming from Apache Kafka?
2) I tried to use Kafka Connect from Confluent, but I have a few questions:
Can I connect to my Kafka Cluster from other Kafka instance and
run in a standalone way my Kafka Connector s3?
What means this error "ERROR Task s3-sink-0 threw an uncaught an
unrecoverable exception"?
ERROR Task s3-sink-0 threw an uncaught and unrecoverable exception
java.lang.NullPointerException at
at at
at [2018-10-05 15:32:26,086]
ERROR Task is being killed and will not recover until manually
restarted (org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerTask:143)
[2018-10-05 15:32:27,980] WARN could not create Dir using directory
from url file:/targ. skipping. (org.reflections.Reflections:104)
java.lang.NullPointerException at
org.reflections.vfs.Vfs$DefaultUrlTypes$3.matches( at
org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromURL( at
org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromURL( at
org.reflections.Reflections.scan( at
org.reflections.Reflections.scan( at
org.reflections.Reflections.( at
at [2018-10-05 15:32:27,981]
WARN could not create Vfs.Dir from url. ignoring the exception and
continuing (org.reflections.Reflections:208)
org.reflections.ReflectionsException: could not create Vfs.Dir from
url, no matching UrlType was found [file:/targ] either use
fromURL(final URL url, final List urlTypes) or use the static
setDefaultURLTypes(final List urlTypes) or
addDefaultURLTypes(UrlType urlType) with your specialized UrlType. at
org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromURL( at
org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromURL( at
org.reflections.Reflections.scan( at
org.reflections.Reflections.scan( at
org.reflections.Reflections.( at
at [2018-10-05 15:32:35,441]
INFO Reflections took 12393 ms to scan 429 urls, producing 13521 keys
and 95814 values (org.reflections.Reflections:229)
If you can resume the steps to connect to Kafka and keep on s3 from
another Kafka instance, how will you do?
What means all these fields key.converter, value.converter, key.converter.schemas.enable, value.converter.schemas.enable, internal.key.converter,internal.value.converter, internal.key.converter.schemas.enable, internal.value.converter.schemas.enable?
What are the possible values for key.converter, value.converter?
3) Once my raw data is in a bucket, I would like to use Amazon Glue to take these data, to deserialize Protobuffer, to change the format of some fields, and finally to store it in another bucket in Parquet. How can I use my own java protobuffer library in Amazon Glue?
4) If I want to query with Amazon Athena, how can I load the partitions automatically (year, month, day, hour)? With the crawlers and schedulers of Amazon Glue?
To complement #cricket_007's answer
Can I connect to my Kafka Cluster from other Kafka instance and run in a standalone way my Kafka Connector s3?
Kafka S3 Connector is part of the Confluent distribution, which also includes Kafka, as well as other related services, but it is not meant to run on your brokers directly, rather:
as a standalone worker running a Connector's configuration given when the service is launched
or as an additional workers' cluster running on the side of your Kafka Brokers' cluster. In that case, interaction/running of connectors is better via the Kafka Connect REST API (Search for "Managing Kafka Connectors" for documentation with examples)
If you can resume the steps to connect to Kafka and keep on s3 from
another Kafka instance, how will you do?
Are you talking about another Kafka Connect instance?
if so, you can simply execute the Kafka Connect service in distributed mode which was meant to give the reliability you seem to be looking for...
Or do you mean another Kafka (brokers) cluster?
in that case, you could try (but that would be experimental, and I haven't tried it myself...) to run Kafka Connect in standalone mode and simply update bootstrap.servers parameter of your connector's configuration to point to the new cluster. Why that might work: in standalone mode the offsets of your sink connector(s) are stored locally on your worker (contrarily to distributed mode where the offsets are stored on the Kafka cluster directly...). Why that might not work: it's simply not intended for this use and I'm guessing you might need your topics and partitions to be exactly the same...?
What are the possible values for key.converter, value.converter?
Check Confluent's documentation for kafka-connect-s3 ;)
How can I use my own java protobuffer library in Amazon Glue?
Not sure of the actual method, but Glue jobs spawn off an EMR cluster behind the scenes so I don't see why it shouldn't be possible...
If I want to query with Amazon Athena, how can I load the partitions automatically (year, month, day, hour)? With the crawlers and schedulers of Amazon Glue?
Assuming a daily partitioning, you could actually have you're schedule run the crawler first thing in the morning, as soon as you can expect new data to have created that day's folder on S3 (so at least one object for that day exists on S3)... The crawler will add that day's partition which will then be available for querying with any newly added object.
We use S3 Connect for hundreds of topics and process data using Hive, Athena, Spark, Presto, etc. Seems to work fine, though I feel like an actual database might return results faster.
In any case, to answer about Connect
Can I connect to my Kafka Cluster from other Kafka instance and run in a standalone way my Kafka Connector s3?
I'm not sure I understand the question, but Kafka Connect needs to connect to one cluster, you don't need two Kafka clusters to use it. You'd typically run Kafka Connect processes as part of their own cluster, not on the brokers.
What means this error "ERROR Task s3-sink-0 threw an uncaught an unrecoverable exception"?
It means you need to look at the logs to figure out what exception is being thrown and stopping the connector from reading data.
WARN could not create Dir using directory from url file:/targ ... If you're using HDFS connector, I don't think you should be using the default file:// URI
If you can resume the steps to connect to Kafka and keep on s3 from another Kafka instance, how will you do?
You can't "resume from another Kafka instance". As mentioned, Connect can only consume from a single Kafka cluster, and any consumed offsets and consumer groups are stored with it.
What means all these fields
These fields are removed from the latest Kafka releases, you can ignore them. You definitely should not change them
internal.key.converter,internal.value.converter, internal.key.converter.schemas.enable, internal.value.converter.schemas.enable
These are your serializers and deserializers like the regular producer consumer API have
key.converter, value.converter
I believe these are only important for JSON converters. See
key.converter.schemas.enable, value.converter.schemas.enable
to deserialize Protobuf, to change the format of some fields, and finally to store it in another bucket in Parquet
Kafka Connect would need to be loaded with a Protobuf converter, and I don't know there is one (I think Blue Apron wrote something... Search github).
Generally speaking, Avro would be much easier to convert to Parquet because native libraries already exist to do that. S3 Connect by Confluent doesn't currently write Parquet format, but there in an open PR. The alternative is to use Pinterest Secor library.
I don't know Glue, but if it's like Hive, you would use ADD JAR during a query to load external code plugins and functions
I have minimal experience with Athena, but Glue maintains all the partitions as a Hive metastore. The automatic part would be the crawler, you can put a filter on the query to do partition pruning

Redis DB with Jmeter Integration - Can not Connect

I have a question about connecting Redis DB to Jmeter, using jp#gc - Redis Data Set.
I created a test and want to see a value from Redis, the problem is that When I add the Redis DB component nothing happened, I press the Play button and nothing happened.
I think I am not configured the Redis as expected in jmeter.
I didnt create any variable just name a new variable called dsos.
I just want to pass the value from redis of dsos_13_173 to the parameter dsos
1. How can I see why the configuration not succeed?
2. What I am missing?
I am using jmeter 3.2, with plugin v0.2 and installed it from plug in manager, and the DB is remote I am using IP not localhost as in all examples
Redis Data Set config acts alike CSV Data Set Config, so given you want to use the data from Redis in i.e. HTTP Request sampler you just need to refer to it as ${dsos} where required.
You can also double check the associated JMeter Variable value using Debug Sampler
See JMeter’s Redis Data Set - An Introduction for comprehensive explanation, step-by-step instruction and example test plan.

curl_json plugin not sending data (using it to send load balancer metrics)

I've implemented curl_jason plugin to recolect and send LoadBalancer metrics to my RabbitMQ to be graphed in Graphite.
Thing is, it's not sending any data, while it is working just fine (and great) with other plugins like memory, cpu, df root, network, etc. I've tried to troubleshoot following this suggestion:, but there're no issues coming out.
Here's my collectd.conf:
Here're the last lines of collectd.log when I start it:
The request is made against Rackspace API where my LoadBalancer is located, and if run manually, the curl gets me a json response perfectly normal.
Here's a snippet of it:
Finally, collectd does not create any new folders besides network, df, memory, cpu, etc (all plugins that are correctly working and sending data) when started.
Hope this info helps and any comment will be really appreciated.
No answers..tried with collectd mail list and IRC. Closing.