I'm trying to generate a Remote Desktop RDP file that is compatible with CoRD verion 5701 or Microsoft Remote Desktop Version 8 for mac. I don't care if the password can't be saved in the file. I realize that has separate challenges.
My question is, has anyone successfully generated an RDP file, copied it into CoRD's servers directory, and successfully opened the file?
Here is the format I'm generating:
connect to console:i:1
disable wallpaper:i:1
disable full window drag:i:1
disable menu anims:i:1
disable themes:i:0
disable font smoothing:i:0
session bpp:i:16
cord save password:i:0
cord fullscreen:i:0
cord row index:i:11
cord hotkey:i:-1
cord displayMode:i:0
full address:s:
cord label:s:myVm
When I open CoRD, it deletes all the values in the file. Alternatively if anyone has successfully done this for Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac, I'm interested to hear that as well. With MS desktop, I am able to import my RDP file (of course I omit the cord specific fields) but the name of the connection defaults to the "full address" field. I don't see a way to set a connection label in the RDP file like you can with the "cord label" field.
It turns out the format I was generating was correct. What was less obvious was that CoRD expects WINDOWS CRLF's at the end of each line!
I was generating these RDP files in groovy on a mac, and so I had to ensure that I was printing \r\n at the end of each line.
Every application I use to initiate an ODBC connection that I've created to my IBM Notes 9 DB results in getting an error during connect:
Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed
I have scoured the web trying to correct this and have not been able to find an answer that solves for this issue on my machine. I am able to open and access the Lotus Notes DB within the Notes 9 software. I am able to create the ODBC System DSN and I know that it's connecting to the server properly because all of the available .nsf files populate in the "Database:" dropdown menu when going through the new ODBC connection setup. I am able to see my username which gets populated from my Notes ID file. The issue occurs when I use something to initiate the ODBC connection. I have tried Excel, QlikView, AQT, Teradata SQL Assistant all with the same result. Once I choose the ODBC connection that I've created, and click on "Ok" in each application I've attempted this with, I am met with the same error above.
I used Event Viewer per a suggestion in an older post online and received the message below:
Could not load NSQLE32.EXE. This file must exist in the same directory NSQL32.DLL and NSQLV32.DLL is in. It is possible NSQLE32.EXE could not be loaded because NotesSQL couldn't locate a valid Notes/Domino installation (couldn't find NNOTES.DLL) -- this may be because user (MYUSERID) does not have the correct rights to the Notes/Domino directory. It could also be because NotesSQL can not find your Notes/Domino installation in the Registry. NotesSQL looks for the NNOTES.DLL file by looking in the path pointed to by the following Registry entries -- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lotus\Notes{version}\Path : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lotus\Domino{version}\Path. If neither of these registry entries exist or they point to an invalid version of Notes/Domino NotesSQL will not work. To resolve -- please re-install Notes/Domino.
Some notes (no pun intended) and things I've done:
Verified that the DLLs mentioned in Event Viewer do exist in the proper directories.
Run the Nsql_ALM.exe application to configure the NotesSQL driver.
Used the 32-bit ODBC Administrator because my Notes 9 is 32 bit, as well as the driver. The 64 bit driver would not even allow installation (attempted this after hitting this roadblock) but the 32 bit installed successfully.
Modified my System Environment Variable for Path to include the true location to notes.ini, which resides in:
Modified my System Environment Variable for Path to include the location to the NotesSQL driver, which resides in:
Modified my registry to ensure that the appropriate strings exist to reference the proper files:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lotus\Notes\NotesIniPath (to notes.ini)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\9.0\Path (to notes application)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Notes\9.0\DataPath (to notes.ini)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\9.0\Path (to notes application)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lotus\Domino\9.0\DataPath (to notes.ini)
Set the NSQLE32.exe application to run in compatibility mode with all other options.
Attempted with everything run as administrator.
Uninstalled both Notes and NotesSQL and reinstalled everything cleanly again.
Attempted a log via Tracing within ODBC Administrator and it will not create a log file when I am attempting the connection. It will populate, however, with all of the system ODBC connections when the calling application attempts a lookup of the existing connections to populate in the dropdown menu. If I start tracing after the dropdown menu has been populated, then attempted the ODBC connection, even multiple times and with multiple versions, a new log file is never created.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Has anybody had this issue and is there something else that I can do in order to fix it?
I was able to correct the issue based on information in the Event Logs (Windows - Application) indicating that the Notes.INI file could not be located. I first added the location of notes.ini to the user and system environment variables, however, the issue persisted. I then moved notes.ini to the c:\NotesSQL folder where database connectivity dll's such as NSQL32.dll are found. This corrected the issue.
The application calling notes is SAP BusinessObjects Edge (Enterprise - Crystal Reports) 4.2 SP07.
notes.ini can not be found - Windows application event log
Let me lay out the background details first.
I'm using visual studio 2013 to write a vb.net windows forms application to load a crystal report (.rpt) file. The main report and sub report uses a SQL command from a Pervasive database (through an oledb connection) as shown in the picture below. For privacy, I've changed the database name to DBNAME.
I installed SAP Crystal Reports Runtime Redistributable 13.02 on the client computer. Obviously, I have the developer version on my computer.
Everything seems to work just fine when I run the build from my computer (the one used for developement), but when I try to run it on the client computer I get a window like the following:
So a few things to note here:
On the development computer, this prompt doesn't appear.
For some reason the database name shows up where the file server name should be
I never set a username or password, nor have I ever needed one to access this database through the control centre from any computer on
the network
no conceivable combinations of usernames and passwords work (including network credentials, windows credentials, and leaving it
I've tried forcing the credientials in the viewer form load event
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt
rpt.SetDatabaseLogon("", "", "FILESERVER", "DBNAME")
rpt.Subreports("Subreport2").SetDatabaseLogon("", "", "FILESERVER", "DBNAME")
but it doens't seem to make a difference. What am I missing?
Ok, I got it. Thanks to Bugs for pointing me in the right direction. The problem was with the connection type in the report. Changing the connection to ODBC (RDO) using 'right click > Database > set Datasource location' got rid of the credentials prompt, but instead caused a "Failed to open the connection" error. From there I looked for differences in the ODBC administrator from the pervasive control centre. I found that I had a system DSN that happened to have the same name as my database (which is why it confused me). Creating the DSN on the client computer resolved the connection problem.
We want to programmatically generate RDP files and sign them to try to get rid of any prompts when establishing the RDP connection (the system consuming the RDP files is for automation). When we create a test RDP file, then sign it with rdpsign (passing the hash/thumbprint), we get the standard success message from rdpsign. However, when you execute the signed RDP file, you get an "ERROR: This RDP file is corrupted. The remote connection cannot be started." message.
We are using Windows 7 x64 system (AzureRM VM from the gallery). Thoughts?
I had the same problem and fixed it by removing the following options from the RDP file before signing:
Source: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/4166425a-6f9d-4de5-a776-145b3da72f2c/rdp-files-signed-with-rdpsign-became-corrupted-in-rdp-80
My application (vb.net windows application deployed via ClickOnce) uses Word to open and fill .dot templates to create new Word documents. I reference Microsoft Word 14 Object Library and uses this code :
Dim oWord As Word.Application = Nothing
Dim oDoc As Word.Document = Nothing
oWord = New Word.Application
Dim strFileName As String = ""
Select Case strType
Case "LettreReception"
strFileName = Path.Combine(GetParam(1), "Template_LettreReception.dot")
If File.Exists(strFileName) Then
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(strFileName)
On the last line I receive "could not open macro storage" error on deployed machines (not on my development machine).
I develop with Windows 7 - Office 2010 - VS 2010 (.Net 3.5). My deployment machine is also a Windows 7 with Office 2010 installed.
I tried to remove normal.dotm (I found some links advicing it) without success. The .dot template used contains no macro.
Check the properties of the word document and make sure the files are unblocked. Sometimes when you get the documents from a different computer or download them from the internet they will be blocked which will cause the the throwing of this exception "could not open macro storage"
Because Word Interop is actually running behind the scenes as if it was running in an interactive session, certain permissions are required of the account used during execution.
Are you using Windows Authentication and impersonation in you web app? If so, the user being impersonated must have local log on rights to the server to run Word... In addition, you must actually log on to the server with that account at least once so that a profile exists on that machine for that user so the registry hive can be loaded. I've also found that you may need to actually run Word at least once as that user (to make sure any first-time initialization messages get taken care of before trying to run Word from code).
If not, then the service account that the application is running under (usually NETWORK SERVICE) requires the aforementioned permissions (which I will describe shortly) and you'll have to do something fancy like loading a registry hive dynamically at run-time. Personally, I prefer implementing an in-code temporary impersonation with a user account that has local log on permissions on the server in question.
Local log on permissions can be a bit tricky depending on your network and group policy configurations (if you want to be somewhat secure and not just use a Domain Admin account).
The reason everything works on your computer running in VS is because the context of the web application is YOUR user account - which, of course, has local log on permissions on your machine with a registry hive that can be loaded.
Now for the permissions:
First, you must run "dcomcnfg" on the server and make the following configuration change:
Right click on Component Services\computers\My Computer\DCOM Config\Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 Document and go to Properties
In the Properties screen, go to the Security tab and change the "Launch and Activation Permissions" to Customize.
Click the Edit button and add the local computer NETWORK SERVICE account (If not using impersonation... If using impersonation, add the appropriate user or group) to the list of users and check "Local Launch" and "Local Activation"
Make sure that the local computer NETWORK SERVICE account (If not using impersonation... If using impersonation, then the appropriate user or group) has appropriate read/modify permissions on the folder(s)and file(s) that you will be opening and/or saving to.
Create a "Desktop" directory under: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\ and give Full permissions to the local NETWORK SERVICE account (or the account that your ASP .NET application is running under) [NOTE: I believe this and the next step only apply if NOT using impersonation]
Give Modify/Read/Execute permissions on the C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile folder
Hope that helps some and wasn't too confusing...
Right click on the file that is opened -> Click the Unblock tick box -> Apply
Worked for me at least.
"could not open macro storage" is telling you that VBA is looking for a particular structured storage file such as a .DOT or .DOC, and looking for the storage (a kind of stream within the file) in that file that contains the VBA code. If it can't open it, possible reasons include:
the container (the .doc/.dot) isn't there
the container cannot be opened with the caller's permissions
the container is there but the storage isn't there (e.g. on the target system there is a container with the expected name, but it contains no macros)
the container is there and the storage is there but cannot be opened with the caller's permissions
So one thing to do is to look through your project looking for anything it references (perhaps even other objects or DLLs that you specified via Tools->References) that is not also being delivered with your template.
Go to the Word document (if it's a template, be sure to open it, not create a new document with it) and disable Protected View:
I have created a VB.NET program using windows forms. The program runs on a remote PC and displays information on a screen. The computer does not even have a mouse or keyboard connected to it. The program shows the information based on the file that is loaded.
I want to be able to change this file remotely to another file that is already on the remote PC. I can't use a graphical remote desktop client as we have very limited bandwidth.
So, my idea is to change the file using the command prompt (I think I'll need something like SSH). I'm not sure how to do this. Should I use something like this and load DosModule first:
Module DOSModule
Public Sub Main()
Console.Write("First, start with Command Prompt processing ...")
Dim myWinForm As New WinForm
End Sub
End Module
How would I then read commands that is send to the program? I also only want one instance of the program running.
You have 2 options. The first is a custom program that WILL require some network programming, like it or not. I would suggest creating either a Command-Line batch file or else a PowerShell script, then creating a program to transfer the script to the remote computer and execute the script.
The second option and the one better suited for you would be to download an SSH server. An SSH server will essentially open a command window and pipe the input and output over to a telnet client running on your machine. If you are running a version of Windows Server, an SSH server comes with Windows Server. Otherwise, you can download one for free here: http://www.freesshd.com/
Once you install the SSH server, you simply use telnet, from a command prompt, to link up with your remote SSH server