VBA excel: how to add text to all files on a folder - vba

I need to add text string to all files on a folder, as a footer
For example, on the folder on the path and called C:\mobatchscripts\
I have a random number of txt files, with text.
I want to add a line for example "text" on each of the text files on the folder
I have little knowledge of vba programming, but for what I have read I can use append, but I need something that loop on the files on the folder, and modify them.
So far I tried this:
Sub footer()
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
FolderPath = "C:\mobatchscripts\"
FileName = Dir(FolderPath)
Do While FileName <> ""
Open FileName For Append As #1
Print #1, "test"
Close #1
FileName = Dir
End Sub
But seems that its not looking into the files, or appending the text.

On the assumption that you're writing to text files (I see "batchscripts" in the path), you need a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (Within the VBE you'll find it in Tools, References)
Option Explicit
Public Sub AppendTextToFiles(strFolderPath As String, _
strAppendText As String, _
blnAddLine As Boolean)
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject
Dim fldOutput As Folder
Dim filCurrent As File
Dim txsOutput As TextStream
Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject
If objFSO.FolderExists(strFolderPath) Then
Set fldOutput = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolderPath)
For Each filCurrent In fldOutput.Files
Set txsOutput = filCurrent.OpenAsTextStream(ForAppending)
If blnAddLine Then
txsOutput.WriteLine strAppendText
txsOutput.Write strAppendText
End If
MsgBox "Wrote text to " & fldOutput.Files.Count & " files", vbInformation
MsgBox "Path not found", vbExclamation, "Invalid path"
End If
End Sub
I'd recommend adding error handling as well and possibly a check for the file extension to ensure that you're writing only to those files that you want to.
To add a line it would be called like this:
AppendTextToFiles "C:\mobatchscripts", "Test", True
To just add text to the file - no new line:
AppendTextToFiles "C:\mobatchscripts", "Test", False
Alternatively, forget the params and convert them to constants at the beginning of the proc. Next time I'd recommend working on the wording of your question as it's not really very clear what you're trying to achieve.


How to open two types of documents in one folder?

I frequently run a macro on folders that contain .doc and .docx files. Currently, my macro is only able to edit one type of file and then I have to change my macro from .doc to .docx (or vice versa) and run again.
How could I get both file types in one go?
The current code.
Sub UpdateDocuments()
Dim file
Dim path As String
'Path to your folder.
'make sure to include the terminating "\"
‘Enter path.
path = "C:\Users\emckenzie\Documents\TEMP PLOT\macro practice\Andria footer change\"
'Change this file extension to the file you are opening
file = Dir(path & "*.docx")
Do While file <> ""
Documents.Open FileName:=path & file
'This is the call to the macro you want to run on each file the folder
'Enter macro.
Call Permit2hundred
' Saves the file
'set file to next in Dir
file = Dir()
End Sub
To answer your question:
Use a wildcard like * or ? in this line: fileExtension = "*.doc?"
You can read more about wildcard characters here
Some suggestions on your code:
Assign variable types when you're defining them
Indent your code (You can use www.rubberduckvba.com)
Define your variables close to where you first use them (matter of preference)
When working with documents, assign them to a document variable and refer to that variable instead of ActiveDocument
Use basic error handling
Additional tip:
When calling this procedure Permit2hundred you could pass the targetDocument variable like this:
'This is the call to the macro you want to run on each file the folder
'Enter macro.
Permit2hundred targetDocument
' Saves the file
And the definition of that procedure could be something like this:
Private Sub Permit2hundred(ByVal targetDocument as Document)
'Do something
End Sub
This is the refactored code:
Public Sub UpdateDocuments()
' Add basic Error handling
On Error GoTo CleanFail
'Path to your folder.
'make sure to include the terminating "\"
'Enter path.
Dim folderPath As String
folderPath = "C:\Users\emckenzie\Documents\TEMP PLOT\macro practice\Andria footer change\"
'Change this file extension to the file you are opening
Dim fileExtension As String
fileExtension = "*.doc?"
' Get files in folder
Dim fileName As String
fileName = Dir(folderPath & fileExtension)
' Loop through files in folder
Do While file <> vbNullString
Dim targetDocument As Document
Set targetDocument = Documents.Open(fileName:=folderPath & file)
'This is the call to the macro you want to run on each file the folder
'Enter macro.
' Saves the file
'set file to next in Dir
file = Dir()
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Something went wrong. Error: " & Err.Description
GoTo CleanExit
End Sub
Let me know if it works
I prefer to display a file picker dialog and then select what I want. I am then able to choose a doc or docx file without having to alter my code. The Filter property determines the file types allowed. Note that this code clears the filter when it ends, otherwise that is the filter Word will use from that point on, even for manually initiated (non-programmatic) requests of File Open.
This example is setup to allow multiple selections. You can change the AllowMultiSelect to False and then the code will run with only one file at a time.
Dim i As Integer, selFiles() As String
Dim strFolderPath As String, Sep As String
Sep = Application.PathSeparator
Erase selFiles
'Windows Office 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.Title = "Select the files to update"
.InitialFileName = curDir
.AllowMultiSelect = True
.Filters.Add "All Word Files", "*.docx; *.docm; *.doc", 1
If .Show = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
ReDim Preserve selFiles(.SelectedItems.Count - 1)
strFolderPath = Left(.SelectedItems(1), InStrRev(.SelectedItems(1), Sep))
For i = 0 To .SelectedItems.Count - 1
selFiles(i) = .SelectedItems(i + 1)
End With

Documents.Open using FileSystemObject returns "5174 - could not find the file" but not always

I want to convert all docx files in a folder to PDF.
To accomplish my goals I put all the files (only docx) in the same folder than the docm and run the macro. It worked, but now it doesn't, even with the same files doesn't work anymore. Sometimes works for the first file and stop working with the following alert:
"Runtime error '5174':
This file could not be found
The problem is always on the Documents.Open
Tried "OpenAndRepair", "ReadOnly", Putting nothing, etc.
Sub Converter()
Dim CurrentFolder As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim myPath As String
'Store Information About Word File
myPath = ActiveDocument.FullName
FileName = Mid(myPath, InStrRev(myPath, "\") + 1)
Dim strCaminho As String
strCaminho = ActiveDocument.Path
Dim fso As Object 'Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fld As Object 'Scripting.Folder
Dim fl As Object 'Scripting.File
Dim atual As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fld = fso.GetFolder(strCaminho)
For Each fl In fld.Files
If fl.Name <> FileName Then 'doesn't try to open the file with macro
Documents.Open FileName:=fl.Name
Word_ExportPDF 'A function that works
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End If
Next fl
End Sub
My code is a Frankenstein from other macros, is there a better way to Automatize this conversion?
Implement what Comintern had proposed:
You don't need to parse out the FileName - Word.Document give you direct access to that with .Name. The first thing I would do is collect the names of the documents first, then export them. You're modifying the directory contents as you iterate over it. - Comintern
Then, the following can be added to the code to check for valid document extensions:
If fl.Name <> FileName Then 'doesn't try to open the file with macro
If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(fl.Path)) = "docx" Then '<----This Line
Documents.Open FileName:=fl.Path '<--------------------This Line
Word_ExportPDF 'A function that works
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End if
End if

Removing compatibility mode on 1000+ word documents

I have a folder containing about 1200 word documents that are all saved in Compatibility Mode. Does anyone know of a way to convert every one of these files so that the documents are no longer in Compatibility Mode?
Open up a cmd window in your folder and type dir /s /b >> filename.txt to get a plaintext list of all the files in the path. That will give a textfile listing all files in the directory.
Use that as the input for the following
Since you're going to do it on 1000 files, I would set a break point at doc.close to test it out on the first few if I were you.
Sub SaveAsDocX(FileListFullPath As String)
'for saving to new filename
Dim newname As String
'array of docs, items in that array, document object from those items
Dim docs As Variant
Dim item As Variant
Dim doc As Document
docs = getfiles(FileListFullPath)
For Each item In docs
If Right(item, 4) = ".doc" Then
Set doc = Application.Documents.Open(FileName:=item)
newname = item & " - updated.docx"
'first save as new format then update compatibility, then save again
doc.SaveAs2 FileName:=newname, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocumentDefault
ActiveDocument.SetCompatibilityMode (wdCurrent)
doc.SaveAs2 FileName:=newname, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocumentDefault
End If
End Sub
Function getfiles(Optional FileName As String = "Dir.txt")
Dim FileList() As String
Open FileName For Input As #1
FileList = Split(Input$(LOF(1), #1), vbCrLf)
Close #1
getfiles = FileList
End Function

Excel macro to read input from files created today only

I have an application that exports daily reports in txt format.
I have a macro that extracts certain lines of data from those reports and puts them in an output xls file. my macro's input directory is curently a separate folder that i manually move today's reports into.
I'd like for my macro to be able to just read from the default report folder and only read files created with today's date.
the naming convention of the report files is as follows:
not sure what the last 3 digits on the file name represents, but they're always numbers.
WOW that was fast! thanks... fist time using stackoverflow.
I guess i should include the code that pulls data and dumps it to excel... here it is:
Sub PullLinesFromEPremisReport()
Dim FileName, PathN, InputLn As String
Dim SearchFor1, SearchFor2, OutpFile As String
Dim StringLen1, StringLen2 As Integer
Dim colFiles As New Collection
Dim bridgekey As String
PathO = "C:\Documents and Settings\GROMERO\Desktop\CM reconciliation\output\"
PathN = "C:\Documents and Settings\GROMERO\Desktop\CM reconciliation\input\"
FileName = Dir(PathN)
While FileName <> ""
colFiles.Add (FileName)
FileName = Dir
SearchFor1 = "BRIDGE KEY"
StringLen1 = Len(SearchFor1)
OutpFile = "RESULTS.xls"
Open PathO & OutpFile For Output As #2
For Each Item In colFiles
Open PathN & Item For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1) = True
Line Input #1, InputLn
If (Left(LTrim$(InputLn), StringLen1) = SearchFor1) Then
bridgekey = InputLn
End If
Close #1
Next Item
Close #2
End Sub
Daniel's answer is correct, but using the FileSystemObject requires a couple of steps:
Make sure you have a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime":
Then, to iterate through the files in the directory:
Sub WorkOnTodaysReports()
'the vars you'll need
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim fldr As Folder
Dim fls As Files
Dim fl As File
Set fldr = fso.GetFolder("C:\Reports")
Set fls = fldr.Files
For Each fl In fls
'InStr returns the position of the substring, or 0 if not found
' EDIT: you can explicitly use the reliable parts of your file name
' to avoid false positives
If InStr(1, fl.Name, "AppServiceUser_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD")) > 0 Then
'Do your processing
End If
Next fl
End Sub
EDIT: So I think, from the code you posted, you could send PathN to the main Reports folder like you desire, then just modify your While statement like so:
While FileName <> ""
If InStr(1, FileName, "AppServiceUser_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD")) > 0 Then
colFiles.Add (FileName)
End If
FileName = Dir
Two ways you can do this off the top of my head. Assuming you are using a File via the FileSystemObject.
Do an Instr on the file.Name looking for Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD") within the string.
Or use a far simpler approach loop through the files and within your loop do this:
If File.DateCreate >= Date Then
'Do something
end if
Where File is the actual variable used to for looping through the files.
If fileName like "*AppServiceUser_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD") & _
"#########.txt" Then
'good to go
End If

using Application.FileDialog to rename a file in VBA

Using VBA. My script moves a file into a directory. If that filename already exists in the target directory, I want the user to be prompted to rename the source file (the one that's being moved) before the move is executed.
Because I want the user to know what other files are in the directory already (so they don't choose the name of another file that's already there), my idea is to open a FileDialog box listing the contents of the directory, so that the user can use the FileDialog box's native renaming capability. Then I'll loop that FileDialog until the source file and target file names are no longer the same.
Here's some sample code:
Sub testMoveFile()
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim file1 As File
Dim file2 As File
Dim dialog As FileDialog
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
fso.CreateFolder "c:\dir1"
fso.CreateFolder "c:\dir2"
fso.CreateTextFile "c:\dir1\test.txt"
fso.CreateTextFile "c:\dir2\test.txt"
Set file1 = fso.GetFile("c:\dir1\test.txt")
Set file2 = fso.GetFile("c:\dir2\test.txt")
Set dialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
While file1.Name = file2.Name
dialog.InitialFileName = fso.GetParentFolderName(file2.Path)
If dialog.Show = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
file1.Move "c:\dir2\" & file1.Name
End Sub
But when I rename file2 and click 'OK', I get an error:
Run-time error '53': File not found
and then going into the debugger shows that the value of file2.name is <File not found>.
I'm not sure what's happening here--is the object reference being lost once the file's renamed? Is there an easier way to let the user rename from a dialog that shows all files in the target directory? I'd also like to provide a default new name for the file, but I can't see how I'd do that using this method.
edit: at this point I'm looking into making a UserForm with a listbox that gets populated w/ the relevant filenames, and an input box with a default value for entering the new name. Still not sure how to hold onto the object reference once the file gets renamed, though.
Here's a sample of using Application.FileDialog to return a filename that the user selected. Maybe it will help, as it demonstrates getting the value the user provided.
EDIT: Modified to be a "Save As" dialog instead of "File Open" dialog.
Sub TestFileDialog()
Dim Dlg As FileDialog
Set Dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
Dlg.InitialFileName = "D:\Temp\Testing.txt" ' Set suggested name for user
' This could be your "File2"
If Dlg.Show = -1 Then
Dim s As String
s = Dlg.SelectedItems.Item(1) ` Note that this is for single-selections!
s = "No selection"
End If
MsgBox s
End Sub
Edit two: Based on comments, I cobbled together a sample that appears to do exactly what you want. You'll need to modify the variable assignments, of course, unless you're wanting to copy the same file from "D:\Temp" to "D:\Temp\Backup" over and over. :)
Sub TestFileMove()
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim SourceFolder As String
Dim DestFolder As String
Dim SourceFile As String
Dim DestFile As String
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
SourceFolder = "D:\Temp\"
DestFolder = "D:\Temp\Backup\"
SourceFile = "test.txt"
Set InFile = fso.GetFile(SourceFolder & SourceFile)
DestFile = DestFolder & SourceFile
If fso.FileExists(DestFile) Then
Dim Dlg As FileDialog
Set Dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
Dlg.InitialFileName = DestFile
Do While True
If Dlg.Show = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
DestFile = Dlg.Item
If Not fso.FileExists(DestFile) Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
InFile.Move DestFile
End Sub
Here's some really quick code that I knocked up but basically looks at it from a different angle. You could put a combobox on a userform and get it to list the items as the user types. Not pretty, but it's a start for you to make more robust. I have hardcoded the directory c:\ here, but this could come from a text box
Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger,
ByVal Shift As Integer)
Dim varListing() As Variant
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strFilePart As String
Dim intFiles As Integer
ComboBox1.MatchEntry = fmMatchEntryNone
strFilePart = ComboBox1.Value
strFilename = Dir("C:\" & strFilePart & "*.*", vbDirectory)
Do While strFilename <> ""
intFiles = intFiles + 1
ReDim Preserve varListing(1 To intFiles)
varListing(intFiles) = strFilename
strFilename = Dir()
On Error Resume Next
ComboBox1.List() = varListing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Hope this helps. On error resume next is not the best thing to do but in this example stops it erroring if the variant has no files