Update Sqlite column according to insertion - sql

I have 3 tables, med_list, med_receive and med_issue.
| med_id | med_name | med_balance |
med_receive (med_amount is the amount received):
| med_id | med_batch | med_amount |
med_issue (med_amount here is the amount issued):
| med_id | med_amount |
Now the med_balance in table med_list should be equal to sum of received med - sum of issued med.
The user directly adds into the receive and issue table.
My question is: can I automate the update of the med_balance for all med?
For example:
Let's say we have med with name X and its balance is 0. If the user enters a receive of 100 tablets for that med, the med_balance should automatically be updated to 100.
Thank you for your help.

write a before insert trigger on the driving table.
In the Before Insert trigger update the value.


Get the row with latest start date from multiple tables using sub select

I have data from 3 tables as copied below . I am not using joins to get data. I dont know how to use joins for multiple tables scenario. My situation is to update the OLD(eff_start_ts) date rows to sydate in one of the tables when we find the rows returned for a particular user is more than 2. enter code here
subscription_id |Client_id
20685413 |37455837
reward_account_id|subscription_id |CURRENCY_BAL_AMT |CREATE_TS |
439111697 | 20685413 | -40 |1-09-10 |
230900968 | 439111697 | 14-06-11 | 15-01-19
47193932 | 439111697 | 19-02-14 | 19-12-21
243642632 | 439111697 | 18-03-23 | 99-12-31
247192972 | 439111697 | 17-11-01 | 17-11-01
The SQL should update the EFF_STOP_TS of last table except the second row - 47193932 bcz that has the latest EFF_START_TS.
Expected result is to update the EFF_STOP_TS column of 230900968, 243642632 and 247192972 to sysdate.
As per my understanding, You need to update it per REWARD_ACCOUNT_ID. So, You can try the below code -

update column value based on inserted value in another table

I have two tables
Travel Table
tid | tname | countryid | status
1 | a | 1 |
tid | passengerid
1 | 1
1 | 2
i want update status column in table 1 if insert in passenger Travel table
and update status column if print the travel application for them
Can you do with your code ?
the first one it can use trigger to manage it.
the second you print with your application right ?
why not let the code to update this.

SQL find duplicates and assign group number

On a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 I have about 2 million rows. (this should have never happened but we inherited the situation). A sample as follows:
usernum. | phone | email
1 | 123 | user1#local.com
2 | 123 | user2#local.com
3 | 245 | user3#local.com
4 | 678 | user3#local.com
I would like to create a table that looks like this. The idea is that if 'phone' or 'email' is the same, they are assigned the same group number.
groupnum |usernum. | phone | email
1 | 1 | 123 | user1#local.com
1 | 2 | 123 | user2#local.com
2 | 3 | 245 | user3#local.com
2 | 4 | 678 | user3#local.com
Tried so far
So far I have created a simple python script that conceptually does the following:
- for each usernum in the table
-- assign a group number
-- also assign the group number to all rows where phone or email is the same as this row
-- do not assign the group number if usernum already processed (else we would do things double)
The python script basically has to check for each row if there are duplicates for phone or email. Although this is perfectly fine for maybe 10,000 records or so, it is too slow for 2 million records. I think this possible to do in t-sql which should be much faster than my python script using pyodbc. The big question thus is, how to do this in sql.
Just noticed you said email or phone is duplicate. For that I would think you would need to decide which has priority in instances where a user could be joined from either field. Or you could potentially just split the update into a few batches to make group numbers based on phone AND email, then email (when not already matched), then phone (when not already matched) as such:
insert into yourGroupsTable (phone, email) -- assuming identity column of groupNum here
select distinct phone, email
from yourUserTable
-- assign group nums with priority on matching phone AND email
update yourUserTable
set groupNum = g.groupNum
from yourUserTable u
join yourGroupsTable g on u.phone = g.phone
and u.email = g.email
It occurs to me now that this would not work as each row would join on the yourGroupsTable due to the distinct select. I came across a scenario that I'm unsure what your expected outcome would be (and too big for a comment) - what happens in this instance:
your test data slightly modified:
groupnum |usernum. | phone | email
1 | 1 | 123 | user1#local.com
1 | 2 | 123 | user2#local.com
? | 3 | 245 | user3#local.com
? | 4 | 678 | user3#local.com
? | 5 | 245 | user7#local.com
? | 6 | 678 | user7#local.com
what would the group numbs be in the above case?
As you do python script is good way ... if you want to move with mysql make it one procedure before inserting record must check its exist or not in table
If Exist
THEN get that row groupnum and assign that groupnum to this new record ...
IF Not
Then give new groupnum
but i have still little confusion
now if record is like
5 | 678 | user1#local.com
if this is the case then ?
I assume that both column [phone and email ] is consider to give groupnum.
if my assumption is correct then go with mysql procedure ...

Split row into multiple rows in SQL Server for insert

I am trying to create a SQL query that will insert a single row as 2 rows in another table.
My data looks like this:
size | indemnity_factor | monitoring_factor
0 | 1.00 | 1.5
The end data looks like this:
id | claim_component_type_code | size | adjustment_factor | valid_from_date
1 | Indemnity | 0 | 2.5000000 | 2014-01-01
1 | Monitoring | 1 | 1.5000000 | 2014-01-01
I want to add an entry of Indemnity and Monitoring for every row in the first data source. I haven't really got an idea how to go about it, would be very appreciative if someone could help. Sorry for the rough data but I can't post images with my reputation apparently.
Thanks in advance.
Use unpivot
select * from
(select size, indemnity_factor as indemnity, monitoring_factor as monitoring
from yourtable) src
unpivot (adjustment_factor for claim_component_type_code in (indemnity, monitoring) ) u

Need Strategy To Generate Snapshot Of Table Contents After a Series of Random Inserts

There are 10 rooms with a set of inventory items. When an item is added/deleted from a room a new row gets inserted to a MS-SQL table. I need the latest update for each room.
Take this series of inserts:
id| room| descriptor1| descriptor2| descriptor3|
1 | A | blue | 2 | large |
2 | B | red | 1 | small |
3 | A | blue | 1 | large |
What the resulting table needs to show:
room| descriptor1| descriptor2| descriptor3|
A | blue |1 | large |
B | red |1 | small |
Ideally, I would write a trigger that would update a room status table. I could then just query the room status table (Select *) to obtain the result. However, this table does not belong to me, I only have read access to a constantly updated table. I need to poll periodically or when I need a report.
How do I do this in MS-SQL? I have some inkling of how I would do it to obtain the status of just one room something like:
SELECT descriptor1, descriptor2, descriptor3
FROM myTable mt1
from myTable mt2
WHERE room = 'A'
Since I have 10 rooms i would need to do this query 10 times. Can this be narrowed down to a single query? What happens when there are 100 rooms? Is there a better way?
You were very close:
SELECT descriptor1, descriptor2, descriptor3
FROM myTable mt1
From myTable
Group By room
Instead of creating a trigger to update a static table, you should look into creating a view.