Getting started with SableCC - sablecc

I am a total beginner in programming and for school i have to make a little SableCC project. However im not sure how to use SableCC properly.
I have downloaded it from and i did what was said in the readme to install it.
So after installing with the java -jar lib/sablecc.jar command the console tells me how the usage works,
like for example
sablecc --license
or to use
sablecc [-d destination]
to where i want sablecc to work (i guess).
However, when i use anything from this list it just says:
Sablecc is not recognized as an internal or external command
What have i done wrong? Thanks!

I followed also the instruction of [README.html][1] for ANT and it worked fine for me.
edit: I put some commands here in case the link is unavailable some time.
After downloading, follow the next steps:
Decompress the file sablecc-3.2.tar.gz or tar -xzvf sablecc-3.2.tar.gz or jar -xvf
Go to the created directory: cd sablecc-3.2
You will find an executable sablecc.jar file in the lib directory: java -jar lib/sablecc.jar
This is it.
If you have Ant installed on your system, you can install SableCC with the command:
ant -Dinstall.dir=destination install


Kotlin in VScode

today I tried to run easy Kotlin code in VScode, but there is error:
cd "c:\Users\<MyPcUser>\<SomeMoreFolders>\Visual Studio\Kotlin (There is the file saved) \" && kotlinc main.kt -include-runtime -d main.jar && java -jar main.jar
'kotlinc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I have installed "Code Runner" extension and "Kotlin Language" extension. I searched on the internet and youtube, but in tutorials, it worked for them.
Can somebody help please.
I had same issue and on both of my linux and windows machies. And the fix is essentially the same. You need to add kotlin compiler to your PATH variable.
I suppose you also have your kotlin installed from previously installing IntelliJ IDEA so to help you find it path is probably something like:
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.1\plugins\Kotlin\kotlinc\bin"
After you added it to path restart PC if you are on Windows or logout/login if you are on linux
To test execute this command in terminal
kotlinc -version
Should return something like
kotlinc-jvm 1.7.10-release-334 (JRE 11.0.16+11-LTS-199)
and your should be able to run from VS code

ownCloud Desktop Client Theming

I have been trying to build the desktop client for about a week now so that I can dig in and try to mess with some theming and turn off some features I wont be needing. In the process I have run into numerous issues and have managed to resolve them in one way or another. I have a VM running openSUSE and I have downloaded the source file ownCloudClient-2.3.2.tar.xz file and unzipped it all into my home/jwarren/client folder. I then ran:
cd admin/win/docker
docker build . -t owncloud-client-win32:
Which I was able to get through. Now I am on the second command:
docker run -v "$PWD:/home/user/client" owncloud-client-win32: \
/home/user/client/admin/win/docker/ client/ $(id -u)
Here I am getting almost to the end and then I receive this error message which I cant figure out how to resolve.
CPack Error: Problem running NSIS command "user/bin/makensis"
CPack Error: Problem Compressing Directory
Can anyone help me out with this? Or maybe point me in the direction of better instructions for the ownCloud Desktop Client theming. I noticed that once you get it installed properly there is no instructions explaining where anything is to edit.
I wrote a comprehensive guide to build the Windows client using the cross-compilation toolchain in the Dockerfile some time ago in ownCloud's central:
What you're probably missing out is the git-submodule initialization; i.e. running git submodule update --init on your unzipped repository. You need these to bundle on the installer some pre-compiled binaries used by the shell integrations.
Also, on a side note, there was some problems last month with mingw toolchain compiler (gcc7) - in case you get some dll error after installing the client with your self-generated installer, refer to for an snapshot of a fully working Docker image to use instead of your self-built.
About the docs to build your own theme: those can be found in (for enterprise installations of ownCloud) - and for an unsupported version, you can also check the source in for some hints about what settings can be overwritten from there.

Packaging a Jython program in an executable jar

I am trying to package a jython program into an executable jar which the user can simply double-click to run without installing jython ahead of time. Ultimately, I would like to include an additional library which I wrote with the jar, but at the moment I am just trying to package a simple program and have it run from the jar.
I have tried following the jar instructions in the "Using the Jar Method" section here: Jython FAQ: Using the Jar Method
I have also looked at slides 25-28 here: Jython Update 2012 slides
And finally here:
stackoverflow Question: Distributing My Python Scripts as Jars with Jython
I have installed jython 2.5.3, jvm 1.6, and python 2.7.3 on my mac which is running OS X 10.8.3.
These are the steps I go through to create the jar and run it:
Create a copy of jython.jar from my jython installation directory.
zip -r jython_copy.jar Lib (where Lib is the folder in the jython installation directory)
cp ( does not include an 'if name == main' line)
zip jython_copy.jar
export CLASSPATH=/path/to/my/app/jython_copy.jar:$CLASSPATH
I have tried running the jar using all three of these methods:
java org.python.util.jython -jar myapp.jar
java -cp myapp.jar org.python.util.jython -jar myapp.jar
java -jar myapp.jar -jar myapp.jar
This works if my program doesn't use any import statements.
However I am running into an issue where some python packages are not able to be found when I run the jar. For instance, I get the error "ImportError: No module named random" when I include the line from random import random in my program. No errors occur on lines in the program when I import from javax.swing, java.awt, time, or math.
Additionally, I tried to package a jar with my library and a jython program which imports my library using the previous steps as well as the following additional steps:
zip jython_copy.jar myLibrary.jar
jar ufm jython_copy.jar only contains the line Class-Path: ./myLibrary.jar.
This too gives the error "ImportError: No module named myLibrary"
I would appreciate any insight into what I am doing incorrectly or other steps I should take.
I realized what the problem was and I wanted to document it in case anyone else has the same problems.
I was using the jython.jar file that came in the standard installation of Jython, and NOT the standalone jython.jar (the instructions at Using the Jar Method mentions this, but the instructions at Building Jars do not). I am still unsure why copying the Lib/ folder of the standard installation into the jython.jar that came with that installation didn't work on my system. However, once I used the standalone jar, things started to work more smoothly.
Additionally, I was able to get my library to work with the packaged file by doing three things in addition to the steps I laid out in my question:
Exploding the standalone jython.jar and copying the folder with all of my library files into Lib, then create a new jar. This seemed to be the easiest way to include my library and allows me to package everything into a single jar.
I discovered after reading Frank Wierzbicki's answer in Why does Jython refuse to find my Java package? that because I am now using the standalone jar, I could no longer use imports of the style from java.awt import *, instead I needed to fully specify each thing I was importing, for example from java.awt.Font import PLAIN, BOLD, ITALIC. So I went through the library's imports and fixed the few that were of the wrong style.
Now that I am adding my Library directly to the Jar's Lib folder, instead of writing Class-Path: ./myLibrary.jar in, I put Main-Class: org.python.util.JarRunner as per Frank Wierzbicki's answer in the post I mentioned in my question: Distributing my Python scripts as JAR files with Jython?
This allowed me to create a double-clickable executable jar containing my library and jython file that I wanted to run.
There are two solutions. They both work, but one better than the other.
I believe you can rename your python script as, place that file inside the .jar file, and pass the .jar file through a python interpreter. See for more.
Multiple methods to run Jython from the java code while running through JVM are described here, at the Jython documentation.
You can execute a command line code that runs the python file you want.
Link to an example of running command line code from java here.

How to install Clojure on Ubuntu 10.04 from Github repo with no clojure.jar

I've been trying to install Clojure on my computer to learn and use. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and have installed the latest Sun Java SDK and environment from Synaptic.
Searching with Google, I found multiple guides that give pretty clear guides on how to go about installing all the dependencies and useful tools and builders like ant, maven, leiningen, and emacs with SLIME.
Some of the guides are a bit dated, especially considering how fast Clojure development moves, so I searched for the most up-to-date one I could. I've been following this guide from December of 2010 and it's very similar to most others.
The one big problem I come up against is at the step where I have to fire up the REPL with
java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main
I see that in the clojure source I've gotten from and the that neither actually have a clojure.jar to point the JVM to...
I think that maybe there's something I'm doing wrong, since no one has had this problem before apparently from my searches on Google. I double checked the repos on Github via a browser and there is no .jar file there either.
So...where do I get this .jar file or is there another way I'm supposed to go about this?
FWIW, if you don't have an intense desire to compile stuff, your life will be easier if you just download leiningen or cake, and get one of them to manage all the jars and classpaths and stuff. For example, here's all it takes to get lein running on a vanilla unix system. (I've omitted the screensful of output some of these commands generate to emphasize that you only have to type a few things).
akm#li231-96: ~
$ curl > lein
akm#li231-96: ~
$ chmod +x lein
akm#li231-96: ~
$ ./lein self-install
akm#li231-96: ~
$ ./lein repl
Using JLine for console I/O; install rlwrap for optimum experience.
REPL started; server listening on localhost:60099.
user=> (inc 1)
Your experience will be better if you put lein on your PATH somewhere (eg ~/bin) rather than calling it by full path, but it's not at all necessary.

Why do I get 'divide by zero` errors when I try to run my script with Rakudo?

I just built Rakudo and Parrot so that I could play with it and get started on learning Perl 6. I downloaded the Perl 6 book and happily typed in the first demo program (the tennis tournament example).
When I try to run the program, I get an error:
Divide by zero
current instr.: '' pc -1 ((unknown file):-1)
I have my perl6 binary in the build directory. I added a scripts directory under the rakudo build directory:
|- perl6
\- scripts
|- perlbook_02.01
\- scores
If I try to run even a simple hello world script from my scripts directory I get the same error:
use v6;
say "Hello nurse!";
However if I run it from the rakudo directory it works.
It sounds like there are some environment variables I need to set, but I am at a lost as to what the are and what values to give them.
Any thoughts?
I'd rather not install rakudo at this point, I'd rather just run things from the build directory. This will allow me to keep my changes to my system minimal as I try out different Perl6 builds (Rakudo * is out very soon).
The README file encouraged me to think that this was possible:
$ cd rakudo
$ perl --gen-parrot
$ make
This will create a "perl6" or "perl6.exe" executable in the
current (rakudo) directory. Programs can then be run from
the build directory using a command like:
$ ./perl6
Upon rereading, I found a reference to the fact that it is necessary to install rakudo before running scripts outside the build directory:
Once built, Rakudo's make install target will install Rakudo
and its libraries into the Parrot installation that was used to
create it. Until this step is performed, the "perl6" executable
created by make above can only be reliably run from the root of
Rakudo's build directory. After make install is performed,
the installed executable can be run from any directory (as long as
the Parrot installation that was used to create it remains intact).
So it looks like I need to install rakudo to play with Perl 6.
The next question is, where rakudo be installed? README says into the Parrot install used to build.
I used the --gen-parrot option in my build, which looks like it installs into rakudo/parrot-install. So rakudo will be installed into my rakudo\parrot-install?
Reading the Makefile, supports this conclusion. I ran make install, and it did install into parrot_install.
This part of the build/install process is unclear for a newbie to Perl6. I'll see if I can up with a documentation patch to clarify things.
Off the top of my head:
Emphasize running make install before running scripts outside of build. This requirement is currently burried in the middle of a paragraph and can be easily missed by someone skimming the docs (me).
Explicitly state that with --gen-parrot will install perl6 into the parrot_install directory.
Did you run make install in Rakudo?
It's necessary to do it to be able to use Rakudo outside its build directory (and that's why both the README and tell you to do it.
Don't worry, the default install location is local (in parrot_install/bin/perl inside your rakudo directory).
In response to your update I've now updated the README:
I hope you find that clearer than before. If you still see room for improvement, please consider submitting a patch to