Cocoa NSAnimationContex Weird behaviour - objective-c

I have an NSView NSButton and an NSTextField in this view's subviews
all of them are Layer Backed
I ma trying to animate this view changing frame.
- (void)animateTheView:(SPTabView *)view toFrame:(NSRect)endFrame
[NSAnimationContext runAnimationGroup:^(NSAnimationContext *context)
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = YES;
context.duration = ANIMATION_TIME;//is a define 0.6f
[view setFrame:endFrame];
} completionHandler:nil];
Edit In my view I am not using AutoLayout I am just overriding the setFrame:
- (void)setFrame:(NSRect)frame
[super setFrame:frame];
[_titleLabel setFrame:self.bounds]; //The NSTextField I am talking about
[_closeButton setFrame:NSMakeRect(5, 2, B_WIDTH, B_HEIGHT)];//This one works fine
[self removeTrackingRect:_tracking];
_tracking = [self addTrackingRect:[self bounds] owner:self userData:NULL assumeInside:NO];
EDIT 2 Posting the subViews Initialisation Code
[super setWantsLayer:YES];
[self setWantsLayer:YES];
[self setCanDrawSubviewsIntoLayer:YES];
[self drawRegular];
_closeButton = [[NSButton alloc]init];
[_closeButton setCanDrawSubviewsIntoLayer:YES];
[_closeButton setTitle:#"X"];
[_closeButton setTarget:self];
[_closeButton setAction:#selector(closeTab)];
[_closeButton setHidden:YES];
[_closeButton setWantsLayer:YES];
_titleLabel = [[SPLabel alloc]init]; //SPLabel is a silly subclass of NSTextField which just set it's properties like editable to as NO
[_titleLabel setText:#"Untitled.txt"];
[_titleLabel setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
[_titleLabel setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment];
[_titleLabel setWantsLayer:YES];
[_titleLabel setTag:6];
[self addSubview:_titleLabel];
[self addSubview:_closeButton];
My view and it's button animating FINE! but the textField doesn't animate at all - it just jumps to the EndFrame...
Any Ideas some1 ?


UIButton as a subview in MKAnnotationView doesn't work

I have added a button to my annotation view, and it appears correctly. When the button is tapped, I want a call to be made, but when I tap the button, it doesn't respond (the button doesn't even highlight). It seems that the button doesn't receive the touch event, but I don't know why.
Here is my code in customAnnotationView.m
- (id)initWithAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation>)annotation reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier
NSLog(#"initWithAnnotation start");
//initialze the view
self = [super initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:reuseIdentifier];
if (self != nil)
CGRect frame = self.frame;
frame.size = CGSizeMake(60.0, 85.0);
self.frame = frame;
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.centerOffset = CGPointMake(30.0, 42.0);
//this has nothing to do with my question
self.title=[[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease];
self.description=[[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease];
self.phoneNumber=[[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease];
customAnnotation * tempCust = (customAnnotation *)annotation;
//here is the question button
UIButton *button=[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
[button setTitle:#"Call" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
//decide the button's position
CGRect rect=button.frame;
[self addSubview:button];
[button becomeFirstResponder];
[button addTarget:self action:#selector(buttonClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
NSLog(#"initWithAnnotation finished");
return self;
//action method
NSString *callNumber=[[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:#"tel://%#",self.phoneNumber] autorelease];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:callNumber]];
Why doesn't the button work?
self.rightCalloutAccessoryView = button;
Use the above instead of [self addSubview:button];
Hope this help's you

UIImagePickerController how to hide the flip camera button?

is there a way to hide the flip camera button inside the UIImagePickerController?
thanks for reading
I ended up using a custom subclass of UIImagePickerController to fix this (and other) issues:
#import "SMImagePickerController.h"
#implementation SMImagePickerController
void hideFlipButtonInSubviews(UIView *view) {
if ([[[view class] description] isEqualToString:#"CAMFlipButton"]) {
[view setHidden:YES];
} else {
for (UIView *subview in [view subviews]) {
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
You should be able to create an empty button inside an overlayview that you float on top of the flip camera button. I hacked the code below to test and it seemed to work. Give it a try.
UIView *cameraOverlayView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(screenSize.width - 100.0f, 5.0f, 100.0f, 35.0f)];
[cameraOverlayView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
UIButton *emptyBlackButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f, 35.0f)];
[emptyBlackButton setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[emptyBlackButton setEnabled:YES];
[cameraOverlayView addSubview:emptyBlackButton];
cameraUI.allowsEditing = YES;
cameraUI.showsCameraControls = YES;
cameraUI.delegate = self;
cameraUI.cameraOverlayView = cameraOverlayView;

Editable NSTextField on Mac in Cocos2d project

I'm trying to display editable NSTextField on Mac in Cocos2d project. I run all my test code directly from AppDelegate to make test simple and eliminate all side effects. The code bellow shows red window with nice edit field. The trouble is that the field looks like without focus (text selection is gray) and is not editable (no cursor and no reaction to key strokes). I can change the text selection with mouse but that is all.
Any hint to what's wrong?
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
CCDirectorMac *director = (CCDirectorMac*) [CCDirector sharedDirector];
[glView_ setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(1024,768)];
[director setOpenGLView:glView_];
[director setResizeMode:kCCDirectorResize_AutoScale];
[glView_ setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(window_.frame.size.width,window_.frame.size.height-20)];
[window_ setContentAspectRatio:NSMakeSize(1024,768)];
[window_ setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:NO];
[self addOverlayWindow];
//[director runWithScene:[MCGameScene scene]/*[HelloWorldLayer scene]*/];
- (void) addOverlayWindow;
NSRect windowRect = [[window_ contentView] frame] ;
NSWindow* uiWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:windowRect
backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES];
[uiWindow setBackgroundColor: [NSColor redColor/*clearColor*/]];
[uiWindow setOpaque:NO];
NSView* uiView = [[[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, windowRect.size.width, windowRect.size.height)] autorelease];
[uiView translateOriginToPoint:NSMakePoint(100, uiView.bounds.size.height/2)];
uiView.wantsLayer = YES;
[uiWindow setContentView:uiView];
NSTextField *textField;
textField = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 80)];
[textField setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica Bold" size:60]];
[textField setStringValue:#"My XXXXXXXXX Label"];
[textField setBezeled:YES];
[textField setDrawsBackground:YES];
[textField setEditable:YES];
[textField setSelectable:YES];
[textField setEnabled:YES];
[uiView addSubview:textField];
// None of these combinations works...
// [textField becomeFirstResponder];
// [uiWindow setInitialFirstResponder:textField];
// [uiWindow makeFirstResponder:textField];
//[window_ makeFirstResponder:textField];
[window_ setInitialFirstResponder:textField];
// [uiView setInitialFirstResponder:textField];
// [uiView makeFirstResponder:textField];
[window_ addChildWindow:uiWindow ordered:NSWindowAbove];
Thanks in advance for your help,

How to Animate a custom NSWindow

I'm having some troubles animating a custom NSWindow.
Here's my init method:
- (CustomWindow *)initWithView:(NSView *)view
if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect
defer:NO])) {
[[self contentView] addSubview:view];
[self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor darkGrayColor]];
[self setMovableByWindowBackground:YES];
[self setExcludedFromWindowsMenu:YES];
[self setOpaque:NO];
[self setHasShadow:YES];
[self setDelegate:self];
return self;
When I call [self setFrame:originalFrame display:NO animate:YES]; there is a delay that corresponds to the animation duration, but the animation itself doesn't occur.
I think this is because I'm using a borderless window?
Simply use this: [self setFrame:originalFrame display:YES animate:YES];
Guess your window is resized, but view you add to content view, don't. If you have only one view, then instead of:
[[self contentView] addSubview:view];
[self setContentView:view];

Cocoa App Enter Full Screen

I am developing a simple application which make use of full screen window.
Window contains view that contains button, image etc etc... , but when I enter in full screen with the follow lines:
NSWindow* tmp = [self window];
[tmp setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask];
[tmp setFrame:[tmp frameRectForContentRect:[[tmp screen] frame]]display:YES animate:NO];
[tmp setBackingType:NSBackingStoreBuffered];
screenRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
int windowLevel = CGShieldingWindowLevel();
[self.window setLevel:windowLevel];
The view I put in the window doesn't resized automatically, I could make some operation for resize correctly that work, but there are a way to do that automatically?
I post all my AppController here:
-(id)init {
self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"MainWindow"];
NSWindow* tmp = [self window];
[tmp setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask];
[tmp setFrame:[tmp frameRectForContentRect:[[tmp screen] frame]]display:YES animate:NO];
[tmp setBackingType:NSBackingStoreBuffered];
screenRect = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame];
// [[tmp standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton] setHidden:YES];
// [[tmp standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setHidden:YES];
self.window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:screenRect styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO screen:[NSScreen mainScreen]];
int windowLevel = CGShieldingWindowLevel();
[self.window setLevel:windowLevel];
return self;
// We need to be layer-backed to have subview transitions.
-(void)awakeFromNib {
[[self window] setContentSize:[topMenu frame].size];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:topMenu];
[topMenu enterFullScreenMode:[NSScreen mainScreen] withOptions:nil];
[[[self window] contentView] setWantsLayer:YES];
- (void)dealloc
[super dealloc];
- (void)windowDidLoad
[super windowDidLoad];
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
[topMenu_controller performAnimation];
You can use the springs and struts of Interface Builder to set a view's autosizing behavior: