Redirect to external site on 500 error with .htaccess - apache

I am working on a website ( I need to have my .htaccess redirect to an external page
on a 500 error. I am forcing a 500 with php.
Here is my current code:
ErrorDocument 500
EDIT: ErrorDocument 404 works
Now that I am using php to send the 500 error, the page doesn't display. It just displays the browser's default "500: Could not display"

Internal error in .htaccess not relay custom ErrorDocument (!) and simulate 500 error via PHP is not quite possible - when your script run it's too late - error document redirection is handled by apache mod_core (!) and PHP only send status.
So I think you can forget about PHP 500-simulation.
Try to make a directory next to main .htaccess and inside make faulty .htaccess
Or maybe this will be helpful for you:
Section about 500 provide information how to simulate this error via bad proxy.


Apache server status codes

Is there a way, on apache server, to make a specified page, to send code 404 in browser?
I work on an application, where if you tap a url that is not recognised, the application sends code 302, and makes a redirect instead of a page error.html who send code 200 which is normal because is a page who exist.
I need to modify the code for page error.html in 404 from httpd.conf.
Can you help me please?
I've tried with ErrorDocument 404 /error, but the application does not send 404, it sends 302. I need to rewrite this 302 in 404.
create an error page 404.html on the httpd DocumentRoot.
Add ErrorDocument 404 /404.html in httpd.conf.
Restart Apache and access a page that does not exist.

Can't redirect to a maintenance page when serveur return 500 Internal server error

Ive made this .htaccess file
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php
ErrorDocument 500 /maintenance.php
But when i try to access to (there's a parse error in it)
The serveur does not redirect to maintenance.php
Any ideas ?
You have some confusion about custom error handling.
500 is for Internal Server Error in Apache before it invokes PHP module. Once PHP module is invoked it is up to the PHP to handle everything. Parse error anyway is not a 500 and even if you make PHP cause 500, Apache's 500 handler won't be invoked.

Can I use mod_rewrite and apache custom error handling together?

We are currently on a load balanced environment and we are having an issue with one of our servers. We are getting an error 500 due to an application crash. As we have our techs look into this I wanted to make a fix. I would like a way to redirect to the same page on the second server when you receive an error 500.
In apache you can simply redirect using this method:
ErrorDocument 500 http://xxx/
My question is, is it possible to have mod_rewrite point the redirect to the specific page that the error 500 came from?
For example, has a error 500 so we need to redirect it to
Also, this is a Windows Server running apache.
Ok posting some command as per comments above.
First define ErrorDocument like this:
ErrorDocument 500 /handle500.php
Then inside /handle500.php have code like this:
if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == '')
header ("Location:" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
header ("Location:" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);

.htaccess forcing error pages on SSL

I have the following piece of code in my .htaccess file to force redirecting to custom error pages:
ErrorDocument 404 /ErrorPages/404.php
ErrorDocument 403 /ErrorPages/403.php
ErrorDocument 400 /ErrorPages/generalError.php
ErrorDocument 401 /ErrorPages/generalError.php
ErrorDocument 500 /ErrorPages/generalError.php
Everything works fine on port 80, but when it comes to SSL, the standard error pages are shown.
To be more specific: redirects to the custom error page DOES NOT redirect to the custom error page
am I missing something here?
Thanks in advance
Try putting a duplicate .htaccess file in the /secured folder and see if that works. The vhost for the https daemon is probably using /secured as doc_root which means even if the .htaccess from the regular doc_root is below the secured folder it will be ignored.

Apache ErrorDocument not working for PHP 500 error

I have a number of ErrorDocuments setup in my .htaccess file for errors such as 404, 401, 403 etc which all redirect to my error page but the ErrorDocument set for a 500 error is never displayed when PHP reports a 500. The 500 code is sent to the browser and the output is blank. Is there something special I need to do to enable 500 error documents for use with PHP?
My directives look like this:
ErrorDocument 401 /errorpage.php?error=401
ErrorDocument 403 /errorpage.php?error=403
ErrorDocument 404 /errorpage.php?error=404
ErrorDocument 500 /errorpage.php?error=500
I've looked through the php.ini and can't see anything that would obviously override the Apache settings and there are no ErrorDocument directives in my httpd.conf either. Anywhere else I should be looking?
Thanks in advance.
See this answer to a very similar question. Basically, PHP isn't hardly ever going to trigger a 500.
You may need to add the ErrorDocument declaration earlier in the Apache conf chain. If you add this to a vhost conf it may not be called.
I happened to encounter the same issue while working with codeigniter and Imagick. imagick was setting a 500 HTTP error when something went wrong and in that case Codeigniter's custom 500 message was not displayed.
I resolved this by adding try-catch to all Imagick functions.Check that where from the 500 issue is arising and then add a try-catch there.As for
ErrorDocument 500 /errorpage.php?error=500
,I read loads online about the same where some people claim that this solved their similar issue, others say that it wouldnt help as Apache has handed over the control to PHP.Maybe some php code is setting Headers to 500 and that would probably lead to the browser displaying its custom 500 error message.
I don't believe Apache will let you run PHP files for 500 errors because the error page could generate an error. Try rendering out your 500 error to an HTML file and point your directives at that.