Tool to archive techniques and lessons [closed] - documentation

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I need a personal archive tool to archive the programming algorithms, lessons, techniques and codes.
Something like a "Personal Wiki" that supports images attachments, code decoration, content categorization and search for any content at any time.
I know i can use an open source tool like forums or media wiki but i need something customized for this personal purpose.
Desktop tool or web tool.

For those who are search for the same purpose, I found some tools:
Here are some things I've tried with their pros and cons:
Excellent ability to organise notes. You have have books containing section groups containing sections containing pages and subpages. I've got a book for Development, then a section group for Languages, then a section for Ruby, then pages for every topic within Ruby. The highlight here is that there's no penalty to creating dozens and dozens of pages on a given topic, helping you keep things organised when you get really deep into a specific topic. It's an easy mistake to just say "Yeah, a section for Languages, then a page for PHP", but before you know it the PHP page is half a mile long and you'll never sit down to properly re-read it again, it becomes a pain to find the info you want, etc.
Great support for multi-user notebooks. It properly keeps track of who added what and what got changed when, making co-operation easy.
Syntax highlighting can be done with the OneTastic plugin, which lets you define custom styles. Just define a custom style in a monospaced font with a special colour, and call it Code.
Support for tabular data, attached files, audio, video, etc, if you need that sort of thing.
Need to use a special app to consult it, so you can't just hit it from a work computer or the like.
Web app is clunky and lacking full features, I still haven't gotten a desktop notebook to properly sync as a web app notebook.
Search isn't the best.
If you make it public, you can use Google on your notes, which is better than any other search.
CSS means it's easy to style and present it how you want without manually altering every bit of text like you'd need to in OneNote.
Because it's just a website like any other, you can access it from any device without installing anything or having to log in.
Export as ePub file, meaning you can read all your notes on your Kindle/ereader, really good for refreshing.
Any page can belong to multiple categories, which is nice.
Built in syntax highlighting with code tags.
Limited/clunky ability to organise in tiers, ultimately a fatal flaw for me.
Becomes a pain to quickly add notes to pages. (I would kill for a no-page-reload transition between read/edit modes!)
Reliant on an internet connection (usually not a problem, but something to be aware of).
Plaintext files in folders
Zero learning curve/adaptation.
Read them anywhere with no special software (tip: put them in a shared Dropbox folder, map an address on your domain to that folder).
Read natively on ereaders or convert to ebook format with no real effort.
No syntax highlighting, no image/audio/video media, no tabular data.
Hard to fuzzy search.
Edit conflicts if you're studying alongside someone.
Google Drive
Excellent support for sharing/co-operation
Good search
Good mobile support
Supports a lot of media
Tends to be slow to use
Presentation options tend to be frustrating
Reliant on internet connection
My personal recommendation: OneNote + Onetastic plugin, using all tiers/dividers, exported to PDF or multiple PDFs regularly so you can consult them from elsewhere.
Quoted from this link:


Generating documentation for a large(ish) multi-language API [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm the author of a fairly sized (and growing) framework. It primarily exposes JavaScript APIs, but also has public APIs in Ruby and a growing CoffeeScript segment. (CoffeeScript will eventually encompass most of the project, but there will always be a significant pure-JavaScript presence.)
Up until now, I've been documenting the JavaScript with PDoc and the Ruby with RDoc. Though I've no issues with RDoc, unfortunately PDoc is aging, high-maintenance, and requires a heck of a lot of typing that feels like superfluous clutter. Also, the transition of most of the code to CoffeeScript renders PDoc much less useful than it was.
Example of the project's current documentation
I've experimented with Rocco in a local branch and it works better than I expected. What's really nice is that it works with all my code, from Ruby to Coffee to JS. It's nice to see all the documentation in one place. It's kind of cool to see the source code next to the documentation, too, and this makes it very clear what a particular code segment is actually doing.
However, I am a bit worried about the overall structure. Docco/Rocco seems great for niche projects with very few public APIs, but its read-the-entire-project style strikes me as a double-edged sword. Though it's very informative, having to vertically scroll through the files without even a table of contents (not to mention, knowing which file to go to in the first place!) seems like it would make it difficult to actually find anything. Also, the default template required some hacking because the list of files was too long to be displayed. Not a huge deal but an annoyance, and a hint that this project may be out of Rocco's league.
I'm now considering CoffeeDoc. Judging just by the example, it seems promising, but it is of course Coffee-centric, which brings me back to running 3 separate documentation tools: RDoc, CoffeeDoc and -- what? JSDoc?
I'm not completely adverse to running separate tools for the separate sources, but it becomes hard to reconcile that into a coherent result that doesn't feel like 3 separate Web sites.
So I guess my question is: what tool do you use or suggest? What language(s) does it support? Is it easy to browse, read, and actually find a needle in the haystack that is your project? I'm even considering rolling my own tool at this point, except that I can't believe no one else has encountered a problem like this (and I don't really want to waste time if I don't have to).
Sphinx directly supports javascript. Documentation of Ruby and CoffeeScript is supported through extensions (
From the website:
The following features are present, work fine and can be seen “in action” in the Python docs:
Output formats: HTML (including Windows HTML Help), LaTeX (for printable PDF versions), manual pages, plain text
Extensive cross-references: semantic markup and automatic links for functions, classes, citations, glossary terms and similar pieces of information
Hierarchical structure: easy definition of a document tree, with automatic links to siblings, parents and children
Automatic indices: general index as well as a module index
Code handling: automatic highlighting using the Pygments highlighter
Extensions: automatic testing of code snippets, inclusion of docstrings from Python modules (API docs), and more

Documentation system that allows for reusability and Markdown support? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm investigating different documentation systems for a project keeping up. Most recently I've been using DITA and the DITA OT, but its complexity makes me want to shoot myself.
Are there any systems that provide the following functionality:
Markdown support
Reusable content (I can refer to previously defined paragraphs or terms)
Localization support
Preferably, free or open source
Preferably, allows for multiple output
I wish I could use Pandoc for this, but it doesn't appear to support reusable content.
Edit: I just ended up writing my own library for this:
If you don't mind reStructuredText instead of markdown, Sphynx is worth a look.
You could use pandoc + pre or post processor.
That way you could easily implement snippet reuse.
This is a topic close to my heart. There's quite a lot of Markdown processor options out there, but at time of writing those are more a case of personal solutions to this persistent problem. We all tend to get frustrated, make something to help in the short term, and share it.
The challenge has been to extend this to something built for purpose and at scale. Which is where I've turned my focus to over the last few years. That includes first working on PressGang CCMS inside of a tech writing team at Red Hat, and then being inspired to spin out Corilla, a dedicated technical writing startup building the tool you require.
PressGang (the prototype)
Please refer to the PressGang CCMS project for an idea of what we did at Red Hat to build tools to solve this. The lead engineer did a run-through video that you can see on Vimeo, and I've created a public Amazon AMI if you wish to try it. It's not being maintained but it's all open source.
It's a relatively large stack written for the most part in Java, but was useful as a look into an open source project in this space. But with bias I'd suggest...
Corilla (the product)
We cofounded Corilla as an open source company to focus on bringing together the elements of content reuse and collaboration with the ease of Markdown and Asciidoc. I've spent years writing DocBook XML, and quickly built my own snippets for Sublime Text to minimise the considerable overhead of authoring in that markup. The tide is of course turning. We need easier ways to write faster, and we need them to be discoverable, reusable, and allow the entire team to generate the content in formats they require.
I'd encourage you to get involved with the beta, as the technical writing and developer community is driving the project, and as we solve our problems together. Being able to resource and drive this to market is far more rewarding than having to pick through incomplete processor chains. I've been there, it's time we did more.

Software for colaborative manual writing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Im trying to find a piece of software to help a small (~3-5 people) team write A) a user guide and B) an API reference for the extensible parts of the software. We quite like the idea of using a wiki of some form, but have a few specific requirements:
The ability to export the manual(s) into both online and offline readable forms (eg, a bunch of HTML files that can be put on a web server or read locally)
Automatically create pages from XML documentation. We are writing in VB.Net/C#.Net, and most of the API specific stuff already has XML documentation comments. It would be great if the API portion of the manual could specify the classes, methods, arguments etc, but also allow the writers to link to these pages from others. (eg, have a page that details the foo class, and be able to have a page that details how to do some general task with the API link to the page for the foo.increaseBarCount() method).
That's just about it, other than the obvious ('easy to use', 'do all the writing for me so that i can get out of the tedium of writing technical documentation', 'not cause a global thermonuclear war').
Does such a piece of software exist? Can a similar system be cobbled together using mediawiki extensions?
As to "automatically create pages from XML documentation", the obvious solution would by doxygen. It creates documentation (HTML, PDF, WinHelp ...) from special doc comments embedded in source code. It handles Javadoc comments, Qt style comments and XML comments. If you generate HTML, the page names are predictable, so easy to link to; doxygen can also create internal links automatically. If you use other formats, you can probably embed some sort of anchor to refer to page names, but I'm not quite sure about that.
With respect to general documentation, we have good experiences with using a wiki. We use MediaWiki (of Wikipedia fame), but any decent wiki will probably do.
We have never tried printing it, but Google shows various solutions for printing from MediaWiki, so you can probably make something work without too much hassle.
The main thing we like about using a wiki for docs is that you can easily change them when you detect a mistake; that keeps them fresh. Also, no worries about having an outdated copy.
You could check out Atlassian Confluence. I believe that they have a free version (possibly just an offer, so you may end up paying in the long run, don't know) for small teams. They also have an API, so it wouldn't be too hard to write a utility to extract the XML C# documentation and create pages from it using the API, if nothing already exists.
The wiki is easy to use and is used quite a bit by open source projects. You can look at
the ANTLR Documentation, which is Confluence, for an example.

How to easily link a document with others [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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let's say that in order for me to make clear how my program works or even for the own sake of documentation I am writing some text document in word or whatever text editor or online wit google docs, etc. Let's say that at some part of the document I open a new one and extend there the idea. Then later, I go back to the "master" document and add some hyperlink or just put reference (it follows in doc XXXX, page YYYY). I wonder what could be the fastest approach to do this
* google docs adding easily hyperlink? but how can I organize docs effectively?
* some text editor with this functionality?
Thanks for your responses
P.D. Are there easier solutions than WIKI's? In terms of easiness of installation and setup
Wiki's are definitely great for that. I have used two notetaking solutions that have what you want (I've used more, but these were the best for me).
Great feature set since it's javascript/html with wiki functionality: intralinking to pages you create, embedding of images from any directory, hyperlinks, and printability
Also has an amazing amount of plugins at places like TiddlyTools and other repos like it
I combined it with TeamTasks which not only made it look better, but brought in some todo functionality; with TiddlyWiki Address Book (twab) for contact management, and several other plugins that worked great
emacs + orgmode
This is my top choice today for notetaking and all kinds of stuff
It is literally unbelievable. Todos, contacts, scheduling, linking, export to html, export to PDF via LaTeX, interfacing with gnuplot, TikZ, ditaa, R (like Matlab), etc.
Inter and intralinking are very easy. See THIS for specifically how orgmode deals with various linking.
Lastly, if orgmode sounds interesting, I would strongly recommend checking out the orgmode wiki, Worg, where tutorials, videos, and screencasts exist.
Your initial inquiry mentions simplicity, so perhaps one of the wikis is best. If you're unfamiliar with them, it's quite easy to just download a copy (just an html file), open it in a browser and play around. There's a lot of documentation out there to help you and your linking is as often as easy as writing something like [[page::section]] or similar in your document.
On the other hand, if you're looking for advanced usage and especially exporting of documents, I have yet to find anything to beat orgmode for me! I highly recommend it and the mailing list is very, very active and supportive.
Every document type or system has its own standard for interlinking documents. HTML has hyperlinks, MS Word has document references, etc. I personally find wikis to be the easiest way to grow and expand interlinked documents. HTML hyperlinks are probably the most common standard way of linking documents, and wiki syntax makes it especially easy.

What are good and bad ways to document a software project? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm responsible of finding a good way to document the software project I'm working on.
What things are important to document? Should documentation of code and design mainly be in the code in the form of comments? Should we put text files or Word documents directly in the source control togetether with code? Should we use a wiki?
Factors to think about include how easy it is for the current team to create the documentation, and how easy it is for other developers to find, correct and extend the documentation later. My experience from many projects is that developers tend to not write documentation because the system for writing it is too complex or developer unfriendly, and that after a few years, new developers can hardly find the little documentation that was written.
I'm interested in what approaches you have used in similar projects. What worked well, what did not work well, and why?
Some key facts about the project:
The platform is C# and .NET.
We use Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server for source control and work item (task) management.
We use Scrum and test-driven development and are inspired by domain-driven design.
The software consists of a collection of web services and two GUI clients.
Other clients are going to integrate with the web services in the future. The integration will be done by other developers on other teams (so the web services form a kind of API).
SharePoint is heavily used throughout the development environment. Most projects have a SharePoint site, including ours.
On our project's SharePoint site we currently have a bunch of MS Office documents on things like requirements, design, presentations for stakeholders etc. Keeping everything up to date is hard.
We also have a SharePoint wiki for the development team only, where we document things in an unstructured manner as we go along. Examples include how our build scripts are organized, our testing policy, coding guidelines.
The software is an in-house application in a fairly big financial institution.
The software is developed by a team of six people over a period of ~1 year.
The developers are consultants hired in for this project only, and will not be available to help in the future (unless the client decides to pay for it).
The client has few guidlines for how this kind of project should be documented.
I think the most important things to document are the decisions. This goes for everything from requirements to architectural choices. What are the requirements of module X? How are these requirements represented in the architecture? Why did you choose architectural pattern A over B? What are the benefits? The same goes for source code: it is common knowledge that commenting the why is way better than the how.
How you document these decisions does not matter that much in my opinion, whether you use a Wiki or a Requirements document made in Word. More important is that these documents are always up-to-date and that it is easy for anyone to access them. This can be achieved by using a wiki, or placing the documents under source control, as you say. If only a few have access to them, they are more likely not to get updated, and not to be read when necessary.
We use a Wiki for our current project and it works very well. It is easy to access for anyone (developers, managers, and customers) and a history can track changes, so you know what has been changed and why. Furthermore, we try to document the code in a meaningful way and document the major design decisions. We try not to document too much, e.g. minor things, as it is always hard to keep those things up-to-date and it is not worth the effort, imho.
Worst for me than lack of documentation is excess of documentation.
Keep in mind that yes: it's really important to document your project, but also that the major part of your documentation is always at risk of never been read at all.
So, I think that a good starting point consist in thinking of your documentation more like something that you may use to introduce new developers to your project than an over detailed description of the inner workings of your software.
Definitely use a wiki. I'd recommend TWiki as it's an excellent and extensive implementation of a wiki without being too complicated to install and manage.
Here's a couple of initial thoughts.
Start off with an initial ontology of what you want to capture but
allow people to add new categories or sub-categories as required,
allow people to retitle (sub-)categories as required and maybe as agreed for this one so you don't get fragmentation for multiple names for basically the same thing.
let any initial (sub-)categories wither and die if they are left empty. Do this at the end of the project as some areas may only have entries towards the end of a project.
Start using a tag cloud. BTW here's an excellent plug-in available for TWiki to start classifying content early on in the project. Retrofitting tags is almost impossible to do. Starting tagging early also allows people to search for information that may be there already rather than having the same info located in multiple places.
HTH I'll come back and add more points as I think of them.
First and most important, have the comments written in such a way that NDoc can parse them. This is the best way to have the code itself documented, as the developers have to change their development practices very little, and you can generate pages that explain the code without having to look at the code.
Second, getting developers to write documentation is not easy, and getting them to do it might be an exercise in futility. This is where products like Fogbugz come into play. They will help manage the development with tickets, help track check ins, and when your done an iteration, generate release notes.
In conclusion, your best bet is to find the most effective solution that fits in with the devs existing process. If it impacts their development process very little, they will be more likely to adopt the system.