MSBuild to include dynamically generated files as part of project dependency when the dynamic files are in the bin directory - msbuild

An extension of this question, but slightly different, and the accepted answer does not quite work for this situation.
We've got a process in place on the build of our project which is generating some additional files, these files are getting (correctly) generated into the /bin folder as expected. However they are not getting copied across when this project is referenced as a dependency.
Following the above questions accepted answer (with a little bit of tweaking), I managed to get them copying across to the dependant project however they are all getting put into a /bin sub folder of the dependants /bin folder (i.e. /bin/bin), which is not what I need to have happen.
The process we're running is a 3rd party process (specifically Surviveplus.XmlCommentLocalization), so I have no control over that side of it.
I could do something additional on the dependant project to move them out of the /bin/bin into the level up, but I'd rather have the original project work as I'd expect it to.
This is the ItemGroup I'm using, derived from the other question:
<Content Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*\*.xml">
I've also tried setting specifically the TargetPath value, which while un-documented (or I'm blind to it), seems to exist - as per the msbuild output log
<Content Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*\*.xml" KeepMetadata="TargetPath">
But it appears that when it comes to the Copy task it just ignores it, and resolves a new TargetPath. I've also tried a myriad of combinations of attributes/item types in that item group (i.e. None, EmbeddedResource) but they didn't solve it either.
Ideally I suppose MSBuild needs to mark the generated files as part of the generated assembly? But after getting lost in .target files and MSDN docs, I couldn't figure it out.
MSBuild being used is version 12.0, compiling for .net4.5.


MSBuild wildcard matching of files for deployment

I am hoping to be able to use MSBuild to capture a subtree of files produced during the build of a project using Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web and include them in deployment. So far, I have found that if I simply create the files inside the project folder before deployment, then it works but only for certain filetypes. DLLs, for instance, are excluded, presumably assumed to be non-content items. I have been poking around how the deployment stuff works, and have found the <ResolvedFileToPublish> element that I can put into <ItemGroup>, but I haven't figured out how it might be possible to employ this with wildcards. Specifically, I have a post-build step that places files into a folder deployment within the project, and I want all files in that subtree to be included in the package that is produced by /p:DeployOnBuild=true. How can I tack my files onto the deployment stage so that they're included in the ZIP even if they don't look like content items?
I have found a solution, in the form of adding a new <Task> set to run immediately after the internal tasks which collect files for publishing. This is not suitable for a long-term solution, since it ties to internal state, but this is a temporary fix and as such I think it's alright.
By adding this to the .csproj:
<Target Name="__CopyDeploymentToPublish" AfterTargets="_CopyResolvedFilesToPublishAlways">
<Exec Command="PowerShell.exe -Version 3.0 -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted $(SolutionDir)deploy_webapp.ps1 -Source $(SolutionDir)src\IQ.Auth.OAuth2.Web -Target $(PublishDir)" />
</Target> PowerShell script runs right after the standard deployment logic aggregates the files it intends to package up. I can at that point do whatever I want to the files and the way they're left is what'll end up in the ZIP file.

Using $(OutputPath) in a multitarget build?

What is the canonical way now to write a custom Target in an sdk-style project to perform operations on files in $(OutputPath) in the context of a multitargeted build? I'm trying to multitarget our build for a migration to net5 and am surprised how messy this is. We have various targets that need to reach into $(OutputPath) to copy files or run exes, etc as part of the build. For instance, a target like this:
<MyTargetInputs Include="$(OutputPath)\Foo.exe">
<Target Name="DoPostBuildStuff" AfterTargets="Build" Inputs="#(MyTargetInputs)" Outputs="#(MyTargetOutputs)">
This worked fine in an sdk-style project without multitargeting as $(OutputPath) is set to bin\debug which is indeed where Foo.exe is. But with the above the ItemGroup gets evaluated before AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath does its work to make $(OutputPath) set to bin\debug\net48. So now my ItemGroup is still looking for Foo.exe in bin\debug instead of bin\debug\net48 (this is true even in the inner build where $(TargetFramework) is defined). As an alternative to relying on AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath I tried to define $(OutputPath) myself in a Directory.Build.props as bin$(Configuration)$(TargetFramework) but because $(TargetFramework) is not set by the sdk until after my csproj contents are evaluated the same problem occurs (paths in my ItemGroup that use $(OutputPath) evaluate to bin\debug\). The same issue obviously occurs for any PropertyGroup items too.
I can devise some workarounds but they all seem a bit hacky (ex define a preceding target whose only job is to define ItemGroups for inputs/outputs of future targets so that $(OutputPath) is constructed completely by the time it runs). I'm surprised the docs for multi-targeting did not seem to mention that using this feature really messes with your ability to ever refer to build artifacts as part of the build process?

PackageReference condition is ignored for old project format

I'm trying to centralize some of our project configurations by using the Directory.Builds.props/Directory.Build.targets files. Unfortunately we have a mixture of the old and new (sdk-style) project format. And not all of our projects can be converted to the new format due to some features not available in in the new format.
The issues that I'm running into is that I would like to have all our test projects automatically reference certain nuget packages. For projects in the new format, this works fine. However projects in the old format seem to ignore any conditions for the PackageReferences that I specify. It doesn't seem to matter what I use for the condition.
Here is an example of a very simple Directory.Build.Targets file:
<Project xmlns="">
<PackageReference Include="Moq" Version="4.12.0" Condition="False" />
In this case I should never see the Moq package included in any project.
For all the projects in the old format it is included regardless.
I have also tried to use the condition on:
ItemGroup itself
Choose/When block
Putting a condition on a property group or property works as expected on the other hand.
I haven't see any mention in the documentation that conditions are not supported for ItemGroup or PackageReference.
Is there something I'm missing?
I don't believe non-SDK projects support PackageReference; I suspect they are being ignored regardless of any condition you specify. Check for a packages.config file in the same directory as the project file-- if I am right it is present and references the package(s) in question.
The Nuget docs currently state:
You can use a condition to control whether a package is included, where conditions can use any MSBuild variable or a variable defined in the targets or props file. However, at presently, only the TargetFramework variable is supported.
My experience was that the Condition="" was ignored by Visual Studio, but respected by the msbuild command line. However, in my testing the <Choose><When Condition=""> block did seem to be respected by both tools.

MSBuild - Project-specific targets for solution does not work

I have a solution that has multiple projects in it, including a web application. I want MSBuild to execute "WebPublish" target against the web application project and "default target" for all other projects in the solution.
This MSDN article says that I can do it specifying the command line
msbuild SlnFolders.sln /t:NotInSlnfolder:Rebuild;NewFolder\InSolutionFolder:Clean
But I never could make it work - MSBuild return an error, something like "NotInSlnFolder:Rebuild" target does not exist. It does not matter what target to specify, Build, Rebuild or Clean - it does not work in any case.
How can I achieve my goal of specifying project-specific targets for a solution?
The MSDN documentation does not work. Or have I missed something?
NOTE: This workaround is not officially supported by Microsoft, so there is no guarantee that it will work forever.
Short Answer
In folder with the SLN file, create the file before.{YourSolution}.sln.targets, with the following content: (Replace what in curly brackets to whatever you need.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<Target Name="{MyCompany_MyProduct_WebApp:WebPublish}">
Condition="'%(ProjectReference.Identity)' == '{$(SolutionDir)MyCompany.MyProduct.WebApp\MyCompany.MyProduct.WebApp.csproj}'"
Properties="BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)"
SkipNonexistentProjects="%(ProjectReference.SkipNonexistentProjects)" />
After that you can execute the command line:
msbuild {YourSolution}.sln /t:{MyCompany_MyProduct_WebApp:WebPublish}
Long Answer
If you add environment variable MSBUILDEMITSOLUTION, setting its value to 1, MSBuild will not delete temporary files generated for the solution and projects.
This will allow you to find {YourSolution}.sln.metaproj and {YourSolution}.sln.metaproj.tmp files generated in the solution folder, which are just standard MSBuild project files.
For MSBuild 3.5, the generated file is {YourSolution}.sln.cache and is retained regardless of environment variables. Analyzing those files, you will understand low-level details of the process and to see the customization opportunities available.
After executing MSBuild with some project-specific target in the .Metaproj file you will find out that the list of project-specific targets is hardcoded and only standard targets are supported (Build, Rebuild, Clean, Compile, Publish; note: Publish and WebPublish are not the same). MSBuild 3.5 only generates Clean, Rebuild and Publish targets as well as a target with just the project's name that means "Build".
You also can see that NotInSlnfolder:Rebuild is just a name of an autogenerated target. In reality MSBuild does not parse it and does not care about project names and location. Also note that the autogenerated target names specify the project name with solution folders hierarchy if it's in one, e.g. SolFolder\SolSubfolder\ProjectName:Publish.
One more critically important thing you will find: The MSBuild Target Name does not support dots. All dots in project names are replaced with underscores. For example, for a project named MyCompany.MyProduct.Components you will have to specify in the command line:
That's why even standard project-specific target Build didn't work - my project name contained dots.
Analyzing file {YourSolution}.sln.metaproj.tmp, you will find out that at runtime it tries to import targets from file named before.{YourSolution}.sln.targets and after.{YourSolution}.sln.targets, if those files exist. This has a key to the workaround for this MSBuild limitation/bug.
You can open your solution file in text editor and check whether following line is exist or not if not then you can add
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" /> inside the <Project> tag.
Hope this help you.

How to always execute a target in MSBuild

I have an MSBuild file that manipulates the AssemblyInfo file before the application is compiled. At the end of the build, it restores the AssemblyInfo file. It does this by backing up the file, manipulating it, and then after build time, restoring the file.
This works fairly well except when an error occurs during the build. It then does not restore the original file. Is there a way I can tell MSBuild to execute a target at the end of a build no matter if it succeeded or failed?
Based on your last comment to the original question I would take another approach, and forget the approach you are currently taking. You should know that your version info doesn't have to be in the AssemblyInfo.cs file. It can be in any code file, just as long as you only have attributes AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion defined once each. With that being said what I would do is follow these steps:
Remove AssemblyVersion & AssemblyFileVersion from AssemblyInfo.cs
Create a new file, name it whatever you want want in my case I put it at Properties\VersionInfo.cs. Do not add this file to the project.
Edit the project file to include that file into the list of file to be compiled only when you want it
Let's expand a bit on #3. When you build a .NET project, the project itself is an MSBuild file. Inside that file you will find an item declared Compile. This is the list of files that will be sent to the compiler to be compiled. You can dynamically include/exclude files from that list. In you case you want to include the VersionInfo.cs file only if you are building on the build server (or whatever other condition you define). For this example I defined that condition to be if the project was building in Release mode. So for Release mode VersionInfo.cs would be sent to the compiler, and for other builds not. Here are the contents of VersionInfo.cs
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion("")]
In order to hook this into the build process you have to edit the project file. In that file you will find an element (maybe more than 1 depending on project type). You should add a target similar to the following there.
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)'=='Release' ">
<Compile Include="Properties\VersionInfo.cs" />
Here what I've done here is to define a target, BeforeCompile, which is a well-known target that you can override. See this MSDN article about other similar targets. Basically this is a target which will always be called before the compiler is invoked. In this target I add the VersionInfo.cs to the Compile item only if the Configuration property is set to release. You could define that property to be whatever you wanted. For instance if you have TFS as your build server then it could be,
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(TeamFoundationServerUrl)'!='' ">
<Compile Include="Properties\VersionInfo.cs" />
Because we know that TeamFoundationServerUrl is only defined when building through TFS.
If you are building form the command line then something like this
<Target Name="BeforeCompile">
<ItemGroup Condition=" '$(IncludeVersionInfo)'=='true' ">
<Compile Include="Properties\VersionInfo.cs" />
And when you build the project just do msbuild.exe YourProject.proj /p:IncludeVersion=true. Note: this will not work when building a solution.
What about changing the problem:
Add a "template" AssemblyInfo.cs.template to version control that represents your "ideal" AssemblyInfo.cs with regex hooks in there
Before build, copy the template to the real and apply your regexes
Add some kind of subversion ignore for AssemblyInfo.cs (I'm no svn expert, but I'm pretty sure there is a way you can tell it to ignore certain files)
In the event that your devs need to add some kind of customization that would normally appear in an AssemblyInfo.cs (eg InternalsVisibleTo), then get them to add it to a different .cs file that IS checked in.
As a further refinement, combine Sayed's solution with mine and remove version info stuff from the actual AssemblyInfo.cs and have a VersionInfo.cs.template that is checked in, that creates a VersionInfo.cs in BeforeBuild.
I never used it, but from the documentation it seems that the OnError Element is useful to what you're trying to achieve.
Causes one or more targets to execute,
if the ContinueOnError attribute is
false for a failed task.