Swift's "if let" equivalent in Objective C - objective-c

What would be "if let" equivalent in Objective C? The example snippet I want to convert to Objective C is below;
if let pfobjects = images as? [PFObject] {
if pfobjects.count > 0 {
var imageView: PFImageView = PFImageView()
imageView.file = pfobjects[0] as! PFFile

There's no direct equivalent to if let in Objective-C, because if let does Swift-specific things (unwrapping optionals and rebinding identifiers) that don't have direct equivalents in Objective-C.
Here's a nearly equivalent of your Swift code:
if (images != nil) {
NSArray<PFObject *> *pfobjects = (id)images;
if (pfobjects.count > 0) {
PFImageView *imageView = [[PFImageView alloc] init];
assert([pfobjects[0] isKindOfClass:[PFFile class]]);
imageView.file = (PFFile *)pfobjects[0];
[imageView loadInBackground];
But this Objective-C code won't verify that images only contains instances of PFObject, and should successfully create an image view as long as pfobjects[0] is a PFFile. Your Swift code will do nothing (create no image view) if images contains any non-PFObject elements.

You can use NSPredicate to verify the array contains only instances of PFObject:
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"self isKindOfClass: %#", [PFObject class]];
NSInteger numberThatArePFObjects = [images filteredArrayUsingPredicate:p].count;
if(numberThatArePFObjects && numberThatArePFObjects == images.count){
// certain that images only contains instances of PFObject.
If however you weren't working with an array but a single object then it is simpler:
if([image isKindOfClass:[PFObject class]]){
// certain that image is a valid PFObject.
Or if you wanted a new variable:
PFObject* obj = nil;
if([image isKindOfClass:[PFObject class]] && (obj = image)){
// certain that obj is a valid PFObject.

You can use something like this:
NSArray<PFObject *> *pfobjects;
if ([images isKindOfClass: [NSArray<PFObject> class]] && (pfobjects = images)) {
// your code here

You want three things simultaneously. Let's split them:
variable as? OtherType is possible, but erases type, because it returns id. Implementation is as easy as a category on NSObject class, so it becomes NSArray *array = [jsonDict[#"objects"] ifKindOfClass:NSArray.class].
#interface NSObject (OptionalDowncast)
- (id)ifKindOfClass:(__unsafe_unretained Class)clazz;
#implementation NSObject (OptionalDowncast)
- (id)ifKindOfClass:(__unsafe_unretained Class)clazz {
return [self isKindOfClass:clazz] ? self : nil;
if let is also possible in Objective-C if type is known, so it cannot be combined with previous thing. Easiest way is: for(NSArray *array = [self getItems]; array != nil; array = nil) { ... }, but if you want to use else branch, it gets a bit more complex. I have made SwiftyObjC pod for that, please take a look
Check generic template is not possible during type cast in Objective-C, thus you can cast to NSArray, but you can't cast to NSArray<PFObject>
I don't see iterations over your array: With all that being said, I think best example is (assuming images is an array already):
for(PFFile *file = [images.firstObject ifKindOfClass:PFFile.class]; file != nil; file = nil) {
imageView.file = file;
[imageView loadInBackground];
If you need to also iterate over it:
for(id object in images) {
for(PFFile *file = [object ifKindOfClass:PFFile.class]; file != nil; file = nil) {
//operate on file

You can use Objective-C++ in place of Objective-C. In this you can use the next define:
#define let const auto
Note: it is not the same exactly (Swift has wrapped values, ...) but it makes the work easier.
And through of this define you can use it of this way:
if (let pfobjects = images) {
if (pfobjects.count > 0 {
let imageView = [[PFImageView alloc] init];
imageView.file = pfobjects[0];
imageView loadInBackground();
To convert your Objective-C class in Objective-C++ class you only must change the extension of implementation file of .m to .mm


Arc Semantic Issue: No visible #interface for 'CSRGaia' declares the selector 'getUserEQ:'

I'm working on a react-native project that requires some native modules. One of them is a Bluetooth module that allows me to access some CSRGaia methods. Ultimately, I want to be able to read the eq values on the PS-key so that I can set my equalizer to the corresponding values. I know almost nothing about Objective-C
Currently there is a method that looks like this:
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(setEQValues:(NSArray *)values callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback)
CSRPeripheral *connectedPeripheral = [CSRConnectionManager sharedInstance].connectedPeripheral;
if( connectedPeripheral == nil )
[[CSRGaia sharedInstance] setEQValues:values];
This works with no issues. However, when I tried to write my own
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(getUserEQ: (NSArray *)values callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback)
CSRPeripheral *connectedPeripheral = [CSRConnectionManager sharedInstance].connectedPeripheral;
if( connectedPeripheral == nil)
[[CSRGaia sharedInstance] getUserEQ: values];
I get the following error:
No visible #interface for 'CSRGaia' declares the selector 'getUserEQ:'
I double checked the CSRGaia.m file to verify that both methods exist.
- (void)setEQValues:(NSArray *)values {
NSMutableData *payload = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
for( NSNumber *value in values ) {
uint8_t hex = [value unsignedCharValue];
[payload appendBytes:&hex length:1];
[self sendCommand:GaiaCommand_SET_HEP_EQ_PSKEY
- (void)getUserEQ {
[self sendCommand:GaiaCommand_GetUserEQControl
you are calling this method:
notice the 2 dots colon
it's different from method
with no colon
and in your .m file there is only
- (void)getUserEQ {}
i guess you wanted to use the setter method, instead
- (void)setEQValues:(NSArray *)values{}
like this:
[[CSRGaia sharedInstance] setEQValues: values];
add anyway both
- (void)getUserEQ;
- (void)setEQValues:(NSArray *)values;
in CSRGaia.h file
#interface OSRGaia

How to parse and take only this string value

I wanted to get only array string value app. As example(SLGoogleAuth ,HalfTunes,TheBackgrounder,Calculiator) . But don't know how to do?
It's a code.
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
Class LSApplicationWorkspace_class = objc_getClass("LSApplicationWorkspace");
SEL selector=NSSelectorFromString(#"defaultWorkspace");
NSObject* workspace = [LSApplicationWorkspace_class performSelector:selector];
SEL selectorALL = NSSelectorFromString(#"allApplications");
NSLog(#"apps: %#", [workspace performSelector:selectorALL]);
It's output:
Thanks in advance
You do not want to parse that. NSLog prints out a description of an object. You want to access that value directly.
[LSApplicationWorkspace allApplications];
returns NSArray of LSApplicationProxy. LSApplicationProxy class has a ivar _bundleURL that contains information that you need. You need runtime functions to access it. Working example below:
// #import <objc/runtime.h>
Class LSApplicationWorkspace_class = objc_getClass("LSApplicationWorkspace");
SEL selector=NSSelectorFromString(#"defaultWorkspace");
NSObject* workspace = [LSApplicationWorkspace_class performSelector:selector];
SEL selectorALL = NSSelectorFromString(#"allApplications");
NSArray* appProxies = [workspace performSelector:selectorALL];
Ivar bundleUrlIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([appProxies.firstObject class], "_bundleURL");
NSMutableString* result = [NSMutableString string];
for (id appProxy in appProxies)
NSURL* url = object_getIvar(appProxy, bundleUrlIvar);
// at this point you have the information and you can do whatever you want with it
// I will make it a list as you asked
if (url)
[result appendFormat:#",%#", [url lastPathComponent]];
if (result.length > 0)
// remove comma from beginning of the list
[result deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
NSLog(#"apps: %#", result);
Note that this will be rejected by AppStore as you are using private apis. So use at your own discretion.

How can I get list of classes already loaded into memory in specific bundle (or binary)?

It's possible to get list of classes from a bundle via NSBundleDidLoadNotification. But I can't figure out how I can get them from already loaded bundle. (same bundle with code)
I'm trying to get class list of my application bundle. More specifically, the classes only in my application binary.
I looked at objc_getClassList, but it returns ALL classes and it's obviously too heavy for me. I need lightweight method. I found objc_copyClassNamesForImage by googling, but it's not documented, and I don't know how to use it safely. I think I can try to use it conventionally, but I want to find another more safe option before going there.
Another option would be to iterate through all the classes registered with the runtime and use +[NSBundle bundleForClass:] on each one to figure out which one it came from. You can then sort things into sets based on the result.
Something like this:
#interface NSBundle (DDAdditions)
- (NSArray *)definedClasses_dd;
#implementation NSBundle (DDAdditions)
- (NSArray *)definedClasses_dd {
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
int numberOfClasses = objc_getClassList(NULL, 0);
Class *classes = calloc(sizeof(Class), numberOfClasses);
numberOfClasses = objc_getClassList(classes, numberOfClasses);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; ++i) {
Class c = classes[i];
if ([NSBundle bundleForClass:c] == self) {
[array addObject:c];
return array;
Then you can call:
NSLog(#"%#", [[NSBundle mainBundle] definedClasses_dd]);
Try this magic:
- (NSArray *)getClassNames {
NSMutableArray *classNames = [NSMutableArray array];
unsigned int count = 0;
const char **classes = objc_copyClassNamesForImage([[[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath] UTF8String], &count);
for(unsigned int i=0;i<count;i++){
NSString *className = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:classes[i]];
[classNames addObject:className];
return classNames;
I could find some example for the function objc_copyClassNamesForImage at here.
// class name list
const char *image = class_getImageName(objc_getClass("NotMissingRoot"));
const char **names = objc_copyClassNamesForImage(image, NULL);
testassert(classInNameList(names, "NotMissingRoot"));
testassert(classInNameList(names, "NotMissingSuper"));
if (weakMissing) {
testassert(! classInNameList(names, "MissingRoot"));
testassert(! classInNameList(names, "MissingSuper"));
} else {
testassert(classInNameList(names, "MissingRoot"));
testassert(classInNameList(names, "MissingSuper"));
The source code is unofficial but from Apple. So I decided to use this code until I find any better way.

Objective-C Safe Casting Macro

I've written a macro in Objective-C to perform a safe cast. Here's what it looks like so far:
#define SAFE_CAST(OBJECT, TYPE) ([OBJECT isKindOfClass:[TYPE class]] ? (TYPE *) OBJECT: nil)
This works really well, but it'd be nice if there was a way to store OBJECT in a variable so it didn't get called twice. For instance, using the macro as such:
NSString *str = SAFE_CAST([dictinary objectForKey:key], NSString);
results in code similar to this when the macro is expanded:
NSString *str = ([[dictinary objectForKey:key] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ? (NSString *) [dictinary objectForKey:key]: nil);
I'd prefer for it to work more like this:
id obj = [dictionary objectForKey:key];
NSString *str = ([obj objectForKey:key] isKindOfClass[NSString class]] ? (NSString *) obj : nil);
You can use a GCC extension called statement statement expressions to have
#define SAFE_CAST(OBJECT, TYPE) ({ id obj=OBJECT;[obj isKindOfClass:[TYPE class]] ? (TYPE *) obj: nil; })
That said, I think it's generally a bad approach to have a situation where you need to use SAFE_CAST a lot.
Never put objects of different classes in an array; never reuse an action message (IBAction)someAction:(id)sender for UI objects of different classes. Then you usually don't need to use SAFE_CAST.
If you really think you must do this, you could use a function:
#define SAFE_CAST(Object, Type) (Type *)cast_helper(Object, [Type class])
static id cast_helper(id x, Class c) {
return [x isKindOfClass:c] ? x : nil;
So write it like that, just wrap it in do { } while(0) <-- and not just in parenthesis.
#define SAFE_CAST(OBJECT, TYPE, VAR) do { \
id obj = OBJECT; \
VAR = [obj isKindOfClass:[TYPE class]] ? (TYPE *) obj : nil; \
} while(0)

Is there a concise way to map a string to an enum in Objective-C?

I have a string I want to parse and return an equivalent enum. I need to use the enum type elsewhere, and I think I like how I'm defining it. The problem is that I don't know a good way to check the string against the enum values without being redundant about the order of the enums.
Is there no option other than a big if/else?
typedef enum {
} ZZColorType;
- (ZZColorType)parseColor:(NSString *)inputString {
// inputString will be #"red", #"green", or #"blue" (trust me)
// how can I turn that into ZZColorRed, etc. without
// redefining their order like this?
NSArray *colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"red", #"green", #"blue", nil];
return [colors indexOfObject:inputString];
In Python, I'd probably do something like the following, although to be honest I'm not in love with that either.
## maps url text -> constant string
def parseColor(inputString):
return TYPES.get(inputString)
ps. I know there are color constants in Cocoa, this is just an example.
try this: Map enum to char array
Pseudo code.. untested.
int lookup(const char* str) {
for(name = one; name < NUMBER_OF_INPUTS; name++) {
if(strcmp(str, stats[name]) == 0) return name;
return -1;
A more objective-c'ish version of the code could be:
// build dictionary
NSMutableDictionary* dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for(i=0; i<number_of_strings; i++) {
[dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:i] forKey:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:names[i]]];
// elsewhere... lookup in dictionary
id obj = [dict objectForKey:name];
if(obj) return [obj intValue];
return -1;
This has already been answered: Converting between C enum and XML
Basically, you wind up defining corresponding strings when you define your enum, and then you use a category on NSArray so that you can do this:
static NSArray* colorNamesArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:colorNames];
//colorNames is a nil-terminated list of string literals #defined near your enum
NSString* colorName = [colorNamesArray stringWithEnum:color];
//stringWithEnum: is defined with a category
Sure, the #define is a little ugly, but the code above, which is what you'll work with most of the time, is actually pretty clean.
I was never satisfied with any of the suggestions. (But I appreciate the effort that went into them.) I tried a few of them but they didn't feel good or were error-prone in practice.
I ended up created a custom dictionary to map integers to strings which feels a lot better because it's Cocoa through and through. (I didn't subclass NSDictionary in order to make it harder to misuse.)
#interface ZZEnumDictionary : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary;
+ (id)dictionary;
+ (id)dictionaryWithStrings:(id)firstString, ...;
- (NSString *)stringForInt:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (NSInteger)intForString:(NSString *)stringEnum;
- (BOOL)isValidInt:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (BOOL)isValidString:(NSString *)stringEnum;
- (BOOL)stringEquals:(NSString *)stringEnum intEnum:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (BOOL)setContainsString:(NSSet *)set forInt:(NSInteger)intEnum;
- (NSArray *)allStrings;
#interface ZZEnumDictionary ()
- (void)setInt:(NSInteger)integer forString:(NSString *)string;