MFP development server displays 2 of everything - ibm-mobilefirst

Hi I am trying to set up MFP 7.1 development server on my local. I installed eclipse and MF studio. Everything went fine. i could even create a HelloWorld MFPF project. But i noticed 2 of everything under Mobile First Developement Server [ worklight] [Started, Synchronized] in the 'Server" tab . I see 2 AnalysticsServices, 2 AnalyticalUI, 2 WorklightConsole and 2 WorklightServices. Anything wrong with my setup? How can fix it?screenshot of the workspace

Please search first: IBM MobileFirst 7.1 - Local server duplicating resources
The development team is working on fixing it. That said, this duplication has no effect on your project. You can ignore it.


The server was unable to process the request from the application. Please try again later

I have an Application developed in Worklight 6.1 and I upgraded the application to Mobile first 7.1. I have build and deployed the application in Mobile first 7.1.
But my application Not able to invoke the adapter and displayed the Message "The server was unable to process the request from the application. Please try again later"
I have followed the below procedure for up gradation.
1. Installed the Mobile first 7.1 Plugin in Eclipse
2. Imported the Existing 6.1 project in to My work space(I hope Tool will
auto upgrade app to 7.1)
3. Build the application and it generated .war, .wlapp and .adapter files
4. we have installed the standalone 7.1 Server.
5. Deployed the build files in servers.
6. Created the apk and installed in Mobile.
Now it is showing the Message "The server was unable to process the request from the application. Please try again later" while launching the application.
From the logs i found the below details when i try to invoke adapter
invocationContext: null
Status : 404
invocationResult : undefined
Note: It was working well in development environment
Kindly suggest
It'd be more useful to see the complete server and client logs as well. Please upload and edit the question with links to the log files.
That said, in step 6 (Created the apk and installed in Mobile.) you do not mention if you have re-built the project with the correct remote server host, port and context root values. Make sure you've done that. See The Build Settings and Deploy Target command.

Not getting update in worklight 6.3 when connected to local with existing 6.0.2 code migrating to Worklight 6.3

I am migrating my existing project from worklight 6.0.2 to 6.3 with existing environment(No environment change) but i am not able to update the changes connecting to my localhost in iOS(both iPhone and iPad) same is working fine in Android.
Are you in fact referring to Direct Update when you say "unable to update"?
One suggestion to try is to delete the iphone\native folder (assuming you do not have any custom native code, otherwise back it up and put it back in later), and then re-build the application. Then, deploy to device and see that Direct Update now works.

How to Fix No MBean found for Worklight project?

I have a problem when deploying my Worklight project on the server . It shows the following Error Message :
FWLSE3041E: No MBean found for Worklight project 'MyProject'. Possibly the Worklight runtime web application for Worklight project 'MyProject' is not running. If it is running, use JConsole to inspect the available MBeans.
and when I tried to preview my application it showed this message :
SRVE0777E: Exception thrown by application class 'com.worklight.core.auth.impl.AuthenticationFilter.verifyServletInitialized:420'
I had the same issue using Worklight 6.2 CLI, but recreating the project did not work.
One issue that I had was that worklight did not build a .war-file properly, so I copied the .war-file from a backup.
Edit: This happens regularly in our project now, and we have no idea why. We fix it by invoking any procedure, which makes it work until you restart the server. Worklight must be building something when invoking a procedure that it does not do when building.
I Solved The problem by creating a new Worklight Project and copied all my files , it works just fine :) I used Worklight 6.1 instead of 6.2
I solved this by fixing a recently created security test in
The problem was I mispelled the Realm name I previously defined.
I solved this problem by deleting the application from the worklight server and rebuild it.
Delete WorklightServerConfig folder in workspace and rebuild your application.
I was able to fix this in MobileFirst 7.0 (Fka Worklight) by opening the Servers view, Window -> Show View -> Servers. Then expanding the MobileFirst Development Server and right click on the project in question, chose delete.
Once you do that go back to the applications' directory in the "apps" directory and right click -> Run As -> Run On MobileFirst Development Server
This should rebuild and deploy the project on the server.
I solved the problem by using ibm jdk not open jdk. My solution is to make sure the env parameters are correct
export JAVA_HOME = $your_ibm_jdk
export PATH + $your_ibm_jdk/bin:$PATH
run java -version to make sure the setting work

Worklight Development server not starting up

I am currently working with IBM Worklight and came up with this trouble. Everything worked perfectly and suddenly I was updating my Android ADT and then out of nowhere, my worklight server got turned off and It doesn't start up. I searched through the site and could not come up with questions addressing the exact problem.
When I click on the start server, I get the following log info.
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 10777
Launching worklight (WebSphere Application Server on Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, version 1.7.0_51-b13 (en_US)
[AUDIT ] CWWKE0001I: The server worklight has been launched.
[AUDIT ] CWWKG0010I: The server worklight is shutting down because of a previous initialization error.
[AUDIT ] CWWKE0036I: The server worklight stopped after 8.827 seconds.
And a popup box which says
Server Worklight Development Server failed to start.
Here is what my screen looks like..
Kindly help me guys
From the Servers view, delete "Worklight Development Server"
Restart Eclipse
The development server should be automatically re-generated
See if starting it now works.
Per the comments:
Without having the original project to recreate the (new) migration issue, my only solution is to create a new project and copy the web resources to it.
I got similar errors that the upgrade from to failed after updating from eclipse. I deleted the project, recreated it, copied the common folder into it, recreated the environments (android and iphone). Then I was getting errors on both the iphone and andriod build about wlBuildResources/.../obscureArgs.txt not found. I deleted wlBuildResources and started eclipse with -clean. That seems to have at least gotten the project to build. Idan if you want to try this project upgrade/migration you can get it from:
I had a similar issue.
Under your root folder of the worklight project there would be a hidden file under .settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs
Open the same with TextEdit or NotePad. Delete the line wl_version= and save the file. Now try to open the project again it would get recreated with the latest version number.

worklight 5.0.6 - Error when deploying apps to local server

I have just upgrade my Eclipse client running Juno to Worklight 5.0.6 developer edition (
The projects upgrade fine, but when building them and deploying to the local worklight server I get a constant 'persistency data access problem' This occurs across all of my projects and has only been seen since the update.
Any idea on what is causing this problem and how to solve?
I would add a screen shot of the issue but I am not allowed
Based on your comment - in 5.0.6, the database schema has changed, so you have missing tables now. In the Developer Edition of Worklight, upgrade is not supported (this is handled when purchasing a license and using the IBM Installation Mananger for installing Worklight).
Do you mean "HSQL"? What is "Web SQL?"
In any case you will need to clean your database so that it will be re-created, this time with the missing tables.
If you use the default database provided by Worklight (HSQL), go to your Eclipse Workspace and delete the WorklightServerHome folder. Then, re-build your application.