Layering repeated logic atop methods (OOP architecture) - oop

All 3 methods below need to perform a cache check (pseudo code):
public class Calculus
private map<string, IntegralResult> _intCache;
private map<string, DerivativeResult> _derCache;
private map<string, decimal> _mulCache;
public IntegralResult integrate(string func)
// result already cached?
if (_intCache.contains(func)) return _intCache.get(func);
// perform integration
_intCache.put(func, result);
return result;
public DerivativeResult derivative(string func)
// result already cached?
if (_derCache.contains(func)) return _derCache.get(func);
// perform derivative
_derCache.put(func, result);
return result;
/* notice private */
private decimal multiply(decimal a, decimal b)
// result already cached?
string key = (string)a + ";" + (string)b;
if (_mulCache.contains(key)) return _mulCache.get(key);
// perform multiplication
_mulCache.put(key, result);
return result;
What's the best way to rewrite this class? I am looking for applicable design patterns that can be used to layer a specific logic on top of methods.


Best Practice for OOP function with multiple possible control flows

In my project, I have this special function that does needs to evaluate the following:
State -- represented by an enum -- and there are about 6 different states
Left Argument
Right Argument
Left and Right arguments are represented by strings, but their values can be the following:
"_" (a wildcard)
"1" (an integer string)
"abc" (a normal string)
So as you can see, to cover all every single possibility, there's about 2 * 3 * 6 = 36 different logics to evaluate and of course, using if-else in one giant function will not be feasible at all. I have encapsulated the above 3 input into an object that I'll pass to my function.
How would one try to use OOP to solve this. Would it make sense to have 6 different subclasses of the main State class with an evaluate() method, and then in their respective methods, I have if else statements to check:
if left & right arg are wildcards, do something
if left is number, right is string, do something else
Repeat for all the valid combinations in each State subclass
This feels like the right direction, but it also feels like theres alot of duplicate logic (for example check if both args are wildcards, or both strings etc.) for all 6 subclasses. Then my thought is to abstract it abit more and make another subclass:
For each state subclass, I have stateWithTwoWildCards, statewithTwoString etc.
But I feel like this is going way overboard and over-engineering and being "too" specific (I get that this technically adheres tightly to SOLID, especially SRP and OCP concepts). Any thoughts on this?
Possibly something like template method pattern can be useful in this case. I.e. you will encapsulate all the checking logic in the base State.evaluate method and create several methods which subclasses will override. Something along this lines:
class StateBase
def evaluate():
else if(bothStrings)
else if ...
def evalBothWildcards():
def evalBothStrings():
Where evalBothWildcards, evalBothStrings, etc. will be overloaded in inheritors.
there's about 2 * 3 * 6 = 36 different logics to evaluate
We can apply divide and conquer technique.
you have 6 states. It is possible to use Chain of Responibility pattern here to choose appropriate state handler
when desired state handler is found, then we can apply desired function. The appropriate function can be considered as strategy. So it is a place where Strategy pattern can be applied.
we can separate strategies by appropriate states and put them in simple factory to get desired strategy by key.
This is what we will do. So let's see it more thoroughly.
Chain of responsibility pattern
If you have a lot if else statements, it is possible to use Chain of Responsibility pattern. As wiki says about Chain of Responsibility:
The chain-of-responsibility pattern is a behavioral design pattern
consisting of a source of command objects and a series of processing
objects. Each processing object contains logic that defines the
types of command objects that it can handle; the rest are passed to
the next processing object in the chain. A mechanism also exists for
adding new processing objects to the end of this chain
So let's dive in code. Let me show an example via C#.
So this is our Argument class which has Left and Right operands:
public class Arguments
public string Left { get; private set; }
public string Right { get; private set; }
public MyState MyState { get; private set; }
public MyKey MyKey => new MyKey(MyState, Left);
public Arguments(string left, string right, MyState myState)
Left = left;
Right = right;
MyState = myState;
And this is your 6 states:
public enum MyState
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
This is start of Decorator pattern. This is an abstraction of StateHandler which defines behaviour to to set next handler:
public abstract class StateHandler
public abstract MyState State { get; }
private StateHandler _nextStateHandler;
public void SetSuccessor(StateHandler nextStateHandler)
_nextStateHandler = nextStateHandler;
public virtual IDifferentLogicStrategy Execute(Arguments arguments)
if (_nextStateHandler != null)
return _nextStateHandler.Execute(arguments);
return null;
and its concrete implementations of StateHandler:
public class OneStateHandler : StateHandler
public override MyState State => MyState.One;
public override IDifferentLogicStrategy Execute(Arguments arguments)
if (arguments.MyState == State)
return new StrategyStateFactory().GetInstanceByMyKey(arguments.MyKey);
return base.Execute(arguments);
public class TwoStateHandler : StateHandler
public override MyState State => MyState.Two;
public override IDifferentLogicStrategy Execute(Arguments arguments)
if (arguments.MyState == State)
return new StrategyStateFactory().GetInstanceByMyKey(arguments.MyKey);
return base.Execute(arguments);
and the third state handler looks like this:
public class ThreeStateHandler : StateHandler
public override MyState State => MyState.Three;
public override IDifferentLogicStrategy Execute(Arguments arguments)
if (arguments.MyState == State)
return new StrategyStateFactory().GetInstanceByMyKey(arguments.MyKey);
return base.Execute(arguments);
Strategy pattern
Let's pay attention to the following row of code:
return new StrategyStateFactory().GetInstanceByMyKey(arguments.MyKey);
The above code is an example of using Strategy pattern. We have different ways or strategies to handle
your cases. Let me show a code of strategies of evaluation of your expressions.
This is an abstraction of strategy:
public interface IDifferentLogicStrategy
string Evaluate(Arguments arguments);
And its concrete implementations:
public class StrategyWildCardStateOne : IDifferentLogicStrategy
public string Evaluate(Arguments arguments)
// your logic here to evaluate "_" (a wildcard)
return "StrategyWildCardStateOne";
public class StrategyIntegerStringStateOne : IDifferentLogicStrategy
public string Evaluate(Arguments arguments)
// your logic here to evaluate "1" (an integer string)
return "StrategyIntegerStringStateOne";
And the third strategy:
public class StrategyNormalStringStateOne : IDifferentLogicStrategy
public string Evaluate(Arguments arguments)
// your logic here to evaluate "abc" (a normal string)
return "StrategyNormalStringStateOne";
Simple factory
There is no pattern like simple factory. However, it is a place where we can get instances of strategies by key. So by doing this we avoided to use multiple if else statements to choose correct strategy.
So, we need a place where we can store strategies by state and argument value. At first, let's create MyKey struct. It will have help us to differentiate State and arguments:
public struct MyKey
public readonly MyState MyState { get; }
public readonly string ArgumentValue { get; } // your three cases: "_",
// an integer string, a normal string
public MyKey(MyState myState, string argumentValue)
MyState = myState;
ArgumentValue = argumentValue;
public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
return obj is MyKey mys
&& mys.MyState == MyState
&& mys.ArgumentValue == ArgumentValue;
public override int GetHashCode()
unchecked // Overflow is fine, just wrap
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + MyState.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + ArgumentValue.GetHashCode();
return hash;
and then we can create a simple factory:
public class StrategyStateFactory
private Dictionary<MyKey, IDifferentLogicStrategy>
_differentLogicStrategyByStateAndValue =
new Dictionary<MyKey, IDifferentLogicStrategy>()
{ new MyKey(MyState.One, "_"), new StrategyWildCardStateOne() },
{ new MyKey(MyState.One, "intString"),
new StrategyIntegerStringStateOne() },
{ new MyKey(MyState.One, "normalString"),
new StrategyNormalStringStateOne() }
public IDifferentLogicStrategy GetInstanceByMyKey(MyKey myKey)
return _differentLogicStrategyByStateAndValue[myKey];
So we've written our strategies and we've stored these strategies in simple factory StrategyStateFactory.
Then we need to check the above implementation:
StateHandler chain = new OneStateHandler();
StateHandler secondStateHandler = new TwoStateHandler();
StateHandler thirdStateHandler = new ThreeStateHandler();
Arguments arguments = new Arguments("_", "_", MyState.One);
IDifferentLogicStrategy differentLogicStrategy = chain.Execute(arguments);
string evaluatedResult =
differentLogicStrategy.Evaluate(arguments); // output: "StrategyWildCardStateOne"
I believe I gave basic idea how it can be done.

HTTP end point property string starts with "is" will get omit [duplicate]

This might be a duplicate. But I cannot find a solution to my Problem.
I have a class
public class MyResponse implements Serializable {
private boolean isSuccess;
public boolean isSuccess() {
return isSuccess;
public void setSuccess(boolean isSuccess) {
this.isSuccess = isSuccess;
Getters and setters are generated by Eclipse.
In another class, I set the value to true, and write it as a JSON string.
System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(myResponse));
In JSON, the key is coming as {"success": true}.
I want the key as isSuccess itself. Is Jackson using the setter method while serializing? How do I make the key the field name itself?
This is a slightly late answer, but may be useful for anyone else coming to this page.
A simple solution to changing the name that Jackson will use for when serializing to JSON is to use the #JsonProperty annotation, so your example would become:
public class MyResponse implements Serializable {
private boolean isSuccess;
public boolean isSuccess() {
return isSuccess;
public void setSuccess(boolean isSuccess) {
this.isSuccess = isSuccess;
This would then be serialised to JSON as {"isSuccess":true}, but has the advantage of not having to modify your getter method name.
Note that in this case you could also write the annotation as #JsonProperty("isSuccess") as it only has the single value element
I recently ran into this issue and this is what I found. Jackson will inspect any class that you pass to it for getters and setters, and use those methods for serialization and deserialization. What follows "get", "is" and "set" in those methods will be used as the key for the JSON field ("isValid" for getIsValid and setIsValid).
public class JacksonExample {
private boolean isValid = false;
public boolean getIsValid() {
return isValid;
public void setIsValid(boolean isValid) {
this.isValid = isValid;
Similarly "isSuccess" will become "success", unless renamed to "isIsSuccess" or "getIsSuccess"
Read more here:
Using both annotations below, forces the output JSON to include is_xxx:
When you are using Kotlin and data classes:
data class Dto(
#get:JsonProperty("isSuccess") val isSuccess: Boolean
You might need to add #param:JsonProperty("isSuccess") if you are going to deserialize JSON as well.
EDIT: If you are using swagger-annotations to generate documentation, the property will be marked as readOnly when using #get:JsonProperty. In order to solve this, you can do:
#JsonAutoDetect(isGetterVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE)
data class Dto(
#field:JsonProperty(value = "isSuccess") val isSuccess: Boolean
You can configure your ObjectMapper as follows:
mapper.setPropertyNamingStrategy(new PropertyNamingStrategy() {
public String nameForGetterMethod(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedMethod method, String defaultName)
if(method.hasReturnType() && (method.getRawReturnType() == Boolean.class || method.getRawReturnType() == boolean.class)
&& method.getName().startsWith("is")) {
return method.getName();
return super.nameForGetterMethod(config, method, defaultName);
I didn't want to mess with some custom naming strategies, nor re-creating some accessors.
The less code, the happier I am.
This did the trick for us :
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
#JsonIgnoreProperties({"success", "deleted"}) // <- Prevents serialization duplicates
public class MyResponse {
private String id;
private #JsonProperty("isSuccess") boolean isSuccess; // <- Forces field name
private #JsonProperty("isDeleted") boolean isDeleted;
Building upon Utkarsh's answer..
Getter names minus get/is is used as the JSON name.
public class Example{
private String radcliffe;
public getHarryPotter(){
return radcliffe;
is stored as { "harryPotter" : "whateverYouGaveHere" }
For Deserialization, Jackson checks against both the setter and the field name.
For the Json String { "word1" : "example" }, both the below are valid.
public class Example{
private String word1;
public setword2( String pqr){
this.word1 = pqr;
public class Example2{
private String word2;
public setWord1(String pqr){
this.word2 = pqr ;
A more interesting question is which order Jackson considers for deserialization. If i try to deserialize { "word1" : "myName" } with
public class Example3{
private String word1;
private String word2;
public setWord1( String parameter){
this.word2 = parameter ;
I did not test the above case, but it would be interesting to see the values of word1 & word2 ...
Note: I used drastically different names to emphasize which fields are required to be same.
You can change primitive boolean to java.lang.Boolean (+ use #JsonPropery)
private Boolean isA = false;
public Boolean getA() {
return this.isA;
public void setA(Boolean a) {
this.isA = a;
Worked excellent for me.
If you are interested in handling 3rd party classes not under your control (like #edmundpie mentioned in a comment) then you add Mixin classes to your ObjectMapper where the property/field names should match the ones from your 3rd party class:
public class MyStack32270422 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ObjectMapper om3rdParty = new ObjectMapper();
om3rdParty .addMixIn(My3rdPartyResponse.class, MixinMyResponse.class);
// add further mixins if required
String jsonString = om3rdParty.writeValueAsString(new My3rdPartyResponse());
class MixinMyResponse {
// add all jackson annotations here you want to be used when handling My3rdPartyResponse classes
private boolean isSuccess;
class My3rdPartyResponse{
private boolean isSuccess = true;
// getter and setter here if desired
Basically you add all your Jackson annotations to your Mixin classes as if you would own the class. In my opinion quite a nice solution as you don't have to mess around with checking method names starting with "is.." and so on.
there is another method for this problem.
just define a new sub-class extends PropertyNamingStrategy and pass it to ObjectMapper instance.
here is a code snippet may be help more:
mapper.setPropertyNamingStrategy(new PropertyNamingStrategy() {
public String nameForGetterMethod(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedMethod method, String defaultName) {
String input = defaultName;
input = method.getName();
//copy from LowerCaseWithUnderscoresStrategy
if (input == null) return input; // garbage in, garbage out
int length = input.length();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(length * 2);
int resultLength = 0;
boolean wasPrevTranslated = false;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
char c = input.charAt(i);
if (i > 0 || c != '_') // skip first starting underscore
if (Character.isUpperCase(c))
if (!wasPrevTranslated && resultLength > 0 && result.charAt(resultLength - 1) != '_')
c = Character.toLowerCase(c);
wasPrevTranslated = true;
wasPrevTranslated = false;
return resultLength > 0 ? result.toString() : input;
The accepted answer won't work for my case.
In my case, the class is not owned by me. The problematic class comes from 3rd party dependencies, so I can't just add #JsonProperty annotation in it.
To solve it, inspired by #burak answer above, I created a custom PropertyNamingStrategy as follow:
mapper.setPropertyNamingStrategy(new PropertyNamingStrategy() {
public String nameForSetterMethod(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedMethod method, String defaultName)
if (method.getParameterCount() == 1 &&
(method.getRawParameterType(0) == Boolean.class || method.getRawParameterType(0) == boolean.class) &&
method.getName().startsWith("set")) {
Class<?> containingClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
String potentialFieldName = "is" + method.getName().substring(3);
try {
return potentialFieldName;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// do nothing and fall through
return super.nameForSetterMethod(config, method, defaultName);
public String nameForGetterMethod(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedMethod method, String defaultName)
if(method.hasReturnType() && (method.getRawReturnType() == Boolean.class || method.getRawReturnType() == boolean.class)
&& method.getName().startsWith("is")) {
Class<?> containingClass = method.getDeclaringClass();
String potentialFieldName = method.getName();
try {
return potentialFieldName;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// do nothing and fall through
return super.nameForGetterMethod(config, method, defaultName);
Basically what this does is, before serializing and deserializing, it checks in the target/source class which property name is present in the class, whether it is isEnabled or enabled property.
Based on that, the mapper will serialize and deserialize to the property name that is exist.

JMockit: expectations on non-mock objects, or, mock objects with more behavior

I am using the class below in a test to take the place of the 'real' Requestor. (The real one does HTTP.) Note that the method in here has void for return type, but it has behavior to mock; it calls back on the callback. I wish that I could write expectations on the method here so that I don't need to write JUnit asserts on counters and such. But I don't see how; I don't see how this can be an #Mock, since I'm not substituting for some other live object, and I don't see how to use a delegate for a function that returns void. Is there a way?
private static class TrivialRequestor implements Requestor {
private final boolean error;
private final int returnedQueueDepth;
TrivialRequestor(boolean error, int returnedQueueDepth) {
this.error = error;
this.returnedQueueDepth = returnedQueueDepth;
public void dispatch(Ticket ticket, FutureCallback<RequestorResult> callback) {
if (error) {
callback.onFailure(new Exception("You asked for it"));
} else {
callback.onSuccess(new RequestorResult(ticket, returnedQueueDepth));

Spring JDBC and Java 8 - JDBCTemplate: retrieving SQL statement and parameters for debugging

I am using Spring JDBC and some nice Java 8 lambda-syntax to execute queries with the JDBCTemplate.
The reason for choosing Springs JDBCTemplate, is the implicit resource-handling that Spring-jdbc offers (I do NOT want a ORM framework for my simple usecase's).
My problem is that I want to debug the whole SQL statements with their parameters. Spring prints the SQL by default but not the parameters. Therefor I have subclassed the JDBCTemplate and overridden a query-method.
An example usage of the JDBCTemplate:
public List<Product> getProductsByModel(String modelName) {
List<Product> productList = jdbcTemplate.query(
"select * from product p, productmodel m " +
"where p.modelId = " +
"and = ?",
(rs, rowNum) -> new Product(
getModelById(rs.getInt("modelId")), // method not shown
return productList;
To get hold of the parameters I have, as mentioned, overridden the JDBCTemplate class. By doing a cast and using reflection I get the Object[] field with the parameters from an instance of ArgumentPreparedStatementSetter.
I suspect this implementation could potentially be dangerous, as the actual implementation of the PreparedStatementSetter may not always be ArgumentPreparedStatementSetter (Yes I should do an instanceOf check). Also, the reflection code may not be as elegant, but that is besides the point now though :).
Here's my custom implementation:
public class CustomJdbcTemplate extends JdbcTemplate {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomJdbcTemplate.class);
public CustomJdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource) {
public <T> T query(PreparedStatementCreator psc, final PreparedStatementSetter pss, final ResultSetExtractor<T> rse)
throws DataAccessException {
if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
ArgumentPreparedStatementSetter aps = (ArgumentPreparedStatementSetter) pss;
try {
Field args = aps.getClass().getDeclaredField("args");
Object[] parameters = (Object[]) args.get(aps);
log.debug("Parameters for SQL query: " + Arrays.toString(parameters));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new GenericException(e.toString(), e);
return super.query(psc, pss, rse);
So, when I execute the log.debug(...) statement I would also like to have the original SQL query logged (same line). Has anyone done something similar or are there any better suggestions as to how this can be achieved?
I do quite a few queries using this CustomJDBCTemplate and all my tests run, so I think it may be an acceptable solution of for most debug purposes.
Kind regards,
I found a way to get the SQL-statement, so I will answer my own question :)
The PreparedStatementCreator has the following implementation:
private static class SimplePreparedStatementCreator implements PreparedStatementCreator, SqlProvider
So the SqlProvider has a getSql() method which does exactly what I need.
Posting the "improved" CustomJdbcTemplate class if anyone ever should need to do the same :)
public class CustomJdbcTemplate extends JdbcTemplate {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomJdbcTemplate.class);
public CustomJdbcTemplate(DataSource dataSource) {
public <T> T query(PreparedStatementCreator psc, final PreparedStatementSetter pss, final ResultSetExtractor<T> rse)
throws DataAccessException {
if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
if(pss instanceof ArgumentPreparedStatementSetter) {
ArgumentPreparedStatementSetter aps = (ArgumentPreparedStatementSetter) pss;
try {
Field args = aps.getClass().getDeclaredField("args");
Object[] parameters = (Object[]) args.get(aps);
log.debug("SQL query: [{}]\tParams: {} ", getSql(psc), Arrays.toString(parameters));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new GenericException(e.toString(), e);
return super.query(psc, pss, rse);
private static String getSql(Object sqlProvider) { // this code is also found in the JDBCTemplate class
if (sqlProvider instanceof SqlProvider) {
return ((SqlProvider) sqlProvider).getSql();
else {
return null;

Incremental score calculation bug?

I've been dealing with a score corruption error for few days with no apparent reason. The error appears only on FULL_ASSERT mode and it is not related to the constraints defined on the drools file.
Following is the error :
014-07-02 14:51:49,037 [SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-4] TRACE Move index (0), score (-4/-2450/-240/-170), accepted (false) for move (EMP4#START => EMP2).
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Score corruption: the workingScore (-3/-1890/-640/-170) is not the uncorruptedScore (-3/-1890/-640/-250) after completedAction (EMP3#EMP4 => EMP4):
The corrupted scoreDirector has 1 ConstraintMatch(s) which are in excess (and should not be there):[org.drools.core.reteoo.InitialFactImpl#4dde85f0]=-170
The corrupted scoreDirector has 1 ConstraintMatch(s) which are missing:[org.drools.core.reteoo.InitialFactImpl#4dde85f0]=-250
Check your score constraints.
The error appears every time after several steps are completed for no apparent reason.
I'm developing a software to schedule several tasks considering time and resources constraints.
The whole process is represented by a directed tree diagram such that the nodes of the graph represent the tasks and the edges, the dependencies between the tasks.
To do this, the planner change the parent node of each node until he finds the best solution.
The node is the planning entity and its parent the planning variable :
#PlanningEntity(difficultyComparatorClass = NodeDifficultyComparator.class)
public class Node extends ProcessChain {
private Node parent; // Planning variable: changes during planning, between score calculations.
private String delay; // Used to display the delay for nodes of type "And"
private int id; // Used as an identifier for each node. Different nodes cannot have the same id
public Node(String name, String type, int time, int resources, String md, int id)
super(name, "", time, resources, type, md); = id;
public Node()
this.delay = "";
public String getDelay() {
return delay;
public void setDelay(String delay) {
this.delay = delay;
#PlanningVariable(valueRangeProviderRefs = {"parentRange"}, strengthComparatorClass = ParentStrengthComparator.class, nullable = false)
public Node getParent() {
return parent;
public void setParent(Node parent) {
this.parent = parent;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
/*public String toString()
return delay;
return Tools.excerpt(name+" : ";
return Tools.excerpt(name);
public String toString()
if(parent!= null)
return Tools.excerpt(name) +"#"+parent;
return Tools.excerpt(name);
public boolean equals( Object o ) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
} else if (o instanceof Node) {
Node other = (Node) o;
return new EqualsBuilder()
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder()
// ************************************************************************
// Complex methods
// ************************************************************************
public int getStartTime()
return Graph.getInstance().getNode2times().get(this).getFirst();
catch(NullPointerException e)
System.out.println("getStartTime() is null for " + this);
return 10;
public int getEndTime()
{ try{
return Graph.getInstance().getNode2times().get(this).getSecond();
catch(NullPointerException e)
System.out.println("getEndTime() is null for " + this);
return 10;
#ValueRangeProvider(id = "parentRange")
public Collection<Node> getPossibleParents()
Collection<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(Graph.getInstance().getNodes());
nodes.remove(this); // We remove this node from the list
if(Graph.getInstance().getParentsCount(this) > 0)
nodes.remove(Graph.getInstance().getParents(this)); // We remove its parents from the list
if(Graph.getInstance().getChildCount(this) > 0)
nodes.remove(Graph.getInstance().getChildren(this)); // We remove its children from the list
return nodes;
* The normal methods {#link #equals(Object)} and {#link #hashCode()} cannot be used because the rule engine already
* requires them (for performance in their original state).
* #see #solutionHashCode()
public boolean solutionEquals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
} else if (o instanceof Node) {
Node other = (Node) o;
return new EqualsBuilder()
} else {
return false;
* The normal methods {#link #equals(Object)} and {#link #hashCode()} cannot be used because the rule engine already
* requires them (for performance in their original state).
* #see #solutionEquals(Object)
public int solutionHashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder()
Each move must update the graph by removing the previous edge and adding the new edge from the node to its parent, so i'm using a custom change move :
public class ParentChangeMove implements Move{
private Node node;
private Node parent;
private Graph g = Graph.getInstance();
public ParentChangeMove(Node node, Node parent) {
this.node = node;
this.parent = parent;
public boolean isMoveDoable(ScoreDirector scoreDirector) {
List<Dependency> dep = new ArrayList<Dependency>(g.getDependencies());
dep.add(new Dependency(parent.getName(), node.getName()));
return !ObjectUtils.equals(node.getParent(), parent) && !g.detectCycles(dep) && !g.getParents(node).contains(parent);
public Move createUndoMove(ScoreDirector scoreDirector) {
return new ParentChangeMove(node, node.getParent());
public void doMove(ScoreDirector scoreDirector) {
scoreDirector.beforeVariableChanged(node, "parent"); // before changes are made
//The previous edge is removed from the graph
if(node.getParent() != null)
Dependency d = new Dependency(node.getParent().getName(), node.getName());
node.setParent(parent); // the move
//The new edge is added on the graph (parent ==> node)
Link link = new Link();
Dependency d = new Dependency(parent.getName(), node.getName());
g.addEdge(link, parent, node);
g.getDep2link().put(d, link);
scoreDirector.afterVariableChanged(node, "parent"); // after changes are made
public Collection<? extends Object> getPlanningEntities() {
return Collections.singletonList(node);
public Collection<? extends Object> getPlanningValues() {
return Collections.singletonList(parent);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
} else if (o instanceof ParentChangeMove) {
ParentChangeMove other = (ParentChangeMove) o;
return new EqualsBuilder()
.append(node, other.node)
.append(parent, other.parent)
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return new HashCodeBuilder()
public String toString() {
return node + " => " + parent;
The graph does define multiple methods that are used by the constraints to calculate the score for each solution like the following :
rule "MinimizeTotalTime" // Minimize the total process time
scoreHolder.addSoftConstraintMatch(kcontext, 1, -Graph.getInstance().totalTime());
On other environment modes, the error does not appear but the best score calculated is not equal to the actual score.
I don't have any clue as to where the problem could come from. Note that i already checked all my equals and hashcode methods.
EDIT : Following ge0ffrey's proposition, I used collect CE in "MinimizeTotalTime" rule to check if the error comes again :
rule "MinimizeTotalTime" // Minimize the total process time
ArrayList() from collect(Node())
scoreHolder.addSoftConstraintMatch(kcontext, 0, -Graph.getInstance().totalTime());
At this point, no error appears and everything seems ok. But when I use "terminate early", I get the following error :
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Score corruption: the solution's score (-9133) is not the uncorruptedScore (-9765).
Also, I have a rule that doesn't use any method from the Graph class and seems to respect the incremental score calculation but returns another score corruption error.
The purpose of the rule is to make sure that we don't use more resources that available:
rule "addMarks" //insert a Mark each time a task starts or ends
Node($startTime : getStartTime(), $endTime : getEndTime())
insertLogical(new Mark($startTime));
insertLogical(new Mark($endTime));
rule "resourcesLimit" // At any time, The number of resources used must not exceed the total number of resources available
Mark($startTime: time)
Mark(time > $startTime, $endTime : time)
not Mark(time > $startTime, time < $endTime)
$total : Number(intValue > Global.getInstance().getAvailableResources() ) from
accumulate(Node(getEndTime() >=$endTime, getStartTime()<= $startTime, $res : resources), sum($res))
scoreHolder.addHardConstraintMatch(kcontext, 0, (Global.getInstance().getAvailableResources() - $total.intValue()) * ($endTime - $startTime) );
Following is the error :
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Score corruption: the workingScore (-193595) is not the uncorruptedScore (-193574) after completedAction (DWL_CM_XX_101#DWL_PA_XX_180 => DWL_PA_XX_180):
The corrupted scoreDirector has 4 ConstraintMatch(s) which are in excess (and should not be there):[43.0, 2012, 1891]=-2783[45.0, 1870, 1805]=-1625[46.0, 1805, 1774]=-806[45.0, 1774, 1762]=-300
The corrupted scoreDirector has 3 ConstraintMatch(s) which are missing:[43.0, 2012, 1901]=-2553[45.0, 1870, 1762]=-2700[44.0, 1901, 1891]=-240
Check your score constraints.
A score rule that has a LHS of just "eval(true)" is inherently broken. Either that constraint is always broken, for the exact same weight, and there really is no reason to evaluate it. Or it is sometimes broken (or always broken but for different weights) and then the rule needs to refire accordingly.
Problem: the return value of Graph.getInstance().totalTime() changes as the planning variables change value. But Drools just looks at the LHS as planning variables change and it sees that nothing in the LHS has changed so there's no need to re-evaluate that score rule, when the planning variables change. Note: this is called incremental score calculation (see docs), which is a huge performance speedup.
Subproblem: The method Graph.getInstance().totalTime() is inherently not incremental.
Fix: translate that totalTime() function into a DRL function based on Node selections. You 'll probably need to use accumulate. If that's too hard (because it's a complex calculation of the critical path or so), try it anyway (for incremental score calculation's sake) or try a LHS that does a collect over all Nodes (which is like eval(true) but it will be refired every time.