AKKA.Net Clustering and Shared Resource - akka.net

Hey I'm doing some reading and watching some videos on AKKA.Net and am loving what I am seeing. I want to try AKKA.net in an existing application I have but I need help clarifying some things
I want to create an Akka.net cluster with:
3 Nodes/ Machines
a shared resource (a counter) between them.
a shared Resource statistics readable from all nodes
Whenever a node cashes a ticket it will take the value of the counter and increment it by one then update the counter. No two tickets should have the same counter value. The shared statistics info is to hold the value if tickets cashed in so it should be deployed to all nodes in the cluster.
How do I ensure that the tickets have unique counter values? I am used to the locks implimentation but what would be the actor implimentation?
if a node is disconnected from the cluster is an event raised that I can catch to make the necessary adjustments?

How do I ensure that the tickets have unique counter values?
If you can't access the actor system to request a "counter" or identifier, then use something like a GUID to uniquely identify a resource (Guid.NewGuid()). If you require a global integer counter then you'll have to implement an actor which tracks this counter and dispenses new values on demand.
if a node is disconnected from the cluster is an event raised that I can catch to make the necessary adjustments?
Yes, you can listen to Cluster gossip events and determine when a node has been disconnected and decide if it is no longer available:


Akka-persistence, evnet migratuion from one actor to another

I have one question about akka-persistence and event migration. I do have read the "Schema Evolution for Event Sourced Actors" chapter. However, this does not give an answer to my question.
Given I have one persistent actor ChildActor that produce Created event. But, later we discover that ChildActor should be a child of ParentActor. And ParentActor has to update his state based on the creation of ChildActor (to maintains a collection of childs).
We can add a new command CreateChild for ParentActor that will create the ChildActor. However, the parent will never receive the Created event emitted by his child. Thus it will not be able to update his state. Of course, ParentActor can create a ChildCreated event for himself.
But, what about the Created events already persisted by FirstActor?
How can we "send" (and, ideally adapt) them to the ParentActor?
So, my question is:
Can we "route" persisted events from one actor to another?
It is possible to watch the events persisted by a given persistence ID with the events by persistence ID query. Since this query is very much like what Akka Persistence must do in replaying events to rebuild a persistent actor's state, it's available in all the commonly used plugins: you'll need to check the documentation for your plugin for how to summon a ReadJournal. Once summoned, assuming that the ReadJournal is further an instance of EventsByPersistenceIdQuery, you would use (Scala):
readJournal.eventsByPersistenceId(childActorPersistenceId, fromOffset, Long.MaxValue)
which would give you an Akka Streams Source of events in order starting at fromOffset. Your subscribing actor may (probably will) want to save in its state the last-seen sequence number as part of its state so if it resumes it doesn't see the event it processed (ideally the event updating the sequence number would be in the same batch or otherwise atomically part of the state update).
Note that there will be an observable delay from persisting the event to when ParentActor sees the event, though many of the recent iterations of plugins (e.g. Cassandra or R2DBC) can directly propagate the event or at least the notification that there's an event for the persistence ID to the query.

Redis Pub Sub - Only one subscriber to Act on expired event

I'm implementing redis Keyspace notifications in my application which is having 10 instances on our production environment.
My pubsub listens for expired event in map1 and decrements in map2 based on that.
This works fine on my local machine. My issue is that when I deploy my application with multiple instances , I think all instances will read expired event and all will decrement the key whereas I want to restrict that only 1 instance should decrement.
Is there any way to achieve this ?
Your listeners will have to coordinate the decrement somehow. You can do that with some sort of locking, but a simpler way perhaps would be embed a notion of version/timestamp into this logic. Here's what I had in mind.
What if you include a timestamp in your "map2"? An expired event has it's own timestamp, so you can have the listeners check-and-set against that (tip: I'd use Lua for the CAS). This will prevent race-like conditions and multiple decrements in one go.
Note: Redis PubSub is amazing, but note that your current solution does not ensure the decrement in "map2" in case a message is lost. In the very near future, Redis will offer the Stream data type, that is much more suitable for that type of job. Specifically, the Stream Consumer Groups functionality is IMO just what you need here for replacing keyspace notifications.

Akka.net cluster sharding: Unable to register coordinator

I am trying to setup akka.net cluster sharding by creating a simple project.
Project layout:
Actors - class library that defines one actor and message. Is reference by other projects
Inbound - Starts ShardedRegion and is the only node participating in cluster sharding. And should be the one hosting the coordinator too.
MessageProducer - Will host only shardedregion proxy to send messages to the ProcessorActor.
Lighthouse - seed node
Uploaded images show that the coordinator singleton is not initialized and messages send through sharedregion proxy are not delivered.
Based on the blog post by petabridge, petabridge.com/blog/cluster-sharding-technical-overview-akkadotnet/, I have excluded lighthouse, by setting akka.cluster.sharding.role, from participating in cluster sharding so that coordinator is not created on it.
Not sure what am I missing to get this to work.
This was already answered on gitter, but here's the tl;dr:
Shard region proxy needs to share the same role as a corresponding shard region. Otherwise proxy may not be able to find shard coordinator, and therefore not able to find initial location of a shard, it wants to send message to.
IMessageExtractor.GetMessage method is used to extract an actual message, that is going to be send to sharded actor. In example message extractor was used to extract string property from enveloping message, yet a receiver actor has Receive handler set for envelope, not a string.

How to successfully set up a simple cluster singleton in Akka.NET

I was running into a problem attempting to set up a Cluster Singleton within an Akka.NET cluster where more than one instance of the singleton was starting up and running within my cluster. The cluster consists of Lighthouse (the seed node) and x number of instances of the main cluster node of which there are cluster shards as well as this singleton that exist within this node.
In order to reproduce the problem I was having I set up an example solution in GitHub but unfortunately I'm having a different problem here as I always get Singleton not available messages and my singleton never receives a message. This is sort of opposite problem that I was getting originally but nonetheless I would like to sort out a working example of cluster singleton.
[DEBUG][8/22/2016 3:06:18 PM][Thread
Singleton not available, buffering message type [System.String]
In the Lighthouse process I see the following messags.
Akka.Remote.EndpointWriter: Dropping message
[Akka.Actor.ActorSelectionMessage] for non-local recipient
[[akka.tcp://sync#]] arriving at
[akka.tcp://sync#] inbound addresses
Potentially related:
It appears that the only bit that was missing was that the actor system specified in the actor path for my seed node did not match the actor system name specified in both Lighthouse and my Cluster Node processes. After ensuring that it matches in all three places the cluster is now behaving as expected.
Special thanks to Chris G. Stevens for his assistance.

JMS message received at only one server

I'm having a problem with a JEE6 application running in a clustered environment using WebSphere ApplicationServer 8.
A search index is used for quick search in the UI (using Lucene), which must be re-indexed after new data arrived in the corresponding DB layer. To achieve this we're sending a JMS message to the application, then the search index will be refreshed.
The problem is, that the messages only arrives at one of the cluster members. So only there the search index is up to date. At the other servers it remains outdated.
How can I achieve that the search index gets updated at all cluster members?
Can I receive the message somehow on all servers?
Or is there a better way to do this?
I found a possible solution:
Generally, a JMS message delivered via a queue goes only to one of the cluster members. I found a possible way to get the info to all of the cluster members, using a EJB timer. Creating a non-persistent timer should call the callback method on all of the cluster members. This might be a convenient way to recreate the local search index on all the cluster members.
It is important to be a non-persistent ejb timer, because persistent timers get synchronized on the cluster and are only executed on one of the cluster members.