Programatically render template area in Magnolia CMS - rendering

I search for rendering specific content in Magnolia like components with Render Engine So I found this topic on stackoverflow : Programatically render template area in Magnolia CMS
My question is about the structure of the following classes : FilteringAppendableWrapper and
FakeResponse : used to put fake Http Response in the AppendableFilteringResponseOutputProvider
Thanks for any help.

What about it do yo want to ask? Why he didn't use the real response? Because he was faking whole (web) request to a page too and then getting output from his "FakeResponse" and adding it to json array to fill in body of the response of a request that came over REST.
Personally, I think such solution is overkill for the job and if I had to do the same, I would probably simply register variation template for a component or whole page and when requesting page w/ e.g. .ajax extension I would have my variation to kick in and rendered whole page (or area or component) as a json array.

There is no need for fake response. This simple code work well :
Session session = MgnlContext.getJCRSession("website");
Node content = session.getNode("/protoTest/content/01");
componentDefinition = templateDefinitionAssignment.getAssignedTemplateDefinition(content);
OutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
appendable = new AppendableOnlyOutputProvider(writer);
renderingEngine.render(content, componentDefinition, new HashMap<String, Object>(), appendable);
((Writer) appendable.getAppendable()).flush();


Express redirect to a results page after a form post

I am currently working on an express application that uses handlebars to render templates for html to be delivered to the browser.
On one of the pages I have a form, this form data needs to be posted to a route in express, once the form data is received I then build a new object so I can then do a further post from express to an api, this api should then return some data back to the express app for me to then render this new data to a new view.
So post from form to a route say '/searh'.
In the search route I build a new object with the submitted for data.
This new object is then posted to an api.
This api should return some data.
With this new data I will pass this to my handlebars template to
render a new page showing these results
e.g. the search page is '/search' and I need to show the results in '/resuls'
I am just now sure how I can achieve this in terms of rendering a new page based off of the returned results.
Any help greatly appreciated.

There is a way in Tumblr to get media images URL in the same domain of the blog name?

Lets say my blog is
All the post's images are stored in (for example: (first 2 numbers can be skipped)
But i want the URL of the image be in the same domain of my blog, and looks something like this:
(that doesn't exist)
Why i need that? I am creating a script, and it generates a canvas that detects if the image have transparency with a getImageData (all the .jpg are skipped), but since the subdomain is different, i get a cross-domain security error, and the canvas is tainted, avoiding the use of getImageData.
So.. how can i do that?
I think Tumblr API could be useful, but how?
Scrape your sitemap for all posts and get their images. You could use the API or just with Javascript in the browser console:
xmlin = prompt(); //
parser = new DOMParser();
posts = xmlDoc.querySelectorAll('loc');
postlist = [];
for (i=0;i<posts.length;i++) {postlist.push(posts[i].innerHTML)}; generate an array containing all posts, which can be navigated through for photo posts ( and their URLs copied.
Then simply generate a new list of images with a for loop and newImg = document.createElement('img'), setting an origin attribute using newImg.setAttribute('origin') = myPhotoList[n] which can then be used to select an image programmatically:
(or {PhotoURL-1280}, {PhotoURL-500}, {PhotoURL-250} etc. Once retrieved over an XMLHttpRequest, you could simply switch the post in the DOM. The {PhotoURL-HighRes} in my example above wouldn't work, it'd be an attribute from the page I'm just indicating which part you'd want to get from the theme HTML.
As explained in this post, there is a variable which could be used as a more concise attribute than the full origin URL if you want to be a bit more specific with regular expressions.
This would effectively put all of your images onto your local URL, with URLs like, and avoid cross-domain restrictions. I'm guessing it'd work only if you don't have a ton of posts as custom pages such as you'd be using to store images do have a restriction on their size (though I suppose you could make a second one).
Also might be sensible to include CSS to set display: none in case anyone stumbles upon the page by accident, and a redirect function to the homepage with window.onload or similar.

How to pass data between pages through worklight client API

I want to invoke a procedure in one page and use it in another page, and the response is only used by the next page, so I think JsonStore is not suit for that. Should I define a global var?
Is there any code sample to do such things? Thanks for your help.
I presume by pages you mean different HTML files. If so, that is not recommended, Worklight is intended for single page applications. There are no code samples that show how to do that.
I would recommended having a single HTML page and using something like jQuery.load to inject new HTML / DOM elements. By dynamically injecting new HTML your single/main HTML file shouldn't be too big and you can destroy (i.e. remove from memory / the DOM) unused DOM elements. Searching on Google for page fragments and html templates could help you find examples. The idea is that you don't lose the JavaScript context.
Maybe you can get away with doing a new init to re-initialize JSONStore (it won't delete any the data, just give you access) on every new HTML page and use get to get access to the JSONStore collections to perform operations such as find.

Apache Wicket how to render a (non-wicket) response page

I'm using Apache Wicket and I have following problem:
Inside a onSubmit() method I am sending a POST request to external web address with Apache httpClient. As a response I get html (inside my response object).
How can I get Wicket to render this html in browser?
So basically what I'm trying to do here, is simply what would normally happen if I submitted a html form to this web address. However for security reasons I don't want to give user pages containing forms that contain this data I'm trying to send.
You can get the response via getResponse() in any component. (I assume the onSubmit() is on a form).
How about something like:
htmlPage should be a CharSequence containing the html page to be rendered.

Get the HTML output data from a wicket component

I'm currently writing a web widget, and I would like to fill the content of this widget with some HTML data generated by a wicket component on my server.
To do that, the server will output the HTML data via JSONP. So far so good.
However I need to get this HTML data. How can I get on the server the HTML output from some wicket component?
I dont know if this can be applied to your configuration, but I am using a view lines of code to retrieve rendered html which I wrote some time ago for building html based emails to be able to use wicket components in it
protected final String renderPage(Component page) {
final Response oldResponse = RequestCycle.get().getResponse();
BufferedWebResponse tempResponse = new BufferedWebResponse((WebResponse) RequestCycle.get().getOriginalResponse());
try {
finally {
return tempResponse.toString();
As this rendering is made within an actual webapplication cycle but independently from the actual requestcycle, it is recommended to preserve the original requestcycle. The page will be rendered in your temporary webresponse from which you can retrieve the rendered html output.
Hope this may be what you are looking for
You might find everything you need in this Wicket Wiki article and the linked source code: Use wicket as template engine
Although I must admit that I never tried that, just read it and remembered for further reference...