I currently have the following graph in my OrientDB database:
Which contains of the following properties:
Basically a User can be part of a so called Thread, this is set by the IsMember edge. If they are a member they are able to send a Message to a Thread.
Inside the IsMember edge there is also a last_read property which is of the type DateTime, this is a date of when they last opened the Thread. So if we try and get all the Messages with a newer created_at we get all the unread Message's. A query to accomplish this could look like this (cluster 12=users 14=thread):
let $LR = (select lastRead.asLong() from IsMember where in = #12:1320782 AND out = #14:705856)
WHERE in = #14:705856 AND out = #12:1320782 AND created_at.asLong() > $LR[0].lastRead
This is great and all but I would like to show a unread counter for all the Threads. Using this query for all the Threads a User is a Member of would in some cases use up to 200-300 queries.
So basically I am looking for a query that is able to get all the unread Messages of all the threads a User is a member of.
Extra usefull queries:
A query to get all the subscribed Threads of a User would look something like this:
select expand(out) from (
select * from IsMember where in = 12:1320782
Query to get the lastRead property from a given User and Thread
select lastRead.asLong() from IsMember where in = #12:1320782 AND out = #14:705856
Try this query
select in.nick as user ,out.title as thread ,$a.size() as count from IsMember
let $a=(select created_at from Message where out.nick=$parent.current.in.nick and in.title=$parent.current.out.title and created_at > $parent.current.last_read)
In my rails app, I have Users and Listings. The Listings belong to a User. Listing has user_id and its filled with users id who is creating the listing.
A user can be a premium user, gold user or silver user.
What I want is for each premium user, select one random listing to show in premium listings.
I can do it in O(n**2) time or n+1 query as follow:
users_id = User.where(:role => "premium").pluck[:id]
final_array = Array.new
users_id.each do |id|
final_array << Listing.where(:user_id => id).sample(1)
Is there a better way of doing this?
You could try this:
listings = Listing.select(
DISTINCT ON (users.id) users.id,
row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY users.id ORDER BY random())
.where(users: { role: :premium })
It gives a random Listing for every premium user.
It produces the only request to db and also it won't make an extra request for getting listing's user, so you are free to do something like this:
listings.each do |listing|
p listing.user
random_user_listings = []
User.includes(:listings).where(role: "premium").find_each do |user|
random_user_listings << user.listings.sample(1)
To avoid N+1 query you need to combine them, perform query one time like this:
list = Listing.includes(:user).where(:role => "premium").sample(1)
Feel free to deal with list instead of Listing. Because now you're dealing with variable, not Query.
ids = list.pluck(:user_id).uniq
Getting array of ids like above and doing further steps as you did (but with list, not Listing)
Need to be noticed that, when you deal with Model you're dealing with QUERY. Avoiding doing that in loop statement.
I have 3 Models: Offer, Request and Assignment. Assignment makes a connection between Request and Offer. Now I want to do this:
select *
from offer as a
where places > (
select count(*)
from assignment
where offer_id = a.id and
to_date > "2014-07-07");
I am not quiet sure how to achieve this with a django QuerySet... Any tips?
Edit: The query above is just an example, how the query in general should look like. The django model looks like this:
class Offer(models.Model):
places = models.IntegerField()
class Request(models.Model):
class Assignment(models.Model):
from_date = models.DateField()
to_data = models.DateField()
request = models.ForeignKey("Request",related_name="assignments")
offer = models.ForeignKey("Offer",related_name="assignments")
People now can create a offer with a given amount of places or a request. The admin then will connect a request with an offer for a given time. This is saved as an assignment. The query above should give me a list of offers, which have still places left. Therefore I want to count the number of valid assignments for a given offer to compare it with its number of places. This list should be used to find a possible offer for a given request to create a new assignment.
I hope this describes the problem better.
Unfortunately related subqueries aren't directly supported by ORM operations. Usage of .extra(where=...) should be possible in this case.
To get the same results without using a subquery something like the following should work:
The exact query depends on the model definitions.
query = '''select *
from yourapp_offer as a
where places > (
select count(*)
from yourapp_assignment
where offer_id = a.id and
to_date > "2014-07-07");'''
offers = Offer.objects.raw(query):
I need to fill in a template with a summary of user activity in a simple messaging system. For each message sender, I want the number of messages sent and the number of distinct recipients.
Here's a simplified version of the model:
class Message(models.Model):
sender = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='messages_from')
recipient = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='messages_to')
timestamp = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
Here's how I'd do it in SQL:
SELECT sender_id, COUNT(id), COUNT(DISTINCT recipient_id)
FROM myapp_messages
GROUP BY sender_id;
I've been reading through the documentation on aggregation in ORM queries, and although annotate() can handle the first COUNT column, I don't see a way to get the COUNT(DISTINCT) result (even extra(select={}) hasn't been working, although it seems like it should). Can this be translated into a Django ORM query or should I just stick with raw SQL?
You can indeed use distinct and count together, as seen on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13145407/237091
In your case:
SELECT sender_id, COUNT(id), COUNT(DISTINCT recipient_id)
FROM myapp_messages
GROUP BY sender_id;
would become:
recipient_count=Count('recipient', distinct=True))
from django.db.models import Count
messages = Message.objects.values('sender').annotate(message_count=Count('sender'))
for m in messages:
m['recipient_count'] = len(Message.objects.filter(sender=m['sender']).\
values_list('recipient', flat=True).distinct())
In my application I the next task that has not already been done by a user. I have Three models, A Book that has many Tasks and then I have a User that has has and belongs to many tasks. The table tasks_users table contains all completed tasks so I need to write a complex query to find the next task to perform.
I have came up with two solutions in pure SQL that works, but I cant translate them to rails, thats what I need help with
SELECT * FROM `tasks`
WHERE `tasks`.`book_id` = #book_id
AND `tasks`.`id` NOT IN (
SELECT `tasks_users`.`task_id`
FROM `tasks_users`
WHERE `tasks_users`.`user_id` = #user_id)
ORDER BY `task`.`date` ASC
and equally without nested select
FROM tasks
LEFT JOIN tasks_users
ON tasks_users.tasks_id = task.id
AND tasks_users.user_id = #user_id
WHERE tasks_users.task_id IS NULL
AND tasks.book_id = #book_id
This is what I Have done in rails with the MetaWhere plugin
book.tasks.joins(:users.outer).where(:users => {:id => nil})
but I cant figure out how to get the current user there too,
Thanks for any help!
I think this will duplicate the second form with the LEFT JOIN:
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :next_task, lambda { |book,user| book.tasks.\
joins("LEFT JOIN task_users ON task_users.task_id=tasks.id AND task_users.user_id=#{user.id}").\
order("date DESC").limit(1) }
Note that instead of tasks_users this uses the table name task_user, which is more typical for a join model. Also, it needs to be called with:
book.tasks.where("tasks.id not in (select task_id from tasks_users where user_id=?)", #user_id).first
That would give you the first task that doesn't already have an entry in tasks_users for the current user.
I'm new to Django and still having some problems about simple queries.
Let's assume that I'm writting an email application. This is the Mail
class Mail(models.Model):
to = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name = "to")
sender = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name = "sender")
subject = models.CharField()
conversation_id = models.IntegerField()
read = models.BooleanField()
message = models.TextField()
sent_time = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add = True)
Each mail has conversation_id which identifies a set of email messages
which are written and replyed. Now, for listing emails in inbox, I
would like as gmail to show only last email per conversation.
I have the SQL equivalent which does the job, but how to construct native Django query for this?
id in
group by conversation_id);
Thank you in advance!
Does this work? It would require Django 1.1.
from django.db.models import Max
mail_list = Mail.objects.values('conversation_id').annotate(Max('id'))
conversation_id_list = mail_list.values_list('id__max',flat=True)
conversation_list = Mail.objects.filter(id__in=conversation_id_list)
So, given a conversation_id you want to retrieve the related record which has the highest id. To do this use order_by to sort the results in descending order (because you want the highest id to come first), and then use array syntax to get the first item, which will be the item with the highest id.
# Get latest message for conversation #42
However, this differs from your SQL query. Your query appears to provide the latest message from every conversation. This provides the latest message from one specific conversation. You could always do one query to get the list of conversations for that user, and then follow up with multiple queries to get the latest message from each conversation.