How to dismiss 3 modal view controllers at once? - objective-c

I have an app that has an initial login screen then when the user wants to sign up, they are presented with a registration form that is three view controllers presented modally. When the user completes the form on the third screen (by pressing a "Done" button), I want the user to be taken back to the initial login screen.
I have tried doing this in the third view controller:
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil]
[self.presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil]
[self.presentingViewController.presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil]
However it only dismissed two of the view controllers and not all 3. Why did this happen?

As other people pointed out, there are more elegant/efficient/easier ways to achieve similar results from the UX perspective: via a navigation controller, or a page view controller, or other container.
Short/quick answer: you need to go one step further in the chain of presenting view controllers, because the dismissal request needs to be sent to the controller that's presenting, and not to the one that's being presented. And you can send the dismiss request to that controller only, it will take care of popping from the stack the child controllers.
UIViewController *ctrl = self.presentingViewController.presentingViewController.presentingViewController;
[ctrl dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil]
To explain why, and hopefully help other people better understand the controller presenting logic in iOS, below you can find are more details.
Let's start from Apple documentation on dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:
Dismisses the view controller that was presented modally by the view controller.
The presenting view controller is responsible for dismissing the view controller it presented. If you call this method on the presented view controller itself, UIKit asks the presenting view controller to handle the dismissal.
Thus [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil] simply forwarded the request to self.presentingViewController. Which means the first two lines had the same effect (actually the 2nd line did nothing as there was no presented controller after the 1st one executed).
This is why your dismissal of view controllers worked only the top 2 ones. You should've start with self.presentingViewController and go along the chain of presenting view controllers. But this is not very elegant and can cause problems if later on the hierarchy of view controllers changes.
Continuing to read on the documentation, we stumble upon this:
If you present several view controllers in succession, thus building a stack of presented view controllers, calling this method on a view controller lower in the stack dismisses its immediate child view controller and all view controllers above that child on the stack.
So you needn't call dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: three times, a call on the controller that you want to come back will suffice. At this point, passing a reference to that controller would be more reliable than navigating through the stack of view controllers.
There are some more useful details in the documentation, for example regarding what transitions apply when dismissing multiple controllers at once.
I recommend you go through the whole documentation, not only for this method, but for all methods/classes that you use in your application. You'll likely discover things that will make your life easier.
And if you don't have the time to read all Apple's documentation on UIKit, you can read it when you run into problems, like in this case with dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: not working as you thought it would.
As a closing note, there are some more subtle issues with your approach, as the actual dismissal takes place in another runloop cycle, as it's possible to generate console warnings and not behave as expected. This is why further actions regarding presenting/dismissing other controllers should be done in the completion block, to give a change to UIKit to finish updating its internal state.

Totally understood. What I will do is embed a navigation controller instead of using modal. I have a case just like you. I have LoginViewController to be the root view controller of the UINavigationController. SignupViewController will be presented by push method. For ResetPasswordViewController, I will use modal because it's supposed to go back to LoginViewController no matter the results. Then, you can dismiss the whole UINavigationController from SignupViewController or LoginViewController.
Second approach will be like, you come up with your own mechanism to reference the presented UIViewController via a shared instance. Then, you can easily dismiss it. Be careful with the memory management. After dismissing it, you should consider whether you need to nil it right away.

I know three ways to dismiss several viewControllers:
Use a chain of completion blocks
UIViewController *theVC = self.presentingViewController;
UIViewController *theOtherVC = theVC.presentingViewController;
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO
[theVC dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO
[theOtherVC dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];
Use 'viewWillAppear:' method of viewControllers
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
if (self.shouldDismiss)
CustomVC *theVC = (id)self.presentingViewController;
theVC.shouldDismiss = YES;
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];
Pass a reference to LoginVC1 further down the chain.
(This is the best approach so far)
Imagine you have some StandardVC, which presented LoginVC1.
Then, LoginVC1 presented LoginVC2.
Then, LoginVC2 presented LoginVC3.
An easy way of doing what you want would be to call (from inside your LoginVC3.m file)
[myLoginVC1 dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
In this case your LoginVC1 would lose its strong reference (from StandardVC), which means that both LoginVC2 and LoginVC3 would also be deallocated.
So, all you need to do is let your LoginVC3 know that LoginVC1 exists.
If you don't want to pass a reference of LoginVC1, you can use:
[self.presentingViewController.presentingViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];
However, the above approaches are NOT the correct ways of doing what you want to do.
I would recommend you doing the following:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
if (!self.isUserLoggedIn)
[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController = self.myLoginVC;
return YES;
Then, when user finished his login process, you can use
[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController = self.myUsualStartVC;


Load view with the navigation controller?

I have an app where my main view is embedded in a navigation controller. From there, buttons push onto other view controllers. This all works fine. However, one of the view controllers it pushes to updates one of the root's values and presents it again. However this time, it only presents the ViewController without the navigation controller, and of course, pressing the button to go back will end in a crash. Hopefully this picture will help understand my issue. The pressing enter thing isn't really a big deal, I just call this function on return of the keyboard.
Code to go back to the main controller:
-(void)createNewMain:(NSString*)newAddress {
ViewController* newController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"MainView"];
newController.labelText = newAddress;
newController.connected = self.connected;
[self presentViewController:newController animated:YES completion:nil];
The problem is simple, you're presenting the instantiated view controller modally.
[self presentViewController:newController animated:YES completion:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:newController animated:yes];
Also, you can make a segue to do that from the storyboard. When the segue executes, it will create a new instance and will not use the previously created one.
Note: If you really don't need to create a new instance, consider using delegation to exchange information between objects.
You don't really want to "return" to a new instance of a root controller. What you need to do to properly return to the root controller is to pop all the other ones from the navigation controller's stack like this:
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Use Delegation to pass the expected/required message you want from your Pi Controller to your Root View Controller and set it up according to the message. You don't need to create a new instance of your Root View Controller from there. You can always go back to your root view controller from anywhere in the navigation stack by using
[[self navigationController] popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];

Getting this warning "while a presentation is in progress" (Xcode)

In a project I'm writing I get this error when I present a new view controller:
Attempt to present.... while a presentation is in progress!
I think it happens because I first present a new view controller, and then in that view I present another view controller.
- (void)loadLabelSettings {
LabelSettingsViewController *labelSettings =
[[LabelSettingsViewController alloc] init];
labelSettings.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
[self presentViewController:labelSettings animated:YES completion:nil];
The program doesn't crash or anything it runs just fine, and there is no errors or warnings in my code. So my question is: Is it something I should be concerned with and if yes how do I solve it?
Thanks in advance :)
It is, like you said, probably caused by presenting two view controllers at the same time. Wait with presenting the second view controller until the first one has been fully presented. A good location would be to do this in viewDidAppear.
In my case, I connected a UIViewControllers UIButton with a second UIViewController by a UIStoryboardSegue. Inside my code a called it a second time programmatically. So pressing the UIButton caused presenting the specified view two times.
I figured out my problem, as Scott wrote it was because I was presenting 2 view controllers at the same time. It happened because I had a button that had a UILongPressGestureRecognizer, that showed the new view controller. The problem was that when using a UILongPressGestureRecognizer, the method that is being called, is called twice. First when the long press is detected and when your finger is released from the screen. So the presentViewController method of the same view, was called twice. I fixed this by only reacting to the first detection. Here is the code :
- (void)loadButtonSettings:(UILongPressGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {
if (recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {

Unable to create unwind segues when using custom view controller containment

I'm attempting to convert our application to storyboards and have hit what I believe is a bug in the handling of unwind segues when dealing with custom container controllers. We have a view controller which displays another and uses the view controller containment api to do this, I wire up the segue in IB then select a custom class for the implementation. The perform method looks something like this:
-(void) perform {
UIViewController *container = [self sourceViewController];
UIViewController *child = [self destinationViewController];
[container addChildViewController:child];
[container.view addSubview:child.view]; =;
[UIView transitionWithView:container.view
child.view.alpha = 1;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[child didMoveToParentViewController:container];
That works perfectly, however I can't make it perform the unwind segue back to the container controller. I override viewControllerForUnwindSegueAction: fromViewController: withSender: and ensure that it's returning the correct value:
-(UIViewController *) viewControllerForUnwindSegueAction:(SEL)action fromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromViewController withSender:(id)sender {
id default = [super viewControllerForUnwindSegueAction:action fromViewController:fromViewController withSender:sender];
NSAssert1(default == self, #"Expected the default view controller to be self but was %#", default);
return default;
I can also confirm that canPerformUnwindSegueAction:fromViewController:withSender is being called and doing the right thing, but to be sure I overrode it to return YES
-(BOOL) canPerformUnwindSegueAction:(SEL)action fromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromViewController withSender:(id)sender {
return YES;
The next step I would expect to happen is for segueForUnwindingToViewController:fromViewController:identifier: to be called, however it never is. Instead the application crashes with an NSInternalInconsistencyException.
2012-10-01 10:56:33.627 UnwindSegues[12770:c07] *** Assertion failure in -[UIStoryboardUnwindSegueTemplate _perform:], /SourceCache/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-2372/UIStoryboardUnwindSegueTemplate.m:78
2012-10-01 10:56:33.628 UnwindSegues[12770:c07] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not find a view controller to execute unwinding for <USCustomContainerViewController: 0x75949a0>'
*** First throw call stack:
(0x1c8e012 0x10cbe7e 0x1c8de78 0xb61f35 0x581711 0x45ab54 0x10df705 0x16920 0x168b8 0xd7671 0xd7bcf 0xd6d38 0x4633f 0x46552 0x243aa 0x15cf8 0x1be9df9 0x1be9ad0 0x1c03bf5 0x1c03962 0x1c34bb6 0x1c33f44 0x1c33e1b 0x1be87e3 0x1be8668 0x1365c 0x1e7d 0x1da5)
libc++abi.dylib: terminate called throwing an exception
Has anyone successfully used unwind segues combined with the view controller containment APIs? Any idea what step I'm missing? I've uploaded a demo project to github which shows the issue in the simplest demonstration project I could come up with.
The problem in your example is that there's no there there. It's too simple. First, you create your container view controller in a rather odd way (you don't use the new IB "container view" which is there to help you do this). Second, you've got nothing to unwind: nothing was pushed or presented on top of anything.
I have a working example showing that canPerformUnwindSegueAction really is consulted up the parent chain, and that viewControllerForUnwindSegueAction and segueForUnwindingToViewController are called and effective, if present in the right place. See:
I have now also created a fork of your original example on github, correcting it so that it illustrates these features:
It isn't really a situation where "unwind" is needed, but it does show how "unwind" can be used when a custom container view controller is involved.
This seems to be a bug – I would also expect unwind segues to work as you implemented.
The workaround that I used is explicitly dismissing the presented view controller in the IBAction method:
- (UIStoryboardSegue *)segueForUnwindingToViewController:(UIViewController *)toViewController
fromViewController:(UIViewController *)fromViewController
identifier:(NSString *)identifier
return [[UIStoryboardSegue alloc] initWithIdentifier:identifier
- (IBAction)unwind:(UIStoryboardSegue*)segue
UIViewController *vc = segue.sourceViewController;
[vc willMoveToParentViewController:nil];
if ([vc respondsToSelector:#selector(beginAppearanceTransition:animated:)]) {
[vc beginAppearanceTransition:NO animated:YES]; // iOS 6
UIView *modal = vc.view;
UIView *target = [[segue destinationViewController] view];
[UIView animateWithDuration:duration animations:^{
modal.frame = CGRectMake(0, target.bounds.size.height, modal.frame.size.width, modal.frame.size.height);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[modal removeFromSuperview];
[vc removeFromParentViewController];
if ([vc respondsToSelector:#selector(endAppearanceTransition)]) {
[vc endAppearanceTransition];
Brief history before the answer: I just ran into the same exact error message when trying to use multiple Container Views on one iPad screen in iOS 6 and calling unwind segues from code. At first I thought this may be a problem because my segue was created using Storyboards by CTRL-dragging from File Owner to Exit instead of from some UI control to Exit, but I got same results when I put test Close buttons on each VC and had them trigger the unwind segues. I realized that I'm trying to unwind an embed segue, not a modal/push/popup segue, so it makes sense that it fails to do it. After all, if the unwind segue succeeds and the view controller is unloaded from a Container View, iOS 6 thinks there'll just be an empty space on the screen in that spot. (In my case, I have another container view taking up screen real estate that's shown behind the container view which I'm trying to unload, but iOS doesn't know that since the two aren't connected in any way.)
Answer: this led me to realize that you can only unwind modal, push, or popover segues, be it within the main window or as part of a Navigation/Tab Controller. This is b/c iOS then knows that there was a previous VC responsible for the whole screen and it's safe to go back to it. So, in your case, I'd look into a way to tell iOS that your child container view is connected to your parent container view in a way that makes it safe to dismiss the child container view. For example, perform a modal/push/popover segue when displaying the child container view, or wrap both into a custom UINavigationController class (I assume you don't want the navigation bar, that's why custom class).
Sorry I can't give exact code, but this is the best I got to so far and I hope it's helpful.
Looks like this bug is fixed in iOS9.

Mail TabBarItem dismissModalViewControllerAnimated

I'm adding TabBarItem (Email) dynamically. When I finish with my email, I'm calling 'dismissModalViewControllerAnimated' but it's simply dismissing mail view. How do I unload the view controller?
in my email view controller I'm doing following:
- (void)viewDidLoad => I would like to unload this view controller
[super viewDidLoad];
[self showEMail:nil]; => this display and dismisses email (I'm not calling present.. and dismiss... in a row. I'm using delegate methods to present and dismiss, which is fine.)
[self presentModalViewController:picker animated:YES];
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
after selecting my tab bar item, it's loading view controller(Lets say 'ABC View controller') which is presenting my mail modal controller. mail modal controller is being dismissed properly. but I would like to come back to previously selected tab item after unloading the 'ABC view controller'. is it possible? or am i doing something wrong here?
Thanks in advance
Rama, your question is hard to understand. maybe you need to use delegation for the view controller you are presenting.
In your code, calling [self presentModalViewController...] and [self dismissModalViewController...] in a row doesn't make sense.
You shall call the [self presentModalViewController...] in the first place, make the presenting view controller as the delegate (picker.delegate = self, for instance)
let the modal view controller do its business including exiting (like user hits cancel, close or whatever), then call the delegation method (something like [delegate didFinish...] or [delegate didCancel...]
now it's the presenting view controller's turn to response to the delegation method calling, you can do the modal view controller dismissing here
Note: many UIKit classes practice this pattern, such as UIAlertView, UIActionSheetView, MPMoviePlayerViewController, etc. You shall check them and make your own
I've solved problem by using ViewWiilAppear method to display mail modal presenter.
and i'm selecting the index of tab bar controller after dismissing mail modal presenter.
self.tabBarController.selectedIndex =0;
This solved my problem.

Displaying Login View on app resume

What is the best way to display a view (in my case a login screen) on app resume. From looking around, I've been playing with the applicationDidBecomeActive event in my AppDelegate, but I cannot seem to get my head around how to properly display a view from here.
I've tried to grab the current window by using self.window and/or it's subviews, but from the AppDelegate self.window is nil.
So far this application seems to be wired up correctly, but I am baffled by two things.
A) why is self.window nil from within my AppDelegate's applicationDidBecomeActive event handler.
B) what is the correct/normal way of display a login view (or the like) on application resume.
Implement a custom UIViewController for all of your applications to inherent from. In this view controller implement logic in the viewWillAppear message to determine and show the login screen if necessary.
#interface CustomViewController : UIViewController
#implementation CustomViewController
LoginViewController *loginView = [[LoginViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"LoginView" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:loginView animated:false];
Then, simply, in your login view controller make sure you call:
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:false];
The benefits of this approach are two fold. Firstly, it's a very simple implementation. However, most compellingly, having a base class for an application's view controller presents the opportunity to extract common logic.
I have worked on a security tutorial provided by Chris Lowe on that was intended to demonstrate how to use basic iOS security to lock the application.
The premise behind this tutorial though was that the application would prompt for login upon first launch and if application was resumed upon unlocking the device through the use of NSNoftificationCenter in viewDidLoad and subscribe the the notifications: deviceWillLock and deviceWillUnlock. All of this assumes the device is set to lock.
Basic iOS Security Tutorial Part 2 - This is the part that has the NSNotification registration.
Basic iOS Security Tutorial Part 1 - This is the first part of the tutorial for clarity.
I also ran into this problem and came across this question whilst researching a solution. I didn't want to create the intermediate super class for my views and I wasn't sure how it would work out with navigation controllers. I have come up with another solution that works well for me - so thought I would share it. It is based around the use of NSNotificationCenter .
In your app delegate create a property to hold a reference to the currently displayed view controller - say currentViewController.
Then in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method, register a block observer to update the currentViewController property like this:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:#"CurrentViewChanged"
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note)
{self.currentViewController = (UIViewController *)note.object;} ];
In your view controller implementations, update the viewDidAppear methods to notify the observer that a new view controller is being displayed by adding the following line
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"CurrentViewChanged" object:self];
Finally, include code in the applicationDidBecomeActive method in your app delegate to force the modal display of your login screen.
UIStoryboard *mainStoryBoard = self.window.rootViewController.storyboard;
UnlockViewController *uvc = [mainStoryBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"modalUnlockView"];
uvc.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCrossDissolve;
[self.currentViewController presentViewController:uvc animated:YES completion:NULL];
A couple of additional items to note :-
You can disable the login screen display at anytime by posting a notification where the view controller passed is nil.
You only need to post the notification once for a navigation view controller at the top level. All view controllers in the navigation controller stack will be covered. I haven't checked, but I suspect the same is true for a tab view controller.
If you want to display the login screen the first time you enter the app after startup then include the following line in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method.
self.currentViewController = self.window.rootViewController;
I hope this is of some use.