I need help formatting inner join command in SQL query - sql

Here is my ERD for SQL Server:
I need to find out which books are associated with each publisher.
USE BookStoreDB
FROM Books
INNER JOIN [Publishers] PublisherID ON PublishersID = ProductID
I'm assuming I just didn't create the INNER JOIN command correctly?

SELECT p.PublisherID, b.ProductID
FROM Books b
INNER JOIN Publishers p ON p.PublisherID = b.PublisherID

The ON part of a join defines how the two tables are related to each other. In your case, it would be:
INNER JOIN Publishers ON (Books.PublisherID = Publishers.PublisherID)
If you put something between the name of the table, and the ON, it's treated as an alias. You can (and should) also use these aliases in your SELECT
FROM Books B
INNER JOIN Publishers P ON (B.PublisherID = P.PublisherID)
Finally, you probably want to select information that will actually tell you who the publisher is:
SELECT B.ISBN, P.CompanyName
FROM Books B
INNER JOIN Publishers P ON (B.PublisherID = P.PublisherID)


SQL Server query issue - ambiguous column

I have four tables :
Applicant (aid, aname)
entrance_test (Etid, etname)
etest_centre (etcid, location)
etest_details (aid, etid, etcid, etest_dt)
I want to select the number of applicants who have appeared for each test, test center wise.
This is my current query:
location, etname, count(Aid) as number of applicants
applicant as a
inner join
etest_details as d on a.aid = d.aid
inner join
Entrance_Test as t on t.Etid = d.Etid
inner join
Etest_Centre as c on c.Etcid = d.Etcid
group by
Location, Etname
This is the error I am getting :
Ambiguous column name 'Aid'
You have the column aid in multiple tables, and it doesn't know which to pick from. You should specify which table it is from using the aliases you defined.
In this case, since a.Aid is the same as d.Aid (due to the JOIN), I'm using the a alias, but do keep in mind if location and etname also appear in multiple tables, you need to specify which table it should pick from.
Select c.location, t.etname, Count(a.Aid)
From Applicant As a
Inner Join etest_details As d On a.aid = d.aid
Inner Join Entrance_Test As t On t.Etid = d.Etid
Inner Join Etest_Centre As c On c.Etcid = d.Etcid
Group By c.Location, t.Etname
As a rule of thumb, when you have multiple sources in one query, you should always be explicit about which table it should come from. Even if you're sure it only exists in one of them, it's a good habit to get into to avoid issues like this in the future.
You need to mention the alias in the COUNT clause. Since you are using aliases, it would be better if you use them in the SELECT and GROUP BY sections as well. In this case, it should be :
SELECT a.location,
FROM applicant AS a
INNER JOIN etest_details AS d ON a.aid = d.aid
INNER JOIN Entrance_Test AS t ON t.Etid = d.Etid
INNER JOIN Etest_Centre AS c ON c.Etcid = d.Etcid
GROUP BY a.Location,

SQL Query for Inner Join

There Is three table Master, Regular and Customer.
I'm saving ControlId in customer master for both Master and Regular. I want to get Profile from Master from the Customer Record.
By using below Query. I'm able to get MasterID from regular But I want Profile.
select * from customer where refId='R000003'
(select ControlId from regular where LicenseId='R000003')
Master Table
Regular Table
My Query Is..
SELECT Customer.CustomerId, Regular.LicenseId, Regular.ControlId,
Master.FullName, Master.profile
Regular ON Customer.RefId = Regular.LicenseId INNER JOIN
Master ON Regular.ControlId = Master.MasterId
WHERE (Customer.RefId = 'R000003')
But Its showing Regural's only I want Masters record also...
Is this what you mean? I'm not sure..
select regular.ControlId, master.profile
from regular r inner join master m ON (r.controlId = m.masterId)
where regular.LicenseId='R000003'
Posting an image of your data is not helpful. No one is going to type this in.
Paste the sample.
I am going to guess that RefId and LicenseId refer to each other. I think this is the query you want:
select c.*, m.profile
from customer c join
regular r
on c.refId = r.LicenseId join
master m
on r.controlId = m.MasterId;
I would advise you to fix your tables. Join keys in different tables should have similar names, so you know they line up. In fact, I almost always name my join keys as "Id", so this query would look more like like:
select c.*, m.profile
from customer c join
regular r
on c.CustomerId = r.CustomerId join
master m
on r.MasterId = m.MasterId;

SQL statement - difficulty producing two fields from one table

I am relatively new to SQL and able to write some simple statements with some JOIN, WHERE thrown in. I also have some experience with SSRS 2008. However I am having difficulty producing two (unique) lists of names based on one table.
I am trying to produce a report containing Staff Members which lists Clients they look after. All names (regardless whether Staff or Client) are held in the Person table. I can run a simple query listing all staff members or clients but I am unable to list both.
To produce the Client list my query would be simply
SELECT p.Forenames, p.Surname
FROM Person AS p
INNER JOIN Client AS c ON p.ID = c.ID
and to produce the Staff list my query would be as above but the INNER JOIN as follows:
INNER JOIN StaffMember AS s ON p.ID = s.ID
The link between Staff Member and Client with all the different links are as follows (for reference).
Client.ID = ClientRecordForm.Client_ID
Person.ID = ClientRecordForm.AssignedSupportWorker_ID
Person.ID = StaffMember.ID
StaffMember.ID = ClientRecordForm.AssignedSupportWorker_ID
To help illustrate this, I can run a query to list Staff Members who have been assigned to Clients.
SELECT DISTINCT p.Forenames, p.Surname
FROM Person AS p
INNER JOIN ClientRecordForm AS crf ON p.ID = crf.AssignedSupportWorker_ID
This last query is essentially what I want but I am struggling to add the Client names as I don't seem to be able to distinguish the Clients as I am already using the Person table
If you want to show persons and be able to distinguish clients as well, try a self join.
SELECT DISTINCT p.Forenames, p.Surname
FROM Person AS p
INNER JOIN ClientRecordForm AS crf ON p.ID = crf.AssignedSupportWorker_ID
inner join person as personClients on crf.clientid = personClients.id
As you can see, you could then join another persons table to get StaffMember, you can join from personClients to Client to get information there ...etc.
Is that what you want?
SELECT DISTINCT p.Forenames, p.Surname
FROM Person AS p
INNER JOIN ClientRecordForm AS crf
ON p.ID = crf.AssignedSupportWorker_ID
ON c.ID = crf.Client_ID

SQL JOIN using a mapping table

I have three tables:
where PERSON_COLLECTION is a mapping table id|person_id|collection_id
I now want to select all entries in collection and order them by person.name.
Do I have to join the separate tables with the mapping table first and then do a join again on the results?
Collection c
JOIN Person_Collection pc ON pc.collection_id = c.id
JOIN Person p ON p.id = pc.person_id
Not sure without the table schema but, my take is:
Person_Collection pc
LEFT JOIN Collection c
ON pc.collection_id = c.id
LEFT JOIN Person p
ON pc.person_id = p.id
ORDER BY p.name
The order you join won't break it but depending on which sql product you're using may effect performance.
You need to decide if you want ALL records from both/either table or only records which have a matching mapping entry, this will change the type of join you need to use.

Get correct result from mysql query

I have the following tables:
**products** which has these fields: id,product,price,added_date
**products_to_categories** which has these fields: id,product_id,category_id
**adverts_to_categories** -> id,advert_id,category_id
**adverts** which has these fields: id,advert_name,added_date,location
I can not execute sql that will return to me all products that are from category 14 and that are owned by advert located in London. So I have 4 tables and 2 conditions - to be from category 14 and the owner of the product to be from London. I tried many variants to execute sql but none of the results were correct.. Do I need to use Join and which Join - left, right, full? How the correct sql will look like? thank you in advance for your help and sorry for boring you :)
This is what I have tried so far:
SELECT p.id, product, price, category_id,
p.added_date, adverts.location, adverts.id
FROM products p,
products_to_categories ptc,
adverts_to_categories ac
WHERE ptc.category_id = "14"
AND ptc.product_id=p.id
AND ac.advert_id=adverts.id
AND adverts.location= "London"
pretty basic logic
Select * from Products P
INNER JOIN Products_To_Categories PTC ON P.ID = PTC.Product_ID
INNER JOIN Adverts_to_Categories ATC ON ATC.Category_Id = PTC.Category_ID
INNER JOIN Adverts AD on AD.ID = ATC.Advert_ID
WHERE PTC.Category_ID = 14 and AD.Location = 'LONDON'
you would only need a LEFT or right join IF you wanted records from a table which didn't exist in other tables.
so for example, if you wanted all products even if a records even those without a category, then you would use a LEFT Join instead of inner.
The following statement should return all columns from the product table in category with id 14 and all adverts located in London:
select p.* from products p
inner join products_to_categories pc on p.id = pc.product_id
inner join adverts_to_categories ac on pc.category_id = ac.category_id
inner join adverts a on a.id = ac.advert_id
where pc.category_id = 14
and ac.location = 'London';
You should remember to add an index to the column location if you are doing these string-based queries very often.