What is the best way to check nullable columns for differences? - sql

I have SQL script and it needs to check values between two columns to see if the values are different. Earlier I had a simple check using <> but it doesn't seem to cut it when it comes to nulls.
Is the below the only way to check if the values are different?
declare #intValue int = 1;
declare #intNull int = 1;
select 'Values are not the same'
where (#intNull <> #intValue) or (#intValue is null and #intNull is not null) or (#intValue is not null and #intNull is null);

What you have done is correct and, to the best of my knowledge, the only way.

You can done with isnull also.
declare #intValue int = 1;
declare #intNull int = 1;
select 'Values are not the same'
where (isnull(#intNull,'') <> isnull(#intValue,''))

You can pick a dummy value that you know is never used in the data:
coalesce(c1, -9999) <> coalesce(c2, -9999)
It's essentially the same as yours though a little shorter. And it might not be appropriate for all cases.
The title of your question asks for the "best" way. I was responding to the "is this the only way" question later in the body. This will save you some typing but it probably isn't wise to rely on special values like this without serious consideration.

declare #intValue int = 1;
declare #intNull int = NULL;
BINARY_CHECKSUM works on strings as well.


Sort nvarchar in SQL Server 2008

I have a table with this data in SQL Server :
and I want to order this data like this:
My id column is of type nvarchar(50) and I can't convert it to int.
Is this possible that I sort the data in this way?
As a general rule, if you ever find yourself manipulating parts of columns, you're almost certainly doing it wrong.
If your ID is made up of a numeric and alpha component and you need to fiddle with just the numeric bit, make it two columns and save yourself some angst. In that case, you have an integral id_numeric and a varchar id_alpha and your query is simply:
select char(id_numeric) | id_alpha as id
from mytable
order by id_numeric asc
Or, if you really must store that as a single column, create extra columns to hold the individual parts and use those for sorting and selection. But, in order to mitigate the problems in having duplicate data in a row, use triggers to ensure the data remains consistent:
select id
from mytable
order by id_numeric asc
You usually don't want to have to do this splitting on every select since that never scales well. By doing it as an update/insert trigger, you only do the splitting when needed (ie, when the data changes) and this cost is amortised across all the selects. That's a good idea because, in the vast majority of cases, databases are read far more often than they're written.
And it's perfectly normal practice to revert to lesser levels of normalisation for performance reasons, provided that you understand and mitigate the consequences.
I'd actually use something along the lines of this function, though be warned that it's not going to be super-speedy. I've modified that function to return only the numbers:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.UDF_ParseNumericChars
#string VARCHAR(8000)
SET #IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
WHILE #IncorrectCharLoc > 0
SET #string = STUFF(#string, #IncorrectCharLoc, 1, '')
SET #IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
SET #string = #string
RETURN #string
Once you create that function, then you can do your sort like this:
SELECT YourMixedColumn
FROM YourTable
ORDER BY CONVERT(INT, dbo.UDF_ParseNumericChars(YourMixedColumn))
It can be sort with the Len function
create table #temp (id nvarchar(50) null)
select * from #temp order by LEN(id)

SQL: SELECT number text base on a number

Background: I have an SQL database that contain a column (foo) of a text type and not integer. In the column I store integer in a text form.
Question: Is it possible to SELECT the row that contains (in foo column) number greater/lesser than n?
PS: I have a very good reason to store them as text form. Please refrain from commenting on that.
Update: (Forgot to mention) I am storing it in SQLite3.
FROM Table
WHERE CAST(foo as int)>#n
select *
from tableName
where cast(textColumn as int) > 5
A simple CAST in the WHERE clause will work as long as you are sure that the data in the foo column is going to properly convert to an integer. If not, your SELECT statement will throw an error. I would suggest you add an extra step here and take out the non-numeric characters before casting the field to an int. Here is a link on how to do something similar:
The only real modification you would need to do on this function would be to change the following lines:
PATINDEX('%[^0-9A-Za-z]%', #string)
PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
The results from that UDF should then be castable to an int without it throwing an error. It will further slow down your query, but it will be safer. You could even put your CAST inside the UDF and make it one call. The final UDF would look like this:
#string VARCHAR(8000)
SET #IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
WHILE #IncorrectCharLoc > 0
SET #string = STUFF(#string, #IncorrectCharLoc, 1, '')
SET #IncorrectCharLoc = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #string)
SET #string = #string
RETURN CAST(#string as int)
Your final SELECT statement would look something like this:
FROM Table
WHERE UDF_ParseAlphaChars(Foo) > 5
Based upon the new information that the database is SQLite, the above probably won't work directly. I don't believe SQLite has native support for UDFs. You might be able to create a type of UDF using your programming language of choice (like this: http://www.christian-etter.de/?p=439)
The other option I see to safely get all of your data (an IsNumeric would exclude certain rows from your results, which might not be what you want) would probably be to create an extra column that has the int representation of the string. It is a little more dangerous in that you need to keep two fields in sync, but it will allow you to quickly sort and filter the table data.
FROM Table
WHERE CAST(foo as int) > 2000

SQL Server, Select CASE with different casting

I want to do a select that do a cast only for a specific ID but it doesn't seems to work.
Example :
WHEN(#ID <> 1) THEN Code
WHEN(#ID = 1) THEN Cast(Code AS int)
END Code FROM ....
Any Idea ?
Why do want to do this? A SQL Server expression has a single fixed type. In other words, a single expression can't be varchar(50) or int depending on how the expression is evaluated. You could cast each case to sql_variant, but that may or may not make sense based on what you're trying to do.
If you are executing this query from a stored procedure, you could create an IF..ELSE block to execute a different version of the query based on the value of #ID. For example:
IF (#ID = 1) BEGIN
SELECT Cast(Code AS int) AS Code FROM ...
It works for me. Check if the #id is of type int and if all values of column Code can be casted to int.
UPDATE If you have a value that can't be casted to int, your query won't work.
So you can write 2 different queries.
Smth like
IF #id = 1 THEN
SELECT code ...
SELECT Cast(Code AS int) as Code
You could have also written:
select case when #ID = 1 then CAST(Code as int) else Code end as Code
By the way, any data containing alphabetic characters won't cast to int.
Perhaps could we better help you if you tell us what you want to achieve, with some sample data provided?

Setting a default value for a stored proc select statement

I am creating a stored proc that selects a value from a table and uses it in another procedure. If the first value that is searched doesn’t exist I need it to use a default value. I’m new to stored procs so I’m not sure of the best practices.
Here is the first select statement which may or may not return a value. If it doesn’t return a value I need to set the “#theValue” to 10 so that it can be used in the next select statement.
DECLARE #TheValue nvarchar(50)
SELECT #TheValue = deviceManager.SystemSettings.Value
FROM deviceManager.SystemSettings
WHERE (deviceManager.SystemSettings.Setting = 'expire-terminal-requests'
What would be the best solution?
DECLARE #TheValue nvarchar(50)
SELECT #TheValue = deviceManager.SystemSettings.Value
FROM deviceManager.SystemSettings
WHERE (deviceManager.SystemSettings.Setting = 'expire-terminal-requests'
-- Assuming #TheValue is an output parameter
SELECT #TheValue = ISNULL(#TheValue, 10)
Another possibility, set the default value before the query
DECLARE #TheValue nvarchar(50)
SET #TheValue = 'Some default Value'
SELECT #TheValue = deviceManager.SystemSettings.Value
FROM deviceManager.SystemSettings
WHERE deviceManager.SystemSettings.Setting = 'expire-terminal-requests'
This will always return either the default or the correct value.
Hope this helps.
#TheValue will be NULL if the select doesn't hit any rows. And NULL is a good value to indicate "not found".
One trick with NULLs is that you have to check for them with is null instead of = null, for example:
where #TheValue is NULL
coalesce returns the first non-null value from the list, is also ANSI standard.
SET #TheValue = coalesce (some_expresson_that_may_return_null

T-SQL User defined function overloading?

I understand that T-SQL is not object oriented. I need to write a set of functions that mimics method overloading in C#.
Is function overloading supported in T-SQL in any way? If there is a hack to do this, is it recommended?
No, there is no way to do this.
I recommend you revisit the requirement, as "make apples look like oranges" is often difficult to do, and of questionable value.
One thing I have done successfully is to write the function in such a way as to allow it to handle null values, and then call it with nulls in place of the parameters you would like to omit.
create function ActiveUsers
#departmentId int,
#programId int
returns int
declare #count int
select #count = count(*)
from users
departmentId = isnull(#departmentId, departmentId)
and programId = isnull(#programId, programId)
return #count
select ActiveUsers(1,3) -- users in department 1 and program 3
select ActiveUsers(null,3) -- all users in program 3, regardless of department
select ActiveUsers(null,null) -- all users
You could pass in a sql_variant, but it comes with all sorts of hazards around it; you can't really use strong typing like you can with OO languages and overloading.
If you need to find the base type within your function, you can use the SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY function.
You can pass in an array of values within a single string and parse them out using this techique by Erland Sommarskog.
Create a function with a varchar(max) parameter or several if necessary, then have your parameter values in that string like:
etc, you are only limited by your imagination...
Use the technique from the link to split apart this array and use program logic to use those values as you wish.
One solution would be to utilize the sql_variant data type. This example works as long as you use the same datatype for both values. Returns whatever datatype you send it.
create function dbo.Greater(
#val1 sql_variant
,#val2 sql_variant
) returns sql_variant
declare #rV sql_variant
set #rV = case when #val1 >= #val2 then #val1
else #val2 end
return #rV
A solution I've had some luck with is either creating a number of functions that each takes a different data type - or casting all input to NVARCHAR(MAX).
1. creating a number of functions that each takes a different data type
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FunctionNameDatetime2]
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FunctionNameInt]
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FunctionNameString] --(this is not a typo)
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FunctionNameUniqueidentifier]
Problem: duplication of code, and a lot functions
2. Cast all input to NVARCHAR(MAX)
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IntToNvarchar]
#Key INT
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FunctionName]
DECLARE #something CHAR(32)
do stuff ...
RETURN #something;
SELECT [dbo].[FunctionName]([dbo].[IntToNvarchar](25))
Problem: less elegant code than overloading
I overload Functions all the time, but I happen to know that these kind of issues are often highly dependent on platform.
On our DB2 system, I routinely overload like the following:
CREATE Function Schema1.F1 (parm date)
returns date
return date + 1month;
CREATE Function Schema1.F1 (parm timestamp)
returns date
return date(timestamp) + 1month;
This is actually quite useful when you have multiple queries which have similar formating requirements.
The only problem I have found about this so far, is you better be sure that you want the function because the standard drop function "schema"."name" fails because it cannot determine which function to drop. If anyone knows how to drop overloaded sql functions, let me know!