Dissassembe multiple objective C .o object files at once in IDAPro from archive - objective-c

I am trying to reverse engineer iOS static library files (".a" extension). Whenever I am trying to open it in IDAPro it gives me list of ".o" files in from the .a archive. My goal is to translate .o files to pseudocode using Hex Rays decompiler. It is taking so much to time to go through each object file in the list as shown in following image
This is how it looks like when I have to select object files (i have to go through one by one and save its C code. )
Is there any command via command prompt or any way that can help me in decompiling all the object files at once.
Thanks in advance for your time.


Convert .bin to .png for files located in word/embedding of a word.zip file

I am stuck at this problem for some hours now.
I have a wordfile with embedded OLE objects. The OLE-Objects are PNG-files.
I unzipped the word-file via renaming it to .zip and found the files I need via \document.xml and _rels\document.xml.rels whereby I could identify the needed OLE-Object in the documents.xml and the r:id under <v:imagedata> linked to the respective OLE-Object in the document.xml.rels.
Now when I open the OLE-Object via the word file, it is recognized as expected as a PNG. When I look it up under \embeddings\oleObject1.bin, it is no longer a png, but a bin instead.
Now simply renaming the bin to png does not work...
My question would be: How do I turn this bin into a graphics format I can use?
Thank you very much!
*.bin streams are themselves zip archives. When you extract them you will find their true contents along with some meta-data.

How to use ctags for code documentation

I have some source code that I want to document without touching the code. For every source file (e.g., example.cpp, example.f90, etc.) I would like to have a separate documentation file (e.g., example.cpp.doc, example.f90.doc) that has some metadata (ctag) linking it to the original source file.
Ideally I could open the source file and the documentation file in parallel views in my favorite editor (ViM) and have the two files synced so that they scroll together. In this manner, I can keep my documentation visually inline with the un-touched source code.
I know this is likely to be a unique scenario. But I'm hoping someone else has already figured this out.
Is this even a possibility?
Create the initial .doc structure outside of Vim such that the "metadata" you want to keep is in the same line number as the original file.
Then open the two files in different Vim windows with vim -O example.cpp example.cpp.doc. At this point use :windo set scrollbind to enable scroll binding, which will allow to navigate any of the windows while keeping both in sync.

Embedding an image as a resource in a FireBreath plugin

While using VS (2010), I used to be able to add an image as a resource simply by going to the Resource view and then: Right click project > Add > Resource > Import.
I even asked a question about how to then load it: Loading an image from a resource embedded in a dll, but that changed for some reason.
Now when I try the same thing and save the .rc file, I get this message:
"The resource script FILE_PATH.rc was not created using Microsoft
Visual Studio. Comments, macros, preprocessor directives, and
conditionally included information may be modified and/or removed from
this file during the build process. Replace existing file?"
Even if I click "yes" (in order to just test things) then I get all kind of error messages at compile time:
gen\firebreathWin.rc(8): error RC2144: PRIMARY
LANGUAGE ID not a number
gen\firebreathWin.rc(16): error RC2135: file not found VS_VERSION_INFO
I have two questions:
What is the correct way to add an image resource which will be added to the compiled plugin using CMake? I searched about it and couldn't find any helping information.
What can be the cause for this change in behavior? since I was able to use the same exact steps before and it worked.
First of all, I wouldn't do this; instead, I'd just put the file in the same directory as your DLL and use the path of DLL to find it.
That said, the "correct" way to do this would be to see what changes are made to the .rc file when you add it in the IDE, copy the .rc file from gen_templates/ in the root of the firebreath directory into your project, and then make those changes to your copy of the file. Any changes you make to the generated file will be overridden any time cmake is run again, which can happen any time your cmake files (CMakeLists.txt, *.cmake) change.

Update Localizable.strings file Runtime in iPhone

I want to update or replace Localizable.strings Runtime. i have .strings files on server. so if any one can update .strings files on server. then also i need to update value or replace into bundle.
can i read .strings file form server directly? and make all static string localized.
Sure you can. You have to roll your own.
If you look at the NSLocalizableString macro, you can make your own like :
RMLocalizableString that instead of pointing to the resources, points to a file you have downloaded in your documentation folder. But of course you have to make sure the file is actually there.

Extract text from a PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) file?

I'm currently using a combination of OpenOffice macros and a pdf2text program to extract text and would like to find an easier, more efficient way getting the text out of a PowerPoint file.
I've tried using the Apache POI library and have not had much luck, encountered numerous exceptions within the library when trying to process the files I'm looking at and don't particularly want to sift through the source code of the library.
Is there an easy way to do this without using the aforementioned library?
If you have MS Office and you save the PPT in the RTF (Rich Text Format), it contains just the text from the presentation. You could then open the file in any editor that understands RTF files and save it as a text (TXT) file.
I expect this to work from Open Office too.
Since you talk of API, this may not be the way to go for you but maybe it will give you newer ideas on getting there. Say, you use multiple macros to do the conversion in stages...
Edit: I got curious and did a short google search
This is what i found on one of the www.openoffice.org pages
As people in this thread have pointed out, retrieving text from an OO
document isn't hard since it's just zipped xml that can be parsed with a
perl script. The problem is getting Microsoft Powerpoint documents into
a zipped XML format in the first place.
I've found that File -> Wizards -> Document Convertor does exactly that.
Just tell it you want to convert Powerpoint documents, not templates,
point it to your source directory and where you want it to spit out the
result and you're away.
I then find unzip -p $file.sxi content.xml | perl -p -e
"s/<[^>]>/\n/g;s/ +//;s/\n\n/\n/g;" -w
works rather well for extracting the text.
Sorry, i don't have Open Office handy to try any of that out.
pptx files are relatively easy to deal with, because they are just zipped xml - you can just unzip them and then strip all the xml tags from the content of the files in the 'ppt/slides' subdirectory of the unzipped stuff, yielding most of the pertinent text.
ppt files are a whole other ballgame, and the process is rendered even more painful because the canonical tool, catppt from the catdoc package, is susceptible to a buffer overflow that makes it nearly useless (it segfaults on a large percentage of ppt files).
LibreOffice-5 File - Export - HTML includes both slide contents and presenter notes.
Then, open the .html file in Firefox or other browser, and File - Save Page As - Text File (or utility such as pandoc -o file.txt file.html).