Sequence Labeling in TensorFlow - sequence

I have managed to train a word2vec with tensorflow and I want to feed those results into an rnn with lstm cells for sequence labeling.
1) It's not really clear on how to use your trained word2vec model for a rnn. (How to feed the result?)
2) I don't find much documentation on how to implement a sequence labeling lstm. (How do I bring in my labels?)
Could someone point me in the right direction on how to start with this task?

I suggest you start by reading the RNN tutorial and sequence-to-sequence tutorial. They explain how to build LSTMs in TensorFlow. Once you're comfortable with that, you'll have to find the right embedding Variable and assign it using your pre-trained word2vec model.

I realize this was posted a while ago, but I found this Gist about sequence labeling and this Gist about variable sequence labeling really helpful for figuring out sequence labeling. The basic outline (the gist of the Gist):
Use dynamic_rnn to handle unrolling your network for training and prediction. This method has moved around some in the API, so you may have to find it for your version, but just Google it.
Arrange your data into batches of size [batch_size, sequence_length, num_features], and your labels into batches of size [batch_size, sequence_length, num_classes]. Note that you want a label for every time step in your sequence.
For variable-length sequences, pass a value to the sequence_length argument of the dynamic_rnn wrapper for each sequence in your batch.
Training the RNN is very similar to training any other neural network once you have the network structure defined: feed it training data and target labels and watch it learn!
And some caveats:
With variable-length sequences, you will need to build masks for calculating your error metrics and stuff. It's all in the second link above, but don't forget when you make your own error metrics! I ran in to this a couple of times and it made my networks look like they were doing much worse on variable-length sequences.
You might want to add a regularization term to your loss function. I had some convergence issues without this.
I recommend using tf.train.AdamOptimizer with the default settings at first. Depending on your data, this may not converge and you will need to adjust the settings. This article does a good job of explaining what the different knobs do. Start reading from the beginning, some of the knobs are explained before the Adam section.
Hopefully these links are helpful to others in the future!


Change the spatial input dimension during training

I am training a yolov4 (fully convolutional) in tensorflow 2.3.0.
I would like to change the spatial input shape of the network during training, to further adjust the weights to different scales.
Is this possible?
I know of the existence of darknet, but it suffers from some very specific augmentations I use and have implemented in my repo, that is why I ask explicitly for tensorflow.
To be more precisely about what I want to do.
I want to train for several batches at Y1xX1xC then change the input size to Y2xX2xC and train again for several batches and so on.
It is not possible. In the past people trained several networks for different scales but the current state-of-the-art approach is feature pyramids.
Another great candidate is to use dilated convolution which can learn long distance dependencies among pixels with varying distance. You can concatenate the outputs of them and the model will then learn which distance is important for which case
It's important to mention which TensorFlow repository you're using. You can definitely achieve this. The idea is to keep the fixed spatial input dimension in a single batch.
But even better approach is to use the darknet repository from AlexeyAB:
Just set, random = 1 [line 1149]. It will train your network with different spatial dimensions randomly.
One thing you can do is, start your training with AlexeyAB repo with random=1 set, then take the trained weights file to tensorflow for fine-tuning.

Tensorflow: how to restore only specific hidden layers from checkpoint and use them to build a different computational graph for inference?

Let's say I trained a model with a very complex computational graph tailored for training. After a lot of training, the best model was saved to a checkpoint file. Now, I want to use the learned parameters of this best model for inference. However, the computational graph used for training is not exactly the same as the one I intend to use for inference. Concretely, there is a module in the graph with several layers in charge of outputting embedding vectors for items (recommender system context). However, for the sake of computational performance, during inference time I would like to have all the item embedding vectors precomputed in advance, so that the only computation required per request would just involve a couple of hidden layers.
Therefore, what I would like to know how to do is:
How to just restore the part of the network that outputs item embedding vectors, in order to precompute these vectors for all items (this would happen in some pre-processing script off-line)
Once all item embedding vectors are precomputed, during on-line inference time how to just restore the hidden layers in the later parts of the network and make them receive the precomputed item embedding vectors instead.
How can the points above be accomplished? I think point 1. is easier to get done. But my biggest concern is with point 2. In the computational graph used for training, in order to evaluate any layer I would have to provide values for the input placeholders. However, during on-line inference these placeholders would be obsolete because a lot of stuff would be precomputed and I don't know how to tell hidden layers in the later parts of the network that they should no longer depend on these obsolete placeholders but depend on the precomputed stuff instead.

Tensorflow Estimator self repair training on overfitting

I'm having some learning experience on tensorflows estimator api. Doing some classification task on a small dataset with tensorflow's tf.contrib.learn.DNNClassifier (I know there is tf.estimator.DNNClassifier but I have to work on tensorflow 1.2) I get the accuracy graph on my test dataset. I wonder why there are these negative peaks.
I thought they could occur because of overfitting and self repairing. The next datapoint after the peak seems to have the same value as the point before.
I tried to look into the code to find any proof that estimator's train function has such a mechanism but did not find any.
So, is there such a mechanism or are there other possible explanations?
I don't think that the Estimator's train functions has any such mechanism.
Some possible theories:
Does your training restart anytime? Its possible that if you have some Estimated Moving Average (EMA) in your model, upon restart the moving average has to be recomputed.
Is your input data randomized? If not, its possible that a patch of input data is all misclassified, and again the EMA is possibly smoothing out.
This is pretty mysterious to me. If you do find out what the real issue is please do share!

deep learning for shape localization and recognition

There is a set of images, each of which contains different shape entities, such as shown in the following figure. I am trying to localize and recognize these different shapes. For instance, adding a bounding box for each different shape and maybe even label it. What are the major research papers/deep learning models that have been able to solve this kind of problem?
Object detection papers such as rcnn, faster rcnn, yolo and ssd would help you solve this if you were bent on using a deep learning approach.
It’s easy to say this is a trivial problem that can be solved with tools in OpenCV and deep learning is overkill, but I can see many reasons to use deep learning tools and that does not answer your question.
We assume that your shapes has different scales and rotations. Actually your main image shown above is very large for training process and it needs a lot of training samples to generate a good accuracy at the end on test samples. In this case it is better to train a Convolutional Neural Network on a short images (like 128x128) with only one shape per each image and then use slide trick!
This project will have three main steps:
Generate test and train samples, each image should have only one shape
Train a classifier to recognize a single shape within each input image
Use slide trick! Break your original image containing many shapes to overlapping blocks of size 128x128. Pass each block to your model trained in the second step.
In this way at the end you will have label for each shape from your trained model, and also you will have location of each shape using slide trick.
For the classifier you can use exactly CNN structure of Tensorflow's MNIST tutorial.
Here is a paper with exactly same method applied to finger print images to extract local features.
A direct fingerprint minutiae extraction approach based on convolutional neural networks

Tensorflow - How to ignore certain labels

I'm trying to implement a fully convolutional network and train it on the Pascal VOC dataset, however after reading up on the labels in the set, I see that I need to somehow ignore the "void" label. In Caffe their softmax function has an argument to ignore labels, so I'm wondering what the mechanic is, so I can implement something similar in tensorflow.
In tensorflow you're feeding the data in feed_dict right? Generally you'd want to just pre-process the data and remove the unwanted samples - don't give them to tensorflow for processing.
My prefered approach is a producer-consumer model where you fire up a tensorflow queue and load it with samples from a loader thread which just skips enqueuing your void samples.
In training your model dequeue samples in the model (you don't use feed_dict in the optimize step). This way you're not bothering to write out a whole new dataset with the specific preprocessing step you're interested in today (tomorrow you're likely to find you want to do some other preprocessing step).
As a side comment, I think tensorflow is a little more do-it-yourself than some other frameworks. But I tend to like that, it abstracts enough to be convenient, but not so much that you don't understand what's happening. When you implement it you understand it, that's the motto that comes to mind with tensorflow.