Google Classroom user role through API - google-directory-api

I am using Google classroom to integrate with my .Net web application. I am using Directory API to create new users in google.After creating new user through Directory API if i am login to classroom its asking for role(Teacher/Student).My doubt is how can i create a new user as a teacher or student through API.I don't want to give option to user to login as teacher or student,i want declare that user at the time of new user creation only.How can i achieve this,or any other API to give role through code?

Unfortunately the API currently doesn't support the ability to set the teacher/student option. We are aware of the demand for this feature and tracking it internally.


Azure ad graph api

I'm testing Azure Graph API.
and I'm trying to find an API that allows me to retrieve only users that are assigned to a specific app I created.
In app registration page, I gave a permission, but the get user API gives me all users that are in the AD and not only that are assigned to the app I created. Should I change the permissions? or to access an another API?
Does anybody know what to do?
Additionally, This object id should be based on service principal and not the application registration here.
You can retrieve the object Id from Azure AD->Enterprise Applications->Your app->object ID.
You need to have at least Application.Read.All and Directory.AccessAsUser.All for delegated permissions or Application.Read.All for application permission based on user or application context.
For specific details, you can add $select parameter to show only the displayName of the users assigned to the app.{object Id}/appRoleAssignedTo?$select=principalDisplayName
As a workaround you can use the below graph API to get the list of users.{ObjectID}/appRoleAssignedTo
Note: The above graph API gives the Object Types User and Service
Principle as well
As discussed in the MS Q &A Platform This endpoint currently does not support filters based on appRoleId. In fact, except that the id parameter can be filtered, the three parameters appRoleId, principalId, and resourceId do not support filtering. Similar issues have been raised before.

How should I implement user authentication/roles for an Electron desktop app?

I'm designing the architecture for a college project and I don't know how to deal with the user authentication and authorization part of it. The project is a desktop Electron app which would need two types (hence the roles) of users. They both need to be authenticated in order to use the app, and depending on their identity, they will have different authorizations. Since the project is meant to be used by teachers and students as part of a laboratory class after it is done, I don't think more than 30 people will be using it at the same time.
My first thought was using a PostrgeSQL database in AWS for this and implementing the authentication myself, but this means that users will have to sign up and create a new profile, which means remembering yet another <username/email, password>. Trying to avoid this, I read a bit about OAuth 2.0 and OIDC, and how it can be used to authenticate and authorize users without implementing either of those tasks oneself, but rather delegating the task to OIDC. I created a free account with Auth0 and thought about using it for the OIDC integration but after reading about 40 pages of an "OIDC integration handbook" they offer for free, I could not know if I would be able to distinguish my user base through these roles or tags as I mentioned. I just followed the steps in the tutorial handbook and tried to understand how the auth flow worked, but that didn't give me any information on my question.
So all in all what I want to know is: is it possible to implement this with Auth0 (free account) without having to use a third-party database solution (such as PostgreSQL with AWS)? If not, what would you recommend me to look into? Preferrably a solution that will let me discriminate between the two types of users BUT at the same time taking advantage of the OIDC implementation of Google for example.
There are 2 separate solutions here:
The 2 standard requirements are:
Use Authorization Code Flow (PKCE)
Login via System Browser
You listen for a login response via one of these mechanisms (I prefer the latter):
Loopback web server
Private URI scheme OS notification
My blog has some tutorials + code samples that use Electron. You can run both of the above listening options and see what you prefer.
You need to make roles available to the API via claims. This can be done by either of these mechanisms (I prefer the latter):
Including roles in access tokens via Auth0
Get the API to read user roles from its own database
My Authorization blog post discusses building up a claims object in an easy to extend way. The main objective is usually for API OAuth processing to result in an object something like this:
class UserPrincipal {
// The technical user id from the access token
string sub;
// The user id from your own database
string userId;
// The user's roles
string[] roles;
Given that object you can do things like this:
Use role based authorization when needed
Serve up user resources after login from your application data
Auth0 will meet some of your requirements and may be all you need in the early days. You will probably need to manage non OAuth user data in your API at some point though.
Happy to answer any follow up questions ..

AWS Cognito combined with other Rest apis except api gateway

Cognito is a powerful tool yet it's so hard to utilize it .
Trying to implement my business logic I ended up in some dead ends and I need some help.
My client app is an admin panel where a new admin can register providing a company.
Now there are 2 applications (Contests, Reviews) based on these companies .
So from the adminPanel the admin can create events for both apps through 2 different rest apis
The concept is 1 admin is related to 1 or more companies.I have to map that relationship somehow with Cognito .
Because cognito does pretty much well authentication but not authorization.
In every request not only I have to validate the user by the access token but I also have to see if the user is authorized to do the action based on the company.
For example if a user want to create a Contest event for his company.
I will make a request to Contest Api and I have to authorize that the admin is related to this company
Company entities are used from both apis so I have to expose them in a new api called companies.(If any api wants information about companies it should call the get company/{id})
My consideration is that in order to authorize a user in my apis I have to:
1) validate the access_token .
2) communicate with Cognito to get user informations.
3) call companies api to check if user is authorized to execute actions for this campaign.
So I kind of feeling that it becomes too complex and I need 2 services to authenticate and authorize each request(cognito + company api).
Is there any other way to implement cognito authorization logic without having to use a second api ?
P.S I have already check cognito triggers but they don't cover my needs .For example pre token generation trigger can add claims but it will add them in identity_token not access_token .Also my claims has to be an array of company_ids that an admin is related but claims supports strings and numbers only

How to associate data with a user that has been authenticated with Google oauth?

So I am having some trouble figuring out how to implement a sign-in for my app using google oauth. Every example I see shows how to authentication the user, get their permissions and then start using the Google APIs.
I do not care about permission or using Google APIs. All I want to do is have the user sign-in to my app using google oauth instead of having to implement my own authentication system with user and passwords in the database.
After the user authenticates with their google account, then they can change settings associated with their account for my app. What is the flow i need to implement to achieve this?
How would I associated a google user with certain data defined in my own app's database? I have successfully implemented the authentication part but then what would I need to store in my DB to associate them with their actions and data. Would I need to use sessions? and then retrieve their Google+ ID, save it in the database and then use that to identify them in the database for later when they log in again?
any help is appreciated
Once the the server validates the access token, a user account can be created in the database, saving the Google ID along other user details (ID, email, name etc).
If your application also supports normal registration, and an account is already present for that user (matching email), then you can just fill in the (nullable) Google ID column in order to link the account(s).

How to create different user account types in ASP.NET5 MVC6 with Google+ authentication

Suppose I started with an ASP.NET5 MVC6 webapp based on a default Visual Studio 2015 web application template with individual user accounts and Google+ (FB, LI) authentication enabled.
Then I created two signup pages, one for consumer users and one for professionals. I want the application to create consumer user accounts if users came from consumer signup page. And I want the app to create professional user accounts if users came from the professional signup page.
What should I do to customize the default solution?
pass role parameter to /Accounts/ExternalLogin, then somehow preserve it through OAuth process and fix user creation logic?
same but use cookies to pass role info?
or maybe have 2 copies of external login infrastructure - each responsible for its own account type?
Isn't is a common problem - how to pass additional information to the code responsible for account creation?
What should I do to customize the default solution?
Quite good explanation with examples:
ASP.NET 5 Documentation -> Authorization
I want ... create consumer user accounts ... and ... create professional user accounts...
In my opinion you can use (create) one account type for all (in common Db) and then during registration process you can assign additional properties to this account. You can use Roles or Claims, so this allows you to personalise user experience depends on 'account type' (using Authorisation).
If you just want have only customer/professional accounts, probably Role-Based Authorisation will be simpler to use, however Claims-Based Authorisation is little bit more elastic and will be beneficial in the future.