Every Push Notification Banner is shown twice on iOS9 [duplicate] - notifications

This question already has answers here:
iOS Push Notification Banner shown twice for a single Push
(8 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Since a few hours we have a strange issue in our iOS app: every push notification received on the home screen of iOS will trigger/show the same notification banner twice with a 2 sec delay between them.
It only happens on devices with iOS 9.x. On iOS 8.x devices everything is still working as expected.
If I set a break point in -[AppDelegate application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:] it is only called once for each push notification.
Also we did no change in the backend recently (at least a weak) and it also happens for client which are already released and we are 100% certain we did not see the issue before.
We did however change the capability in Xcode of the current development app and had to generate new provisioning profiles as the old ones where tagged as "Invalid".
So for us it looks like an issue on Apple sides. Any suggestions what more to try/check or what to do?

It seems like I had exactly the same issue as this dude had: I called [registerUserNotificationSettings:] twice.
Be aware that it might not be as obvious as you think to see if you called the method once or twice:
I called it once on purpose in specific UIViewController. Unfortunately I also called it each time in didFinishLauchingWithOptions:. Don't let yourself be fooled because you see the dialog only once.
If you want to be sure add a logging output in -[AppDelegate application:didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:]. In my case the callback was called twice after I hit OK on the permission dialog.
Since I remove the misplace call in didFinishLauchingWithOptions: I did not see anymore double notifications.

I submitted a bug report to Apple (Ticket# 23569779) and the issue appears to have been corrected in iOS 9.2.1 beta (Build: 13D11)
I was experiencing the same issue on iOS9.1 (Build: 13B143) and iOS9.2 (Build: 13c75) for both local and remote notifications across multiple apps.
The simplest way for me to recreate the issue is to schedule a local notification within my app delegate when the app is backgrounded.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application {
UILocalNotification *notification = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init];
notification.repeatInterval = NSDayCalendarUnit;
[notification setAlertBody:#"My test."];
[notification setFireDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1]];
[notification setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone]];
[application setScheduledLocalNotifications:[NSArray arrayWithObject:notification]];
This will result in the notification banner appearing twice:
Duplicate banner images


background location iOS 8

Hello Devs: I am working on an app where I would like to fetch users location in background and send push notifications to him as soon as the user arrives at that particular location. Here is what I have done so far with my locatioManager in my app delegate
locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
[locationManager setDelegate:self];
[locationManager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyBest];
if (IS_OS_8_OR_LATER) [locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
I have set up my info.plist to always request location. I also get the message that my app will be using location in the background when I install the app on my device. However when I close the app and arrive at the specific location I don't get any push notifications or alerts until I launch the app. I turned on Background mode --> location updates under capabilities section and then everything works absolutely fine. I receive notification seamlessly without launching the app. This is all good but when I close the app I see a blue bar on my status bar saying that my app is tracking the location in background. How do I hide that blue bar on the top? I am pretty sure this is going to scare away my users and they will remove my app instantly. To make long story short how do I accomplish this? I know this question has been asked and answered several times in past but all those answers are 2-3 years old and don't seem to work with new iOS 8. I need to get the user location in background in order for my app to work or else its useless. I will really appreciate any help or suggestions to this.
What you want to do is called (background) Geofencing. Your app doesn't need to calculate it by itself since CoreLocation already offers this feature.
Please have a look at this answer from Daniel.
The Geofencing feature will wake up your app when the users gets into the target zone, and will not display the blue bar.

Images in user notifications

How do I create user notifications with cocoa that contain Images. Like Airmail or Alfred does?
For instance Airmail includes a contact image in the mail notification if the one is present:
I haven't found any documentation how to add this via code. Do I have to use a custom notification center?
I have found the CNUserNotification project but when I use it the notifications won't show up in the notification sidebar.
If you create user notifications using NSUserNotification, on Mavericks +, setting contentImage does the trick. Strangely enough it's not documented, but it's exposed and in the release notes. OS X 10.8 or less would necessitate a custom solution.
NSUserNotification *notification = [[NSUserNotification alloc] init];
notification.contentImage = [NSImage imageNamed:#"imageNamed"];

How get pusher events when the iOS app go to the background?

I need to get triggered eventos from pusher, and when the app go the background I don't get them (only the first one).
I have this:
#property(strong, nonatomic) PTPusherPresenceChannel *taxi_channel;
PTPusherPresenceChannel *taxi = [PusherController sharedApp].taxi_channel;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[taxi bindToEventNamed:#"client-driver-cancel-service" handleWithBlock:^(PTPusherEvent *event)
DDLogDebug(#"%#: %#", event.name, event.data);
[self cancelServiceAcepted];
The problem is that I get a single event when get into the background, but after the first I don't get them anymore.
I have implemented the code at https://github.com/pusher/pusher-test-iOS/blob/master/Diagnostics/Code/ClientDisconnectionHandler.h
If the app go the foreground it work fine.
I'm the author of libPusher. I answered your question on Github but I thought I'd post it here as it might be helpful for others.
Unfortunately its not really possible to use Pusher in the background and its not really what it is designed for. Pusher works great for receiving events in realtime while your app is running but to get background notifications, you really need to be looking at using Apple push notifications OR period fetch, depending on whether you'd prefer push or pull.
My suggestion would be:
Use Pusher while your app is in the foreground to receive real-time updates
Use push notifications to send significant events to your app while it is in the background (these should be less frequent) AND/OR
Possibly use background fetch to pull the latest changes/events from your server
Restart listening to events from Pusher when your app resumes in the foreground

Cancel all local notifications when app is closed by the user

There is a small bug in my App.
My App displays notifications at specific times when the App is running and cancel all of them whenever a button is switched.
My problem is that whenever a user closes the App using the multitasking feature of iOS the notifications are still showing up.
I tried to add the following code which doesn't work:
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
// Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] cancelAllLocalNotifications];
The problem is that my App should show notifications when the App is running but shouldn't show notifications when the App is terminated.
Why does the above code not work?
The correct answer is that this cannot currently be done by a multitasking app. One solution is to set a flag in our info.plist declaring your app wants to be killed when the user switches to another app - then you will get the willTerminate message (but get killed then).
There are huge numbers of threads on this topic, one which quotes an Apple doc that tells you backgrounded apps that are terminated do NOT get the willTerminate message is here.
For me, this just means I can now close an open bugreport out with a 'cannot fix' resolution :-)
Just because your app is visible in the app-changer, it doesn't mean it is still running.. it can get closed at any point. You cannot differentiate between the OS closing your app or the user closing your app.
Perhaps a button would be the solution? A button that cancels all notifications?
Or you run a real background task (which can last for about 5 minutes) and stop all notifications afterwards. Or you just schedule the notifications for the next 5-10 minutes and that's it.
For what are you using them?

App won't relaunch when monitoring CLLocationManager significant location changes - iPhone

I am working on an app that keeps track of user's location at a time-interval set by the user himself(e.g. every 5 minutes) and sends it to a server page by ASIHTTPRequest.
This app should be able to receive updates on foreground, either on background or even when the app is not running(location services).
Although my app successfully receives updates on the foreground and background, it does not seem to wake up when it is not running and do not send me up any requests to the server.
I am using CLLocationManager and its delegate to perform startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges for when it is on the background.
On Settings, the icon for my app in Location Services appears with a purple arrow as expected.
On my info.plist, I have Required Background Modes set with an item locations as required and methods:
My method:
(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
is also implemented and checks whether launchOptions
contains UIApplicationLaunchOptions- LocationKey before starting the significant locations monitoring for when it should wake up / relaunch.
Is there any way I can find out whether my app is really being relaunched?
Is there any extra config that needs to be set in order this to work?
Please let me know if I should provide any additional info.
Specs I am using:
SDK Xcode 4.2.1
CLLocation is inside a Singleton class (read somewhere this might impact)
iOS deployment target: 4.3
Tested on Iphone 3GS,4 and Xcode's iOS 5 simulator, same behavior happens to all of these devices.
I inserted my code inside -[UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:] and tried to check against errors with UIBackgroundTaskInvalid. However, it does not even seem to enter the (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions method.
I am keeping track of the app by trying to save and retrieve data by using SQLite. When executing on both foreground and background, it records the data with no problem. When the app is not running, no data is saved at all.
How are you currently checking to see if the app relaunches? Are you logging anything?
The app will relaunch to the background, so you won't see your app come alive. It will actually shut down automatically after some time again. You can do some work and request more background time using -[UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:].
Another answer here on SO posted some example code. From your description I cannot see anything missing, compare your code to that project to see if your missing something.