Many to many relationship with hierarchy in SSAS - ssas

I am new to SSAS and have a situation where I need help.
I have a many to many relationship table which contains info about the competitors of a property and the type of competitor it is at any given date.
So, something like this:
PID Type CompID Date
1 A 1 1/1/2001
1 A 2 1/1/2001
1 B 1 2/1/2001
1 B 1 3/1/2001
2 A 1 1/1/2001
2 B 1 1/1/2001
Now I need to include this in the cube and relate it to the main fact table. I have defined the relationship as a many to many but while writing the query to retrieve the information using MDX, I am stuck.
What I need is all the measures for a given property and all the aggregated measures of all its competitors of a given type at a given date.
So, given a proeprty ID, I need to identify the list of its competitors of a given type and on a given date and then I have to aggregate the measures for all these competitor properties.
I am stuck at this place where I have to identify all the competitors of a given property.
e.g. if I fire this query:
on 1,
Stay_DATE.Month.Month on 0
FROM Cube1
where {Hotel.Hotel_Key.&[480]}*{Stay_DATE.Hierarchy.Year.&[2015]}
The result would be the measures for a given property.
What I want in the result is all the above measures and the same measures for the competitors of the property 480 for a given date and a given competitor type. The issue I am facing is in identifying the competitors of the property in mdx because competitor table is added as a factless fact with many to many relationship in the cube. So, how do I retrieve the list of competitor properties when there is no hierarchy defined as it is not a dimension.
Thanks for your help in advance.


Is it possible to recursively combine similar records (keeping - and adding - only specific columns) using a select?

I've been wracking my brain here trying to figure out a way to achieve a solution to the following without external applications (such as Excel).
I'll set up the structure: We are using a 3rd party ERP that provides a nicely configured conversion system for product packaging types. I'm trying to create a query that will take all conversions for a given product and return them inline. Because the number of conversion records is indeterminate, the query would need to be recursive.
To make things simple, let's use package quantites for this scenario example. If a product can be shipped in [eaches, pairs, sets, packages, and cartons], the conversion table records would look something like this:
Using the table above, I can determine how many pairs of Prod123 are contained in a carton by following the math:
24 packs x 7 sets x 3 pairs = 504 pairs per carton.
I could further multiply that by 2 to get the count of individual pieces in a carton (1,008). That's the idea behind the conversion table but here's my actual problem.
I'd like to return a table of records where associated conversions are in-line, thusly:
Complicating the matter is that the unit types are unknown (arbitrary) values and there is no requirement to have a full, intact chain from unit A to unit Z. (For example, there might be a conversion record from each to pair, and another from set to pack, but not one from pair to set).
In this scenario, the select can't recursively link the records, and they would appear in the resulting table as two separate records - which is fine.
I have attempted to join the table to itself on t1.parentUnit = t2.childUnit, but that obviously doesn't work recursively.
I fear my only solution is to left join the table over and over - as many as 20 times in the query, settling for NULL values if additional conversions do not exist but then I would also have many duplicate rows (with incomplete conversion chains) to weed out.
Can this be done in a select query?
Thanks in advance!

Choosing a value based on a ranking of another column

I have decent Google-Fu skills, but they've utterly failed me on this.
I'm working in PowerPivot and I'm trying to match up a product with a price point in another table. Sounds easy, right? Well each product has several price points, based on the source of the price, with a hierarchy of importance.
For Example:
Product 1 has three prices living in a Pricing Ledger:
Price 1 has an account # of A22011
Price 2 has an account # of B22011
Price 3 has an account # of C22011
Price A overrides Price B which overrides Price C
What I want to do is be able to pull the most relevant price (i.e, that with the highest rank in the hierarchy) when not all price points are being used.
I'd originally used a series of IF statements, but that's when there were only four points. We now have ten points, and that might grow, so the IF statements are an untenable solution.
I'd appreciate any help.

With MDX is there a generic way to calculate the ratio of cells with regards to the selected members of a specific hierarchy?

I want to define a cube measure in a SSAS Analysis Services Cube (multidimensional model) that calculates ratios for the selection a user makes for a predefined hierarchy. The following example illustrates the desired behavior:
| Hamburg | 2 |
| Berlin | 1 |
| Munich | 3 |
This is my base table. What I want to achieve is a cube measure that calculates ratios based on a users' selection. E.g. when the user queries Hamburg (2) and Berlin (1) the measure should return the values 67% (for Hamburg) and 33% (for Berlin). However if Munich (3) is added to the same query, the return values would be 33% (Hamburg), 17% (Berlin) and 50% (Munich). The sum of the values should always equal to 100% no matter how many hierarchy members have been included into the MDX query.
So far I came up with different measures, but they all seem to suffer from the same problem that is it seems impossible to access the context of the whole MDX query from within a cell.
My first approach to this was the following measure:
[Measures].[Ratio] AS SUM([City].MEMBERS,[Measures].[Amount])/[Measures].[Amount]
This however sums up the amount of all cities regardless of the users selection and though always returns the ratio of a city with regards to the whole city hierarchy.
I also tried to restrict the members to the query context by adding the EXISTING keyword.
[Measures].[Ratio] AS SUM(EXISTING [City].MEMBERS,[Measures].[Amount])/[Measures].[Amount]
But this seems to restrict the context to the cell which means that I get 100% as a result for each cell (because EXISTING [City].MEMBERS is now restricted to a cell it only returns the city of the current cell).
I also googled to find out whether it is possible to add a column or row with totals but that also seems not possible within MDX.
The closest I got was with the following measure:
[Measures].[Ratio] AS SUM(Axis(1),[Measures].[Amount])/[Measures].[Amount]
Along with this MDX query
SELECT {[Measures].[Ratio]} ON 0, {[City].[Hamburg],[City].[Berlin]} ON 1 FROM [Cube]
it would yield the correct result. However, this requires the user to put the correct hierarchy for this specific measure onto a specific axis - very error prone, very unintuitive, I don't want to go this way.
Are there any other ideas or approaches that could help me to define this measure?
I would first define a set with the selected cities
[GeoSet] AS {[City].[Hamburg],[City].[Berlin]}
Then the Ratio
[Measures].[Ratio] AS [Measures].[Amount]/SUM([GeoSet],[Measures],[Amount])
To get the ratio of that city to the set of cities. Lastly
SELECT [Measures].[Ratio] ON COLUMNS,
[GeoSet] ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]
Whenever you select a list of cities, change the [GeoSet] to the list of cities, or other levels in the hierarchy, as long as you don't select 2 overlapping values ([City].[Hamburg] and [Region].[DE6], for example).

SSAS & SCD2 - how to deal with IsActive row in Dim

I am using SQL Server 2014 and Visual Studio 2015.
I have an SCD2 for staff names, for example
SK AltKey Name Gender IsActive
1 15 Sven Svensson M 1
2 16 Jo Jonsson M 1
and in the fact table
SK AgentSK CallDuration DateKey
100 1 335 20160808
101 2 235 20160809
So, you can see the cube is currently linked on FctAgentSK and DimSK. This works as planned. However, when Jo changes gender the SCD2 makes the row inactive (0) and inserts a new row with the new gender and IsActive of '1'.
The problem I face is that the factSK 101 still references the 'OLD' details for the Agent. How should I deal with this to be able to still report on the call, but also reference the "correct" details of the Agent - reflecting their current gender.
When a new fact is inserted it will have the 'NEW' SK assigned, but basically I would need to report on ALL calls that have happened either side of the gender change.
Any suggestions please?
Thank you.
As Nick.McDermaid suggested, if you don't want SCD2 functionality, you could remove it from the dimension design (I've often seen it over-implemented when it's not actually wanted: perhaps you've inherited that kind of setup?).
If you want to/must keep the SCD2 design, but want to report on current staff attributes (gender and any other SCD2 attributes).
Kimball documents a "Type 6" here: SCD types 0,4,5,6,7. You add a "current" value of the attribute to an existing Type2 design. You could then report on the "current" attributes only.
I'm assuming that the Staff Name "Alt Key" is the durable staff-member key, that stays the same through changes in staff attributes? You could make a slightly different Employee dimension (or, hierarchy inside the Employee dimension), that has Alt Key as its leaf-level key. If you don't still have SK as a dimension attribute, this will make the dimension table "collapse" into one member per AltKey, not one member per SK. Obviously, you can't add any SCD2 attributes to this Alt Key hierarchy, as there won't be a single value per key; and this raises special problems about what to call the durable "employee" (i.e. what the Name Column of the leaf level will be), since Employee Name is one of the most obvious SCD2 attributes that will not remain the same. Probably this approach is best combined with an underlying "Type6" inclusion of the "current value" in the dimension data, as described in (1) above.

SQL-sum over dynamic period

I have 2 tables: Customers and Actions, where each customer has uniqe ID (which can be found in each table).
Part of the customers became club members at a specific date (change between the customers). I'm trying to summarize their purchases until that date, and to get those who purchase more than (for example) 200 until they become club members.
For example, I can have the following customer:
custID purchDate purchAmount
1 2015-05-12 100
1 2015-07-12 150
1 2015-12-29 320
Now, assume that custID=1 became a club member at 2015-12-25; in that case, I'd like to get SUM(purchAmount)=250 (pay attention that I'd like to get this customer because 250>200).
I tried the following:
SELECT cust.custID, SUM(purchAmount)totAmount
FROM customers cust
JOIN actions act
ON cust.custID=act.custID
WHERE act.clubMember=1
AND cust.purchDate<act.clubMemberDate
GROUP BY cust.custID
HAVING totAmount>200;
Is it the right way to "attack" this question, or should I use something like while loop over the clubMemberDate (which telling the truth-I don't know how to do)?
I'm working with Teradata.
Your help will be appreciated.