How to display a single Windows Explorer folder (that cannot be navigated away from) within a userform? -

I would like to have a box within the userform display the contents of a single folder.
I would like the folder to display icons similar to how Windows Explorer does, and I would also like users to be able to drag icons from other windows into it (just like a real explorer window).
I decided to use a listview, and this will populate it with a bunch of lines of text for each file, but clicking on them does nothing and I cannot drag anything in. Also they don't have icons.
Any ideas?
Dim fileEntries As String() = Directory.GetFiles("C:\Windows\")
For Each fileName As String In fileEntries

This MSDN article describes exactly how to do this. it even gets the icons, as you requested! It also uses a ListView, too! Enjoy!
As Jeremy said, you will still need to hook up event, if you want it to respond to click (or drag) events.
Private listView1 As ListView
Private imageList1 As ImageList
Public Sub ExtractAssociatedIconEx()
' Initialize the ListView, ImageList and Form.
listView1 = New ListView()
imageList1 = New ImageList()
listView1.Location = New Point(37, 12)
listView1.Size = New Size(161, 242)
listView1.SmallImageList = imageList1
listView1.View = View.SmallIcon
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 266)
Me.Text = "Form1"
' Get the c:\ directory.
Dim dir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("c:\")
Dim item As ListViewItem
Dim file As System.IO.FileInfo
For Each file In dir.GetFiles()
' Set a default icon for the file.
Dim iconForFile As Icon = SystemIcons.WinLogo
item = New ListViewItem(file.Name, 1)
' Check to see if the image collection contains an image
' for this extension, using the extension as a key.
If Not (imageList1.Images.ContainsKey(file.Extension)) Then
' If not, add the image to the image list.
iconForFile = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(file.FullName)
imageList1.Images.Add(file.Extension, iconForFile)
End If
item.ImageKey = file.Extension
Next file
End Sub


Adding images into next available picturebox

I'm doing a deck builder project through a card database and so far when I click a row (using datagridview), the value contained in the "image_url" column is printed into an invisible textbox, which is then used to download that image and show it in a picturebox.
Now that all works fine, but decks go up to 60 cards so I'm going to use 60 pictureboxes to print the user's selected cards. What I'm been trying to do is set up like a picturecount and when they select a column the number is increased by one like this:
picturebox(picturecount) = textbox4.text
but I've run into too many errors. Would you know a way to display the user's selected card in the next available picturebox? For example if they select "Dark Magician" three times, then the image of the "Dark Magician" is printed in the first available three pictureboxes
Private Async Sub PictureLoader()
Dim imageURL As String
If TextBox4.Text = "" Then
imageURL = dataSet.Tables("YGO cards").Rows(row_count).Item(7)
imageURL = TextBox4.Text
End If
Dim client As Net.WebClient = New Net.WebClient()
Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(Await client.DownloadDataTaskAsync(New Uri(imageURL)))
Using image As Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
PictureBox1.Image = DirectCast(image.Clone(), Image)
End Using
End Sub
and this is the event when a column is selected in the datagrid!
Dim index As Integer
index = e.RowIndex
Dim selectedrow As DataGridViewRow
selectedrow = DataGridView1.Rows(index)
' selectedrow.Cells(1) is the image_Url column
TextBox4.Text = selectedrow.Cells(1).Value.ToString()
If TextBox4.Text = "" Then
PictureBox1.Image = Nothing
' imageURL = dataSet.Tables("YGO cards").Rows(row_count).Item(7)
End If
Ignore for a moment the specifics of your particular problem and break this down into a generic statement. What you're saying is that you have a collection and that the size of the collection can grow or shrink based on user input. This is an ideal case for a List(Of T) where you declare the List by specifying the data type of the items it will hold and then add items as needed. Because you are storing the URL of the card, you would create a new List(Of String):
Dim cards As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
Now whenever you needed to add URLs to your list you would call the Add method if it is a single URL or AddRange if it is multiple URLs:
cards.AddRange({TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text})
As far as displaying the image in the PictureBox, there's really no need to create a MemoryStream and clone an Image considering that the PictureBox class has the Load and LoadAsync (which it looks like you want asynchronous capabilities) methods. But if you wanted to create a PictureBox for every item in your collection, you will need to iterate through the collection, create a new PictureBox, call the Load or Load Async method on the currently iterated URL, and then add it to the Form (or a container in general). This can be done using a traditional For/Each loop:
'Create a placeholder variable
Dim cardPictureBox As PictureBox
'Loop through every selected card URL
For Each url As String In Cards
'Create a new PictureBox
cardPictureBox = New PictureBox() With {
.Size = New Size(100, 100)
.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage
.WaitOnLoad = False
'Add the PictureBox to the Form
'Load the image asynchronously

How To Get Icons For Pictures Files in

I Tried To Get Icons Of files system and display it in my list Box
But i got an empty icon For Picture Files
This Is My Code:
Public Sub ExtractAssociatedIconEx()
' Initialize the ListView, ImageList and Form.
listView1 = New ListView()
imageList1 = New ImageList()
listView1.Location = New Point(37, 12)
listView1.Size = New Size(161, 242)
listView1.SmallImageList = imageList1
listView1.View = View.SmallIcon
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(292, 266)
Me.Text = "Form1"
' Get the c:\ directory.
Dim dir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(TextBox1.Text)
Dim item As ListViewItem
Dim file As System.IO.FileInfo
For Each file In dir.GetFiles()
' Set a default icon for the file.
Dim iconForFile As Icon = SystemIcons.WinLogo
item = New ListViewItem(file.Name, 1)
' Check to see if the image collection contains an image
' for this extension, using the extension as a key.
If Not (imageList1.Images.ContainsKey(file.Extension)) Then
' If not, add the image to the image list.
iconForFile = System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(file.FullName)
imageList1.Images.Add(file.Extension, iconForFile)
End If
item.ImageKey = file.Extension
Next file
End Sub
How I Can Get Icons For picture Files ?

In Listview assign each item (a folder) an image from with each folder

I am developing an application to find, play and display all media, but primarily music. I am using Visual Studio 2012 in On my form I have a Windows Media Player (WMP) and two listviews. The first listview (lvFolders) displays all folders of drive location. When I select a folder it automatically loads all files (media tracks) into the second listview (lvPlaylist), and starts playing the first track using the WMP. That all works well.
In each of these folders (500+) I have a cover of the respective album named "front.bmp". I cannot for the life of me work out what I am doing wrong. As the listview is populating the folders I am trying for it to load each image file located within that folder into the imagelist, and display the folders as large icons using that image. The result would be 500+ large folders each displaying their respective album cover from the imagelist.
I specifically didn't want to use Folder Browser Dialog or Open File Dialog. This application is for a touch based application for my own personal use.
I have attached my code in case it helps understand my dilemma.
Private Sub LoadFolders_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnLoadFolders.Click
For Each strDir As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories("E:\Music\TEST")
Dim imageListLarge As New ImageList()
Dim strAlbumArt As String = strDir & "\" & (My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(strDir)) & ".bmp" 'URL of the image
imageListLarge.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit 'Set the colour
imageListLarge.ImageSize = New Size(128, 128) 'Set image size
imageListLarge.Images.Add(strAlbumArt, Image.FromFile(strAlbumArt)) 'Add image to image list
lvFolders.LargeImageList = imageListLarge 'Assign the imagelist to the listview
Dim NewItem As New ListViewItem(My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(strDir), strAlbumArt) 'Create Column 1 data
NewItem.SubItems.Add(My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(strDir).FullName) 'Create Column 2 data
lvFolders.Items.Add(NewItem) 'Load into listview
End Sub
Dim strAlbumArt As String = strDir & "\" & (My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(strDir)) & ".bmp"
doesn't have "front.bmp" in it. Are you sure you don't mean something like Dim strAlbumArt As String = strDir & "\front.bmp?

space between tabs in tabcontrol Dotnetbar VB.NET

i am trying to make a new tab and my new tabs always have a space between them
im new to this site so i cant post pictures so heres a link to my issue
heres my new tab code
Private Sub NewPageToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NewPageToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim newpage As TabItem = TabControl1.CreateTab("newpage")
Dim textb As New RichTextBox
Dim filename As New TextBox
Dim sw As New StreamWriter(siteloc & filename.Text & ".hsp")
Dim createb As New Button
'Set the contents of the page
textb.ReadOnly = False
textb.Multiline = True
textb.Dock() = DockStyle.Top
textb.Height = 338
newpage.Text = "NewPage"
filename.Text = "Untitled"
filename.Location = New Point(5, 342)
filename.Width = 220
createb.Location = New Point(232, 342)
createb.Text = "Submit page"
'Add the tab to the page
'select the tab
TabControl1.SelectedTab = newpage
'add button handlers
AddHandler createb.Click, AddressOf createb_Click
End Sub
i looked all over for answers and found nothing. i havent changed anything in the propertys and i just installed dotnetbar.
CreateTab method already adds the newly created tab to Tabs collection (see docs for the method) so you are adding it twice. Remove this code: TabControl1.Tabs.Add(newpage)
Hope this helps.

VB.NET - Adding items to a listview as well as checkboxes and tag property

I've got this code which basically loops through a set of folders and subfolders and finds specific file types. And then lists these in a listview. Now, it's intended to list exe and msi files. And I've made it so that these icons can be doubleclicked after they have been listed. I do this by adding the path to the file in it's tag property.
But, my superiors want a checkbox next to each item. So that they can check each item they want installed. And then have a button which runs the path in each tag property one at a time. It's basically the part where I fill the listview with the checkbox, filename of the exe or msi file, tag and the icon that I'm wondering about.
This is the existing code. This includes just a Tile view of the listview.
Public Sub getDirectories(ByVal strFilepath As String, ByVal strFileExtension As String, ByVal objControl As Object)
'Load first files from the root folder. Then loop each subfolder
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(strFilepath)
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles(strFileExtension, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
Dim filePath As String
Dim fileIcon As Icon
' For each file in the root folder
For Each file In aryFi
If file.Extension = String.Empty Then
filePath = GetAssociatedProgram(file.Extension)
On Error Resume Next
'Extract icon
fileIcon = Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(filePath)
'Add the icon if we haven't got it already
objControl.StateImageList = Form1.iconList
If Form1.iconList.Images.ContainsKey(filePath) Then
Form1.iconList.Images.Add(filePath, fileIcon)
End If
'Add item to list
objControl.items.add(file.Name, filePath).Tag = file.DirectoryName
End If
End Sub
Basically I call this sub in this way:
getDirectories(strProgramLocation, "*.exe", Form1.listViewSupSoftware)
And I've found that I can add items to a listview which also contains columns:
Dim tempstr(2) As String
tempstr(0) = "Name of item"
tempstr(1) = "Target folder of item"
Dim tempNode As ListViewItem
tempNode = New ListViewItem(tempstr)
But there should be a way of combining these two right? I'm not sure how I can add a checkbox in the first column of the listview? I've already set the Checkbox property of the listview to True. But I could use some pointers here if anyone's got any. :)
Mmm, I don't understand quite well your question. If you already have the listbox you just need to use a CheckedListBox and loop thru all the checked items executing the executable stored into the tag property ...
As I said I'm not sure If I get what you mean ...