Choosing between dnx451 and dnxcore 50 for Azure Web App in terms of functionality, performance, etc -

I am creating a new project that will run in Azure Web App on the new ASP.NET 5. We are not planning to run it on linux or anything like that, at least now. So the question is, should I try to keep both frameworks if possible just in case or I should prefer one of them. There are e.g. much less dependencies that I can use with dnxcore50 which is not so nice. So the main question is: are there any benefits of using dnxcore50 if running in Azure Web App, like: performance, stability, etc. over dnx451.

I have to start that I'm still the beginner in ASP.NET 5 (like the most other), so I didn't posted my answer before and you should ignore my reputation, because it's come from another subjects, which I know better.
I think that everybody, who switch to ASP.NET 5, ask the same question whether it does make sense to keep both framework in his projects. I try to post below my personal thoughts about the subject.
My personal choice is my short recommendation to you: keep both framework till you find some really important reason to drop one from there.
ASP.NET 5 is still not final. The strategy is not full fixed and it can be changed in a short time later. Just some examples. Previous beta versions have supported "Helios" as an option for hosting ASP.NET 5 applications on IIS. The option was dropped later (see the statement). Even the name dnxcore50 is renamed now to dotnet5.4 at least in all internal Microsoft components (see the announcement). One can suppose that some other things could be changed in the future. Thus I think that putting all your eggs in one basket would be too dangerous now: keeping of both frameworks could reduce the risk.
The next thing, which I found, was the following. dnxcore50 (dotnet5.4 or CoreFX or .NET Core foundational libraries) don't support many features supported by .Net Framework. One important example for me was missing XSD Schema validation (see here and here). I use XML only in combination with XSD Schema validation. I prefer JSON in the most other cases. Kipping of both frameworks in your project could helps you to locate the parts of your code, which could be not yet implemented in CoreFX. It could helps you to move the code in separate component or to change the implementation.
About the performance. One should distinguish potentiality of both frameworks from the current implementation. In general CoreFX was redesigned and decomposed. Many parts of one mscorlib was separated or removed (remoting, AppDomains and so on). It means that the performance of CoreFX should be better. Theoretically the factored API can provide better performance. Moreover one can more easy improve one parts of CoreFX and publish new version with improved performance. More modules instead of having one monolith gives us the new way for improvement of the performance and for fixing the bugs. On the other side replacing of dependencies to new version could be origin of new compatibility problems and thus it increases the risk and could decrease the stability. By keeping of both frameworks we can test whether the new problem exist in alternative framework. It allows us to suppose that the last changes of dependencies and not the last changes of our main code is the origin of new problems.
I can continue with pros and cons of the usage of every framework, but nodoby like to read long text and all my arguments forward me to the same practical decision: keeping by default of both frameworks in my projects as soon as I would find out a real requirement to drop one from the frameworks.

No major advantages really so far.
This might change in the future and why I'm planning to target both (CoreCLR and .NET 4.6). A lot of investment is being spent in CoreCLR but also on Docker and Service Fabric.
Just my 2 cents.


Can you Auto update branches from the Main trunk?

Here is the scenario.
We are developing a product where we have a base product and regional variations for the product. We have all the common code checked into the main trunk while we have created 2 branches (branch_us, branch_uk) for the variations off of the main trunk. There is common code that is constantly being checked into the main trunk and the code that is being checked into branch_uk,branch_us is dependent on the code that is checked into the main trunk. This is being done because we expect more regions to added in future releases and as a result we want to have max reuse as well as thin regional variations layer.
Based on the current strategy, the developer will have to develop locally and then manually check-in the common files into main_trunk and regional variations into branch_uk & branch_us. Then everytime code is checked into the main_trunk, we will have to perform a merge from main_trunk->branch_uk & main_trunk->branch_us before we can perform a build for branch_uk & branch_uk (two separate deployments) because of dependency of new code in branch_uk/us branch to the new common code in main_trunk. This model seems extremely painful to think about and unproductive.
I'm by no means an expert on TFS. Here is what I am seeking opinion on:
Is there a way TFS can dynamically pull changes into branch_uk/branch_us from the main_trunk without doing a manual merge after every check-in (in the main_trunk)?
Do you guys have any other recommendations on the code management process that might be more effective/productive than the current one?
Any thoughts and feedback will be much appreciated!
This seems like a weird architecture to me, but of course I'm coming at it from a position of almost total ignorance, so there might be a compelling reason to approach it that way.
That being said: It sounds to me like you don't have a single application with two regional variations, you have two separate applications that share a common ancestor. The short answer to your question is "No". A slightly longer answer is "No, but you could write code to automate it."
A more thoughtful question-answer is "Are you sure centralized version control is the right tool for the job?" It might be more intuitive to use Git for this. What you have are, in effect, a base repository and two forks of that repository. Developers can work against whatever fork makes sense, and if something represents a change that should apply to all localizations, open a pull request to have the change merged into the base repository. This would require more discipline on the part of the developers, since they would have to ensure that their commits are isolated such that they can open a pull request that contains just commits that apply to the core platform. Git has powerful but difficult history-rewriting tools that can assist. Or, of course, they could just switch back and forth between working on the core platform, then pulling changes from the core platform back up to the separate repositories. This puts you back to where you started, but Git merges are very fast and shouldn't be a big issue.
Either way, thinking of the localizations are a single application is your mistake.
A non-source control answer might involve changing the application's architecture so that all localizations run off of the same codebase, but with locale-specific functionality expressed in a combination of configuration flags and runtime-discoverable MEF plugins, or making a "core" application platform that runs as an isolated service, and separately developed locale-specific services that express only deviations from the core application platform.

API library decoupling approaches?

Imagine a set of libraries that represent some APIs. By using an inversion of control mechanisms, concrete implementations will be injected in a consuming project.
Here is a situation. I have some of the API libraries depending on other API libraries for certain functionalities - therefore the API libraries themselves are coupled at some point. This coupling can become an issue later, because changing one API will result in changes of the dependent APIs, and the corresponding implementations will also need to be changed, so in the worst case we end up with quite a number of projects that need to be modified to reflect a change form only one of them.
Now I have in mind two possible solutions for this:
Create a monolith API project that unites the related API libraries.
Further decouple APIs by making each library provide interfaces for all functionalities that are dependent on the other API, so the direct dependency is removed. This might result in a similar code in both libraries, but gives freedom to the implementations chosen via the IoC mechanisms and also allows the APIs to improve independently from each other (when an API is changed, the changes would affect only its implementation libraries, not other APIs or their implementatons).
The problem with the second approach is the duplicating of code, and the result might be of having too much api libraries that need to be referenced (for instance, in .NET application each API will be a separate DLL. In some scenarios, like Silverlight applications, this can be an issue with app size - download time and client performance overally).
Is there a better solution for the situation. When is it better to merge some API libs into one bigger and when not? I know this is a very general question I am asking, but lets ignore the due dates, estimations, client requirements and technologies for a moment, I want to be able to determine the right approach based on both achieving maximum scalability and minimum maintanance time. So, what could be a good reason to choose either approach, or another one you might suggest me?
I feel like I must clarify something about the question. I have in mind decoupling APIs from each other, not the API from its implementation. So, for instance if I have security API for validating permissions of access, and user accounts API that uses (references) the security API, changing security API will bring the need of changing the user accounts API, and the implementations of both of them. The more APIs that happen to be coupled this way, the more changes will have to be applied. It is what I want to avoid.
The choice is between few huge libraries and a myriad of small libraries.
If you have a huge library, the code within will tend to be tightly coupled simply because there's no force providing pressure to design the various elements in a loosely coupled way. The risk is that it becomes harder and harder to evolve that library because there are so many interdependencies that must be coordinated. Think about the .NET Base Class Library as an example.
If you have a myriad of small libraries, you might risk dll hell. Yes, we were promised many years ago that this was over, but it's not. Just try to consume a lot of fine-grained open source libraries in your application code base and you'll know what I mean.
Still, the Single Responsibility Principle also applies at the package level, so I'd recommend small, focused libraries instead of huge general-purpose libraries. This also makes it easier to always pick best-of-breed libraries.
Small libraries can always be composed/compiled into larger libraries (in .NET with an Assembly Linker / Merger / Repacker utility), while it's much harder to split a big library.
No matter what you do, the most important thing to keep in mind is backwards compatibility. The fewer breaking changes you introduce, the easier those libraries will be to manage.
I don't see this as a problem, really.
Some library will depend on other libraries, and this is fine to me: improving one library will improve all the dependents! The "owner" of a library will have the responsibility not to break existing code, when making a change, but this is normal and can easily be handled if the code is well designed.
If you have changes rippling through all dependent code you should reconsider your design. If your library surfaces a certain API it should isolate its consumers from changes to underlying classes or libraries.
Update 1:
If your application uses Library1 with API1 it should not have to deal with the fact that Library1 uses Lib2, Lib3, .. , LibX.
E.g. The Moq mocking library depends on CastleDynamicProxy. Why should you have to care about that? You get an assembly where DynamicProxy is already merged in and you can just use Moq. You never see, use or have to care about DynamicProxy. So if the DP API changes, that would not affect your tests written using Moq. Moq isolates your code from changes in the API of the underlying DP.
Update 2:
Finding a problem valid for more than one branch causes modifications
of all of them
If that is the case you don't build a library but a helper for a very specific problem that should NEVER be forced upon other projects. Shared libraries tend to degenerate to a collection of "might be useful somewhere in the distant future". Don't! This will always bite you in the a**! If you have a solution for a problem that occurs in more than one place (like Guard classes): share it. If you believe that you might find a use for some solution to a problem: leave it in the project until you really have that situation. Then share it. Never do that "just in case".

Whither NetTiers?

I used NetTiers in a number of projects a job or two back. I found it extremely useful for generating back-end interfaces in ASP.NET webforms. The business and data layers were also pretty sweet. I typically use NHibernate, but I think it may be overkill on these particular projects in terms of the time it will take to get running.
Since then, I've been working on projects where practically everything is end-user facing. However, I've recently gotten a side project that will have a lot of back-end administrative stuff and was wondering if NetTiers is still as well-maintained and clean as it was a couple of years back. It doesn't appear to be, but I don't know if that means that it has actually been abandoned or if it has merely been moved elsewhere. Or is there another product (preferably a set of CodeSmith templates) that might work better for me? All I really need is a clean ActiveRecord model that can hit a SQL database on the backend and generate simple user interfaces for CRUD screens for most of my model objects. I need something that will do deep-loading of object graphs kind of like NetTiers will do as well.
Any suggestions?
I'm currently supporting a large NetTiers application and my experience has generally been one of frustration. I inherited the project and took over maintenance of the templates, fixing a number of bugs in the templates and applying some post-generation scripts to the generated files. IMHO the generated code is overly verbose, suffers from massive duplication, and would benefit from more use of generics. The templates I'm working with didn't dispose of resources correctly (the newer template versions may be better). At one point I considered upgrading to a newer version but the size of the exercise put me off. Useful documentation is difficult to find and getting answers to NetTiers questions is not straight forward. The overall impression I have is one of gradual decline.
If you're just after a simple .Net stack for generating a UI from a SQL database I suggest you take a look at ASP.NET MVC3 with MvcScaffolding and Entity Framework. Add AutoMapper and Munq for DI.
We have been using NetTiers for several years now. I think it tend to look overwhelming for first time users, in terms of quantity of stuff generated, and there are a couple of limitations around the DeepLoad functionallity and circularities. I too have the feeling that there have not been many updates lately, but in the overall I've had a great experience using Nettiers with codesmith, and from all the ones I've tried, it's clearly our favorite, with huge productivity gains. We use views, custom sp's, the indexes, etc.
In a comment to another reply: We've tried Automapper, and moved away from it due to the fact that it fails silently when the object's structures change. And moved away from Entity Framework because we don't like hand-coding our DALs. :)

How do you handle technology updates in long running projects?

Let's assume you're in the middle of a long running project (long running = several years) and, as expected, there will be several things coming up with brand new releases. There might be a new .Net Framework with brand new features (e.g. Linq, Entity Framework, WPF, WF...), a new Visual Studio or of your favorite Control Library, a new Mock Framework and a lot more things.
What are your guidelines for handling these technology updates? Do you adopt them instantly or do you ignore them until the end of the project? Do you have different guidelines for different things (Tools, Frameworks, supporting stuff)?
In my experience, these decisions are always made on a case-by-case basis. Several factors are considered, including:
How mature is the new technology? Does the organization like to be at the forefront working with bleeding edge new technologies, or does it prefer to work with proven tools and methodologies?
What skill sets do your people have? Are they consistent with use of the new technology, or is more training needed? Will improved productivity outweigh the time it takes to come up to speed?
What investment do you have in the existing technology? What is the cost of moving to the new technology? How much rework and rewriting of code is involved?
What is the requirement? Is it supported by the existing techology, or are new tools needed to fulfill the requirement?
What are the performance expectations? Does the new technology provide a performance improvement that cannot be met with the old technology?
What about the technological culture? Is the organization vendor specific (e.g. a Microsoft shop)? Can open-source code be used?
What is the scope of the project? Is it a large project that would benefit from supporting technologies like frameworks and tools, or is it a small project that would be unduly weighed down and complicated by these things?
How is the new technology supported? Does the vendor have good documentation? Is there someone you can talk to if you have problems? Or are you an organization that has people that know how to solve problems without a support contract?
Is the technology comfortable to work with? Does it seem to make sense? Is it clean and elegant? Do other people seem to like it? Are other people having problems with it?
Is the technology the latest flavor of the week? Has it proven itself in the battlefield to produce tangible results, or is it just a religion?
How much time do you have to learn the new technology and iron out the kinks? Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
As a very brief example, I chose Link to SQL for my most recent project, because the project was complex enough to warrant an ORM, L2S performs well and is lightweight, we are a Microsoft Shop, and it is my sense that the Entity framework is not quite ready for prime time (even though Microsoft says that it will be the go-to framework for the future).
Stick with what you've started with.
A large and long running project often comes with a huge and highly complex code-base. Any change or upgrade to a new version of a library can add bugs in very subtle and unexpected ways.
Also: For large projects the tools and libraries used should have been tested and evaluated in the design-phase. Unless you find a show-stopper or a security issue it's best to not upgrade.
Always remember: Don't change horses in the middle of a stream. :-)
I would say different factors pitch in, like-
Say a software is nearing its end of life, for example last April, Microsoft retired mainstream support for SQL Server 2000, and your product uses it then its wiser to go for the next version of SQL Server in your next release.
Another factor which comes into play is how much value does the new features in the latest release of a software would bring to your product. It may well be the case that the new release of .NET framework has something which does not add any value to your product, then that does not build a strong case to upgrade.
Budget is also an important factor. I think you need to upgrade licenses in order to step up to the next release unless you are already part of something like software assurance.
Training to the team is also a factor. If the latest release is going to add to your product then you will have to train your team as well.
Well, there could be other telling factors too. These were the ones off the top of my head. I hope it helps.
If you're talking about a framework-specific example, the biggest piece of advice I'll give you is keep the system and your application separate. This is why I love patterns such as Model-View-Controller - it keeps your code modular and means you can upgrade sections without breaking the app as an entirety.
On a more practical level, if your framework has a Git or SVN repository, checkout the usual 'system' directory from the repo, then you can call 'svn update' occasionally to keep up with the latest and greatest builds.
I would suggest that the project not last that long. Develop the application in smaller pieces with iterations every couple months. That way, as new technology comes out, you can make the necessary change and implement updates as you go rather then have to decide to redevelop the whole application. As you say, trying to develop the whole application as things change just doesn't work.
As another poster said, it's certainly a case-by-case basis thing. What you can upgrade and when is determined mostly by how hard or easy it is to test the new version of the system. Having a comprehensive automated test suite for your application helps a lot with this.
Generally, I try to update to the latest stable release of libraries and so on as often as possible, because that makes maintenance easier. If you don't update, you may find yourself patching or working around bugs in the version of the library you are using. If you update less frequently, each update will be more work because you have more changes to deal with, and it's been longer since you last touched the system, and thus you remember less about it.

How to avoid short-lifespan enterprise applications?

A while ago another question referred to the (possibly urban tale) statistic that
... the average lifespan of software is about 3 years
At the time I came up with the following reasons (and I'm sure there are more possibly better ones):
A new major system (ERP, CRM, etc.) is implemented and it has an "integrated" module to replace the old app.
Same, but no integrated app - but the existing app is not adaptable (the people left, technology has changed, current IT policies have changed, users don't like the existing app.)
The company you acquired the basic app from, to customize it for your needs has disappeared.
Or you don't get along well with them any more.
The technology for the existing app is "obsolete" (according to the framework vendor/Microsoft/consultant/industry expert/new IT manager who has management's ear.)
"We're phasing out (Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/NT) and we need matching technology in our apps".
"We've learned a lot from (App Version n) and we'll do a lot better the second/third/fourth/n+1th time."
Job justification for developers/IT manager/Division VP/consulting company.
The users hate it.
We've merged/acquired a competitor/been acquired by a competitor and theirs is better.
Some of these are unavoidable (e.g. your company gets bought), but overall this is surely smething that needs to be avoided. Does your organization intentionally fight this syndrome? What effective strategies would you recommend?
That's why an application needs to be easy to expand, and you should be able to easily add-in all the buzzwords.
If you have a solid base code, most of the buzzwords are related to the UI (Vista Controls, Ajax, .net, 3.5)...
You could be running COBOL in the back-end ( I wouldn't).
A new major system is implemented - There's nothing you can do.
current IT policies have changed, - The app should be adaptable.
users don't like/hate the existing app - why? cosmetic changes in the UI can fix this most of the time.
The company you acquired the basic app from, to customize it for your needs has disappeared. - I wouldn't do that, I'd prefer to write it myself.
The technology for the existing app is "obsolete" (according to the framework vendor/Microsoft/consultant/industry expert/new IT manager who has management's ear.) - same as the above, if the back-end is solid, you should follow these in the front-end.
"We're phasing out (Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/NT) and we need matching technology in our apps". - a simple compatibility test and minor UI elements solve this.
I'll also say that this is different when you compare in-house to commercial apps, if you're doing an in-house app, change guarantees your job (if you know what you're doing). If you're doing a commercial app, change is an opportunity to make more money, new features would get you upgrades from existing clients and new clients who are looking for the buzzwords, these buzzword could become your advantage when compared to a competitor.
The average lifetime of software I write at the moment is probably a few days. (I write a lot of scripts, so I might be an aberration. ;-) But the core system I work with is probably 15 to 20 years old now. The underlying OS is about 30 years old. There is nothing inherently wrong with either old or young software. In fact, software ages best when it's possible to adapt it to new uses.
Having layers of abstraction between functional parts make it easier to replace functionality in a system. For instance, we've gone through several different tape libraries on our system and now we are considering going to disk archives in the future. Since the "archive" portion of our system sits behind an abstraction layer, we can replace it fairly easily without replacing the rest of the system.
When possible, it's also best to use standard parts. That way, if you run into some limitation, it's likely others will have the same problems and more likely someone will come up with a fix.
Continuous improvement - add useful features at regular intervals
No show-stopping bugs in new versions - testing, testing, testing...
be nice to your clients and treat them with respect (most users really don't want to change their ERPs every three years so if you have a good realtions with them they'll be on your side)
Stay current with new technologies and integrate them in your application when needed
When gathering requirements and someone says "Situation X will always be the case, no exceptions", make it configurable. It will always change, no exceptions.
Most companies don't make it for 5 years. Their software implementations wouldn't be expected to last as long.