How to bind the selected member of a ComboBox? -

I have a ComboBox that is populated with objects of type ProfileName
Private Class ProfileName
Public Property Name As String
Public Property File As String
Public Property ProductVersion As String
End Class
These items are created added to the combo box after a deserialising a bunch of files and copying some of the values from the resulting objects:
pcb.DisplayMember = "Name"
For Each F As FileInfo In ProfileFiles
Dim Reader As StreamReader = F.OpenText()
Dim Serialize As Serializer = New Serializer()
Dim SerializedData As String = Reader.ReadToEnd()
Dim P As Profile = Serialize.DesearializeObject(Of Profile)(SerializedData)
If P.Type = Profile.ProfileType.Product Then
Dim PN As ProfileName = New ProfileName()
PN.File = F.Name
PN.ProductVersion = P.ProductVersion
PN.Name = P.ProductName & " - " & P.ProductVersion
End If
Then if a user opens one of these files, the file will be again deserialised resulting in a Profile object with a 'ProductName' property that should match one of the items already on the ComboBox items list, so I'd like for the ComboBox to show that as the selected item.
-On form load the ComboBox is populated with all possible product names.
-When a profile file is opened the product that the profile uses is automatically selected in the ComboBox.
I've been playing with
ProductComboBox.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", CurrentProfile, "ProductName")
and permutations thereof, but can't seem to get it right.

You cant mix and match - put objects into the items collection and use the data binding methods/elements. Databinding basics:
Public Class Profile
Public Property Name As String
Public Property File As String
Public Property ProductVersion As String
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0} ({1})", Name, ProductVersion)
End Function
End Class
The ToString() controls what will be displayed when you cant specify the property to display. Note, these should be properties becaus mere Fields will be treated differently.
Then a container for them. This will be the DataSource for the cbo.
Private Profiles As List(Of Profile)
' create instance of list and populate from where ever:
Profiles = New List(Of Profile)
Profiles.Add(New Profile With {.Name = "Default", .File = "foo",
.ProductVersion = "1.0"})
Profiles.Add(New Profile With {.Name = "Ziggy", .File = "bat",
.ProductVersion = "1.9.8"})
Profiles.Add(New Profile With {.Name = "Zoey", .File = "bar",
.ProductVersion = "1.4.1"})
Rather than putting the Profile objects into the Items collection, bind the control to the List:
cboP.DataSource = Profiles
cboP.DisplayMember = "Name"
If you omit the property to display, ToString() will be shown (or WindowsApp1.Profile if you did not override it). Note: When using a DataSource you no longer add or delete from the control's Items collection - it will yell at you. Instead manage the underlying source, your List(Of Profile) in this case.
To change the selection, for example to the one for "Ziggy":
Dim n As Int32 = Profiles.FindIndex(Function(f) f.Name = "Ziggy")
If n > -1 Then
cboP.SelectedIndex = n
End If
You can also set SelectedItem after you find the Profile instead, but I tend to use index. Even though the list is a new actor, serializing the entire thing is easy:
' serializing the List acts on all the profiles in it
Dim json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Profiles)
File.WriteAllText("C:\Temp\Profiles.json", json)
Read it back:
json = File.ReadAllText("C:\Temp\Profiles.json")
Dim newPs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of List(Of Profile))(json)
Its a bit simpler than looping thru a set of files. List(of T) has a full set of methods and extensions to remove, sort, find etc so you should gain functionality over the items collection or array.
Alternatively, you could keep the one file per structure, but add the deserialized Profile objects to a List(of Profile) rather than the Items collection.


Retrieve list that is saved in a datatable

I created a datatable containing the list of notes for songs:
Private Table As New DataTable
Public Sub New()
With Table
.Rows.Add("GOT", GOT)
.Rows.Add("Yesterday", Yesterday)
End With
End Sub
GOT and Yesterday are lists of notes (notes is a class containing note, duration etc..)
On the form I then assign the datatable to a combobox:
ComboSongs.DisplayMember = Songs.DataTable.Columns(0).ColumnName
ComboSongs.ValueMember = Songs.DataTable.Columns(1).ColumnName
ComboSongs.DataSource = Songs.DataTable
I try to get the list of notes like this:
Dim songToPlay As List(Of Note) = CType(ComboSongs.SelectedValue, List(Of Note))
When I try to get the list I get the error:
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[test.Note]'.'
Now I am unsure where I am getting it wrong. What would be the correct way to do this?
Your ValueMember is what is returned through the ComboBox.SelectedValue. So since you set the ValueMember like this
ComboSongs.ValueMember = Songs.DataTable.Columns(1).ColumnName
you only get the ColumnName. I assume that's a string and, well, the error message tells you it is one
... Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' ...
I guess that should be "NoteList", since that would be returned by Songs.DataTable.Columns(1).ColumnName
But this all doesn't make much sense, as I guess you are selecting a song there, either "Yesterday" or "GOT". At the point you're at it's so convoluted to return the DataTable rows, and index them. You will need to find the row by name and that is just too complicated when you could just create a class with strong names. I'll give you a class based solution but I'm not sure if you can make that change.
Private Class Song
Public Property Name As String
Public Property NoteList As List(Of Note)
End Class
Private Class Note
' your implementation
End Class
Dim songs As New List(Of Song)()
songs.Add(New Song() With {.Name = "GOT", .NoteList = New List(Of Note)})
songs.Add(New Song() With {.Name = "Yesterday", .NoteList = New List(Of Note)})
' need to populate those NoteLists first
ComboSongs.DisplayMember = "Name"
ComboSongs.DataSource = songs
Dim songToPlay = songs.SingleOrDefault(Function(s) s.Name = ComboSongs.SelectedValue)
Dim noteList = songToPlay.NoteList create objects in for each loop from partial info in Ienumerable

Summary:I want to create objects in a for each loop.
I have a class - Dashboard, which has some properties - length, height, etc.
This info is contained within an XML document, but my class' properties is only a small subset of the information in the XML.
I have created a Collection of XElement, and I can iterate over these, but how do I create my object on each iteration of the loop?
Dim Col_DashBoards As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = From XDashboard In XDocument.Load(filename).Descendants("dashboard")
For Each XDashboard In Col_DashBoards
Dim Xdashboard.Name as New DashboardClassObject
Xdashboard.Name.Height = XDashboard.Element("Height").value
If I have understood your question correctly, you wish to create a new object based on a subset of data from within an XML document?
The below is a function that will generate a new DashboardClassObject for every matching node and populate that object. A list of type DashboardclassObject is returned.
Public Function GenerateDashBoardFromXML(filename as string) As List(Of DashboardClassObject)
Dim dashboardList As List(Of DashboardClassObject) = New List(Of DashboardClassObject)()
Dim Col_DashBoards As IEnumerable(Of XElement) = From XDashboard In XDocument.Load(filename)?.Descendants("dashboard")
For Each XDashboard In Col_DashBoards
Dim dashboard As DashboardClassObject = New DashboardClassObject () With {
.Name = XDashboard.Element("Height")?.value
return dashboardList
End Function
It should be noted that Null checking is used here. The below is only populated if the matching element is found. Null coalescing operator is also an option here.
.Name = XDashboard.Element("Height")?.value

Combo Box items - Display Member for List(Of String)?

My project is in Visual Basic. I am trying to create a custom & savable "filter" for a DataGridView using several TextBoxes. Right now, any List(Of String) that is added to the Combo Box is displayed in the box as (Collection). I want my users to be able to select the one they created, so I would like the Lists to have a display name that can be selected in the Combo Box. Here is some of the code.
Dim savedFilter As New List(Of String)
Is it possible to add a display name for a List?
Or if you are lazy use buid-in generic class Tuple From MSDN.
Create collection of Tuple(Of String, List(Of String)) and use approach suggested by #Plutonix for binding collection to ComboBox
Dim savedFilter As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, List(Of String)))()
New List From {"filter1", "filter2", "filter3"}))
Tuple.Create("Blue ones",
New List From {"filter4", "filter5"}))
Tuple.Create("Old ones",
New List From {NameTextBox.Text, AgeTextBox.Text, NotesTextBox.Text}))
With ComboBoxSavedFilters
.DisplayMember = "Item1" 'Name of first property in Tuple type
.ValueMember = "Item2" 'Name of second property in Tuple type -List
.DataSource = savedFilter
End With
Then SelectedValue will contain currently selected filter's collection,
which can be accessed like that
Dim filter As List(Of String) =
DirectCast(Me.ComboBoxSavedFilters.SelectedValue, List(Of String))
You could setup under My.Settings a StriingCollection
Initializing (you can omit the items added if so desired)
If My.Settings.Filters Is Nothing Then
My.Settings.Filters = New StringCollection() From {"One", "Two"}
End If
Setup items in a ComboBox
ComboBox1.Items.AddRange(My.Settings.Filters.Cast(Of String).ToArray)
Adding an item
You can remove and clear items too.
Provide a Display Member for List(Of String)
Apparently, these are less a collection of filters than a collection of criteria or clauses for one Filter:
I condensed the code in the question, but there are 14 fields that can be filtered and there are multiple filters that can be applied on one field.
For the multiples per field, I am not sure I would want to store those individually, but keep the field criteria together. So, if you want to apply a name to these, a class would not only do that but could help manage the filter elements:
Public Class SuperFilter
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Elements As SortedList
Public ReadOnly Property FilterText As String
Return GetFilterText()
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New(n As String)
Name = n
Elements = New SortedList
End Sub
Public Sub AddItem(filter As String)
Elements.Add(Elements.Count, filter)
End Sub
Public Sub InsetAt(index As Int32, filter As String)
Elements.Add(index, filter)
End Sub
Private Function GetFilterText() As String
Dim els(Elements.Count - 1) As String
Elements.Values.CopyTo(els, 0)
Return String.Join(" ", els)
End Function
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return String.Format("{0} ({1})", Name, Elements.Count.ToString)
End Function
End Class
You would need to add methods and properties like Remove and Count but this should be enough to demonstrate. I am not sure about the SortedList, a Dictionary using the field name might be better, but something to control the order seems worthwhile. I am also unsure I would expose the Elements collection - managing it might be better left to the class.
Hopefully, the Combo displaying a set of these (as opposed to the filter elements/clauses) is the goal.
Private filters As New List(Of SuperFilter)
Add filter items to the list:
Dim item As New SuperFilter("Default")
item.AddItem("Id = 7")
item = New SuperFilter("Blue Ones")
item.AddItem("Color = Blue")
item = New SuperFilter("Complex")
item.AddItem("[Name] like %Bob% OR [Name] like %Alice%")
item.AddItem("AND Color = 'Blue'")
item.AddItem("AND Active=True")
item.AddItem("AND AccessRequired < 3")
item.AddItem("AND DateAdded > #2/11/2010#")
item.AddItem("AND CreatedBy = 'ziggy'")
cbo1.DataSource = filters
cbo1.DisplayMember = "Name"
cbo1.ValueMember = "FilterText"
The value member could be the Elements - the collection of filter clauses, or it could be the query text. The GetFilterText method joins them together for you as part of what a filter manager class could/should:
For n As Int32 = 0 To filters.Count - 1
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0} Count: {1}{2}Text:{3}", filters(n).Name,
Environment.NewLine, filters(n).FilterText)
Name: Default Count: 1
Text:Id = 7
Name: Blue Ones Count: 1
Text:Color = Blue
Name: Complex Count: 6
Text:[Name] like %Bob% OR [Name] like %Alice% AND Color = 'Blue' AND Active=True AND AccessRequired < 3 AND DateAdded > #2/11/2010# AND CreatedBy = 'ziggy'
If you use "Elements" as the ValueMember you will get back the collection.
The combo displays the Name for the user. On the right, a label displays the ValueMember in this case, it is the FilterText or joined Elements. As I said, you could get back the actual collection as the SelectedValue instead, but that is available as part of SelectedItem.
If savable means beyond the life of the application instance, that is another question, but these are very easily serialized.

Get ValueMember of Selected item in ListBox

I've seen a couple of posts asking a similar question but I have not been able to duplicate the answers in my code successfully.
The following code adds items and their value member to a list box.
Public Shared Sub ListFiles(hTab As Hashtable)
Debug.Print("create file and key" & Now)
Dim Enumerator As IDictionaryEnumerator
Enumerator = hTab.GetEnumerator()
Dim MyKeys As ICollection
Dim Key As Object
MyKeys = hTab.Keys()
If (hTab.Count > 0) Then
For Each Key In MyKeys
Dim sfileName As String = hTab(Key)
Dim first As Integer = sfileName.IndexOf("_")
Dim last As Integer = sfileName.LastIndexOfAny("_")
Dim first2 = (first + 1)
Dim splitFile = sfileName.Substring(first2)
frmViewFiles.ListBox1.ValueMember = Key
frmViewFiles.ListBox1.SelectedValue = Key
End If
End Sub
When I run my code to get the selected items value member
Dim file = ListBox1.ValueMember.ToString()
I can acess the first item I choose but subsequent selections dont change the value member to that of the selected item.
Please direct me.
Thank you for your answers. this is my new code:
Public Shared Sub runListFiles(CustomerId As String)
Dim cfp As New CloudFilesProvider(cloudId)
Dim containerObjectList As IEnumerable(Of ContainerObject) = cfp.ListObjects(container:="EstherTest", identity:=cloudId, prefix:=CustomerId & "_")
For Each file As ContainerObject In containerObjectList
Dim sFullFileName As String = file.Name
Dim first As Integer = sFullFileName.IndexOf("_")
Dim first2 = (first + 1)
Dim splitFile = sFullFileName.Substring(first2)
'frmViewFiles.ListBox1.ValueMember = sFullFileName
Dim fb = New myFile
fb.FileName = splitFile
fb.FullPath = sFullFileName
frmViewFiles.ListBox1.DisplayMember = fb.FileName
frmViewFiles.ListBox1.ValueMember = fb.FullPath
This is my class:
Public Class myFile
Public Property FileName As String
Public Property FullPath As String
Public Sub New(f As String, b As String)
FileName = f
FullPath = b
End Sub
End Class
Please see my comment below and assist
ValueMember is supposed to indicate the property name of an object added to the Items collection: the property to use as the actual value for the items in the ListControl.
You are not adding objects to the control, so Key from the hashtable is meaningless as the ValueMember. Your post references a file variable in passing, so I will assume this revolves around showing the filename while wanting to get the full pathname when selected/clicked. WebForms/Winforms/WPF was not indicated, I am assuming WinForms:
Public Class myFile
Public Property FileName As String
Public Property FullPath As String
Public Property FileSize As Int64 ' just so there is something else
Public Sub New(f as String, p as String, s as Int64)
FileName = f
FullPath = b
FileSize = s
End Sub
End Class
Lets say we want to add some of these to a ListBox, for each item added we want FileName to display as the text, but want to get them back by FullPath:
Dim f As myFile
' assume these come from a fileinfo
For Each fi as FileInfo in DirectoryInfo.GetFiles(searchFor)
f = New myFile
f.FileName = fi.Name
f.FullPath = fi.FullPath
f.FileSize = fi.Length
' myFile accepts all the prop values in the constructor
' so creating a new one could also be written as:
' f = New myFile(fi.Name, fi.FullPath, fi.Length)
Next n
If the myFile objects were stored to a List(of myFile) rather than adding them to the control, we can bind the List as the DataSource and not have to iterate or copy:
mylistBox.DataSource = myFileList
Either way, Display- and ValueMember refer to the property names we wish to use:
myListBox.DisplayMember = "FileName" ' indicate property name of obj to SHOW
myListBox.ValueMember = "FullPath" ' prop name of object to return
When you select a listbox item, myListBox.SelectedValue would refer to the FullPath of the myFile object clicked on. The SelectedIndex would still refer to the index of the item in the list.
ValueMember and DisplayMember refers to the Property Names of Objects represented in the list.
I know this is many years later, but still relevant information.
It took me a while to parse what was said above, until I grokked it fully, so I thought it might help if I restated it slightly.
When you select a listbox item,
myListBox.SelectedValue is the contents of the field, myListBox.ValueMember. ValueMember contains the Field Name, SelectedValue contains the contents of the field.
myListBox.SelectedItem is the contents of the field myListBox.DisplayMember. DisplayMember contains the field name and SelectedItem contains the value of the field.
The SelectedIndex refers to the index of the item in the list. To see which item is selected, reference myListBox.SelectedIndex. You can, for example, change the selection to the last item in the list by using myListBox.SelectedIndex = myListBox.Items.Count - 1
If you want to display the values, then
Console.WriteLine("The value of {0} is {1}",myListBoxDisplayMember,myListBox.SelectedItem)
Console.WriteLine("The Value of {0} is {1}",myListBox.ValueMember,myListBox.SelectedValue)

Possible to add some sort of identification onto list items?

I'm just curious if it's possible to gather a list of data and put it into a list or array and easily pull them out using some variable(like a tag property on controls) on each item in the list rather than using the index. An example would be if i have many controls on a form and would like to populate the values using the list but instead of having to cross check a lot of different indicies(would take a lot of time) i could just assign the label to some 'tag like' variable for the list item.
Is this possible?
Lists in .NET, such as the List(Of T) class, only support storing one object per item. However, the beauty of them is, you can store any type of object that you want. If you need to store metadata with your data, simply create a new class that holds all the data for each item. For instance:
Public Class MyControlData
Public Property LabelText As String
Public Property Value As String
End Class
Then you can add the items to the list like this:
Dim dataList As New List(Of MyControlData)()
Dim item As New MyControlData()
item.LabelText = "Name"
item.Value = "Bob"
And you can read the data from the list like this:
For Each i As MyControlData in dataList
Label1.Text = i.LabelText
TextBox1.Text = i.Value
I would use a Dictionary object so you can use a key to reference your data easily.
You can use LINQ:
Dim myTagControls = From ctrl In Me.Controls.Cast(Of Control)()
Where "your-tag".Equals(ctrl.Tag)
For Each ctrl In myTagControls
Console.WriteLine("Tag:{0} Name:{1}", ctrl.Tag, ctrl.Name)