How to to read input stream from Magnetic stripe reader with keyboard support in Windows 10 universal app - usb

We have tried the approach suggested at:
We are able to find out list of all the magneticDevices using below code snippet
var magneticDevices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqsFilter);
but we are not able to get HidDevice object from the below code. It is giving null.
HidDevice device = await HidDevice.FromIdAsync(magneticDevices[0].Id
We have also set device capabilities in the app manifest file like below.
<DeviceCapability Name="humaninterfacedevice">
<Device Id="vidpid:0ACD 0520">
<Function Type="usage:0001 0006"/>
<DeviceCapability Name="usb">
<Device Id="vidpid:0ACD 0520">
<Function Type="winUsbId:4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030"/>
Code for the complete Function
private async Task<bool> HasCardReader()
bool hasCardReader = false;
ushort usagePage = 0x0001;
ushort usageId = 0x0006;
ushort vendorId = 0x0ACD;
ushort productId = 0x0520;
var aqsFilter = HidDevice.GetDeviceSelector(usagePage, usageId, vendorId, productId);
var magneticDevices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(aqsFilter);
if (magneticDevices != null && magneticDevices.Count > 0)
HidDevice device = await HidDevice.FromIdAsync(magneticDevices[0].Id, Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.Read);
inputReportEventHandler = new TypedEventHandler<HidDevice, HidInputReportReceivedEventArgs>(this.OnInputReportEvent);
device.InputReportReceived += inputReportEventHandler;
var watcher = DeviceInformation.CreateWatcher(aqsFilter);
watcher.Added += WatcherAdded;
watcher.Removed += WatcherRemoved;
hasCardReader = true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logging.LoggingSessionScenario.LogMessageAsync(ex.Message, LoggingLevel.Error);
return hasCardReader;

There are several reasons for the null return value, but I don't think there is something wrong with your code, since you can find the device by calling FindAllAsync. I will suggest you to troubleshoot this issue using this official HIDDevice sample on GitHub.
I successfully connected to my external hid device with that sample by changing the vid & pid & usagepage & usageid to my device.
In EventHandlerForDevice.cs, find the function OpenDeviceAsync, and you will notice the following possible reasons when null is returned by FromIdAsync.
successfullyOpenedDevice = false;
notificationStatus = NotifyType.ErrorMessage;
var deviceAccessStatus = DeviceAccessInformation.CreateFromId(deviceInfo.Id).CurrentStatus;
if (deviceAccessStatus == DeviceAccessStatus.DeniedByUser)
notificationMessage = "Access to the device was blocked by the user : " + deviceInfo.Id;
else if (deviceAccessStatus == DeviceAccessStatus.DeniedBySystem)
// This status is most likely caused by app permissions (did not declare the device in the app's package.appxmanifest)
// This status does not cover the case where the device is already opened by another app.
notificationMessage = "Access to the device was blocked by the system : " + deviceInfo.Id;
// Most likely the device is opened by another app, but cannot be sure
notificationMessage = "Unknown error, possibly opened by another app : " + deviceInfo.Id;
Have a try with that sample(Scenario1) and change the ids in both appxmanifest and SampleConfiguration.cs(class Device). If you cannot see your device in the device list, that means the configuration is incorrect for your device.


Xamarin iOS - Check if mobile data connection is available

I would like to check if mobile data is available (the app has access, it's switched on in settings, aeroplane mode isn't on and there is a valid connection).
I want to know this even when an active wifi connection is established. So I can't use any get the current connection as it won't be the current one, WiFi would be.
I have tried looking into NWPath and NWPathMonitor but got a bit confused by it all.
Thanks, if I need to add any more information just drop a comment and I will update this or reply to you.
Since you have a Tag with Xamarin, just use the API from Essentials. For the connectivity-checker see the docs.
Here is a pretty perfekt blogpost from "James Montemagno"
A sneak preview of the Post:
var current = Connectivity.NetworkAccess;
case NetworkAccess.Internet:
// Connected to internet
case NetworkAccess.Local:
// Only local network access
case NetworkAccess.ConstrainedInternet:
// Connected, but limited internet access such as behind a network login page
case NetworkAccess.None:
// No internet available
case NetworkAccess.Unknown:
// Internet access is unknown
Edit due to the comment from #Samuel James:
Maybe this helps?
Check what type of activ connection (according docs from Mircosoft):
var profiles = Connectivity.ConnectionProfiles;
if (profiles.Contains(ConnectionProfile.Cellular))
// Active mobile/cellular data connection.
public enum ConnectionProfile
/// <summary>Other unknown type of connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The bluetooth data connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The mobile/cellular data connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The ethernet data connection.</summary>
/// <summary>The WiFi data connection.</summary>
See my answer here ,we can use CoreTelephony framework to get what the specific type of cellular is .
Try the following code
public ConnectivityTest()
// Register for connectivity changes, be sure to unsubscribe when finished
Connectivity.ConnectivityChanged += Connectivity_ConnectivityChanged;
string result;
void Connectivity_ConnectivityChanged(object sender, ConnectivityChangedEventArgs e)
var access = e.NetworkAccess;
var profiles = e.ConnectionProfiles;
if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess != NetworkAccess.Internet)
result = "NoNetworkAccess";
else if (profiles.Contains(ConnectionProfile.Cellular))
CTTelephonyNetworkInfo networkInfo = new CTTelephonyNetworkInfo();
string carrierTypeName = networkInfo.ServiceCurrentRadioAccessTechnology.Values[0];
if (carrierTypeName == null) result = "unknown";
else if (carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.GPRS ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.Edge ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMA1x)
result = "2G";
else if (carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.WCDMA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.HSDPA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.HSUPA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMAEVDORev0 ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMAEVDORevA ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.CDMAEVDORevB ||
carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.EHRPD)
result = "3G";
else if (carrierTypeName == CTRadioAccessTechnology.LTE)
result = "4G";
else result = "5G";
Refer to

How to keep HTTP/2 connection alive till the request / response session is complete?

I am currently using HttpDeclarePushto exploit the Server Push feature in HTTP/2.
I am able to successfully create all the parameters that this function accepts. But the issue is when HttpDeclarePushexecutes it returns a value of 1229 (ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID) -
On further investigation I found that the HttpHeaderConnection in _HTTP_HEADER_ID ( is actually passed in the function as 'close'. That implies that on every request response the server closes the connection and that is also happening in my case, I checked it in the log.
Here is the code.
class http2_native_module : public CHttpModule
REQUEST_NOTIFICATION_STATUS OnBeginRequest(IN IHttpContext * p_http_context, IN IHttpEventProvider * p_provider)
HTTP_REQUEST_ID request_id;
auto pHttpRequest = p_http_context->GetRequest();
auto phttpRequestRaw = pHttpRequest->GetRawHttpRequest();
HANDLE p_req_queue_handle = nullptr;
auto isHttp2 = phttpRequestRaw->Flags;
try {
const auto request_queue_handle = HttpCreateRequestQueue(version, nullptr, nullptr, NULL, &p_req_queue_handle);
const auto verb = phttpRequestRaw->Verb;
const auto http_path = L"/polyfills.0d74a55d0dbab6b8c32c.js"; //ITEM that I want to PUSH to client
const auto query = nullptr;
request_id = phttpRequestRaw->RequestId;
auto headers = phttpRequestRaw->Headers;
auto connId = phttpRequestRaw->ConnectionId;
WriteEventViewerLog(L"OnBeginRequest - Entering HTTPDECLAREPUSH");
headers.KnownHeaders[1].pRawValue = NULL;
headers.KnownHeaders[1].RawValueLength = 0;
const auto is_success = HttpDeclarePush(p_req_queue_handle, request_id, verb, http_path, query, &headers);
sprintf_s(szBuffer, "%lu", is_success);
Log("is_success value", szBuffer); //ERROR CODE 1229 here
catch (std::bad_alloc & e)
auto something = e;
I even tried to update the header connection value as below but it still gives me 1229.
headers.KnownHeaders[1].pRawValue = NULL;
headers.KnownHeaders[1].RawValueLength = 0;
I understand from that HTTP/2 actually ignores the content in HTTP HEADERs and uses some other mechanism as part of its FRAME.
This brings us to the next question on how we can keep the connection OPEN and is it something related to the FRAME (similar to HEADER) that HTTP2 uses, if so, how C++ or rather Microsoft helps us to play and exploit with the FRAME in HTTP2?

How to use URLSession downloadTaskWithResumeData to start download again when AfterdidCompleteWithError Called..?

I have the code to download two files from Server and store It to In local using URLSession (let dataTask = defaultSession.downloadTask(with: url)). Everything Is working fine only the problem is it's downloading first file it's giving me success but the second file is not downloading completely.. So, I hope there is a way to restart download for the second file that gives error ..
I think there is way of doing that and start looking into it and I found this delegate method .. but not much help .. can anyone please help me out how to restart download if it fails .. Do i have to use handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession to clear up previous downloads..?
// bellow download method will triggered when i get filenames I am passing it to this and path is optional here..
func download(path: String?, filenames: [String]) -> Int {
for filename in filenames {
var downloadFrom = "ftp://" + username! + ":"
downloadFrom += password!.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlPasswordAllowed)! + "#" + address!
if let downloadPort = port {
downloadFrom += ":" + String(downloadPort) + "/"
} else {
downloadFrom += "/"
if let downloadPath = path {
if !downloadPath.isEmpty {
downloadFrom += downloadPath + "/"
downloadFrom += filename
if let url = URL(string: downloadFrom) {
let dataTask = defaultSession.downloadTask(with: url)
return DLResponseCode.success
Please find delegate methods bellow ..
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, downloadTask: URLSessionDownloadTask, didFinishDownloadingTo location: URL) {
var responseCode = DLResponseCode.success
// Move the file to a new URL
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let filename = downloadTask.originalRequest?.url?.lastPathComponent
let destUrl = cacheURL.appendingPathComponent(filename!)
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: location)
// Delete it if it exists first
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: destUrl.path) {
try fileManager.removeItem(at: destUrl)
} catch let error {
danLogError("Clearing failed downloadFOTA file failed: \(error)")
responseCode = DLResponseCode.datalogger.failToCreateRequestedProtocolPipe
try data.write(to: destUrl)
} catch {
danLogError("Issue saving data locally")
responseCode = DLResponseCode.datalogger.noDataConnection
// Complete the download message
let message = responseCode).description
connectionManagerDelegate?.sendMessageToDatalogger(msg: message)
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
if error == nil {
print("session \(session) download completed")
} else {
print("session \(session) download failed with error \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")
// session.downloadTask(withResumeData: <#T##Data#>)
guard error != nil else {
danLogError("Session \(session) invalid with error \(String(describing: error))\n")
let responseCode = DLResponseCode.datalogger.failToCreateRequestedProtocolPipe
let message = responseCode).description
connectionManagerDelegate?.sendMessageToDatalogger(msg: message)
// When I call didWriteData delegate method it's printing below data seems not dowloaded complete data ..
session <__NSURLSessionLocal: 0x103e37970> download task <__NSCFLocalDownloadTask: 0x108d2ee60>{ taskIdentifier: 2 } { running } wrote an additional 30028 bytes (total 988980 bytes) out of an expected 988980 bytes.
//error that I am getting for second file .. this error is coming some times not always but most of the times..
session <__NSURLSessionLocal: 0x103e37970> download failed with error Optional("cancelled")
Please help me out to figure it out .. If there is any way to handle download again after it fails or why it fails ..
The resume data, if the request is resumable, should be in the NSError object's userInfo dictionary.
Unfortunately, Apple seems to have completely trashed the programming guide for NSURLSession (or at least I can't find it in Google search results), and the replacement content in the reference is missing all of the sections that talk about how to do proper error handling (even the constant that you're looking for is missing), so I'm going to have to describe it all from memory with the help of looking at the headers. Ick.
The key you're looking for is NSURLSessionDownloadTaskResumeData.
If that key is present, its value is a small NSData blob. Store that, then use the Reachability API (with the actual hostname from that request's URL) to decide when to retry the request.
After Reachability tells you that the server is reachable, create a new download task with the resume data and start it.

why qtnetworkaccessmanager don't go to authenticationRequired

I am creating an application that is mentioned to connect to an instance of on owncloud server but i can't find why it doesn't connect to the server .Instead of that the reply i get to the login screen and i get the html code for it
this is the code responsible for the connection
//the network request and reply
QNetworkAccessManager * manager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
QUrl url (url1);
connect(manager, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*,QAuthenticator*)),
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(result(QNetworkReply *)));
the reply code
void Login::result(QNetworkReply *reply)
if(reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
// Get the http status code
int v = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
if (v >= 200 && v < 300) // Success
qDebug()<<"Here we got the final reply";
QString replyText = reply->readAll();
else if (v >= 300 && v < 400) // Redirection
qDebug()<<"Get the redirection url";
QUrl newUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl();
// Because the redirection url can be relative,
// we have to use the previous one to resolve it
newUrl = reply->url().resolved(newUrl);
QNetworkAccessManager *manager = reply->manager();
QNetworkRequest redirection(newUrl);
QNetworkReply *newReply = manager->get(redirection);
QString replyText = newReply->readAll();
return; // to keep the manager for the next request
// Error
could you help me figure out why i get the login screen instead of authentication ?
Try to call connect() before calling manager->get() otherwise when the authentication required signal is triggered, there might not be any slots present to call to handle that signal.
Try this instead:
QNetworkAccessManager * manager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
QUrl url (url1);
connect(manager, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*,QAuthenticator*)),
connect(manager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply *)),
this, SLOT(result(QNetworkReply *)));

Using Rx to Geocode an address in Bing Maps

I am learning to use the Rx extensions for a Silverlight 4 app I am working on. I created a sample app to nail down the process and I cannot get it to return anything.
Here is the main code:
private IObservable<Location> GetGPSCoordinates(string Address1)
var gsc = new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService") as IGeocodeService;
Location returnLocation = new Location();
GeocodeResponse gcResp = new GeocodeResponse();
GeocodeRequest gcr = new GeocodeRequest();
gcr.Credentials = new Credentials();
gcr.Credentials.ApplicationId = APP_ID2;
gcr.Query = Address1;
var myFunc = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<GeocodeRequest, GeocodeResponse>(gsc.BeginGeocode, gsc.EndGeocode);
gcResp = myFunc(gcr) as GeocodeResponse;
if (gcResp.Results.Count > 0 && gcResp.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
returnLocation = gcResp.Results[0].Locations[0];
return returnLocation as IObservable<Location>;
gcResp comes back as null. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The observable source you are subscribing to is asynchronous, so you can't access the result immediately after subscribing. You need to access the result in the subscription.
Better yet, don't subscribe at all and simply compose the response:
private IObservable<Location> GetGPSCoordinates(string Address1)
IGeocodeService gsc =
new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
Location returnLocation = new Location();
GeocodeResponse gcResp = new GeocodeResponse();
GeocodeRequest gcr = new GeocodeRequest();
gcr.Credentials = new Credentials();
gcr.Credentials.ApplicationId = APP_ID2;
gcr.Query = Address1;
var factory = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<GeocodeRequest, GeocodeResponse>(
gsc.BeginGeocode, gsc.EndGeocode);
return factory(gcr)
.Where(response => response.Results.Count > 0 &&
response.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
.Select(response => response.Results[0].Locations[0]);
If you only need the first valid value (the location of the address is unlikely to change), then add a .Take(1) between the Where and Select.
Edit: If you want to specifically handle the address not being found, you can either return results and have the consumer deal with it or you can return an Exception and provide an OnError handler when subscribing. If you're thinking of doing the latter, you would use SelectMany:
return factory(gcr)
.SelectMany(response => (response.Results.Count > 0 &&
response.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
? Observable.Return(response.Results[0].Locations[0])
: Observable.Throw<Location>(new AddressNotFoundException())
If you expand out the type of myFunc you'll see that it is Func<GeocodeRequest, IObservable<GeocodeResponse>>.
Func<GeocodeRequest, IObservable<GeocodeResponse>> myFunc =
Observable.FromAsyncPattern<GeocodeRequest, GeocodeResponse>
(gsc.BeginGeocode, gsc.EndGeocode);
So when you call myFunc(gcr) you have an IObservable<GeocodeResponse> and not a GeocodeResponse. Your code myFunc(gcr) as GeocodeResponse returns null because the cast is invalid.
What you need to do is either get the last value of the observable or just do a subscribe. Calling .Last() will block. If you call .Subscribe(...) your response will come thru on the call back thread.
Try this:
gcResp = myFunc(gcr).Last();
Let me know how you go.
Richard (and others),
So I have the code returning the location and I have the calling code subscribing. Here is (hopefully) the final issue. When I call GetGPSCoordinates, the next statement gets executed immediately without waiting for the subscribe to finish. Here's an example in a button OnClick event handler.
Location newLoc = new Location();
GetGPSCoordinates(this.Input.Text).ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe(x =>
if (x.Results.Count > 0 && x.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
newLoc = x.Results[0].Locations[0];
Output.Text = "Latitude: " + newLoc.Latitude.ToString() +
", Longtude: " + newLoc.Longitude.ToString();
Output.Text = "Invalid address";
Output.Text = " Outside of subscribe --- Latitude: " + newLoc.Latitude.ToString() +
", Longtude: " + newLoc.Longitude.ToString();
The Output.Text assignment that takes place outside of Subscribe executes before the Subscribe has finished and displays zeros and then the one inside the subscribe displays the new location info.
The purpose of this process is to get location info that will then be saved in a database record and I am processing multiple addresses sequentially in a Foreach loop. I chose Rx Extensions as a solution to avoid the problem of the async callback as a coding trap. But it seems I have exchanged one trap for another.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions?