Please tell me about the uses or working of cppcheck after including the header files for analysis - sonarqube5.1

Please tell me the differences with/without header files during the cppcheck's analysis.
Actually i am integrating cppcheck's report with sonar, will sonar's dashboard will contain any differences?
After including header files, it took 5 days(approx) complete the analysis, even though i used -j 4 and max-config to 2 options.
And confused that, the LOC has reduced after including header files for analysis. and i could see the functions , classes are reduced to few numbers.
Does cppcheck errors on header files? if yes, what rules are applied on it? where can i find this info, thw rules that are associated with header files?
Please help.

I am a Cppcheck developer.
It's not a technically trivial question if you should include headers or not. There are both benefits and drawbacks with headers for the analysis. Better type information is a good thing. Expanding macros might be a bad thing.
In case you wonder; the same checkers will be used no matter if headers are included or not. It's just that the input data is not always better when all headers are included.
I certainly recommend that you don't include any standard headers. stdio,string,stl,etc.
I personally normally don't include various system headers. I would prefer to create a cfg file instead if I use a library. That will give Cppcheck better information about the library than the headers.
I normally try to include local headers in the project. Use -I to add good paths in the project.


<Gameplay Class>.h vs <Gameplay Class>.generated.h

In unreal engine, what is the difference between the two?
I could not find it in the API, just this:
I suspect that it adds .generated if you create the class from the Unreal editor, but I do not understand if it is any different with or without it.
Ah, so the .generated header is required inside the actual header file of the class (specifically as the last header).
Unreal has a code generation tool called "Unreal Header Tool" or UHT for short. During the build process of the project, it runs right before the actual compiler to generate code for the reflection, based on the UPROPERTY(), UFUNCTION(), etc. calls that you have in your code.
All that information is stored in two files: <Class>.generated.h and <Class>.generated.cpp
The header needs to be included last in the header to ensure that all references in a file are potentially valid in the generated code. Everything within the generated header file can be accessed via the UClass reflection system.
You can find the generated files in the "Intermediate/Build" directory of your project.
You can find the implementation of the UHT in the project on GitHub and a little more info about it in the docs.

How to inject data in a .bin file in a post compilation script?

I want my build system to produce one binary file that includes:
The bootloader
The application binary
The application header (for the bootloader)
Here's a small overview of the memory layout (nothing out of the ordinary here)
The build system already concatenates the bootloader and the application in a post-compilation script.
In other words, only the header is missing.
What's the best way to generate and inject the application header in the memory?
Possible solutions
Create a .bin file just for the header and use cat to inject it in my final binary
Use linker file to hardcode the header (is this possible?)
Use a script to read the final binary and hardcode the header
What is the best solution for injecting data in memory in a post compilation script?
SRecord is a great tool for doing all kinds of manipulation on binary and other file types used for embedded code images.
In this case, given a binary bootheader.bin to insert at offset 0x8000 in image.bin:
srec_cat bootheader.bin −binary −offset 0x8000 −o image.bin
The tool is somewhat arcane, but the documentaton includes numerous examples covering various common tasks.

Xcode search paths for public headers in dependencies

I am trying to clean up some of my projects, and one of the things that are puzzling me is how to deal with header files in static libraries that I have added as "project dependencies" (by adding the project file itself). The basic structure is like this:
Now, the dependencies are all set up and built correctly, but how can I specify the public headers for "thirdPartyLibrary.xcodeproj" so that they are on the search path when building MyProject.xcodeproj. Right now, I have hard-coded the include directory in the thirdPartyLibrary.xcodeproj, but obviously this is clumsy and non-portable. I assume that, since the headers are public and already built to some temporary location in ~/Library (where the .a file goes as well), there is a neat way to reference this directory. Only.. how? An hour of Googling turned up blank, so any help is greatly appreciated!
If I understand correctly, I believe you want to add a path containing $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) to the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS in your projects build settings.
As an example, I took an existing iOS project which contains a static library, which is included just in the way you describe, and set the libraries header files to public. I also noted that the PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH for this project was set to "/usr/local/include" and these files are copied to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/usr/local/include when the parent project builds the dependent project. So, the solution was to add $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/usr/local/include to HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS in my project's build settings.
Your situation may be slightly different but the exact path your looking for can probably be found in Xcode's build settings. Also you may find it helpful to add a Run Script build phase to your target and note the values of various settings at build time with something like:
I think that your solution is sufficient and a generally accepted one. One alternative would be to have all header files located under an umbrella directory that can describe the interface to using the depended-on libraries and put that in your include path. I see this as being similar to /usr/include. Another alternative that I have never personally tried, but I think would work would be to create references to all the headers of thirdPartyLibrary from MyProject so that they appear to be members of the MyProject. You would do this by dragging them from some location into MyProject, and then deselecting the checkbox that says to copy them into the project's top level directory. From one perspective this seems feasible to me because it is as if you are explicitly declaring that your project depends on those specific classes, but it is not directly responsible for compiling them.
One of the things to be wary of when addressing this issue is depending on implementation-specific details of Xcode for locating libraries automatically. Doing so may seem innocuous in the meantime but the workflows that it uses to build projects are subject to change with updates and could potentially break your project in subtle and confusing ways. If they are not well-defined in some documentation, I would take any effect as being coincidental and not worth leveraging in your project when you can enforce the desired behavior by some other means. In the end, you may have to define a convention that you follow or find one that you adopt from someone else. By doing so, you can rest assured that if your solution is documented and reproducible, any developer (including yourself in the future) can pick it up and proceed without tripping over it, and that it will stand the testament of time.
The way we do it is to go into build target settings for the main project and add:
User Header Search Path = "Contrib"
and check that it searches recursively. We don't see performance problems with searching recursively even with many (10-15 in some projects) dependencies.

Should I merge .pbxproj files with git using merge=union?

I'm wondering whether the merge=union option in .gitattributes makes sense for .pbxproj files.
The manpage states for this option:
Run 3-way file level merge for text files, but take lines from both versions, instead of leaving conflict markers. This tends to leave the added lines in the resulting file in random order and the user should verify the result.
Normally, this should be fine for the 90% case of adding files to the project. Does anybody have experience with this?
Not a direct experience, but:
This SO question really advices again merging .pbxproj files.
The pbxproj file isn't really human mergable.
While it is plain ASCII text, it's a form of JSON. Essentially you want to treat it as a binary file.
(hence a gitignore solution)
Actually, Peter Hosey adds in the comment:
It's a property list, not JSON. Same ideas, different syntax.
Yet, according to this question:
The truth is that it's way more harmful to disallow merging of that .pbxproj file than it is helpful.
The .pbxproj file is simply JSON (similar to XML). From experience, just about the ONLY merge conflict you were ever get is if two people have added files at the same time. The solution in 99% of the merge conflict cases is to keep both sides of the merge.
So a merge 'union' (with a gitattributes merge directive) makes sense, but do some test to see if it does the same thing than the script mentioned in the last question.
See also this question for potential conflicts.
See the Wikipedia article on Property List
I have been working with a large team lately and tried *.pbxproj merge=union, but ultimately had to remove it.
The problem was that braces would become out of place on a regular basis, which made the files unreadable. It is true that tho does work most of the time - but fails maybe 1 out of 4 times.
We are back to using *.pbxproj -crlf -merge for now. This seems to be the best solution that is workable for us.

Process for reducing the size of an executable

I'm producing a hex file to run on an ARM processor which I want to keep below 32K. It's currently a lot larger than that and I wondered if someone might have some advice on what's the best approach to slim it down?
Here's what I've done so far
So I've run 'size' on it to determine how big the hex file is.
Then 'size' again to see how big each of the object files are that link to create the hex files. It seems the majority of the size comes from external libraries.
Then I used 'readelf' to see which functions take up the most memory.
I searched through the code to see if I could eliminate calls to those functions.
Here's where I get stuck, there's some functions which I don't call directly (e.g. _vfprintf) and I can't find what calls it so I can remove the call (as I think I don't need it).
So what are the next steps?
Response to answers:
As I can see there are functions being called which take up a lot of memory. I cannot however find what is calling it.
I want to omit those functions (if possible) but I can't find what's calling them! Could be called from any number of library functions I guess.
The linker is working as desired, I think, it only includes the relevant library files. How do you know if only the relevant functions are being included? Can you set a flag or something for that?
I'm using GCC
General list:
Make sure that you have the compiler and linker debug options disabled
Compile and link with all size options turned on (-Os in gcc)
Run strip on the executable
Generate a map file and check your function sizes. You can either get your linker to generate your map file (-M when using ld), or you can use objdump on the final executable (note that this will only work on an unstripped executable!) This won't actually fix the problem, but it will let you know of the worst offenders.
Use nm to investigate the symbols that are called from each of your object files. This should help in finding who's calling functions that you don't want called.
In the original question was a sub-question about including only relevant functions. gcc will include all functions within every object file that is used. To put that another way, if you have an object file that contains 10 functions, all 10 functions are included in your executable even if one 1 is actually called.
The standard libraries (eg. libc) will split functions into many separate object files, which are then archived. The executable is then linked against the archive.
By splitting into many object files the linker is able to include only the functions that are actually called. (this assumes that you're statically linking)
There is no reason why you can't do the same trick. Of course, you could argue that if the functions aren't called the you can probably remove them yourself.
If you're statically linking against other libraries you can run the tools listed above over them too to make sure that they're following similar rules.
Another optimization that might save you work is -ffunction-sections, -Wl,--gc-sections, assuming you're using GCC. A good toolchain will not need to be told that, though.
Explanation: GNU ld links sections, and GCC emits one section per translation unit unless you tell it otherwise. But in C++, the nodes in the dependecy graph are objects and functions.
On deeply embedded projects I always try to avoid using any standard library functions. Even simple functions like "strtol()" blow up the binary size. If possible just simply avoid those calls.
In most deeply embedded projects you don't need a versatile "printf()" or dynamic memory allocation (many controllers have 32kb or less RAM).
Instead of just using "printf()" I use a very simple custom "printf()", this function can only print numbers in hexadecimal or decimal format not more. Most data structures are preallocated at compile time.
Andrew EdgeCombe has a great list, but if you really want to scrape every last byte, sstrip is a good tool that is missing from the list and and can shave off a few more kB.
For example, when run on strip itself, it can shave off ~2kB.
From an old README (see the comments at the top of this indirect source file):
sstrip is a small utility that removes the contents at the end of an
ELF file that are not part of the program's memory image.
Most ELF executables are built with both a program header table and a
section header table. However, only the former is required in order
for the OS to load, link and execute a program. sstrip attempts to
extract the ELF header, the program header table, and its contents,
leaving everything else in the bit bucket. It can only remove parts of
the file that occur at the end, after the parts to be saved. However,
this almost always includes the section header table, and occasionally
a few random sections that are not used when running a program.
Note that due to some of the information that it removes, a sstrip'd executable is rumoured to have issues with some tools. This is discussed more in the comments of the source.
Also... for an entertaining/crazy read on how to make the smallest possible executable, this article is worth a read.
Just to double-check and document for future reference, but do you use Thumb instructions? They're 16 bit versions of the normal instructions. Sometimes you might need 2 16 bit instructions, so it won't save 50% in code space.
A decent linker should take just the functions needed. However, you might need compiler & linke settings to package functions for individual linking.
Ok so in the end I just reduced the project to it's simplest form, then slowly added files one by one until the function that I wanted to remove appeared in the 'readelf' file. Then when I had the file I commented everything out and slowly add things back in until the function popped up again. So in the end I found out what called it and removed all those calls...Now it works as desired...sweet!
Must be a better way to do it though.
To answer this specific need:
•I want to omit those functions (if possible) but I can't find what's
calling them!! Could be called from any number of library functions I
If you want to analyze your code base to see who calls what, by whom a given function is being called and things like that, there is a great tool out there called "Understand C" provided by SciTools.
I have used it very often in the past to perform static code analysis. It can really help to determine library dependency tree. It allows to easily browse up and down the calling tree among other things.
They provide a limited time evaluation, then you must purchase a license.
You could look at something like executable compression.