How to filter unbound datagridview with textbox -

I'm a complete rookie. I learned so much from here but this one I can't find the answer to. I'm using Visual Studio Pro 2015.
I have a windows form application that has a single column datagridview that is populated by reading a textfile, line by line at runtime. Each time the contents of the textfile will be different.
I want the user to be able to filter the list in the datagridview by entering characters in a textbox. The data is not "bound" to the datagridview, because at this point I don't know if that is necessary, and I don't completely understand it.
This is the code that I have for loading the datagridview, and the textbox is called txtFilter.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'read all lines from the file into a string array (one line per string)
Dim lines() As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("c:\list_in.txt").Replace(vbLf, "").Split(vbCr)
Dim dgrow As DataGridViewRow
Dim dgcell As DataGridViewCell
'insert each line of input into a row in the datagrid
For Each line As String In lines
dgrow = New DataGridViewRow
dgcell = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell
If line <> "" Then
dgcell.Value = line
End If
DataGridView1.Columns("ObjectName").ReadOnly = True
End Sub

Looking at your solution, I would advise you execute Dim lines() As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("c:\list_in.txt").Replace(vbLf, "").Split(vbCr) outside of the txtFilter_TextChanged sub, as otherwise you are importing the entire list every time the user enters a key, which is unnecessary. If the list may change while the user is using the program, I'd instead recommend adding a 'refresh' button, especially if your text file could be a long one.
You also added a couple lines of code to remove the sound when the user presses the Enter key. If the user is expected to press the enter key to search, then you don't need to update the DataGridView every time the user enters a new character in the textbox. This would be easier on memory, and again very beneficial if you have a large text file.
I'm sure there's an easier way, but here's my approach.
Private Sub txtFilter_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtFilter.TextChanged
Dim searchedlines(-1) As String 'create an array to fill with terms that match our search
If txtFilter.Text = Nothing Then
datapopulate(lines) 'just populate the datagridview with our text file array
For Each line In lines
If line Like "*" & txtFilter.Text & "*" Then 'check if anything in our search matches any of our terms
ReDim Preserve searchedlines(UBound(searchedlines) + 1) 'resize the array to fit our needs
searchedlines(UBound(searchedlines)) = line 'add the matched line to our array
End If
datapopulate(searchedlines) 'populate the datagrid with our matched terms array
End If
End Sub
Private Sub datapopulate(ByVal mylist)
Dim dgrow As DataGridViewRow
Dim dgcell As DataGridViewCell
DataGridView1.Rows.Clear() 'clear the grid
For Each line As String In mylist 'do the same thing here that we did on form load
dgrow = New DataGridViewRow
dgcell = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell
dgcell.Value = line
End Sub
What I did is created a sub that handles whenever the text in txtFilter is changed. Alternatively, you could run that code in a sub that handles a button click. Given that, from what I know, ReDim can be a costly item in terms of memory usage, if your text document was hundreds of lines long, you might want it on a button click instead. You could probably use a list, but I haven't played around enough to know how to go about doing that.
An important note: in order for the sub txtFilter_TextChanged to be able to see lines(), I defined it outside of a sub but inside of your main class, so that all subs could access it, like so:
Public Class Form1
Dim lines() As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("c:\list_in.txt").Replace(vbLf, "").Split(vbCr)
'...subs here...
End Class
I hope this helps you get started!

I have a solution working. Thank you very much.
Private Sub txtFilter_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtFilter.TextChanged
'read all lines from the file into a string array (one line per string)
Dim lines() As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("c:\list_in.txt").Replace(vbLf, "").Split(vbCr)
Dim dgrow As DataGridViewRow
Dim dgcell As DataGridViewCell
'insert each line of input into a row in the datagrid
For Each line As String In lines
dgrow = New DataGridViewRow
dgcell = New DataGridViewTextBoxCell
If line.Contains(txtFilter.Text) Then
dgcell.Value = line
End If
DataGridView1.Columns("ObjectName").ReadOnly = True
End Sub
And I also found this to eliminate the bell from ringing when the user pressed the enter key when entering the filter text.
Private Sub txtFilter_KeyPress(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtFilter.KeyPress
' this keeps the bell from ringing when the user presses the 'enter' key
If Asc(e.KeyChar) = 13 Then
e.Handled = True
End If
End Sub


How can I use a variable to reference a textbox?

I'm new to visual basic and programming in general, but I'm trying to make a statistic counter sort of program. I'm trying to use a variable to reference a textbox, for example, k_kills(i) = txtKills(i).Text. This doesn't work, however, so I then tried the following:
For i = 0 To 8
Dim tempBox As TextBox
Dim tempName As String = "txtKills" & i.ToString
tempBox = Me.Controls.Item(tempName)
k_kills(i) = tempBox.Text
This also doesn't work and spits out an error each time saying that 'tempBox was Nothing'.
Can anyone tell me if I can make this work?
You will need to find the control in some collection. By default the control would exist in its parent's Controls property and since you're trying to get the control by its name then you could use ControlCollection's Find method. If you can guarantee that the control's parent is the Form then you'd call:
Dim tempBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.Controls.Find(tempName, False), TextBox)
But if there is the possibility that the control's parent is something other than the Form then you'd call:
Dim tempBox As TextBox = DirectCast(Me.Controls.Find(tempName, True), TextBox)
The first would execute slightly quicker because it only iterates over the current ControlCollection whereas the second could take longer because if it cannot find the control in the current ControlCollection then it starts to iterate over the child controls as well.
Assuming the controls are all in Form as parent and they all start with txtKills...
If you are going to use these text boxes as a group for several actions you may want to build an array or list of TextBox.
Dim Kills(7) As TextBox
Private Sub CreateTextBoxArray()
Dim index As Integer
For Each ctrl As Control In Controls
If ctrl.Name.StartsWith("txtKills") Then
Kills(index) = DirectCast(ctrl, TextBox)
index += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClearKillTextBoxes()
For Each t In Kills
End Sub
Private Function GetTextFromKillBoxes() As List(Of String)
Dim lst As New List(Of String)
For Each t In Kills
Return lst
End Function
After Mary's comment I edit my answer to add this line --> My code does not work if Option Strict is On and 'For' starting in 0 or 1 or any number and txtKills[X] exists.
This was my previous answer and I don't know if I have to delete or not:
Your code works fine but I think you have an error because your For starts in 0 and you don't have any "txtKills0". I've tested it now:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim k_kills(10) As String '<< Ignore the length
For i = 1 To 7
Dim tempBox As TextBox
Dim tempName As String = "txtKills" & i.ToString
tempBox = Me.Controls.Item(tempName)
k_kills(i) = tempBox.Text
End Sub

Select random person from text file and change corresponding values

I have a form with a button and a label. I also have a text file with the following contents:
The values in the text file are:
What I would like to do is to have the user click the button and a random (available) person will be selected from the text file. The label's text will then say:
personname & " has gotten injured and will be unavailable for 10 months."
I would then like to overwrite the text file with the corresponding values for that particular person. For example that person's second value will now be "Unavailable", the third value will be "Injured" and the fourth value will be 10.
I hope this makes sense.
I don't have any code, as I literally have no idea how to do this. Any help would be much appreciated!
Explanations and code in line.
Private r As New Random
Private RandomIndex As Integer
Private dt As New DataTable
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub AddColumnsToDataTable()
'Need to prepare the table to receive the data
End Sub
Private Sub FillDataTable()
'ReadAllLines returns an array of lines in the text file
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("workers.txt")
'Loop through each line in the lines array
For Each line As String In lines
'.Split returns an array based on splitting the line
'by the colon. The c following ":" tells the compiler
'that this is a Char which the split function requires.
Dim items = line.Split(":"c)
'We can add a row to the data table all at once by
'passing in an array of objects.
'This consists of the elements of the items array
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {items(0), items(1), items(2), items(3)})
'Now we have an in memory DataTable that contains all the data from the text file.
End Sub
Private Function GetRandomWorker() As String
'A list of all the row indexes that are available
Dim AvailableList As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
'Loop through all the data in the date table row by row
If dt.Rows(i)("Available").ToString = "Available" Then
'Add only the row indexes that are Available
End If
'Get a random index to use on the list of row indexes in IndexList
If AvailableList.Count = 0 Then
'No more workers left that are Available
Return ""
End If
'Get a random number to use as an index for the available list
Dim IndexForList = r.Next(AvailableList.Count)
'Selects a row index based on the random index in the list of Available
RandomIndex = AvailableList(IndexForList)
'Now use the index to get information from the row in the data table
Dim strName = dt.Rows(RandomIndex)("Name").ToString
Return strName
End Function
Private Sub SaveDataTable()
'Resave the whole file if this was a real app you would use a database
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
'A string builder keeps the code from creating lots of new strings
'Strings are immutable (can't be changed) so every time you think you are
'changing a string, you are actually creating a new one.
'The string builder is mutable (changable)
For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
'The ItemsArray returns an array of objects containing all the
'values in each column of the data table.
Dim rowValues = row.ItemArray
'This is a bit of Linq magic that turns the values into strings
Dim strRowValues = From s In rowValues
Select DirectCast(s, String)
'Now that we have strings we can use the String.Join with the colon
'to get the format of the text file
sb.AppendLine(String.Join(":", strRowValues))
'Finally we change the StringBuilder to a real String
'The workers.txt is stored in the Bin\Debug directory so it is current directory
'no additional path required
File.WriteAllText("workers.txt", sb.ToString)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim WorkerName As String = GetRandomWorker()
If WorkerName = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("There are no available workers")
End If
Label1.Text = $"{WorkerName} has gotten injured and will be unavailable for 10 months."
dt.Rows(RandomIndex)("Available") = "Unavailable"
dt.Rows(RandomIndex)("Injury") = "Injured"
dt.Rows(RandomIndex)("Months") = "10"
End Sub

Openfile on event

I am getting my feet wet with VB .Net programming (total novice). I have a DataGridView with amongst other information, a file path to where a particular document is stored. I have added a DataGridViewButtonColumn to the DataGridView, but I cannot figure out how to get the button to open the file.
Sorry, I have no code to provide as starting point for where I get stuck.
Thanks in advance,
Sorry I didn't read the post clear enough the first time, and didn't explain my code enough so it got deleted. This uses the contentclick event.
Dim Filetext As String = "" 'At start of the class to make it available to the whole class
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
Dim FilePathColumn As Integer = 0 'File path is in Column 0
Dim ButtonColumn As Integer = 1 'Column buttons are in
Dim RowClicked As Integer = e.RowIndex 'This gets the row that you clicked the button in
If e.ColumnIndex = ButtonColumn Then 'Make sure you clicked a button
Dim FILE_PATH As String = DataGridView1.Rows(RowClicked).Cells(FilePathColumn).ToString 'Get the path to the file
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_PATH) Then 'Make sure file exists
Filetext = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(FILE_PATH) 'Save file to a variable
Process.Start(FILE_PATH) 'To open it
End If
End If
End Sub
You can get rid of most of those lines but I wrote it like that to explain how it worked

Reading txt file line by line in DataGrid View

I'm completely new to and have been given a homework assignment. I need to be able to read certain lines and display them in a DataGridView. I have been able to link my .txt file to the DGV however it reads the whole file as opposed to the specific line. I have 4 buttons: btn1, btn2, btn3, btn4. I want each button to show the respective lines in the text file. After researching on-line for the past week I'm still stuck. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it.
Text File ("database.txt")
(Line1) c1 c2 c3
(Line2) one 1-1 1-2
(Line3) two 2-2 2-3
(Line4) three 3-2 3-3
(Line5) four 4-2 4-3
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btn1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn1.Click
Dim lines = (From line In IO.File.ReadAllLines("database.txt") _
Select line.Split(CChar(vbTab))).ToArray
For x As Integer = 0 To lines(0).GetUpperBound(0)
DataGridView1.Columns.Add(lines(0)(x), lines(0)(x))
For x As Integer = 1 To lines.GetUpperBound(0)
End Sub
End Class
You did not describe the result you get, so I cannot tell what's wrong right now, as I am not on a computer and usually use c++/cli (visual c++). If I have to make a guess, I would say that you fill each file row into one DGV row, but you want just 1 row, not all. Correct?
Anyway, here are some suggestions:
Do you have to read the file on each button click? If not, I would read it once, store the content and fill into the DGV when desired.
Debug your code! Set a breakpoint at the start of the function, step over the code lines, check the variable content.
Split up the code line dim lines into 3 or more separate lines to make it more readable. Also helps at debugging.
I made following assumptions based on what you had in your question:
First line of the file was the column names
The (Line#) was just there for reference and isn't in the actual file
The number in the button name (btn#) was the row index that should be displayed in the DGV
I added a new button to the form that loads the data from the text file, parses it to a datatable and sets the DataGridView1.DataSource to that DataTable. The second method then creates a new datatable and imports the specified row from the main datatable and shows it in the DGV. Of course many will say you should use a DataView with a DataView.RowFilter for this rather than creating a new datatable, however this way works just the same.
Private txtDataTable As DataTable
Private Sub loadFileBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles loadFileBtn.Click
txtDataTable = New DataTable("txtContents")
Dim txtContents As String()
txtContents = IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:\StackOverflow\database.txt")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim txtLines As New List(Of String())
txtContents.ToList().ForEach(Sub(x) txtLines.Add(x.Split(CChar(vbTab))))
If txtLines.Count > 0 Then
txtLines.Item(0).ToList.ForEach(Sub(x) txtDataTable.Columns.Add(New DataColumn(x.ToString)))
End If
If txtLines.Count > 0 Then
txtLines.ToList.ForEach(Sub(x) txtDataTable.Rows.Add(x.ToArray))
End If
DataGridView1.DataSource = txtDataTable
End Sub
Private Sub btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn1.Click, btn2.Click, btn3.Click, btn4.Click
If txtDataTable Is Nothing Then Return
Dim rowIndex As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(DirectCast(sender, Button).Name.Replace("btn", String.Empty), rowIndex) Then
rowIndex -= 1
End If
Dim TempTable As DataTable = txtDataTable.Clone
If rowIndex < txtDataTable.Rows.Count Then
End If
DataGridView1.DataSource = TempTable
End Sub

Autocomplete for single word in datagridview

I would need to implement a autocomplete feature in a datagridview cell. I would need it to work on a word by word basis, like it is in the SMS app on android. After I type a whitespace it should start looking for the word I am typing and propose it based on the other words i have already used inside the same Datagridview.
Its more a word suggestion, that if i hit tab autocompletes that word for me.
Is this possible? I know how to do it based on the entire cell, but have no clue on how to do it based on the single word. (like Google)
So far I have this. The concept is working, but I need to update the list each time that a key is pressed. Any help on this?
Private Sub DataGridView2_EditingControlShowing(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView2.EditingControlShowing
Dim basestring As String = Nothing
basestring = CStr(DataGridView2.CurrentCell.Value)
If Not IsNothing(basestring) Then
Dim lastword As String
Dim lastspaceindex As Integer = basestring.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1 '''+1 to get index after whitespace and compensate for -1 result
lastword = basestring.Substring(lastspaceindex)
Dim ItemCode As TextBox = TryCast(e.Control, TextBox)
If ItemCode IsNot Nothing Then
ItemCode.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend
'ItemCode.AutoCompleteCustomSource = wrdlst
For Each element As String In wrdlst
If element.StartsWith(lastword) Then
ItemCode.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(basestring.Substring(0, lastspaceindex) & element)
End If
ItemCode.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DataGridView2_KeyUp(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles DataGridView2.KeyUp
End Sub