How to make people understand my programming idea [closed] - oop

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So, I working on a problem at my workplace, that is a big company with a serious CNC shopfloor. Here I thought I could make the life much easier with a little software. I have the conception, I put a lot of work in it together with my helpful friends and here is the point, when I suppose to explain it to my leaders.
The problem is, I've never made anything like this before. So I don't know the way. I should use UML-diagrams and use cases, class diagrams etc? Or which is a preferred way?

Out of the management perspective you could explain why your programm is efficient and required to optimise the workflow. Creating a presentation could help you make the idea of the application clear and bring it in a form which is understandable.

If I were you I will go in priorities for activities diagram. You create an activity diagram of the old flow and another with the new flow. You show both to your manager and you compare them. Normally your program will minimise steps inside the new flow. Then you can say that with less steps to manage there will be more money to earn for your manager and you at the end :)


If it is possible to make games without coding, why code one? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm pretty new to coding and while searching on random stuff on the internet i found out that it is possible to make games without a single line of code with the help of game-engines like Unity. So what merit is there in coding a game? I have my guesses but i would like to have an answer to be sure, thank you in advance.
Unity requires coding for anything truly custom
You can get quite far with Unity just using already built stuff, but that's just the problem. You are limited to using the parts someone has already made and combining them. Now, that does allow for a heck of a lot of combinations but that is as far as you can go.
You are also limited in your ability to correct unwanted behavior in precisely the way you want it to be corrected.
You need to learn coding in order to make games and that includes using gaming engines such as Unreal or Unity engines. The main reason on why you would need to learn coding is to add logic to your game such as moving your character.
If you are using Unity I would suggest referring to the following link and learn more about scripting(aka coding) and how can you implement it in your game and that way you would have a better idea on why/when coding is essential to the game you're creating.

Getting Started with BI [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I recently started a new job in BI. I have done very well at adapting my T-SQL skills to working on a BI data warehouse. My problem is that the field is so diverse and the tools available are almost limitless, I dont know what to focus my research on. Can someone point me in the right direction? Im not looking for a "how to" but more best practice type of information. If you have worked in BI for several years where would you tell an entry level employee to start? What did you whish you knew when you started that you know now?
I constently feel like i have too many options and feel that if i dont pick the correct path that my work is useless...I bet someone else has experienced this when starting to work in BI.
I agree with Dan, starting with the tasks assigned. Do not search the internet for answers. Spend time reading books. By finding the solution in books, you learn a lot along the way. By googling your queries (which I'm sure must have been answered), you do not learn anything new.
Apart from that, you can start learning the basics of dimensional modelling, star schemas, snowflakes, slowly changing dimensions etc. Get used to these buzzwords. A good book to start can be Ralph Kimball's Datawarehouse Toolkit (

Technical Specs for Programmers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for some guidelines on writing a technical spec. This spec will be given to contract programmers for writing the business logic in an application. There is no user interaction in these applications, only application to application interaction. So far I've only been able to find information on writing specifications based on user input. I was thinking that maybe UML would be useful for this, but I'm not sure.
If anyone could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks!
My suggestion is; if you doesn't have a lot of time to spend on this make some input/output sketches of the functions combined with UML flow diagrams. If you have time and some money to spend I can recomend "Object-oriented Modelling and Design with UML" by Michael Blaha and James Rumbaugh. read it and apply it on your requirements but instead of going to implementation leave it to the contract programmers. It is more time upfront but less questions later. Hope it helps.

SQL Developer and SQL Programmers same? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Are SQL Developers and SQL Programmers same people? I have basic knowledge about SQL and want to improve it. plz help me?
No, I disagree - if you read Mike Gunderloy's excellent book Coder to Developer you'll understand a developer is a coder - but also a lot more.
A coder (= programmer) typically only writes code (possibly including unit tests) and that's about it. He usually gets a clear spec or task from someone else. A coder/programmer is more or less only concerned with writing, testing, and verifying code - nothing more.
A developer is a much more encompassing job description - a developer also deals with putting things into perspective, breaking up tasks into chunks that a coder can work on, he spends his time thinking about deployment and a lot more. A developer needs to know a lot more in his daily job than a coder.
Mike's book is good ... but if your going for a job the two terms SQL Programmer <-> SQL Developer are pretty much interchangable.
It just depends on what the hiring manager feels like calling the position.
Try SQL Exercises to improve your skills in SQL.

Project's documentation when dealing with lots of business-logic rules. How to organize it? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on quite complicated project, in terms of business-logic quantity and quantity of components.
Each developer mostly works on "his own" component. I understand that this isn't very cross-functional, but it is impossible to know every components' details.
Team sostav changes from time to time. So we have situations when one person have to work on "other person's component". And this can be on periodic basement, so you can come back to the issue a month later - in that moments you can ask component business-logic's owner the same questions again and again, because you simply can forget some tiny but important details a month later.
This situation is annoying sometimes.
We have daily stand-up meetings, when person tells about what he has done and going to do.
We have project's wiki F.A.Q. page - we extract the most frequently asked questions.
What do you think about the problem?
And how would you recommend us to solve it?
given the component nature I'd go with:
1.) A framework document specifying the applications purpose, setup, requirements etc.
2.) Module documents for each component in a common format and indexed by name.
Look at the for a good example of general docs and for a good example of module/component docs
Oh, and daily meetings are generally bad, they take up a lot of time and answers get forgotten. Newcomers or sick people miss the meetings and have to be re-briefed. It's 100x better to write it all down and keep a paper/email trail unless discussion/feedback is required.
