How to get an ESPN developer key? - api

I searched but couldn't find anywhere that you can create your API key. I also created an account with ESPN but no luck.

It's not public 4 months ago (
Dear ESPN API Developers,
Since the launch of the ESPN Developer Center in March 2012 the capabilities and direction of our API program have continued to evolve in order to serve sports fans in the best way possible.
As part of that evolution, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue our public APIs, which will enable us to better align engineering resources with the growing demand to develop core ESPN products on our API platform.
Effective today, we will no longer be issuing public API keys. Developers utilizing the ESPN API with a public API key may continue to do so until Monday, December 8, 2014, at which point the keys will no longer be active.
We want to thank all of you for supporting the ESPN API, and we hope you found value interacting with the service over the past two years.


Instagram API change without warning?

I know that as of June 2016, Instagram are going to vet who can use their API, but we've noticed something has changed early.
Does anyone have any information on how the vetting process is going to work?
Take a look at Instagram platform update.
Simplified platform policy
We’ve updated our Platform Policy to
explicitly list the use cases we will support moving forward. These
include apps and services that:
Help individuals share their own content with 3rd party apps, such as
apps that let you print your photos and import an Instagram photo as a
profile picture. Help brands and advertisers understand and manage
their audience, develop their content strategy, and get digital rights
to media. Established apps in this space may apply for our newly
announced Instagram Partner Program. Help broadcasters and publishers
discover content, get digital rights to media, and share media using
web embeds. You can read the full terms here.
New review process and sandbox
We will begin reviewing new and
existing apps before granting full API access starting December 3,
2015. Existing apps have until June 1, 2016 to submit and be approved.
We are also launching Sandbox Mode, which will let you privately build
and test your apps using Instagram’s APIs as your app is being

Is the myspace streaming subscription API still functional, and if so, how can I tell?

In an effort to get music-related events for an app we're building, we've mulled through Myspace's decidedly clunky authentication process and managed to set up a subscription and endpoint.
Using all this fun stuff:
The Myspace GET request verifies the existence of our subscription. So all we were hoping to do was sit back and wait...
...but even with no query filtering set whatsoever (i.e. we should get EVERYTHING that happens!), we seem to get no data pushed our way.
Most worrisome is that I don't see anyone talking about this on the web anytime recently. Does it still exist? It's still on Myspace's Developer homepage. Did they forget to take it down? Is their sense of self-esteem so low at this point (for obvious reasons) that they've stopped caring about whether their services work?
A boolean answer with conclusive supporting evidence would be most appreciated.
Links to resources and discussions less than a year old would be an awesome bonus.
Myspace has a very inactive MySpace Developer Team News and Announcements that lists various API modules designed to work with the standard and has a dedicated Activities API webpage with examples.
Once you view that page, you'll see they work within the depreciated OpenSocial API v1 Platform.
In reference to the Stream Subscription method your using, the History Log has the last entry at January 2010. It's safe to say that method has been abandoned. Reference screenshot:
I visited Wikipedia Myspace Page to discover what Developer API is currently used and was greeted with the same outdated information that you already have. The last API used was in 2010.
There still is hope for your goal of getting music related events via a current API method: The above Wikipedia page has a section titled Decline: 2008–present which links to footnote 71 for a January 2012 article: MySpace is Reborn at Panasonic Press Conference, Unleashes Justin Timberlake
That Wikipedia announcement reads:
In January 2012, the company announced at CES that it would introduce MySpace TV with Panasonic.
While Myspace is currently under the radar for developers and your goal is to get Music Related Events (from music artists?) via API, consider using YouTube API that has a powerful search feature to find such events from artists with legitimate YouTube ID's.
If that's not an option perhaps Myspace TV / Panasonic venture will come into fruition soon.
As this is not a happy answer, it's only fitting to Cry Me A River until a new API is realized.
Edit: As your looking for a Boolean Answer, MySpace API is false.
To complement that Boolean state, these other JavaScript values are considered false too: 0 -0 null "" undefined NaN.
WordPress for MySpace API is abandoned with last blog entry April 2010.
The MySpace Stream Subscription API is a component of MySpace RESTful API that is abandoned.
Finally, the MySpace Developer Home Page was last updated on December 2010.
Even to this day, Google Groups for MySpace API has no activity since July 2010.
The above links is Further Evidence that the MySpace API is dead.

Google Place API usage limitations and billing

I have developed one app in which i have used the Google Place API. This is what places doc says about limitation.
The Google Places API has the following query limits:
Users with an API key are allowed 1 000 requests per 24 hour period.
Users who have also verified their identity through the APIs console are allowed 100 000 requests per 24 hour period. A credit card is required for verification, by enabling billing in the console. Your card will not be charged for use of the Places API.
So my question is that if i enable billing for Place API then its free? Is it really true?
Yes, you will have what they are saying. I have done that, so I can confirm... If you put your credit card info, you are letting them know that you are a verified user, and that therefore you won't misuse their services.
And for the second question, we are talking about Google here. It is really true, you won't be charged, they can make money from other sources :)
Actually, if you need more than the "verified" option, it seems you can contact them as stated by Thor Mitchell (Product Manager #Google) in this topic at Quora: Pros and Cons of Places API
"The limits on use (after identity verification) is 100,000 requests
per day, and we're happy to talk to developers who need more about
their requirements."
As of today, the limit is 150,000 free requests per day, but the documentation is hard to make sense of in terms of how they bill overage.
Latest update March 2019:
"For an overview of pricing for the Google Maps Platform products, please see the Pricing Sheet.
To learn more about how Google Maps Platform APIs are billed, please see Understanding billing for Maps, Routes, and Places."

Free LSI services or API to get related keywords

I've been told that Yahoo used to had a free LSI service known as Yahoo Boss API that begans to being payed since July 20th and that Microsoft Bing Search Engine have a free service that offers similar but not as good functionalities as Yahoo Boss API.
Does there exist other free APIs than the above that provides such service to developers?
I've been trying to find something similar from Google without any results.
Unfortunatelly, as of Aug 2013 there are no such trustworthy services :( or at least I wasn't able to find anyone.
Have you tried

Xbox and ps3 API

I have been asked to create a site on which users can invite each other to play a game on a specific gaming console (X-Box or PS3 for example). If the players do meet online and play, the site needs to monitor which of them won - then distribute prize money to the winner.
Can anyone point me toward a reference for monitoring the gaming results through some kind of API on these various platforms?
I can't speak for PSN or the PlayStation 3 (although I assume it works very similarly), but for the Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE:
There is no single API that will enable you to access wins/losses for every multiplayer title - each title would need its own individual API.
Very few developers provide public APIs for their games with statistics for wins/losses.
Microsoft does provide registered developers (and some community members) with access to some Xbox LIVE APIs (which provide achievement, game, and profile related data).
So, what you want to build is not possible using APIs unless:
You are only tracking stats for one specfic game which does have a public (or otherwise accessible to you) API; OR
You are a registered developer and have access to some NDA APIs which provide the information you seek (for example, leaderboard information for XBLA titles, achievement/trophy data, etc.).
You may need to find some other method for verifying the winner.