Advertising Identifier for iAd? [closed] - app-store-connect

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Closed 7 years ago.
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My app recently got rejected for using an Advertising Identifier, but not including the functionality for it.
The only ads I am using are iAds, so should I say select "yes" for the Advertising Identifier (IFDA) when uploading my app in iTunesConnect?
If I say no, how will they know to add the ads into my app?

No, if you are only using iAd you should not select yes to the Advertising Identifier (IFDA) on iTunesConnect.
An IFDA is a unique identifier for your users that allows for networks to trace what actions the user takes on your application. This, in turn, allows for much more targeted advertising, but takes away from the user's privacy.
You must tell Apple if you use an IFDA, and users must be able to opt-out of being traced using an IFDA. This is to protect users' privacy.
An IFDA is only used if you would like to provide more targeted advertisements to your users. Think of it as a UUID for your user, which is shared with other applications, and allows those applications to communicate about the users actions


How do I access Blackboard API with my username and password? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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trying to develop an application that takes data from a user's respective Blackboard account and display that information in a different way. I have been reading the blackboard API documentation and I guess I have to go to an administrator with an App ID in order for me to obtain this kind of access. What type of information should I provide the admin being as I don't even know what an App ID is, let alone provide it. I'm just a student trying to make my life easier by consolidating information that's already available to me on blackboard. I appreciate any guidance on the development process.
The documentation you'll likely want to start with is at - of particular note is the REST / Getting Started section. See also the swagger docs for the API, which detail the needed entitlements for each API call.

How could I make a google verification box which register people into my web site? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The image describes itself the objetive:
If someone doesn't understand, I want to create a register box which registers the g+ email into a database with the respective user's data.
It's called OAuth. Usually we use an external provider (such as Google, Facebook, Github, etc.) to identify the user, so you don't have to. The user don't have to give you his password, because you use access tokens to request the user's data from the provider's server:
You can read more and find implementations here.
On the image, you probably see the Google's OAuth2 service.

How to lock API from 3d party mobile app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to use some API by my own mobile app. But I want lock access from 3d party mobile apps. How can I do this?
I talking not about authorization. I just don't want, that somebody write application which use API on my website.
You can't reliably block 3rd party clients without machine to machine authentication.
I suggest using an API key as a general approach. This question explains how it might be implemented at a high level
What's best for you depends entirely on the framework that you're using, it's always best to use an existing framework for security.

Monitoring all the information of users using mvc 4 web api [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a REST service based on mvc 4 and web api. I need to monitor all the users who are using my service (eg: user name , organization that user belongs to, how many hours he is accessing service and so). can you please provide best architecture for this. what is the best way to doing this?
You can use a custom HttpMessageHandler for doing authentication and track all the information you need about the user in a database. You will need some background processing of that data and doing some statistics about the usage of the API. About the message handler, a good start is the one provided in Thinktecture.IdentityModel library (You can customize it),

Can I change pricing of inapp purchase after app submission [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Can I change the pricing of inapp purchase after submitting app to the appstore.
And I want to know whether we can use custom prices like $1.75 or $2.50 etc
If these are not possible how can I implement these functionalities
a) Yes, you can change the pricing of app or in-app purchase at any stage.
b) No, you can only use predefined price tiers. There's an unofficial document here: App Store Pricing Matrix
As for implementing this functionalities: everything related to managing your application in the App Store is done trough iTunes Connect. Where you can also get official price matrix but you'll need a developer account and a signed contract with Apple first.