title of dhtmlxTabbar tab - tabbar

How can I access in 4+ version of dhtmlxTabbar to the title property (tooltip) of a tab. I used to do it in version 3.6 as:

This way:


The property 'PersonalizedAds' was not found in type 'MTAdView

I have installed MarcTron.Admob package, version 1.6.9 for my Xamarin.Forms project.
According to its documentation there is a property called PersonalizedAds.
I get the error: The property 'PersonalizedAds' was not found in type 'MTAdView'. Why is the property not recognized?
Using CrossMTAdmob.Current.UserPersonalizedAds = true; which MTAdview items would it affect? All the MTAdview items that are listed in a Content Page?
I get the error: The property 'PersonalizedAds' was not found in type 'MTAdView'. Why is the property not recognized?
The Personalized property was removed from MTAdViewfrom MTAdView Version 1.6.2. If you want to use it, use Version 1.6.1 and the previous version.
Using CrossMTAdmob.Current.UserPersonalizedAds = true; which MTAdview items would it affect? All the MTAdview items that are listed in a Content Page?
UserPersonalizedAds is Global Property. When you set UserPersonalizedAds to true, all your Admob banner will show personalized ads and will have the same Id.

How can I charge number line of dropdownmenu using #shoutem/ui?

I try to used #shoutem/ui! In my project, I define 1 Component with header is NavigationBar of #shoutem/ui, in NavigationBar I try define rightComponent is an DropDownMenu, but when long content, navigation bar will made 2 line and I don't want that way! I'm still want it pingleline!
That's what I'm facing:
Please Help.
It seems that this PR https://github.com/shoutem/ui/pull/216/files solves it, so please check if you are using the latest version of #shoutem/ui.

Geb changing an attribute value

I want to know what is the correct way to change any attribute value of an element in geb (selenium).
For example, I have this element:
static content = {
radioSelect(wait: true) { $('input[name=rr]')}
Now I want to set any attribute. I did not found a good method, I use this workaround:
(driver as JavascriptExecutor).executeScript( "document.getElementsByName('rr')[0].setAttribute('checked', true)" )
Is there another way? Like radioSelect.setAttribute?
Use the jQuery integration offered by Geb:
radioSelect.jquery.attr("checked", true)
This is the equivalent of
js.exec 'jQuery("input[name=rr]").attr("checked", true)'
But be careful:
The jQuery integration only works when the pages you are working with
include jQuery, Geb does not install it in the page for you. The
minimum supported version of jQuery is 1.4.

Ext.grid.ColumnModel is not a constructor

I am quite new to extjs..and I installed ext js4 in my server. I get the following error. Not sure what it means:
Ext.grid.ColumnModel is not a constructor
here 's my link:
Now I get Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel is not a constructor
Basically I am trying the following tutorial:
RowModel is default so in your grid configurations try this:
selModel: { mode: 'SIMPLE' },
selModel: new Ext.selection.RowModel({singleSelect:false})
although singleSelect is not a config option of RowModel, so try:
selModel: new Ext.selection.RowModel({model:SIMPLE})
From ExtJs docs:
mode : String
Mode of selection. Valid values are:
SINGLE - Only allows selecting one item at a time. Use allowDeselect to allow deselecting >that item. This is the default.
SIMPLE - Allows simple selection of multiple items one-by-one. Each click in grid will >either select or deselect an item.
MULTI - Allows complex selection of multiple items using Ctrl and Shift keys.
I looked at the code in the tutorial you mentioned and noticed that it is for ExtJs 2.x and 3.x versions. Grid changed a lot from version 3 to 4. If you want to follow that tutorial you will need to have ExtJs 4 documentation at hand.
I think the columns for PresidentsColumnModel should be Ext.grid.column.Column, not Ext.grid.ColumnModel

removing field in form dynamically sencha 2

i am using sencha touch 2.0 and want to create a button '+' and '-',to add and remove a field dynamically,i have figured out the add part using
but remove part does not hide the field.
You have to set an id for your field and then try
Hope this helps.