Whats app messages API not working online - whatsapp

i have used whats app API messages costume API from this URL : , its working in localhost mode but when i upload it to my website its not sending any messages to any number ,
i searched online for an answer and found this article talking about whatsapp threatens :
but am not really sure about it.
any help please thanks ...


discord.js how to make it so a bot goes onto a website api and sends back whatever the website said

Hey so im coding a discord bot (discord.js) and I have a website im trying to make it so when you say a command it goes onto my websites api then sends whatever the website said back into server any help is appreciated, thanks!
I know a LOT of people have this question...
I found a video that seems to be in your best interest. I haven't watched it all the way through as it is pretty lengthy, but in this video, he explains how to make a dashboard, hosted off your own computer, but it is also do-able in a regular VPS, not sure about something like Heroku...
Video Tutorial Link: https://youtu.be/h0iTrmuphYs

Need Whatsapp api for sending messages from my PHP project

i want to know if there is any whatsapp api that can help me to send messages from my php project because after some research i found that whatsapp doesn't have any api for developers..
someone can help me please?
I used Google :
A quick google search with the proceeding query : "WhatsApp PHP API" gives us many results , the first result is a github page made by mgp25 a well known member of the github dev community.
Good luck!
You are absolutely right that whatsapp does not published the api for the such chatting using php .
By the way you can use the sharing uri to share text messages who have whats appp installed in their device or web chat option for whatsapp
Chat API: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=15551234567
Custom URL: Scheme whatsapp://send?text=hello world
First one is used to open chat with the desired phone number and the second one is used to share some test as custom url format.
Whatsapp is now maintain by facebook and it has created a api for business to communicate with customers .
This it has launched api for whatsapp as well as for Facebook instagram .
You can have a look on the documentation portal for whatsapp api for more details
Also there are partners of Facebook who give ready made solution to the productivity.

How to integrate QuickBooks Api in iOS App

I have been working since so many days on the QuickBook Api for ios sdk. But not able to find out the relevant link to Integrate this into my Project.
I have Done the following things in my app :-
1) I create an Account om the Intuit site.
2)From there i got the App token and other necessary thing like OAuth Consumer Key and OAuth Consumer Secret.
3)Now i have to link this with my app by which i can upload a file into the QuickBooks.
4) For uploading in the QuickBook I am using the following URL https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/335453891/attachable
i didn't find any solution. is there any quick book Api for ios sdk?
Can anyOne help me out from this, as i am stuck in this and i just want to get rid from this.
Thanks in Advance.

Developer API key issue for AOL

I am creating one new application using AOL login. For this I require developer api keys.I get the api keys for Facebook,twitter . But for aol.com , when I open dev.aol.com it redirects to www.aol.com always. Please anybody suggest me how to get APi kes for AOL . Why is this redirecting to home page ? Please reply
It looks as if the AOL Open Auth API has been discontinued.
All links that used to point to its documentation now point to the main aol.com website.
I also just called AOL and the technical support representative was unable to find any information at all on any developer APIs.
Sorry, looks like you're out of luck.

Security questions for iOS app interaction with API

I am going to develop an iOS app for my web application so I will be working on an API Service that the iOS app will consume.
My question is :
How can I make sure to protect the access to my API ?
My main concern is just that I don't want someone else to use my API in order to duplicate the content to another app or website.
Thanks in advance,
Unfortunately this is very difficult to do. In short, you can't do this with 100% assurance because once your code is in the client's hands you have no control over it. Check out this StackOverflow question: Security When Using REST API in an iPhone Application
You may also find some value in this StackOverflow question as well: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15390354/api-key-alternative/15390892#15390892