How get entitlement for the app, in order to access NEHotspotHelper - ios9.1

How get entitlement for the app, in order to access NEHotspotHelper.

You need to email Apple:
The entitlement is required in order to use NEHotspotHelper. To request this entitlement, send an email to


Telegram Super Group Moderation

I'm looking for a telegram bot that will allow the admins or group moderators to first approve a message before the message is released to the greater group. Admins or moderators should be able to either approve or decline a message sent by a user of a group that way to keep control of messages and content of the group ?
Telegram is not made use of this, I think this is impossible.
You can try allow any message in group, and if admin approved, bot forward it to channel.
What about scrabbling the message posted by the users so when user sends message to group other users can't read it but only admins can read it and have to type password to open and read message ?

How to get Payer email Id from PayPay iOS SDK

Im using PayPal iOS SDK, after launching the PayPal Payment Screen. User will enter the PayPal email Id and Password. after successful payment Im getting some response from through PayPal delegate methods but I that response Im unable to collect the email Id (PayPal Id) that I have used to login.
Thank You.
No, You can not get user's email address. Paypal can not provide you
the personal credentials of any users. It can only provide you the
order details.

iTunes Connect Error: "This email address is not available for use as an Apple ID."

When attempting to add a user to iTunes Connect, I get the following error:
This email address is not available for use as an Apple ID. You may already have an Apple ID associated with this address. Please try again or sign in using your existing Apple ID.
This is a different error from the one I usually get, which occurs when trying to add a user with an email address already associated with a different iTunes Connect account.
Why is this error occurring?
How do I fix the issue and invite this user to my iTunes Connect account?
The issue that I found was that the email address was being used as an alternate email on an already existing account.
Remove the alternate email or change it, then you will be able to use the email for an Apple ID.

GCM: registration id or token

For Google cloud messaging, is there a use for storing the token? Or can we just work with the registration id? Trying to setup push notifications and was wondering why they use both tokens and registration ids.
Use the token on your server, to specify the device you want to send a message to. You, as a developer, have no significant use for the registrationID, in terms of actually sending the message.
From my understanding, token is used to authorize your application' access to Google Service while registration id is the unique identifier of an app on a specific device. GCM uses Registration ID to identify the device and app to send push notification to. So to answer your question, you need both of them.

Sending notifications for website users signed via Facebook or Twitter. How?

Let's imagine that we have ecommerce website that suggests 3 way for user registration:
regular email
via facebook
via twitter
Now let's imagine that we have user signed via facebook/twitter account and we need send him notification about his order (order complete or s/t like that). How can we do this? It is absolutely clear for regular email users - we should just email them notification, but what about Facebook/Twitter users?
Thank you!
With Facebook when they authenticate with your application, you can request email permissions to be able to access the email address they have nominated to use with their facebook account. At the point of registeration you could then store this address in your database and all order flow could follow the existing email path.
You could probably re-use this methodology for twitter too.
I can understand the need to differentiate on registration processes however I think you want to streamline post order notification as much as possible for consistency across users.