When I run apt-get install freeglut3-dev I get a bunch of 404 Not Found errors. How can I run my glut application?
I was able to install freeglut3-dev package fine in Ubuntu 14.04.1. 404 Not Found looks like a server problem. Try running apt-get update to update the package lists.
I got an error.
$ valet install
Unable to determine linked PHP.
'which' command returns:
$ which php
I used Homebrew to instal php7.1 , So I ran this command in terminal
ln -s /usr/local/opt/php71/bin/php /usr/local/bin/php
and everything is done.
if your PHP version 7.x and valet > 2.0.8 update valet
valet stop
valet uninstall
brew install php
composer global require laravel/valet
then valet install
Homebrew creates (or attempts to create) symlinks in /usr/local/bin.
Start by running the following to attempt to create a link.
brew link php70
It'll give you information as to whether or not it was successful. Occasionally permissions are problematic and you can resolve this with
sudo chown -R `whoami`:admin /usr/local/bin
Then try running the brew link command again.
Alternately brew link may give you instructions, or you can use brew doctor to get a report on any problems which exist with your Homebrew installation.
When it's set up properly after running ls -la /usr/local/bin | grep bin/php$ you should see something similar to
lrwxr-xr-x 1 YOURUSER admin 29 10 May 21:40 php -> /usr/local/Cellar/php70/7.0.6/bin/php
I was going to update Laravel Valet from version 1.* to 2 and ran same error like this
Unable to determine linked PHP
The solution was to run
composer global update
before I ran
valet install
This happens when your brew php gets Updated.
If you do brew install php this will work but will install php 7.2 by default.
If you want php#7.1 you have to do brew install php#7.1 this will install php7.1 and now when you restart valet valet restart you might get an error. Unable to determine linked PHP.
To make this work with php7.1 you have make brew link
brew link php71
you may have this error
Warning: php#7.1 is keg-only and must be linked with
to fix this
brew link --force php71
now valet should work on php7.1
I tried all of the suggestions here—and several from elsewhere—before I hit on the solution. This applies to PHP 7.2 (no guarantee for other versions). If you are using the original Larvel Valet, open the file:
...or, if you're using Valet+
Locate the supportedPhpVersions method. In some versions, it will return an array right in the method:
return ['php72', 'php71', 'php70', 'php56'];
Change this to:
return ['7.2', 'php72', 'php71', 'php70', 'php56'];
In other cases, it'll reference const SUPPORTED_PHP_VERSIONS, and the change will be similar.
Save the file, restart valet, and Bob's your uncle!
I'm trying to install dotnet4.5 using winetricks on Ubuntu12.04 64bit. It keeps on giving me "Mono does not appear to be installed " error though I have mono installed. I ran these two commands to get mono and mono-complete
sudo apt-get mono-vbnc
sudo apt-get mono-complete
The Wine version I am using is 1.6. I have already tried reinstalling it. It's not just dotnet4.5 but all the versions of dotnet give me the same error.
I have already tried askUbuntu forums to no avail.
Try this:
apt-file update && sudo apt-get install `apt-file search mono.pc --package-only`
I'm trying to run the following:
yum reinstall glibc --downloadonly --downloaddir=/root/dependencies/
But it keeps giving me an error that --downloaddir is not a valid option though I've seen others use it around the web. I'm using RHEL Workstation 5.5. Is there another way to specify the downloaddir?
first install yumdownloader
yum install yumdownloader
I search the entire net could not find a guide to get gdal-config.
I have yum but yum does not have gdal-config, i already installed gdal.
I just need to be able to do this on shell - gdal-config and not get a command not found error.
My distro is Fedora. I don't have apt-get.
You probaby have "yum" instead of "apt-get" on Fedora. Try..
yum install gdal gdal-devel
I'm running Ubuntu 16.04, so I use apt-get instead of Yum. But I had trouble with gdal and gdal-develop. This is command that worked for me:
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev
I found the package names from here:
I had a similar problem, that is "gdal-config" was missing. I could solve it by installing the development packages. So you could try installing gdal-dev.
As far as I know, the GDAL utilities, including gdal-config, are part of the download package that you can find here: http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/DownloadingGdalBinaries. They link to a Fedora version. If you installed apt-get, you could find it by looking for GDAL directly.
I'm trying to connect to SQL Server on Ubuntu 9.04 using Ruby. I translated and followed all the steps outlined in getting OSX talking to SQL Server from here:
Everything is working on the FreeTDS and unixODBC end. I can see and query the database using tsql.
When I try to access the database from Ruby using IRB I get the following error:
DBI::DatabaseError : INTERN (0) [RubyODBC] Cannot allocate SQLHENV
Has anyone run into this and what can I do to solve this?
I started getting this error when I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala). Your tip regarding installation order of the Ubuntu packages didn't work for me.
It seems the fix was to manually compile ruby-odbc.
wget http://www.ch-werner.de/rubyodbc/ruby-odbc-0.9997.tar.gz
tar xzvf ruby-odbc-0.9997.tar.gz
cd ruby-odbc-0.9997
ruby extconf.rb --with-dlopen
sudo make install
Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
I had to specify the odbc directory in the rubyodbc install
wget http://www.ch-werner.de/rubyodbc/ruby-odbc-0.9997.tar.gz
tar xzvf ruby-odbc-0.9997.tar.gz
cd ruby-odbc-0.9997
ruby extconf.rb --with-odbc-dir=/usr/lib/odbc --disable-dlopen
sudo make install
I had the same problem.
But on Centos 5.5 not Ubuntu
Tried many forums/solutions with no joy.
The error message hints at a missing reference to unixODBC.
Which was setting using LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
Found another way to set path, by creating
add unixODBC location to file ie /usr/local/lib.
Run, sudo ldconfig.
Go fig that I actually got this working after submitting my question. What I ended up doing was uninstall libdbd-odbc-ruby and libdbi-ruby and then reinstalling them by installing libdbi-ruby first and then installing libdbd-odbc-ruby. I guess when I installed them before, something must of messed up.
BTW, following the instructions to recompile Ruby-ODBC on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) required installation of either the libiodbc2-dev or the unixodbc-dev package. When using libiodbc2-dev, I got segmentation faults when my Ruby program tried:
connection.select_all('select top 15 * from log_device_healths')
..but no problem when using unixodbc-dev instead.
Tim Morgan's solution didn't work for me. However I was able to get things working by installing an older version of libodbc-ruby (0.9995) from here:
Additional details are available from Carsten Gehling's blog:
Be careful though -- Ubuntu's Update Manager will happily "upgrade" this version of libodbc-ruby to the broken 0.9997-2. I accidentally overwrote the older version this way only to end up back here, trying to figure out how I fixed it last time.
Well, it seems my other answer stopped working for me. This thread helped me to solve the issue in another way, and I wanted to share it here.
sudo gem uninstall ruby-odbc
sudo rm /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/odbc.so
cd /tmp
wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/libo/libodbc-ruby/libodbc-ruby1.8_0.9995-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i libodbc-ruby1.8_0.9995-1_amd64.deb
If you're not on a 64-bit platform, you'll need to download a different Debian package.
Basically, what solves the problem is installing version 0.9995 of the ruby-odbc Ubuntu package.