intellij webapp hot deploy changes to html files - intellij-idea

I have added a tomcat server and in my maven ui project I do a maven install. Then I start the tomcat server and it deploys my ui project as a exploded war. Now if I make changes to a js, css or html file should be be seen in the target web app as they do not need to be compiled. Right now I don't see the changes. Is there a setting for it.

Make sure that the your artifact is build when making the project (File > Project Structure > Artifacts > YOUR_EXPLODED_ARTIFACT > Build on make).
Furthermore, use exploded artifact which name ends with .war or .ear.
See more here:
IntelliJ hot swapping classes, but not JSF pages

Looks like Tomcat uses the target folder of maven as the code for webapp. Hence doing an install, moves all code to the target folder and if the file is js, html, css than it gets picked up, when you revist the page.


IntelliJ, JRebel, Maven and a JEE 6 application

My setup is
IDE: IntelliJ
Application: JEE6 with an EAR and a WAR module
Build: Maven
Hot-Code-Replacement: JRebel
App-Server: Glassfish 3.1
I configured the application in IntelliJ in a way that the ear gets deployed. The ear "target" folder looks like this
In the default configuration JRebel listens for changes in the classes/ folder.
When I change something in the web module, and build this, the classes are only updated in appWeb/target/classes/ but not in appEar/target/appEar/appWeb-version-Snapshot.war/.
If I want to update those classes I have to select "Build Artifacts" in IntelliJ after building the project.
To sum up, I have to do these steps for a hot code replacement:
(once) Configure JRebel correctly.
Make project
Build Artifacts
This whole procedure appears to be too complicated to me. Does anyone have a clue how to setup IntelliJ/Maven/Glassfish/JEE/JRebel correctly? I have not found an example containing all my tools. I'd like to have only one action for the code replacement, not two.
There's "build on make" checkbox in your project artifact settings, that will always recreate your artifact on compiling, if that's what you are looking for. However JRebel should remap where your application is reading class files and resources based on rebel.xml, so you probably should just rewrite rebel.xml to look for classes where they are compiled to, not where they end up after building the artifact.
Why do you need to Build Artifacts every time?
Your war should contain the rebel.xml that maps to the classes in /target/classes folder.
When you make changes to said classes, your server then knows to load the changes from those classes.
So you only need to build your project in order to see the changes assuming your rebel.xml classpath points to /target/classes.

IntelliJ & Wildfly - hot deploy webapp

I am using IntelliJ (14.0.3) and Wildfly (8).
When I recompile my Java classes, hot swapping is easy and everything works just fine. However, my HTML, JS and CSS files will not hot swap for me. I am sure it is just a configuration issue and was hoping for some help.
My HTML data is in:
My run/debug is setup for:
Before launch: Make, Build Artifacts
Build 'mymodule:war' artifact
I had the exact same problem, this is how it worked for me:
After configuring your JBoss server (Wildfly), setup an artifact of type exploded, in my case I selected Web Application: Exploded, and then in the Output directory add .war to the end of the name.
In case you need a .ear, simply select JavaEE Application: exploded instead, but anyways always remember to add manually the extension.
After setting this artifact to work with your Application Server, in the edit configurations of your Wildfly server select the option Update resources in the list of options in the section On frame deactivation.
So every time you modify and save static content, it will update these changes as soon as you focus something else outside the IDE, like the browser.

intelliJ 9 cannot find class I specify in web.xml

I am trying to get logdigger to work in my java app that uses google app engine. I have tried putting my jar files in the src/ directory, lib/ directory, and no matter what I do, it can't find the class. The only thing that it finds is the stuff. I have tried messing with my dependencies and it's not working. Has anyone done this before and gotten it to work? I am not sure how to modify the classpath through intelliJ (however in the project settings I have the jars linked as a dependency under the modules section).
You probably need to look at the artifacts for your project. IntelliJ separates runtime assembly of WARs into the artifacts section. Look and see that your WAR file is assembled properly. I'm guessing that you don't put the contents of the /lib directory into the WEB-INF/lib of your WAR. The compiled output ought to go into WEB-INF/classes. All other output belongs in the root of the deployment.

How does Intellij deploy to JBoss?

I finally have my application in IntelliJ and deploying to JBoss. I'd like to get hot deploy working but it looks like I need to understand how IntelliJ and JBoss interact.
When I build my project in IntelliJ and then start JBoss, the ear file does not appear in the deploy directory so I assume that there is some magic that IntelliJ does so that JBoss reads from a different folder. What is happening during this step?
Thanks :)
I know this is an old and apparently answered question, but unfortunately the links provided in the accepted answer didn't give me the simple details I was looking for. For anyone also trying to understand how IntelliJ IDEA deploys your exploded war to JBoss without copying files to the deployments folder, here's what I've found while deploying locally from IDEA 14 (EAP) to JBoss 7.1.1.Final:
After you've created an "exploded war" artifact for your project (or it has automatically been created for you), IDEA will build your provided sources and place the output in the directory set in the artifact options (you can change this setting to place the output inside the deployments folder inside your jboss installation).
IDEA will update your JBoss configuration file (/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml) and add a "deployment" node inside the deployments section. This entry simply defines a name, a runtime name and the exploded war root folder for your project, which will point to the output directory of your artifact set in IDEA.
When JBoss is started (either manually or from your run/debug configuration in IDEA), it will automatically deploy your artifact. Be warned that if your files are in the output directory of your project and you clean it, JBoss will still try to find the directory, thus encountering errors in your next attempt to start it: Failed to mount deployment content, Failed to process phase STRUCTURE of deployment and to name a few.
Please refer to the documentation.
Basically, you need an exploded Artifact configuration with the directory name ending with .ear.
Build | Make performs hot deployment as well as Update action (which is configurable and can update only resources, resources and classes, optionally redeploy or restart the server).
Instead of copying your application to JBoss, IDEA runs it with appropriate parameters so that it uses Artifact directory instead. Configuration is very flexible and you can just change the artifact directory location to reside under JBoss directory.

How do I get artifacts from one Maven module included in the resources of another in my build?

I have Maven modules that produce a Flex application as an SWF file. I want to include that file in a web application that is made with another Maven module from the same build. I'm wondering how and at which lifecycle phase I get Maven to grab the artifact from the other module and put it insode the appropriate folder of the webapp module. Would I use a separate assembly module?
The web app is running on a Jetty server in an OSGi environment (using Pax), the server side of the web app uses Struts. The final artifact as I see it would be a WAR file including my Action etc classes, JSP templates, static contents such as CSS or JS, and the SWF movies. I might be better off with these split over some other setup, but right now, I wouldn't know which.
I'm wondering how and at which lifecycle phase I get Maven to grab the artifact from the other module and put it insode the appropriate folder of the webapp module.
What about using dependency:unpack dependency:copy during prepare-package?