Arquillian files 'in classpath' even though not defined in WebArchive when run tests - jboss-arquillian

Testing Arquillian TOMCAT-EMBED-7 container, and I'm getting questionable results around creating a WebArchive for testing.
In /src/main/resources, I have several configuration files that I do not want to use when running the integration tests, instead I want to provide named ones stored in /src/embed-itest/resources.
org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Filter x = Filters.exclude(".*Test.*|.*xml|.*properties");
WebArchive webArchive = ShrinkWrap
.create(WebArchive.class, "mytest.war")
.addPackages(true, x, "com.myapp")
//and some other additions
Then at the end of the srhinkwrap process, I add the specific test files I want to use:
File n = new File("src/embed-itest/resources/");
However, the behavior is still running as though it is using the /src/main/resources/ I've verified the _DEFAULT_DEFAULT_mytest.war really does have the content as, but running the tests the behavior is that of /src/main/resources/ (and this is true for other configuration files, such as camelContext.xml I've tried to override).
Anyone have some insight please? I was hoping to leverage the ability to create a custom WebArchive with specific files in the archive to more precisely test, but the actual behavior seems to be as if it was the 'standard' created war limiting what I thought was a great capability of arquillian.

I think the problem is that yo are using the Tomcat embedded approach, which means you are sharing the JVM of your tests with your Tomcat instance. I suggest you try with managed or remote mode.


IntelliJ, Cucumber, Java and Selenium - no tests are starting

First, important note: This is a project in which the Selenium/Cucumber test suite is working. It's working locally for the developers, and it's working in the Tekton environment.
Second: I have an identical IntelliJ environment as the developers. And other Selenium/Cucumber projects are running fine on my local machine.
When a try to run a fresh copy of the project in question locally, none of the tests start. And, there is no error message.
Normally, this will be cause by missing Glue parameters in the Run/Debug configuration, since IntelliJ for some reason often is unable to add these automatically. This is not the case here.
The test runner when I try to start a specific scenario:
Sorry for the language. The tests are all in Norwegian. But I don't think that matters for seeing the problem.
Normally, when there is an actual error regarding the test step - in the case "Gitt jeg er en vanlig søker" - there would be some info to the right of the steps overview. This is now blank, as can be seen. So, the test stes aren't even started.
The run/debug configuration:
e2e.cucumber.felles is the package where the Java file with the first step definition is located. So, that's not the reason.
Any ideas?

log4j properties files based on leiningen test metadata?

How can I use different log4j properties files based on leiningen test metadata? I have functions that have debug logging output to a file. Often, there is a lot of data being written to this debug log file, slowing down the function. Normal runs of the application will not have debug file writing, so I want to benchmark the normal running of the function without that file writing. For benchmarking, I am using criterium. Let's assume that the metadata for benchmarking deftest defitions is :benchmark.
The trouble with doing this based on test metadata is that all tests are run in a single JVM instance, and modifying the Log4j configuration on the fly within a JVM is not exactly easy. Instead, I would set up profiles in your project.clj to disable the :benchmark tests by default, and set up a separate profile for running benchmarks. Assuming that you have your :resource-paths set up to include a debug-level file, your benchmark profile could then set up the classpath or system profiles as appropriate to use a different file. For example:
(defproject myproject
:test-selectors {:default (complement :benchmark)}
:profiles {
:benchmark {
:test-selectors {:default :benchmark}
:jvm-opts [""]
You could then run the benchmarks with:
> lein with-profile +benchmark test

Griffon resource loading differences between run-app and test-app

I am fairly new to Griffon and have some experience with Grails.
I have a problem loading a file from the resources directory.
I am using Griffon version 1.4.0.
When I run griffon run-app the following code (inside a Service) to get the location of an XML file works fine:
URL resource = getResourceAsURL('schema.xsd')
assert resource != null : "schema cannot be located"
When I run griffon test-app however the same code produces an assertion error because the returned URL is null. Same behaviour with getResourceAsStream().
This happens in the unit test of said service.
I put the file in ./griffon-app/resources.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to copy all resources from production to some test resources folder, do I have to edit the build-configuration?
Thanks in advance!
Edit as suggested below I filed a bug report in the griffon-projects issue tracker.
araxn1d is correct, running the tests in integration mode will give you the right answer because the full application gets bootstrapped before tests are run. Now, running this kind of test (a unit test that depends on resources being available in the classpath) encounters a problem because the classpath is not setup correctly. Executing the following command
griffon -Dgriffon.cli.verbose=true test-app --unit --compileTrace=true
will output all classpaths. There you can see that the resources directory points to $USER_HOME/.griffon/1.4.0/projects/<project_name>/resources. If you inspect that directory you'll find the file you're looking for inside griffon-app/resources. This means the test classpath is not accurately configured as it should be $USER_HOME/.griffon/1.4.0/projects/<project_name>/resources/griffon-app/resources instead. This is clearly a bug, most likely found in the $GRIFFON_HOME/scripts/_GriffonClasspath.groovy script. Could you please file a JIRA ticket for it? Thanks!
You should run test-app to run your unit tests. In this case you should mock any refers to real files, otherwise you should implement Integration Tests. Pls see Griffon Testing. Integration tests differ from unit tests in that you have full access to the Griffon application within the test.

Pax Exam tests fail occasionally

I am testing CXF REST services in Karaf using Pax Exam. The tests almost always run without a hitch on my machine. When run in Jenkins (under Maven build) they typically fail. The failures seem random and unpredictable. The error I receive during the failure deals with attempt to run a Karaf command. The commands are executed by the following snippet:
def byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
def printStream = new PrintStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
CommandProcessor commandProcessor = getOsgiService(CommandProcessor.class);
CommandSession commandSession = commandProcessor.createSession(, printStream, System.err);
commandSession.put("APPLICATION", System.getProperty("", "root"));
commandSession.put("USER", "karaf");
These are the commands I am trying to execute in the tests setup method:
'features:addurl mvn:org.apache.cxf.karaf/apache-cxf/2.7.2/xml/features', 'features:install http', 'features:install cxf'
This is the exception:
org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime.CommandNotFoundException: Command not found: features:addurl
Apparently occasionally Karaf does not start correctly and cannot process these commands. The error like this one happen randomly in different tests on different Karaf commands. On my machine they are more likely to happen if the machine is under load.
What may cause Karaf to behave in such a manner? How to prevent these errors from happening?
Thank you,
There is is also pax-exam-karaf, it also has a feature installer which is usable from the configuration. If you want to stick to the "manual" installation you shoul make sure the features service is installed beforehand. For example let the service be injected.

Weblogic forces recompile of EJBs when migrating from 9.2.1 to 9.2.3

I have a few EJBs compiled with Weblogic's EJBC complient with Weblogic 9.2.1.
Our customer uses Weblogic 9.2.3.
During server start Weblogic gives the following message:
<BEA-010087> <The EJB deployment named: YYY.jar is being recompiled within the WebLogic Server. Please consult the server logs if there are any errors. It is also possible to run weblogic.appc as a stand-alone tool to generate the required classes. The generated source files will be placed in .....>
Consequently, server start takes 1.5 hours instead of 20 min. The next server start takes exactly the same time, meaning Weblogic does not cache the products of the recompilation. Needless to say, we cannot recompile all our EJBs to 9.2.3 just for this specific customer, so we need an on-site solution.
My questions are:
1. Is there any way of telling Weblogic to leave those EJB jars as they are and avoid the re-compilation during server start?
2. Can I tell Weblogic to cache the recompiled EJBs to avoid prolonged restarts?
Our current workaround was to write a script that does this recompilation manually before the EAR's creation and deployment (by simply running java weblogic.appc <jar-name>), but we would rather avoid this solution being used in production.
I FIXED this problem by spending a great deal of time researching
and decompiling some classes.I encountered this when migrating from weblogic8 to 10
by this time you might have understood the pain in dealing with oracle weblogic tech support.
unfortunately they did not have a server configuration setting to disable this
You need to do 2 things
Step 1.You if you open the EJB jar files you can see
you see these hascodes for each of your ejb names.Make these hadcodes zero.
pack the jar file and deploy it on server.
This is just a Marker file that weblogic.appc keeps in each ejb jar to trigger the recompilation
during server boot up.i automated this process of making these hadcodes to zero.
This hashcodes remain the same for each ejb even if you execute appc for more than once
if you add a new EJB class or delete a class those entries are added to this marker file
Note 1:
how to get this file?
if you open domains/yourdomain/servers/yourServerName/cache/EJBCompilerCache/XXXXXXXXX
you will see this file for each ejb.weblogic makes the hashcodes to zero after it recompiles
Note 2:
When you generate EJB using appc.generate them to a exploded directory using -output C:\myejb
instead of C:\myejb.jar.This way you can play around with the marker file
Also you need a PATCH from weblogic.When you install the patch you see some message like this
"PATH CRXXXXXX installed successfully.Eliminate EJB recomilation for appc".
i dont remember the patch number but you can request weblogic for that.
You need to use both steps to fix the problem.The patch fixes only part of the problem
the Marker file in EJBs is WL_GENERATED
Just to update the solution we went with - eventually we opted to recompile the EJBs once at the Customer's site instead of messing with the EJBs' internal markers (we don't want Oracle saying they cannot support problems derived from this scenario).
We created two KSH scripts - the first iterates over all the EJB jars, copies them to a temp dir and then re-compiles them in parallel by running several instances of the 2nd script which does only one thing: java -Drecompiler=yes -cp $CLASSPATH weblogic.appc $1 (With error handling of course :))
This solution reduced compilation time from 70min to 15min. After this we re-create the EAR file and redeploy it with the new EJBs. We do this once per several UAT environment creations, so we save quite a lot of time here (55min X num of envs per drop X num of drops)