Excel VBA Only Executes Highlight Cell in Break Mode - vba

I wrote a macro for ExcelVBA that is extremely simple. It essentially copies the entire section of the sheet over, and then adds 4 to the cell selected by the user.
My challenge is with the end - I want to highlight the cell I added 4 to.
I select the cell and paste in the value:
With Progression.Cells(CatSearch, CurrentColumn)
.Value = LF
.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
End With
Problem is that it changes the value of the cell, but not the color.
Interesting point is that it works in break mode, but not when I run the entire macro.
Public Sub BuildFootageProgression()
Dim Category As Byte
Dim Working As Workbook
Dim Progression As Worksheet
Set Working = ActiveWorkbook
Set Progression = Working.Sheets(1)
Category = InputBox("Enter Category Number of Category to Gain Next Four Feet", "Category Decision Box")
''Asks which category should gain the next four feet in a popup box
Dim CatSearch As Integer
Dim InputResult As String
CatSearch = 1
'Start by verifying that the input category is in the list, and identifies the row # of that category and saves to variable "Cat Search"
Do Until Sheet1.Cells(CatSearch, 1).Value = Category
CatSearch = CatSearch + 1
If CatSearch > 10000 Then
InputResult = InputBox("The previously entered category number could not be found. Enter Category Number of Category to Gain Next Four Feet.", "Category Decision Box")
If InputResult = vbNullString Then
Exit Sub
Category = InputResult
CatSearch = 1
End If
End If
'This section is to find the first blank column and identify the 12 columns we will be working with
If Sheet1.Cells(CatSearch, 1).Value = Category Then
Dim CurrentColumn As Integer
CurrentColumn = 1
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(1, CurrentColumn))
CurrentColumn = CurrentColumn + 1
End If
'Function to copy formula from previous section to current section
Dim previous As Range
Set previous = Range(Sheet1.Cells(1, CurrentColumn - 11), Sheet1.Cells(100, CurrentColumn - 1))
previous.Copy (Sheet1.Cells(1, CurrentColumn))
Dim Current As Range
Set Current = Range(Sheet1.Cells(1, CurrentColumn + 1), Sheet1.Cells(100, CurrentColumn + 10))
'Unhighlights all of the cells
For Each c In Current.Cells
c.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
'Adds four feet to chosen category
Dim LF As Integer
LF = Sheet1.Cells(CatSearch, CurrentColumn).Value
LF = LF + 4
With Progression.Cells(CatSearch, CurrentColumn)
.Value = LF
.Interior.ColorIndex = 37
End With
'Takes Null Values and Makes the Cells Blank
Cells.Replace "#N/A", "", xlWhole
End Sub

Sub Color()
Dim myRange As Range
Set myRange = Range("B1")
myRange.Interior.ColorIndex = 22
End Sub


Excel Macro Copy Range Paste offset based on cell value

I have two sheets "Data" - which has raw data and "Report" - as Report form .
Report sheet first 5 rows has info.
Data Sheet there 6 columns of Data available (SlNo Name Desig Place gender Category)
Report sheet has first 5 columns only (SlNo Name Desig Place gender)
Report sheet range C5 is dropdown box (List from Category column of Data sheet).
So based on this C5 value get details from Data sheet and paste in Report sheet.
I tried the following code but it pastes the whole row when I want to paste only Name,Desig,Place,gender details in offset and loop...
Sub ViewBtn()
Dim SCHL As String
Dim x As Long
x = 2
Do While Cells(x, 1) <> ""
Sheets("Report").Range(Cells(x, 1).Address, Cells(x, 5).Address).ClearContents
x = x + 1
Dim id As String
id = ActiveSheet.Range("C5").Value
x = 2
Category = id
Do While Cells(x, 1) <> ""
If Cells(x, 4) = Category Then
erow = Sheets("Report").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Report").Rows(erow)
End If
x = x + 1
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Here is some sample code to do what I think you are asking for. It is not necessarily the shortest or cleverest way to do it, but everything is done step by step so I hope it is clear enough to follow easily.
Option Explicit
Private Sub viewBtn_Click()
'// Set references to worksheets
Dim wsReport As Worksheet: Set wsReport = Sheets("Report")
Dim wsData As Worksheet: Set wsData = Sheets("Data")
'// Get the category to be reported
Dim sCategory As String
sCategory = wsReport.Range("C5")
'// Reference first line of the report, in row 8
Dim rFirstReportLine As Range
Set rFirstReportLine = wsReport.Range("A8:E8")
'// Reference the line of the report to be written
Dim rReportLine As Range
Set rReportLine = rFirstReportLine
'// Clear the old report area
Do While rReportLine.Cells(1, 1) <> ""
Set rReportLine = rReportLine.Offset(1, 0)
'// Reset to first line of the report
Set rReportLine = rFirstReportLine
'// Find the first cell, if any, that matches the category
Dim rMatch As Range
Set rMatch = wsData.Range("F:F").Find(sCategory, , , xlWhole)
'// Get reference to top data row of data sheet, just the cols to be copied
Dim rDataRow As Range: Set rDataRow = wsData.Range("A1:E1")
'// check for at least one match
If Not rMatch Is Nothing Then
'// Save the address of the first match for checking end of loop with FindNext
Dim sFirstMatchAddress As String: sFirstMatchAddress = rMatch.Address
'// 1) .. copy data row to the report line
rDataRow.Offset(rMatch.Row - 1).Copy rReportLine
'// 2) .. move the report line down
Set rReportLine = rReportLine.Offset(1, 0)
'// 3) .. find the next match on category
Set rMatch = wsData.Range("F:F").FindNext(rMatch)
'// 4) .. exit when we have looped around
Loop Until rMatch.Address = sFirstMatchAddress
End If
'// Display the number of entries found at the end of the report
With rReportLine
Dim nEntryCount As Integer: nEntryCount = .Row - rFirstReportLine.Row
.Cells(1, 1) = nEntryCount & IIf(nEntryCount = 1, " Entry", " Entries")
.Font.Italic = True
.Font.Color = vbBlue
End With
'// Make sure the report sheet is displayed
End Sub
With this data
Get this result

vba check if cell is empty before writing to it and cycle through list of names in turn

This is my code I have 2 problems.
The code all works fine but it needs to check if the cell that it is about to write to in "Allocation" holds the value "X1" or "X" if it does then it needs to go to the next person in the list, the peoples names are held in column A. I have solved this bit myself so it is just the last question I need help with now
Each time the loop starts the program needs to check who the last person to be allocated was and start the next allocation from the next persons name in the list of names. If it would help I could post the whole workbook so you can see what it is all doing but you would have to tell me how to do it as I can't seem to find a way of attaching a file. Thank you for looking and any help that may be offered
Public Sub copyothers()
Dim listofcells As Range
Dim currentname As String
Dim foundrow As Integer
Dim foundcolumn As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim personcount() As Variant
personcount = Sheets("Availability").Range("B3:AR3").Value 'check the
number of people required in each column and record it for later
For i = 2 To 44
counter = personcount(1, i - 1) - 1 'take the first number reduce
it by 1 and move one column right right each time program loops
If Not Sheets("Availability").Cells(2, i) = "" Then
Sheets("Availability").Range(Cells(2, i), Cells(2,
GoTo skip: 'If the column has no data then skip to next column
End If
Set listofcells = Selection
For Each singlecell In listofcells
If counter > 0 Then
If singlecell = "Available" Then
foundcolumn = singlecell.Column 'record the column number where
"Available" was found
currentname = Sheets("Availability").Range("A" & singlecell.Row)
'record the name of the person in the row where "Available" was
Set foundName =
LookIn:=xlValues) 'find the persons name in "Allocation" sheet
foundrow = foundName.Row
If Sheets("allocation").Cells(foundrow, foundcolumn) = ""
Sheets("allocation").Cells(foundrow, foundcolumn) = "X"
'place X in the same cell as it appeared in "Availability" sheet
counter = counter - 1
End If
End If
End If
Next singlecell
Next i
End Sub
Image form Availability Sheet
Image form Allocation Sheet

Fill empty cells between two filled cells

The Situation:
On the Cell "A1" I have the value "1"
On the Cell "A10" I have the value "2"
On the Cell "A20" I have the value "3"
On the Cell "A30" I have the value "4"
What I want to do with Excel VBA:
Between A1 and A10 there are empty cells. I want that A2:A9 is filled with the value of A10, that means "2".
Between A10 and A20 there are empty cells. I want that A11:19 is filled with the value of A20, that means "3".
The problem is, the range A1 to A30 is not fixed. I want to search the whole row for cells which are not empty and to fill the cells between them with the upper cell which is filled.
To explain more, I have an Access Database with a table which is filled with Dates and a table which is filled with numbers.
I want to make a Report to an Excel Sheet.
Dim Daten As Variant
Daten = Array(rs!DatumJMinus8Monate, rs!DatumJ, rs!DatumI, rs!DatumH, rs!DatumG, rs!DatumF, rs!DatumE, rs!DatumD, rs!DatumC, rs!DatumB, rs!DatumA, rs!DatumA4Monate)
Dim Bedarfe As Variant
Bedarfe = Array(rs!BedarfJ8Monate, rs!BedarfJ, rs!BedarfI, rs!BedarfH, rs!BedarfG, rs!BedarfF, rs!Bedarfe, rs!BedarfD, rs!BedarfC, rs!BedarfB, rs!BedarfA, rs!BedarfA, "")
Dim neuereintrag As Boolean
bedarfindex = 0
For Each element In Daten
i = 7
For jahre = 1 To 10
If Cells(1, i + 1) = Year(element) Then
For monate = 1 To 12
If Cells(2, i + monate) = Month(element) Then
Cells(zeile, i + monate) = Bedarfe(bedarfindex)
Cells(zeile, i + monate).Font.Bold = True
bedarfindex = bedarfindex + 1
neuereintrag = True
ElseIf IsEmpty(Cells(zeile, i + monate)) Or neuereintrag = True Then
Cells(zeile, i + monate) = Bedarfe(bedarfindex)
neuereintrag = False
End If
Next monate
End If
i = i + 12
Next jahre
Next element
In the picture the numbers in the red circles have to be deleted.
On way to work from the bottom upwards:
Sub FillUp()
Dim N As Long
Dim i As Long
N = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = N - 1 To 1 Step -1
If Cells(i, 1).Value = "" Then Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(i + 1, 1).Value
Next i
End Sub
Maybe something like this. It needs a bit of work as it will fail if two values are next to each other, or column 1 doesn't contain a value.
Sub AutoFill()
Dim rCell1 As Range, rCell2 As Range
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Find the last column containing data, set both references to this
'so the Do While doesn't fall over on the first loop.
Set rCell2 = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft) '1 is the row number it's looking at.
Set rCell1 = rCell2
'Find next cell to the left containing data and fill between these two columns.
Do While rCell1.Column <> 1
Set rCell1 = rCell2.End(xlToLeft)
.Range(rCell1, rCell2.Offset(, -1)).FillRight
Set rCell2 = rCell1
End With
End Sub

Why do my VBA code sometimes work and most of the times it doesn't?

Sub UpdateCSAH()
Dim S As String
Dim R As Long
Dim RR As Long
Dim CC As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim csah() As String 'an array that stores the CSAH sites
ReDim csah(1 To 100, 1 To 7)
Dim Ran As Range
Dim Ran1 As Range
Set Ran = Worksheets("Current Sites").Range("A1").CurrentRegion 'Ran is the region that has values
RR = 1 'row number in csah
CC = 1 'column number in csah
'check each value in Ran to see if its Route section has "CSAH"
For Each cell In Ran
R = cell.row
S = CStr(Cells(R, 4).value)
If InStr(S, "CSAH") > 0 Then 'check if "CSAH" is in the Route section
If CC > 7 Then 'reset the column number and go to the next row when reach the end of the column
CC = 1
RR = RR + 1
End If
csah(RR, CC) = cell.value
CC = CC + 1
End If
Next cell
Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Select
'assign each array values to cells in sheet"CSAH Sites"
i = 1
j = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(csah, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(csah, 2)
Cells(i + 1, j) = csah(i, j)
Next j
Next i
'format the CSAH Sites values
Set Ran1 = Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Range("A1").CurrentRegion
For Each cell In Ran1
If cell.row = 1 Then
With cell.Font
.Color = -11489280
End With
ElseIf cell.row Mod 2 = 0 Then
With cell.Interior
.Color = 10092441
End With
End If
Next cell
End Sub
I have an Excel worksheet named "Current Sites" that has some data. If the 4th column has the word "CSAH", I want to store the values of that row into an array and assign those values to cells in the worksheet named "CSAH Sites". My code sometimes works (the 1st time you click), and most of times it doesn't work or doesn't work properly.
Please help me out! Thanks A Bunch!!
It looks like you want to check every row of data in the "Current Sites" sheet and if column 4 includes the "CSAH" text, then write the first 7 columns of data for that entry to the "CSAH Sites" sheet and add some colour to the even-numbered rows.
To check every row of data, you can read down just one column and use either the Offset or the Cells method to see the values of neighbouring cells. In your code you were "touching" every cell and each time you were then looking at the value in column 4 and also checking to see if the code had gone past column 7. That slows things down a lot and makes the code hard to understand.
You can also assign the values from a range of cells directly to another range of cells without using variables or an array.
See if this does what you want:
Sub UpdateCSAH()
Dim currentSitesRange As Range
Dim thisSiteRange As Range
Dim outputCell As Range
Dim numRowsOfData As Long
Const NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA As Integer = 7
Set currentSitesRange = Worksheets("Current Sites").Range("A1")
numRowsOfData = currentSitesRange.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Set currentSitesRange = currentSitesRange.Resize(RowSize:=numRowsOfData) 'currentSitesRange is the region that has values
Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Range("A2:G100").ClearContents
Set outputCell = Worksheets("CSAH Sites").Range("A2")
For Each thisSiteRange In currentSitesRange.Cells
' Look for "CSAH" in the Route section (column D)
If InStr(1, thisSiteRange.Offset(ColumnOffset:=3).Value, "CSAH", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' Found "CSAH" so write NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA columns of data to CSAH Sites sheet
outputCell.Resize(ColumnSize:=NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA).Value = thisSiteRange.Resize(ColumnSize:=NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA).Value
' Format the even-numbered rows
If outputCell.Row Mod 2 = 0 Then
With outputCell.Resize(ColumnSize:=NUM_COLUMNS_OF_DATA).Interior
.Color = 10092441
End With
End If
Set outputCell = outputCell.Offset(RowOffset:=1)
End If
Next thisSiteRange
End Sub

Select a column by letter from activeCell (without activeCell.EntireColumn)

First and foremost, the below works as expected. I'm trying to make the macro mimic one we have in word. Our word macro will select the entire column simply to display which column is currently being processed (the selection object is not used for any actual processing).
In excel, when I attempt to select the column (activecell.entirecolumn.select) if there is a merged cell it will show multiple columns. I need it only to select the letter column (pretty much the same as clicking the letter at the top) of the active cell. I'm hoping for a method that wont require me to parse the address of the cell if possible (I feel like string parsing is sloppy).
Sub setwidths()
Dim rangeName As String
Dim selectedRange As range
Dim tempRange As range
Dim x As Integer
'If only 1 cell is selected, attempt to find the correct named range
If Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
rangeName = Lib.getNamedRange(Selection) 'Built in function from my lib (works I promise)
If rangeName <> "" Then
Application.Goto reference:=rangeName
End If
End If
Set selectedRange = Selection
'Go column by column asking for the width
'Made to mimic a word MACRO's behavior and moving backwards served a point in word
For x = selectedRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
Set tempRange = selectedRange.Columns(x)
tempRange.Cells(tempRange.Cells.Count, 1).Select
'This is where the code should go to select the column
tempRange.ColumnWidth = InputBox("This columns?")
End Sub
Is there anyway to select a column by letter (range("A:A").select for instance) from within an active cell?
Record MACRO shows that columns("A:A").select is used when clicking the letter at the top; however, entering that same line into the immediate window will select all columns that merged cells are merged across same as with range("A:A").select and activecell.selectcolumn
Sub NSTableAdjust()
Dim rangeName As String
Dim selectedRange As range
Dim tempRange As range
Dim cellsColor() As Long
Dim cellsPattern() As XlPattern
Dim cellsTaS() As Long
Dim cellsPTaS() As Long
Dim result As String
Dim abort As Boolean
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
'Delete the block between these comments and run macro on 10x10 grid in excel to test
If Selection.Cells.Count = 1 Then
rangeName = Lib.getNamedRange(Selection)
If rangeName <> "" Then
Application.Goto reference:=rangeName
End If
End If
'Delete the block between these comments and run macro on 10x10 grid in excel to test
Set selectedRange = Selection
ReDim cellsArr(1 To selectedRange.Rows.Count)
ReDim cellsColor(1 To UBound(cellsArr))
ReDim cellsPattern(1 To UBound(cellsArr))
ReDim cellsTaS(1 To UBound(cellsArr))
ReDim cellsPTaS(1 To UBound(cellsArr))
abort = False
For x = selectedRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
Set tempRange = selectedRange.Columns(x)
tempRange.Cells(tempRange.Cells.Count, 1).Select
For y = 1 To UBound(cellsColor)
With tempRange.Cells(y, 1).Interior
cellsColor(y) = .Color
cellsPattern(y) = .Pattern
cellsTaS(y) = .TintAndShade
cellsPTaS(y) = .PatternTintAndShade
.Color = 14136213
End With
result = InputBox("This Column?")
If IsNumeric(result) Then
tempRange.ColumnWidth = result
abort = True
End If
For y = 1 To UBound(cellsColor)
With tempRange.Cells(y, 1).Interior
.Color = cellsColor(y)
.Pattern = cellsPattern(y)
.TintAndShade = cellsTaS(y)
.PatternTintAndShade = cellsPTaS(y)
End With
If abort Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
My current solution to simply shade the cells and then restore their original shading after processing the column.
After an obviously lengthy discussion in the comments on the post. It appears the answer to my question is simply "Not Possible."
The solution I settled on in an attempt to get as close to the "Look" I was searching for is below:
For x = selectedRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
Set tempRange = selectedRange.Columns(x) 'Range of the column
'Our standards dictate the last cell in the range will not be merged
With tempRange.Cells(tempRange.Cells.Count, 1)
.Select 'Selecting here will for excel to make sure the range is in view
'Very simple/basic conditional formatting rule
Set fCondition = .EntireColumn.FormatConditions. _
Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=True")
fCondition.Interior.Color = 15123099
'Make sure it is the highest priority rule
fCondition.Priority = 1
End With
'Get user input
result = InputBox("This Column?")
'Delete rule
'Validate user input
If IsNumeric(result) Then
tempRange.ColumnWidth = result
abort = True
End If
If abort Then
Exit Sub
End If