Finding the "next 25 rows" in Oracle SQL based on an indexed column - sql

I have a large table (~200M rows) that is indexed on a numeric column, Z. There is also an index on the key column, K.
= ==========================================
1 0.6508784068583483336644518457703156855132
2 0.4078768075307567089075462518978907890789
3 0.5365440453204830852096396398565048002638
4 0.7573281573257782352853823856682368153782
What I need to be able to do is find the 25 records "surrounding" a given record. For instance, the "next" record starting at K=3 would be K=1, followed by K=4.
I have been lead by several sources (most notably this paper from some folks at Florida State University) that SQL like the following should work. It's not hard to imagine that scanning along the indexed column in ascending or descending order would be efficient.
select * from (
select *
from T
where Z >= [origin's Z value]
order by Z asc
) where rownum <= 25;
In theory, this should find the 25 "next" rows, and a similar variation would find the 25 "previous" rows. However, this can take minutes and the explain plan consistently contains a full table scan. A full table scan is simply too expensive for my purpose, but nothing I do seems to prompt the query optimizer to take advantage of the index (short, of course, of changing the ">=" above to an equals sign, which indicates that the index is present and operational). I have tried several hints to no avail (index, index_asc in several permutations).
Is what I am trying to do impossible? If I were trying to do this on a large data structure over which I had more control, I'd build a linked list on the indexed column's values and a tree to find the right entry point. Then traversing the list would be very inexpensive (yes I might have to run all over the disk to find the records I'm looking for, but I surely wouldn't have to scan the whole table).
I'll add in case it's important to my query that the database I'm using is running Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit.

I constructed a small test case with 10K rows. When I populated the table such that the Z values were already ordered, the exact query you gave tended to use the index. But when I populated it with random values, and refreshed the table statistics, it started doing full table scans, at least for some values of n larger than 25. So there is a tipping point at which the optimizer decides that the amount of work it will do to look up index entries then find the corresponding rows in the table is more than the amount of work to do a full scan. (It might be wrong in its estimate, of course, but that is what it has to go on.)
I noticed that you are using SELECT *, which means the query is returning both columns. This means that the actual table rows must be accessed, since neither index includes both columns. This might push the optimizer towards preferring a full table scan for a larger samples. If the query could be fulfilled from the index alone, it would be more likely to use the index.
One possibility is that you don't really need to return the values of K at all. If so, I'd suggest that you change both occurrences of SELECT * to SELECT z. In my test, this change caused a query that had been doing a full table scan to use an index scan instead (and not access the table itself at all).
If you do need to include K in the result, then you might try creating an index on (Z, K). This index could be used to satisfy the query without accessing the table.


PostgreSQL index reduces data size but makes the query slower

I have a PostgreSQL table with 7.9GB of JSON data. My goal is to perform aggregations on the whole table on a daily basis, the aggregation results will later be used for analytical reports in Google Data Studio.
One of the queries I'm trying to run looks as follows:
explain analyze
select tender->>'procurementMethodType' as procurement_method,
tender->>'status' as tender_status,
sum(cast(tender->'value'->>'amount' as decimal)) as total_expected_value
from tenders
group by 1,2
The query plan and execution time are the following:
The problem is that the database has to scan through all the 7.9GB of data, even though the query uses only 3 field values out of approximately 100. So I decided to create the following index:
create index on tenders((tender->>'procurementMethodType'), (tender->>'status'), (cast(tender->'value'->>'amount' as decimal)))
The size of the index is 44MB, which is much smaller than the size of the entire table, so I expect that the query should be much faster. However, when I run the same query with the index created, I get the following result:
The query with index is slower! How can this be possible?
EDIT: the table itself contains two columns: the ID column and the jsonb data column:
create table tenders (
id uuid primary key,
tender jsonb
The code that does an index only scan is somewhat deficient in this case. It thinks it needs "tender" to be available in the index in order to fulfill the demand for cast(tender->'value'->>'amount' as decimal). It fails to realize that having cast(tender->'value'->>'amount' as decimal) itself in the index obviates the need for "tender" itself. So it is doing a regular index scan, in which it has to jump from the index to the table for every row it will return, to fish out "tender" and then compute cast(tender->'value'->>'amount' as decimal). This means it is jumping all over the table doing random io, which is much slower than just reading the table sequentially and then doing a sort.
You could try an index on ((tender->>'procurementMethodType'), (tender->>'status'), tender). This index would be huge (as large as the table) if it can even be built, but would take away the need for a sort.
But your current query finishes in 30 seconds. For a query that is only run once a day, does it really need to be faster than this?

poorly performing query on order lines table

I have this query on the order lines table. Its a fairly large table. I am trying to get quantity shipped by item in the last 365 days. The query works, but is very slow to return results. Should I use a function based index for this? I read a bit about them, but havent work with them much at all.
How can I make this query faster?
,SUM(nvl(OOL.shipped_QUANTITY,0)) shipped_QUANTITY_Last_365
from oe_order_lines_all OOL
where ool.actual_shipment_date>=trunc(sysdate)-365
and cancelled_flag='N'
and fulfilled_flag='Y'
group by ool.inventory_item_id;
Explain plan:
Stats are up to date, we regather once a week.
Query taking 30+ minutes to finish.
After adding this index:
The explain plan shows the query is using index now:
The query runs faster but not 'fast.' Completing in about 6 minutes.
I created a covering index as suggested by Matthew and Gordon:
The query now completes in less than 1 second.
Explain Plan:
I still wonder why or if a function-based index would have also been a viable solution, but I dont have time to play with it right now.
As a rule, using an index that access a "significant" percentage of the rows in your table is slower than a full table scan. Depending on your system, "significant" could be as low as 5% or 10%.
So, think about your data for a minute...
How many rows in OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL are cancelled? (Hopefully not many...)
How many rows are fulfilled? (Hopefully almost all of them...)
How many rows where shipped in the last year? (Unless you have more than 10 years of history in your table, more than 10% of them...)
Put that all together and your query is probably going to have to read at least 10% of the rows in your table. This is very near the threshold where an index is going to be worse than a full table scan (or, at least not much better than one).
Now, if you need to run this query a lot, you have a few options.
Materialized view, possibly for the prior 11 months together with a live query against OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL for the current month-to-date.
A covering index (see below).
You can improve the performance of an index, even one accessing a significant percentage of the table rows, by making it include all the information required by the query -- allowing Oracle to avoid accessing the table at all.
( actual_shipment_date,
shipped_quantity ) ONLINE;
With an index like that, Oracle can satisfy the query by just reading the index (which is faster because it's much smaller than the table).
For this query:
SUM(OOL.shipped_QUANTITY) as shipped_QUANTITY_Last_365
from oe_order_lines_all OOL
where ool.actual_shipment_date >= trunc(sysdate) - 365 and
cancelled_flag = 'N' and
fulfilled_flag = 'Y'
group by ool.inventory_item_id;
I would recommend starting with an index on oe_order_lines_all(cancelled_flag, fulfilled_flag, actual_shipment_date). That should do a good job in identifying the rows.
You can add the additional columns inventory_item_id and quantity_shipped to the index as well.
Let recapitulate the facts:
a) You access about 300K rows from your table (see cardinality in the 3rd line of the execution plan)
b) you use the FULL TABLE SCAN the get the data
c) the query is very slow
The first thing is to check why is the FULL TABLE SCAN so very slow - if the table is extremly large (check the BYTES in user_segments) you need to optimize the access to your data.
But remember no index will help you the get 300K rows from say 30M total rows.
Index access to 300K rows can take 1/4 of an hour or even more if th eindex is not much used and a large part of it s on the disk.
What you need is partitioning - in your case a range partitioning on actual_shipment_date - for your data size on a monthly or yearly basis.
This will eliminate the need of scaning the old data (partition pruning) and make the query much more effective.
Other possibility - if the number of rows is small, but the table size is very large - you need to reorganize the table to get better full scan time.

Does order of data in a column matter in SQL search?

Let's say I have a table named dict with the following data in which the column word is sorted alphabetically.
ID | word | definition
1 a a's def
2 b b's def
3 c c's def
And then I run a query SELECT * FROM dict WHERE word="a";
Let's say I have a million row in that table. By performance, would my query run faster if the data in word column are sorted alphabetically or does SQLeven care whether data are sorted or not and thus the speed is the same?
SQL tables represent unordered sets. So, there really isn't a concept of a table being in a particular order (at least until you learn what a clustered index is).
If you want your query to run faster, create an index on word:
create index idx_dict_word on dict(word)
This will lookup the word in the index (very fast). And then fetch the right words.
As for your question, you might start to get results faster if the word appears near the beginning of the table scan. However, the query has to go through the entire table, so the ordering does not matter with respect to the query completing.

how to speed up a clustered index scan while selecting all fields on range of rows or all the rows

I have a table
Books(BookId, Name, ...... , PublishedYear)
I do have about 30 fields in my Books table, where BookId is the primary key (Identity column). I have about 2 million records for this table.
I know select * is evil performance killer..
I have a situation to select range of rows or all the rows having all the columns in it.
Select * from Books;
this query takes more than 2 seconds to scan through the data page and get all the records. On checking the execution it still uses the Clustered index scan.
Obviously 2 seconds my not be that bad, however when this table has to be joined with other tables which is executed in batch is taking time over 15 minutes (There are no duplicate records though on the final result at completion as the count is matching). The join criteria is pretty simple and yields no duplication.
Excluding this table alone has the batch execution completed in sub seconds.
Is there a way to optimize this having said that I will have to select all the columns :(
Thanks in advance.
I've just run a batch against my developer instance, one SELECT specifying all Columns and one using *. There is no evidence (nor should there) that there is any difference aside from the raw parsing of my input. If I remember correctly, that old saying really means: Do not SELECT columns you are not using, they use up resources without benefit.
When you try to improve performance in your code, always check your assumptions, they might only apply to some older version (of sql server etc) or other method.

Selecting 'highest' X rows without sorting

I've got a table with huge amount of data. Lets say 10GB of lines, containing bunch of crap. I need to select for example X rows (X is usually below 10) with highest amount column.
Is there any way how to do it without sorting the whole table? Sorting this amount of data is extremely time-expensive, I'd be OK with one scan through the whole table and selecting X highest values, and letting the rest untouched. I'm using SQL Server.
Create an index on amount then SQL Server can select the top 10 from that and do bookmark lookups to retrieve the missing columns.
SELECT TOP 10 Amount FROM myTable ORDER BY Amount DESC
if it is indexed, the query optimizer should use the index.
If not, I do no see how one could avoid scanning the whole thing...
Wether an index is usefull or not depends on how often you do that search.
You could also consider putting that query into an indexed view. I think this will give you the best benefit/cost ration.