Jwplayer does not work on Safari - safari

Jwplayer does not work on Safari (player version 7.2.2 with updated flash in browser - tested on windows 8.1 & 10). This is the case even on their own web site (https://dashboard.jwplayer.com/#/players/basic_setup
you have to be logged in to access page).
The error message is Failed to setup Flash JSON.
stringify cannot serialize cyclic structures.
Can someone who has an upgraded account request support from jwplayer?
They do not accept questions from non-paying accounts. Do they intend to correct this? Why does Safari setup flash and not use html5?
any help would be appreciated.

It could be any number of things going wrong, and it's always best to provide a fiddle to allow for a quick diagnosid. Let's help you get squared away with the new JW Player 7. You can instantiate the player using the html5 player in this fashion, but JW Player does now use the HTML5 player by default in version 7.
<script type="text/javascript" src="/jwplayer/jwplayer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">jwplayer.key="YOURJWKEY"</script>
<div id="thePlayer"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
file: "file.mp4",
primary: "html5"
Hope this helps.

This is a bug which was introduced with JW 7.2.0 and has been fixed in JW 7.2.4 (currently in beta).


Safari HTML5 video no longer autoplays

Recently I have noticed that the video elements on my site no longer autoplay on iOS Safari or desktop Safari.
The current code looks something like this:
<video playsinline autoplay muted loop poster="/path/to/poster.jpg>">
<source src="/path/to/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
From my understanding, this is enough to abide by Webkit's new video policies for iOS and MacOS to allow for a video to autoplay.
I have searched for similar questions and not come across a solution. In this question it seems like the source tag itself could be the problem.
This thread suggests that iOS blocks videos from autoplaying on low power mode as well. But I've determined this isn't causing my issue.
Has anyone come across this issue themselves? Do you have a solution? Can someone point me in the direction of some Safari change logs where this breaking change was introduced?
iOS 11.4
MacOS Safari Version 11.1 (13605.
The video isn't being loaded correctly, when I check the Network panel in Safari dev tools the MP4 shows up under 'Other' with the error "An error occurred trying to load the resource".
If I try to play the video directly in Safari (eg: go to https://my-website.com/path/to/video.mp4) I get the error Failed to load resource: Plug-in handled load
I think it's because my video is a file blob, and Safari expects videos to be from streaming servers (as mentioned in this question)
Might be something to do with how Safari is introducing the ability to use videos in img tags? See this and this

stream RTSP to HTML website

I would like to display IP cameras streaming in RTSP into a web page.
I've tried many solutions, like using VLC to transcode the stream, but none of them seems to be reliable enough to create a real web service.
I'm thinking on using some media server like flussonic or Red5. But I don't know if it will work.
This is why I would like to know what is the best (and the simple) solution to display RTSP streams on a webpage.
...to create a real web service.
I've been looking for an answer for the past two or three days (I need support on as many browsers as possible, and latency as low as possible, so WebRTC was the way to go (is there anything better?)) and I've finally found it.
Check out this repo.
From the repo's readme + the additional steps I had to take (on Ubuntu 18.04) to make this work:
Install go
$ sudo snap install go --classic
Get the code on your local device (Could someone enlighten me on what the export is for?).
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ go get github.com/deepch/RTSPtoWebRTC
This step didn't work for me, so I just downloaded the code in a .zip file and extracted it in the given directory and proceeded. (What did I miss? The src directory was not there before I made it)
$ cd ~/go/src/github.com/deepch/RTSPtoWebRTC
Run from current directory.
$ go run .
Then I opened the link below a web browser ( I tested on Chrome, iOS Safari, but it also works on Firefox).
This took me very little time to implement. Big thanks to the guys making this. All the other stuff I've found is either 5-7 years old and not working or non-WebRTC or a marketed paid service asking for unreasonable amounts of money.
I hope I answered your question.
After tried the "plugins" way suggested in
How can I display an RTSP video stream in a web page?
And the "conversion" way suggested in
I finally found a really straight forward solution using this plugin, works for Chrome only which is ok for my project.
This is how the html code look like
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/vxgplayer-1.8.31/vxgplayer-1.8.31.min.js"></script>
<link href="/assets/vxgplayer-1.8.31/vxgplayer-1.8.31.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="vxgplayer"
You can integrate VLC library into your website and VLC will take care of everything you need for playing RTSP stream:

Phonegap Sencha app Google maps API not loading when wifi is disabled on iphone

Looking for help as I'm stumped on this. I'm using a sencha map wrapped in phonegap for iphone. The map loads perfectly when wifi is enabled but when it is turned off the map does not display and informs me that 'Google Maps API is required'. The script I'm using in my index.html file in the www directory is the one suggested by sencha...
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script>
As I mentioned when I enable wifi the script loads and the map displays. I have also wrapped my app for android devices and the script loads here both when wifi is disabled and enabled.
Would love to hear some suggestions on how to solve this.
This is a complicated issue, but can be done. Here is a link to someone who has solved this:
Sencha should really update their code to allow their google maps views to fail gracefully instead of freezing the whole app. To make things worse, even restarting the app later when there is connection doesn't help because of caching, you have to re-install from apple store.

Safari 5.1 can NOT play HTTP Live Streaming (m3u8 file)

This is my html file, it can play at Safari 5.0.5 (Mac OS X 10.6.8), but when I update the Safari to version 5.1, it can NOT play, can anyone tell me why, and how to solve it in Safari 5.1? Thanks.
<title>HTTP Live Streaming</title>
<video controls src="http://mysite/index.m3u8">
Updated: I found the solution! When I set in the System Preference > Network > Advanced > proxies > Automatic Proxy Configuration with the proxy I use, I found the HTTP Live Streaming can NOT play, when I remove proxy, it can play now! How does this happen? Why it play well in Safari 5.0.5?
In Safari 5.1, open the Activity window with the Window->Activity menu. That will show you all the URLs it attempts to download as well as whether it downloads successfully. Maybe this will give you a clue.
Also look at the system console by running the Console app that you will find in /Applications/Utilities.
Try it in FireFox, Chrome, and on Windows, Internet Explorer and Safari for Windows.
If all those other browsers play your video OK, and neither the Activity window nor the console yield any insight, file a bug report. The chances are pretty good that, if it is a bug, Apple will fix it in the next release, or if it is not a Safari bug, an Apple engineer will give you a clue as to what you did wrong.

jQuery Mobile website is strangely magnified in Opera Mobile 10 despite 100% zoom level

I've developed a mobile website based on jQuery Mobile. Everything works on my own Windows Mobile device with Opera Mobile 10, but a customer of mine always sees the page magnified.
I thought that he might have a zoom setting >100% in Opera Mobile, but he claims that this is definitely not the case.
The same problem also occurs on the jQuery Mobile test site ( http://jquerymobile.com/test/ ) . Here's a screenshot of the site as displayed on my customer's device:
Any idea what might be going wrong here? I was unable to reproduce this problem on my own device or in an emulator.
My customer's device is a HTC HD2 runing Windows Mobile 6.5 and Opera 10.
I'll just paste the answer by David Storey which was made for this on Opera Dev forums. It is not specifically about the 100% issue, but there might be similar issues related to the viewport tag issue, for people getting across it.
Opera Mobile assumes that any document
with a mobile specific doctype, such
as XHTML Mobile Profile or XHTML Basic
are designed and optimised for mobile,
while documents with a regular doctype
are not optimised for mobile
generally. Thus if there is a desktop
doctype the overview mode is enabled,
which you can control with the
viewport meta element. If there is a
mobile doctype the overview mode is
disabled and a regular 1:1 viewport is
There were some bugs in the viewport
meta element support in Opera Mobile.
They should be fixed in the latest
Did you try adjusting the scale?
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
You should use xhtml mobile doctype
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile10.dtd">
Try adding <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">. Opera seems to behave better when it's there.
If that doesn't work, please file a bug report https://bugs.opera.com/wizard/.