URL not inserting properly into Outlook message body from string - vb.net

Dim Urll as string
urll ="
.msgbody = "Click here " & "to open the program"
ends up fragmenting the HTML to where the the URL shows up as a link, but it doesn't use the "Click here" as it's text.
What am I doing wrong?

You probably need to set your message as html
.isBodyHTML = true


Send newsletter HTML Email with pictures as body

I'm new to this group and i have one question. how can i attach pictures on the HTML newsletter that i have. when i send the newsletter everything goes well but the pictures are not showing on the email. please help. this is the code.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Body As String = GetWebPageContent(Sender_email, Message)
Dim Mail As New MailMessage
Mail.Subject = "Test HTML"
Mail.From = New MailAddress(Sender_email)
Mail.Body = Body
Mail.IsBodyHtml = True
Mail.Priority = MailPriority.Normal
Dim SMTP As New SmtpClient(SMTP_Confg)
SMTP.EnableSsl = False
SMTP.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(Sender_email, Password)
SMTP.Port = Port_Num
MsgBox("Successfully Sent!!!")
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(" - your confermation email is not sent! " & vbNewLine & " Please contact your Administrator!")
End Try
End Sub
Private Function GetWebPageContent(ByVal recipient As String, ByVal customMsg As String) As String
Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader("C:\Users\alex.GFH\Desktop\Email\beefree-s09uuvnlono.HTML")
'read html template file'
Dim bodyMsg As String = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
Return bodyMsg
End Function
It looks like you're copying the raw HTML from this file:
As the message body of your email.
My psychic powers tell me that you've got <img> tags inside your HTML that are pointing to relative locations. e.g. <img src="picture.jpg"/>. As such when the HTML email is opened in someone else's browser or mail app, the renderer has no idea where to fetch "picture.jpg" from.
And even if it did have the full URL, most mail apps won't fetch URL images by default until the user acknowledges the privacy risk.
I think if you want your images to just show up when the mail is opened, inline the image bytes directly into the <img> tag. You base 64-encode the image and stick on a header (e.g. data:image/png;base64, or data:image/jpeg;base64,. That becomes the src attribute.
<img src="" alt="Red dot" />
More details here: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2397

Add embedded hyperlink to MS Access textbox in form

I try to do the embed a hyperlink in a textbox (rich text) in a MS Access form . Would this be possible? Didn't found any solution in the web so far...
Something like:
Me.TextWithLink = "Text here for link <b> Hyperlink Text</b>"
PS: Textbox is set to RichText, tried to set to hyperlink true/false but not working...
Is there any workaround?
Form_Formular1.Text0.Value = "your text http://www.google.de"
Would produce automatically
As well as
Form_Formular1.Text0.Value = "your text http://www.google.de"
but obviously the URL and the hyperlink text needs to be the same. So
Form_Formular1.Text0.Value = "your text " & url & ""

VB.Net Hyperlinking in EWS email with class properties

I need help getting the hyperlink to work as well as getting the value stored in YestFile.FileName to show up.
I have a list of objects of class FileFromYesterday (Collection2) with 3 properties. Two properties are just Strings (FileName and Entity) but one property (URL) contains a URL as a String. I am trying to hyperlink the URL to FileName in the main.
I have a feeling that I need to use HTML to format the email somehow but I have no Idea where to begin
Dim HyperLink As String
Dim FileLine As String
Dim NewBody As String
Dim message As New EmailMessage(EWS)
message.Subject = "Monthly Financial Imported into Docushare on " & String.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}", Yesterday)
NewBody = "Total of " & Collection2.Count & " Files Imported." & "\n"
For Each YestFile In Collection2
HyperLink = YestFile.FileName.Replace(".pdf", "")
FileLine = HyperLink & "Entity: " & YestFile.Entity & Environment.NewLine
NewBody = NewBody & FileLine
You should be creating a HTML document in your NewBody varible so you need the pre and post tags for a HTML document eg
the body content you want should go within between the Body Tags and for thing like NewLines you need to use the appropriate HTML tags such as
<br />
Eg what ever you end up creating in you NewBody variable you should be able to write out to a file or test in any Online HTML validator https://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input to see if its valid and how it will look before trying to send it.

VBA Code to change font and size in an email from access

I have an access form that runs a query. There is a command button on the form that I want to send an email with the query results attached in an excel spreadsheet. Using the code below I am able to attach the results and send the email ok. I would like to be able to format the email body so that it is more noticeable. I'm not really sure how to go about doing this and still have my query attached. I have also created an email template that I would use but I haven't been able to figure out how to use the template and attach the query results. I'm open for any suggestions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DoCmd.SendObject acQuery, "BoxOrder", "ExcelWorkbook(*.xlsx)", "me#home.com", _
"John#hishome.com", "", "BOX ORDER", _
"ALL BOXES STITCHED" & vbCrLf & "Questions: Please Call Me" & _
vbCrLf & "555-555-5555 x 66654", True, True
You could follow the Article from MS.
A proportion of the code is as follows:
Set ola1 = New Outlook.Application
Set mai1 = ola1.CreateItem(olMailItem)
mai1.To = strTo
mai1.Subject = strSubj
If bolHTML = True Then
mai1.HTMLBody = strBody
mai1.Body = strBody
End If
If you use the HTML (set bolHTML = True) version you can either have an RTF control on a Form and pass the formatted text over or hardcode your HTML with the formatting you need. Just set the "strBody" to the message you want.
Then you need to look into the Attachments.Add (MS Article) if you want to use the above code with your original purpose.
There's a full 599CD Email Seminar you could follow if you're going to be doing a lot with Email in Access.

How to put a hyperlink into the email body using vb.net

What im trying to do is add a hyperlink to the body of an email in vb.net. What im getting when i send the email is the link is text. Here is what I doing so far below. Any help would be very much appreciated.
'Accepts two parameters - the username and password for the email client
Dim credentials As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("test#test.net", "test")
smtpClient.Credentials = credentials
Dim body, link As String
link = "http://localhost:" & partUrl & "/test.aspx?autoNum=" & autoNum
body = "Test email." & "<br/><br/>"
body += link
Dim email As New MailMessage
email.From = New MailAddress("test#test.net")
email.Body = body
email.Subject = "test Change/Request Password"
email.To.Add(New MailAddress(toAddress))
You will need to enclose it in a tags.
link = "Click here"
And you need to set
email.IsBodyHtml = true
Try this:
link = "Link"
body = "Test email." & "<br/><br/>"
body += link
The idea (I can't test it now, sorry) is you have to add not the url itself, but the HTML code used to create link.
Remember to set mail body to html with email.IsBodyHtml = True
I believe you need to set
IsBodyHtml = True
Then you can use plain HTML in the body of the e-mail. It's still up to the mail client to display it correctly. I've had a few cases where valid HTML that looked create in my browser was messy in my e-mail.
You haven't identified the body as HTML.
email.IsBodyHtml = true