How to find the next sequence number in oracle string field - sql

I have a database table with document names stored as a VARCHAR and I need a way to figure out what the lowest available sequence number is. There are many gaps.
name partial seq
A-B-C-0001 A-B-C- 0001
A-B-C-0017 A-B-C- 0017
In the above example, it would be 0002.
The distinct name values total 227,705. The number of "partial" combinations is quite large A=150, B=218, C=52 so 1,700,400 potential combinations.
I found a way to iterate through from min to max per distinct value and list all the "missing" (aka available) values, but this seems inefficient given we are not using anywhere close to the max potential partial combinations (10,536 out of 1,700,400).
I'd rather have a table based on existing data with a partial value, it's next available sequence value, and a non-existent partial means 0001.

Hmmmm, you can try this:
select coalesce(min(to_number(seq)), 0) + 1
from t
where partial = 'A-B-C-' and
not exists (select 1
from t t2
where t2.partial = t.partial and
to_number(T2.seq) = to_number(t.seq) + 1
For all partials you need a group by:
You can use to_char() to convert it back to a character, if necessary.
select partial, coalesce(min(to_number(seq)), 0) + 1
from t
where not exists (select 1
from t t2
where t2.partial = t.partial and
to_number(T2.seq) = to_number(t.seq) + 1
group by partial;


function to sum all first value of Results SQL

I have a table with "Number", "Name" and "Result" Column. Result is a 2D text Array and I need to create a Column with the name "Average" that sum all first values of Result Array and divide by 2, can somebody help me Pls, I must use the create function for this. Its look like this:
Average = ((2.0+3.0)/2) = 2.5
= ((1.0+4.0+5.0)/2) = 5.0
First of all: You should always avoid storing arrays in the table (or generate them in a subquery if not extremely necessary). Normalize it, it makes life much easier in nearly every single use case.
Second: You should avoid more-dimensional arrays. The are very hard to handle. See Unnest array by one level
However, in your special case you could do something like this:
SUM(value) FILTER (WHERE idx % 2 = 1) / 2 -- 2
FROM mytable,
unnest(avg_result) WITH ORDINALITY as elements(value, idx) -- 1
GROUP BY number, name
unnest() expands the array elements into one element per record. But this is not an one-level expand: It expand ALL elements in depth. To keep track of your elements, you could add an index using WITH ORDINALITY.
Because you have nested two-elemented arrays, the unnested data can be used as follows: You want to sum all first of two elements, which is every second (the odd ones) element. Using the FILTER clause in the aggregation helps you to aggregate only exact these elements.
However: If that's was a result of a subquery, you should think about doing the operation BEFORE array aggregation (if this is really necessary). This makes things easier.
number column is Primary key.
result column is text or varchar type
Here are the steps for your requirements:
Add the column in your table using following query (you can skip this step if column is already added)
alter table table1 add column average decimal;
Update the calculated value by using below query:
update table1 t1
set average = t2.value_
sum(t::decimal)/2 as value_
from table1
cross join lateral unnest((result::text[][])[1:999][1]) as t
group by 1
) t2
where t1.number=t2.number
Explanation: Here unnest((result::text[][])[1:999][1]) will return the first value of each child array (considering you can have up to 999 child arrays in your 2D array. You can increase or decrease it as per your requirement)
Now you can create your function as per your requirement with above query.

Multiple Joins with Multiple Date and ID numbers Omitting ALL Columns When One Column Does Not Exist For a Specific Date/ID

I am pulling data from multiple tables using sub queries. I want all the ID numbers (in this case they are restaurant numbers) with all the dates in the date range (in this case fiscal weeks). I am pulling one column from each sub query, but if ONE column (sub query) does not contain data for a specific week and ID number the entire row is omitted, even if there are data for all the other columns for that specific date/ID.
The closest I have gotten is by using CASE WHEN NOT EXIST. This returns the date and ID and the placeholder data in the statement but it repeats the rows.
select R.restaurantNumber, P.JobCodeKey,
case when not exists (select 1 from FactEmployeePayrollDay P where P.JobCodeKey = 18 and P.RestaurantKey = 190
and BusinessDateKey = 20190205 )
then 77 else p.hours end as hourz,
from DimRestaurant R
join FactEmployeePayrollDay P on P.restaurantkey = r.RestaurantKey
join DimJobCode J on J.JobCodeKey = p.JobCodeKey
where R. RestaurantNumber = 195
and P.BusinessDateKey = 20190205
group by r.RestaurantNumber, p.Hours, p.BusinessDateKey, P.JobCodeKey
This is small version of my code that I have been testing different things with. This is the only code I have tried that returns anything. But I am getting repeated data (the placeholder and the date/ID). If I pull that date and ID (restaurant number) just from the FACTEMPLOYEEPAYROLLDAY table there are 27 rows, but my query only returns 26. (I only want one line returned).

SQL Multiple Conditions in max statement not working

I am attempting to filter my table and get the item that sold for the most amount of money. In order to do this I am using "AuctionOpen" to determine whether or not the auction is still open. The auction cannot be open and have the item been sold (later I will use this for the most expensive item available).
I am able to use the AND operator to compare AuctionOpen by using the following:
select s.*
from auctionsite.dbo.Auction s
where s.HighestBid = (select max(s2.HighestBid) from auctionsite.dbo.Auction
s2) and s.AuctionOpen = 0;
When I set this equal to zero I get results, but when I set it equal to 1, it only returns the column titles even though there are values set to 1 in the table.
Results when compared to 0:
Results when compared to 1:
Clearly, the highest bid is on a record where AuctionOpen <> 1.
I recommend using order by and fetch (or the equivalent in your database):
select s.*
from auctionsite.dbo.Auction s
where s.AuctionOpen = 0
order by s.HIghestBid desc
fetch first 1 row only
In SQL Server, use either select top (1) or offset 0 rows fetch first 1 row only.
I think you should try the Count aggregate function
here, try this:
**Select count(Item_name) As
[Item with the highest money]
from table_name
Group by Item_name DSEC;**
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SQL - count amount of occurences for items in different price diapasons

I have a question about SQL, and I honestly tried to search methods before asking. I will give an abstract (but precise) description below, and will greatly appreciate your example of solution (SQL query).
What I have:
Table A with category ids of the items and prices (in USD) for each item. category id has int type of value, price is string and looks like "USD 200000000" (real value is multiplied by 10^7). Tables also has a kind column with int type of value.
Table B with relation of category id and name.
What I need:
Get a table with price diapasons (like 0-100 | 100-200 | ...) as column names and count amount of items for each category id (as lines names) in all of the price diapasons. All results must be filtered by kind parameter (from table A) with value 3.
Questions, that I encountered (and which caused to ask for an example of SQL query):
Cut "USD from price string value, divide it by 10^7 and convert to float.
Gather diapasons of price values (0-100 | 100-200 | ...), with given step in the given interval (max price is considered as unknown at the start). Example: step 100 on 0-500 interval, and step 200 for values >500.
Put diapasons of price values into column names of the result table.
For each diapason, count amount of items in each category (category_id). Left limit of diapason shall not be considered (e.g. on 1000-1200 diapason, items with price 1000 shall not be considered).
Using B table, display name instead of category id.
Response is appreciated, ignorance will be understood.
If you only need category ids, then you do not need B. What you are looking for is conditional aggregation, something like:
select category_id,
sum(case when cast(substring(price, 4, 100) as int)/10000000 < 100 then 1 else 0 end) as price_000_100
sum(case when cast(substring(price, 4, 100) as int)/10000000 >= 100 and cast(substring(price, 4, 100) as int)/10000000 < 200
then 1 else 0
end) as price_100_200,
. . .
from a
group by category_id
There is no standard way to do what you describe.
That is because to do (3) you need a pivot aka crosstab, and this is not in ANSI SQL. Each DBMS has it's own implementation. Plus dynamic columns in a pivot table are an additional complication.
For example, Postgres calls it a "crosstab" and requires the tablefunc module to be installed. See this SO question and the documentation. Compare to SQL Server, which uses the PIVOT command.
You can get close using reasonably standard SQL.
Here is an example based on SQLite. A little bit of conversion would provide a solution for other systems, e.g. SUBSTR would be substring(string [from int] [for int]) in postgre.
Assuming a data table of format:
and a category name table of:
then the following code will produce:
(SELECT product_id AS 'ID', CAST(SUBSTR(price, 5) AS INT)/1000000 AS 'USD',
CASE WHEN (CAST(SUBSTR(price, 5) AS INT)/1000000) <= 500 THEN
100 ELSE 200
END AS 'Interval'
FROM data
WHERE kind = 3),
groupCTE AS
(SELECT dataCTE.ID AS 'ID', dataCTE.USD AS 'USD', dataCTE.Interval AS 'Interval',
CASE WHEN dataCTE.Interval = 100 THEN
(CAST(dataCTE.USD-500 AS INT)/200)+5
END AS 'GroupID'
FROM dataCTE),
cleanCTE AS
(SELECT *, CASE WHEN groupCTE.Interval = 100 THEN
CAST(groupCTE.GroupID *100 AS VARCHAR)
|| '-' ||
CAST((groupCTE.GroupID *100)+99 AS VARCHAR)
CAST(((groupCTE.GroupID-5)*200)+500 AS VARCHAR)
|| '-' ||
CAST(((groupCTE.GroupID-5)*200)+500+199 AS VARCHAR)
END AS 'diapason'
INNER JOIN cat_name AS cn ON groupCTE.ID = cn.cat_id)
FROM cleanCTE;
If you modify the last SELECT to:
SELECT name, diapason, COUNT(diapason)
GROUP BY name, diapason;
then you get a grouped output:
This is as close as you will get without specifying the exact system; even then you will have a problem with dynamically creating the column names.

Check Sequence in Max Min Values

I have a database table that Stores Maximum and Minimum Price Breaks for a Product.
Does anyone know of the SQL which say if I have a break from one Max to the Min of the next item. E.g. 1-10 12-20 I would like it to return me either the numbers that are missing or at the very least a count or bool if it can detect a break from the Absolute Min and the Absolute Max by going through each range.
SQL Server (MSSQL) 2008
For a database that supports window functions, like Oracle:
, CASE LAG(maxq+1, 1, minq) OVER (PARTITION BY prod ORDER BY minq)
WHEN minq
END AS is_gap
FROM tbl t
This will produce is_gap = 1 for a row that forms a gap with the previous row (ordered by minq). If your quantity ranges can overlap, the required logic would need to be provided.!4/f609e/4
Something like this, giving max quantities that aren't the overall max for the product and don't have a min quantity following them:
select prev.tbProduct_Id,prev.MaxQuantity
from yourtable prev
left join (select tbProduct_ID, max(MaxQuantity) MaxQuantity from yourtable group by tbProduct_id) maxes
on maxes.tbProduct_ID=prev.tbProduct_Id and maxes.MaxQuantity=prev.MaxQuantity
left join yourtable next
on next.tbProduct_Id=prev.tbProduct_Id and next.MinQuantity=prev.MaxQuantity+1
where maxes.tbProduct_Id is null and next.tbProduct_Id is null;
This would fail on your sample data, though, because it would expect a row with MinQuantity 21, not 20.