OO Programming: Summary of objects - oop

I want to have two classes that are independent of each other. A content type and a URL. A URL will have a conent type.
Could I add into the content type a summary field, which could be easily queried (e.g content type X has 10 URL's) or would I need to query all of the URL's and pull out the content type that way?
A URL can also be associated with other classes (not just this content type), which is why I don't create a superclass of content type, and then a sub URL class.

That depends. Basically what you are asking is the following: Given a 1:n relationship, how can I automatically query both directions?
If you use a database to store your data, most object-relational mappers give you this functionality for free. If you don't, you need to handle it yourself.
There are various options. The most simplistic approach is to iterate all URLs and filter the ones that match the queried content type. This is most likely the responsibility of some container. This variant is very easy to implement but takes O(number of URLs) time to execute the query. So if you just have a few URLs, this may be the way to go.
The other option is to explicitly store the inverse relationship. Either directly in the content types or in a container (e.g. within a hash map). The main problem of this approach is keeping both pairs of a relationship in sync. You could use the setter of the URL's content type property to update the content type's URLs property. The task of synchronizing the relationships could also be handed over to a container. Anyway, this option is significantly faster but requires some programming effort. Depending on your concrete scenario, this might be more or less work.


Use structures to group individual attributes or not?

I'm in doubt of how to get the best of ABAP structures and class attributes.
Let's say that I have the object Operation with 4 fields: operation id, type, description and date.
Now I can create a class with this 4 attributes, but then if I want to have a constructor, I need either 4 individual parameters or a structure than needs to be mapped to each attribute. The same happens if I want to get all this object data in one structure, for instance to return via RFC. Then a method get_operation_details( ) will need to map all of them one by one.
If I use a structure type ty_operation_details as a single class attribute, then when I add a field to the structure would also keep the constructor valid and the get_operation_details( ) method would also be always OK. However it seems wrong to have something like Operation->get_details( )-operationID, instead of operation->operation_ID if I had the attribute directly in the public section with READ-ONLY. I guess the first approach is more correct in the OO world, but we lose some of the ABAP benefits.
What do you recommend to use? Maybe one thing it could allow the first option and use structures at the same time would be a CORRESPONDING statement able to map class attributes to a flat structure, but I don't think this is possible.
Like most things, your design should follow your usage. If you primarily use a set of attributes together, consider grouping them in a structure. If you primarily use them individually, or in varying recombinations, keep them separate.
Some considerations:
Grouping makes calls shorter if you always create/update/delete a set of attributes together. You already identified this advantage.
Grouping reveals logical relations between fields, that are not clear when keeping the fields separate. For example, this could reveal that one part of your parameters is mandatory, while the rest forms several optional sets.
Grouping simplifies features that operate on state, such as the Memento or the Flyweight pattern, in that it allows to extract, store, and restore the object's state as a single structure.
Also, like many other things, there may be benefit in turning this either-or question into a I'll simply use both. For example, if your class has four individual properties, why not still offer a method that sets or gets them as a structure; of course, this will add some mapping, but the mapping would remain encapsulated within your own class, while consumer get an easy-to-consume interface.

When do I keep a map<Identifier, Object> vs a Collection<Object with identifier as field>

There is one question that I often ask myself while designing a program, and I am never quite sure how to answer it.
Let's say I have an object with multiple fields, amongst which there is one serving as the identifier to that specific object. Let's also say that I need to keep track of a List of such objects somewhere else.
I now have three, and probably even more, options on how to go about it:
Have my object contain its own identifier, and all its other fields. I now use a simple array (or whatever simple list collection) of my objects where I need it. When I am looking for one specific object, I loop through my list and check for identifier equality.
Pros: 1. "Clarity" for each object instance. 2.?
Cons: Manipulating a collection of these objects gets annoying
Have my object contain all fields beside its identifier. I now use a Map with identifier as key, and object as value. When looking for one specific object, I just lookup the identifier in the map.
Pros: easy lookups and insertions,?
Cons: object instance itself doesnt know what it is,?
Combination of both: use a map with identifier as key and object having its own identifier as a field as value.
Pros: mentioned above.
Cons: looks redundant to me.
What situations would call for what? Let's use the standard hello-world example of networking for example, a chat server: how would I handle multiple "groups/channels" people are in?
What about other applications?
Your question is very wide and, actually, contains two questions.
First is “Which data structure is better — dictionary or list?”. The answer is: it depends on performance you want to achieve on insertion and search operations. Basically if you need to look through the collection, then list is ok, and if you need to have fast look-up, then dictionary is better. Dictionary has more memory overhead than list.
The second is “Do I need to have an Id field inside an entity or can I use built in hash code?”. The answer is: it depends on how you will use your object. If you want Id just to store it in a dictionary, then, most likely, you can go with hash code. There is nothing wrong with storing Id of an entity inside that entity. Either you use Id or hash code, you need to be sure that this entity will be uniquely identified by id or hash. That's the main concern with it.
You can override GetHashCode method and make it return Id of your entity. Sometimes you can find such implementation when hash code is required for collection and Id is required for database.
So, it really doesn't matter what you will choose in the end if both approaches are working for you right now.
A map<Identifier, Object> will offer you O(1) performance when retrieving an object based on its identifier. There certainly are situations where you want to achieve that.
However, in other cases it might be redundant to use this approach. It all depends on the situation at hand.
Two guidelines may answer this question:
A use case that calls for a lookup where there is an expectation of a 1:1 relationship between the key and value implies a Map structure.
OOP implies that a key which is so closely related to an object as to preform a lookup should be encapsulated within that object.
Regarding the question of redundancy, consider the key in a map is nothing but an index. Indexes are as common in data as in books.

DTO to POCO with Lucene

We are using Lucene as the search server for data retrieval.
With this come certain complexities that I was unprepared for, not the least of which is managing relationships between objects.
I want to create a clean and simple POCO for our domain objects. These POCOs will contain related objects that I need for the UI, but no other fields (IDs defining these relationships, various other fields I simply don't need on the UI)
This means that I cannot directly translate Lucene's Hits collection into my UI-friendly POCOs and need some intermediary set of classes that will, at the least, contain IDs of related objects (stored in the same, or other indeces). I hesitate to call these DTO objects but for the sake simplicity I will call them that.
So I envision it working as follows:
Perform query in Lucene -> Hits collection
Iterate through Hits -> DTO collection
DTO collection -> [service to retrieve related objects, compose a POCO] ->
Render a UI using the shiny simple POCOs
My fear in doing so is that I'll end up with Anemic Domain Model ( http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/AnemicDomainModel.html ).
Is this a valid concern or am I on the right path?
I've ended up going the familiar to me pattern of a DTO. DTO has all the IDs - it is merely a CLR reflection of a record retrieved from Lucene.
I then map from DTO to a POCO in the service layer and use those objects to render the UI elements.
Does not feel slick, but it works.
Without any ID information in your POCOs, your design will likely suffer from anemia as there will just be an unconnected jumble of objects (which may not even fit all in memory at once). Also, it would seem to me that the lack of IDs would greatly interfere with caching and memoization (which help in not hitting the database every time you need an object). I have rarely had the luxury of assuming that all of my data will fit in memory all at once.

How to model a relationship that NHibernate (or Hibernate) doesn’t easily support

I have a situation in which the ideal relationship, I believe, would involve Value Object Inheritance. This is unfortunately not supported in NHibernate so any solution I come up with will be less than perfect.
Let’s say that:
“Item” entities have a “Location” that can be in one of multiple different formats.
These formats are completely different with no overlapping fields.
We will deal with each Location in the format that is provided in the data with no attempt to convert from one format to another.
Each Item has exactly one Location.
“SpecialItem” is a subtype of Item, however, that is unique in that it has exactly two Locations.
“Group” entities aggregate Items.
“LocationGroup” is as subtype of Group.
LocationGroup also has a single Location that can be in any of the formats as described above.
Although I’m interested in Items by Group, I’m also interested in being able to find all items with the same Location, regardless of which group they are in.
I apologize for the number of stipulations listed above, but I’m afraid that simplifying it any further wouldn’t really reflect the difficulties of the situation. Here is how the above could be diagrammed:
Mapping Dilemma Diagram http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/592ad48b1a.jpg
Analyzing the above, I make the following observations:
I treat Locations polymorphically, referring to the supertype rather than the subtype.
Logically, Locations should be “Value Objects” rather than entities since it is meaningless to differentiate between two Location objects that have all the same values. Thus equality between Locations should be based on field comparisons, not identifiers. Also, value objects should be immutable and shared references should not be allowed.
Using NHibernate (or Hibernate) one would typically map value objects using the “component” keyword which would cause the fields of the class to be mapped directly into the database table that represents the containing class. Put another way, there would not be a separate “Locations” table in the database (and Locations would therefore have no identifiers).
NHibernate (or Hibernate) do not currently support inheritance for value objects.
My choices as I see them are:
Ignore the fact that Locations should be value objects and map them as entities. This would take care of the inheritance mapping issues since NHibernate supports entity inheritance. The downside is that I then have to deal with aliasing issues. (Meaning that if multiple objects share a reference to the same Location, then changing values for one object’s Location would cause the location to change for other objects that share the reference to the same Location record.) I want to avoid this if possible. Another downside is that entities are typically compared by their IDs. This would mean that two Location objects would be considered not equal even if the values of all their fields are the same. This would be invalid and unacceptable from the business perspective.
Flatten Locations into a single class so that there are no longer inheritance relationships for Locations. This would allow Locations to be treated as value objects which could easily be handled by using “component” mapping in NHibernate. The downside in this case would be that the domain model becomes weaker, more fragile and less maintainable.
Do some “creative” mapping in the hbm files in order to force Location fields to be mapped into the containing entities’ tables without using the “component” keyword. This approach is described by Colin Jack here. My situation is more complicated than the one he describes due to the fact that SpecialItem has a second Location and the fact that a different entity, LocatedGroup, also has Locations. I could probably get it to work, but the mappings would be non-intuitive and therefore hard to understand and maintain by other developers in the future. Also, I suspect that these tricky mappings would likely not be possible using Fluent NHibernate so I would use the advantages of using that tool, at least in that situation.
Surely others out there have run into similar situations. I’m hoping someone who has “been there, done that” can share some wisdom. :-)
So here’s the question… Which approach should be preferred in this situation? Why? Is there a better option that I haven't considered?
Just a few observations / questions...
if the different location formats have no overlapping fields, what is the commonality in them which would make them candidates for a subclass hierarchy? Can you actually define a common interface for the base class Location?
is a TypeALocation comparable with a TypeBLocation?
are the two locations in SpecialItem of the same type, or can they be mixed?
can an item change its location to a different type runtime?
As you state above, value objects can't be polymorphic. Based on what you describe, I don't see how can you treat locations polymorphically.
Update If you can't define a common base interface for your location types, it is very awkward to try and treat them polymorphically, regardless of whether there is ORM or not. Taking your example below, even for accessing any information about the actual location I live, you needed to downcast it to either a street address or a lat/long coordinate. Polimorphism is meant exactly to avoid the need for such downcasts (and switches on type fields, etc.)!
Looking at the options you describe above, with all this taken into account:
Just as you, I don't like it either (hardly suprising).
Can be a viable option if there aren't many location types and you can be reasonably sure that you have implemented all the types ever needed. In this case the domain class would practically be the analog of a C union, with a type field. It is a bit awkward to use, but the polymorphic attempt would be even more awkward IMHO.
It is definitely an interesting idea which I will probably experiment with in a pet project sometime, but I am not quite sure I would like such tricks in my production code. I guess it could also be done with a custom mapping type which would map your component to a specific subclass. But then again, we're back trying to fit these incompatible types into a type hierarchy... the only good reason to try this path is if there are many location types and/or new types may appear in the future.

How to prevent multiple classes for the same business object?

A lot of the time I will have a Business object that has a property for a user index or a set of indexes for some data. When I display this object in a form or some other view I need the users full name or some of the other properties of the data. Usually I create another class myObjectView or something similar. What is the best way to handle this case?
To further clarify:
If I had a class an issue tracker and my class for an issue has IxCreatedByUser as a property and a collection of IxAttachment values (indexes for attachment records). When I display this on a web page I want to show John Doe instead of the IxCreatedByUser and I want to show a link to the Attachment and the file name on the page. So usually I create a new class with a Collection of Attachment objects and a CreatedByUserFullName property or something of that nature. It just feels wrong creating this second class to display data on a page. Perhaps I am wrong?
The façade pattern.
I think your approach, creating a façade pattern to abstract the complexities with multiple datasources is often appropriate, and will make your code easy to understand.
Care should be taken to create too many layers of abstractions, because the level of indirection will ruin the initial attempt at making the code easier to read. Especially, if you feel you just write classes to match what you've done in other places. For intance if you have a myLoanView, doesn't necessarily you need to create a myView for every single dialogue in the system. Take 10-steps back from the code, and maybe make a façade which is a reusable and intuitive abstraction, you can use in several places.
Feel free to elaborate on the exact nature of your challenge.
One key principle is that each of your classes should have a defined purpose. If the purpose of your "Business object" class is to expose relevant data related to the business object, it may be entirely reasonable to create a property on the class that delegates the request for the lookup description to the related class that is responsible for that information. Any formatting that is specific to your class would be done in the property.
Here's some guidelines to help you with deciding how to handle this (pretty common, IMO) pattern:
If you all you need is a quickie link to a lookup table that does not change often (e.g. a table of addresses that links to a table of states and/or countries), you can keep a lazy-loaded, static copy of the lookup table.
If you have a really big class that would take a lot of joins or subqueries to load just for display purposes, you probably want to make a "view" or "info" class for display purposes like you've described above. Just make sure the XInfo class (for displaying) loads significantly faster than the X class (for editing). This is a situation where using a view on the database side may be a very good idea.