Can't reference C++/cx class from xaml? (UWP) - xaml

I have a C++ class in my application testclient:
namespace testclient{
namespace models{
ref class myclass sealed{
property String^ getstring
String^ get()
return string;
String^ string = "test";
I want to bind a control to the property getstring, and from what little I understand of UWP XAML data binding, I have to include this in the top of the MainPage.xaml: xmlns:data="using:testclient.models Problem is, intellisense is telling me "Undefined namespace. The 'using' URI refers to a namespace called testclient.models that could not be found." What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I've found the problem goes away when I put the class in Mainpage.Xaml.h, but I'd rather not do this...

Every binding consists of a binding target and a binding source. Typically, the target is a property of a control or other UI element, and the source is a property of a class instance.
If you want to use myclass as datasource to MainPage's UI elements, you need to make sure the instance of the myclass is accessible to MainPage. That's why your first version resulted in error. In order to modify mainPage.Xaml.h as little as possible, you could follow steps below by creating a separate file(I simplified the member of myclass for easy debugging):
1) Create myclass.h:
namespace TestClient{
namespace models{
public ref class myclass sealed
int test = 1;
property int gettest
int get() { return test; };
2) in MainPage.h, add following:
#include "myclass.h"
namespace TestClient
/// <summary>
/// An empty page that can be used on its own or navigated to within a Frame.
/// </summary>
public ref class MainPage sealed
TestClient::models::myclass myTest;
3) Then you can manipulate myclass data in mainPage.cpp as you want. Codes may be like below:
int i = this->myTest.gettest;
Still I have a question: while so many namespace nested? Also you can find a sample about data binding here just for your reference.


How to access the public variable in plugin1 from plugin2 using OSGI framework

I'm new to OSGI framework and I'm trying to access the 'Derived' Class variable 'publicVariable' from another class 'Derived2' like "Derived.publicVariable" but publicVariable is always shows null. I really appreciate if someone can help me out with this.
Manifest file - Derived2
Java code
abstract class Base {
protected Vector <String> supportedCommands = new Vector <String> ();
protected abstract void initialiseCommands();
class Derived extends Base {
private static Derived derivedPlugin = null;
public Derived()
derivedPlugin = this;
public static Derived getPlugin()
return derivedPlugin;
public String publicVariable = null;
protected void initialiseCommands()
publicVariable = "someData";
System.out.println("Derived" + publicVariable);
class Derived2 extends Base {
protected void initialiseCommands()
System.out.println("IMRSAUtilitiesPlugin" +supportedCommands);
Also referred below link, which is a similar issue but i'm not using any static variable, it is just a public variable.
how use Singleton object in different class loader....?
The code in the question will not compile. You are trying to access an instance field (publicVariable in class Derived) in a static way, i.e. Derived.publicVariable.
OSGi does not change the semantics of the Java language, and if you cannot even compile your code then OSGi will certainly not be able to run it.

How to wrap a C++ library

I'm developing an application which is using a library and I would like to wrap this library so that it does not goes to deep into my application code. Thanks to that I could change the library I'm using just by re-implementing my wrapper classes.
Suppose that I have a library LibA. It gives me 2 objects to work with, LibAObj1 and LibAObj2. LibAObj2 has a method using LibAObj1.
Here can be a simple definition of their declaration
class LibAObj1 {};
class LibAObj2
void action(LibAObj1 &obj);
Now I would like to define an interface that my application can use to wrap those objects in my application code
For instance:
class ItfLibAObj1 {};
class ItfLibAObj2
void action(ItfLibAObj1 &obj) = 0;
The problem comes whenever I want to implement my interface ItfLibAObj2.
class ImplLibAObj2 : public ItfLibAObj2
void action(ItfLibAObj1 &itfObj)
<how to get my LibAObj1 from itfObj>?
LibObj2 obj;
The question is actually in the pseudo code. How to get my LibAObj1 contained in my ItfLibAObj1 reference? I could add a getter function in LibAObj1 interface to return a void pointer that I would cast but I don't find that elegant in C++.
Is there any kind of design pattern I could use to solve my problem? Or do I just have a design issue?
Note that I'm not wishing to select which library to use at run time.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Kind regards
You problem perfectly explains why in Proxy Pattern, both the Real and Proxy must implement the same interface:
And your code should look like this:
// interfaces
class ItfLibAObj1 {};
class ItfLibAObj2
void action(ItfLibAObj1 &obj) = 0;
// real
class RealLibAObj1 : public ItfLibAObj1 {};
class RealLibAObj2 : public ItfLibAObj2
void action(ItfLibAObj1 &obj)
// proxy
class ProxyLibAObj1 : public ItfLibAObj1
RealLibAObj1 real;
class ProxyLibAObj2 : public ItfLibAObj2
RealLibAObj2 real;
void action(ItfLibAObj1 &obj)
// do something
real.action(obj); // delegate to the real
// do something
However, if the whole purpose of your "wrapping" is adding a new layer between your core/real and the outside (client), please consider the Facade Pattern which provides a simpler interface to the client, instead of merely mimic the classes/methods of the core.

How to set properties if class has a static constructor?

I have a fully implemented property with private variable as shown below:
using System;
namespace ClaimMonitorInfo
internal class Claims
static Claims()
new MainModule();
private string claimName = string.Empty;
public string ClaimName
return claimName ;
claimName = value;
External projects will be setting it but the property never gets set inside its own namespace. So Jenkins thought setter has never been used and gave me a warning message. The constructor of the class is static. How can I assign default values for the property? Need to mention that, project has to be built with MSBuild 12, so C# 6.0 features won't be acceptable. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Point to the function created in C# project from generic typename in C++/CLI

C++/CLI :
public interface class ITest{
virtual void doSomething (){
public ref Base {
generic <typename T> where T : ITest
public ref Derived : Base{
virtual void doNothing (){
public ref AnotherClass {
generic<class T> where T : Base
static int justDoThis(){
C# :
In C# there are two classes A and B. A inherits from the ITest and B inherits from Derived where A is used as the typename. Also, B has a private variable of type A. So, from main function AnotherClass.justDoThis<B>() is called where B is passed as the generic type.
"//Problem!!" Part :
Now I have to create a new instance of B in this section and also access the A which is private variable in B.
So if I take your paragraph of description of the C# code:
class A : ITest {}
class B : Derived<A>
private A someVariableOfTypeA;
class Program
void Main(string[] args)
And the problem is that you want to do this:
public ref AnotherClass {
generic<class T> where T : Base
static int justDoThis()
// Problem!!
Something^ actuallyB = gcnew Something();
A^ a = actuallyB->someVariableOfTypeA;
Issue #1: You can allow creation of new objects of the generic type by specifying gcnew as another generic constraint. (In C#, this would be new.) This will require that the generic type have a default (i.e., parameterless) constructor, which you can access with the normal gcnew.
generic<class T> where T : Base, gcnew
static int justDoThis()
T^ t = gcnew T();
Issue #2: You cannot access private variables within an object. That's what private means. If you want to give justDoThis access to the A object, then add an appropriate public method or property to Base. The method or property would return type ITest. You could also put that method/property on a new interface (perhaps named IHaveAnITestAccessorMethod), and add that as another generic constraint, and B satisfies all the constraints.
Note that it won't do any good to make the variable public on type B: justDoThis doesn't know about B, it only knows about T, which is a Base with a no parameter constructor.
I didn't check my syntax with a compiler.
Yes, you can do anything with reflection, but that's a bad design. Don't do that, fix your code the right way.

Access internal method from child namespace

In C++/Cli is it possible to access an internal method from a child namespace without reflection?
namespace Test {
public ref class TestClass {
void InternalMethod();
namespace Test {
namespace Child {
public ref class TestClass {
void AccessInternalMethod()
TestClass c;
Seems like this should be possible. Sorry if this has been asked before.
In C++/CLI internal (as well as C# internal and the CLI equivalent assembly) doesn't have anything to do with namespaces. When you use that modifier on a member, it means it's accessible from inside the same assembly, as the one where it is declared.
That means that if Test.Child.TestClass is in the same assembly as Test.TestClass, it can access InternalMethod(). If it's in another assembly, it can't access it. Namespaces have nothing to do with that.