Nepomuk File Ontology - semantic-web

I want to use Nepomuk File Ontology (NFO) in a desktop software. Before starting I need some guidance on using NFO.
In NFO we have File class and Image classes.
File Class properties are: nfo:fileCreated, nfo:fileLastAccessed, nfo:fileLastModified, nfo:fileName, nfo:fileOwner, nfo:fileSize, nfo:fileUrl, nfo:hasHash, nfo:permissions.
And Image Class properties are: nfo:depicts, nfo:horizontalResolution, nfo:verticalResolution
Now Please guide, I have an image file i.e imagefile1.jpeg on which I want to apply properties of both File and Image classes.
which one of the below two methods is the correct method to do so.
Method 1: Create a single Object i.e. obj1 of type File and Image. So
now I can annotate obj1 on properties of File class as well as Image
Method 2: Create two objects, one of type File i.e. obj1 and second
object of type Image i.e. obj2. and now link these two objects via
interpretedAs and isStoredAs properties.
Please guide me which one is the correct approach so that I follow it in my application.

"InformationElement is a piece of information stored within a data
object. Content-specific properties are defined as properties of an
InformationElement. It is separate from the DataObject in order to
make the interpretation independent of the representation."
Also have a look at the description of data objects
So Method 2 is the way to go, to "apply" the different abstractions the ontology intends.


Saving Entity does not update class-hierachy labels correctly

I have an abstract superclass Report and two Subclasses SimpleReport and ExtendedReport, which I want to persist in my database.
If a SimpleReport is created, it has the labels "Report" and "SimpleReport" attached to it, as expected.
A user can modify such a SimpleReport, which leads to the SimpleReport becoming an ExtendedReport.
If I now save this ExtendedReport (using the same ID as the SimpleReport, because I just want to update it) it has the labels "Report", "SimpleReport"and "ExtendedReport" attached to it.
IMHO the label "SimpleReport" should be removed on save. I`m currently deleting the wrong label using a cypher query after saving the updated report.
I´m asking if there is a better way to archive this, if may approach is wrong or if this is a bug in ogm?
The rules for labels are as follows:
any plain concrete class in the hierarchy generates a label by default
plain abstract class does not generate a label by default
plain interface does not generate a label by default
any class annotated with #NodeEntity or #NodeEntity(label="something") generates a label
empty or null labels must not be allowed
classes / hierarchies that are not to be persisted must be annotated with #Transient
Therefore if you remove abstract from your base class, or add a #NodeEntity annotation, you will see the results you expect.
The OGM does not remove labels when a class is renamed. Any additional labels are left intact.
You can remove these manually using direct database access.
You can declare a field with the #Labels annotation to manage adding/removing additional labels from an entity.

Dependency Injection/config object

I have an object that is responsible for exporting a file to csv.
It works well but i am looking at ways to refactor it.
This question pertains to the constructor which takes a number of arguments, relating to how the csv is to be exported:
For example, file name, delimiter, etc. etc.
Also, lately I have been reading about dependency injection but cant decide if this is a case where I should:
A. Leave the constructor as is.
B. Create a new class that gets passed to the constructor that simple holds config values for the file name etc
C. Something else altogether?
Here is the existing constructor (in PHP)
public function __construct($file,$overwriteExistingFile, $enclosure, $delim, $headerRow)
//set all properties here
Each of those values represents data that is an input to some process. $enclosure, $delimiter, and $headerRow pertain to generating the CSV content, while $file and $overwriteExistingFile pertain to persisting the content to disk.
A hallmark of a DI-style refactoring is to identify the various responsibilities (generate, persist) and encapsulate each of them in its own type. This shifts the refactoring from "how do I best get the values to this class?" to "how do I remove knowledge of these values from this class?"
To answer that, we would define two new concepts, each of which takes one of the responsibilities, and pass those into the existing constructor:
public function __construct($csvGenerator, $csvFileWriter)
{ dependencies...
} some point, generate the CSV content and pass it to the file writer...
In this way, the original class becomes the orchestrator of the interaction between the generation and file writing, without having intimate knowledge of either activity. We have elevated the class to a higher level of abstraction, simplifying it as well as isolating its responsibilities into its collaborators.
Now, you would define two new classes, constructing them with the relevant parameters:
public function __construct($enclosure, $delimiter, $headerRow)
File Writer
public function __construct($file, $overwriteExistingFile)
With these elements in place, you can compose them together by creating the generator, then the file writer, then passing both to the orchestrator.
I would create a CSVFormatter that you can setup the deliminator on and unit test the formatting independently with.
Inject the formatter into a CSVWriter which writes the formatted output to a file.
The reason you would do this is to unit test the formatting logic or if you need to do multiple kinds of formatting or write to different kinds of output streams. If the code is very small and simple then you don't need to break it into multiple classes.

Lithium: How Document->save() or Record->save() works

In lithium, document and record classes, or their superclasses/interfaces, have no save() method. Yet lithium's method for saving the record is as follows:
$record = Model::create()
I am not certain how this works, since record does not have save method (only Model has).
Document and Record extend from a base Entity class. The Entity class has a __call() magic method. See the api doc for Entity::__call over here: That method obtains an instance of the Model class associated with the Entity and then calls the method passing the entity object in as the first argument. The Adding Functions To Models section of the Lithium manual also contains additional info related to this.

Automatically update Entity instance from class MVC 3

I've got a class that closely resembles one of my entities (I use the class for JSON de/serialization because the entity fails conversion to JSON, one of the known gotchyas of JSON + MVC).
Once I deserilize a JSON string into my object, is there a way to automatically update the associated Entity model instance. The property names are the same.
'myDeserialized is the deserialized JSON object coming over the wire
Dim entityInstance As DLL.Person = db.getPersonById(
Where this just goes through and takes all the properties in myDeserialized and updates the same named property in entityInstance?
Or is it possible to just iterate over a key-value pair of all the properties in an object/entity?
I'm looking for something like TryUpdateModel(), but that only works with forms, right? I don't want to tie my data to a form, that's all.
I don't know what type and version of EF you use, but there are very powerful functions for iterating on the entities properties. Which mean you can easily make your update function on the entity or its baseclass' partial (entityInstance.Update(myDesrialized)).
If you use EntityObject, then you can get an ObjectStateEntry for your entities and via this class you can very easily achieve this.
Please let us know what version and type of EF you use (POCO?)

How to get differing value type out of an concrete implementation if only Interface / abstract class is known?

what I am using:
VB.NET, NET 3.5, OpenXML SDK 2.0
what I want to do:
I am creating an xlsx reader / writer for my application (based on OpenXML SDK 2.0). I want to read xlsx files and store the data contained in each row in a DTO/PONO. Further I want to read the xlsx file and then modify it and save it.
my thoughts:
Now my problem is not with the OpenXML SDK, I can do what I need to do.
My problem is on how to structure my components. Specifically I have problems with the polymorphism at the lowest level of a Spreadsheet, the cell.
A cell in Excel/OpenXML can have different types of data associated with it. Like a Time, Date, Number, Text or Formula. These different type need to be handled differently when read/written from/to a spreadsheet.
I decided to have a common interface for all subtypes like TextCell, NumberCell, DateCell etc.
Now when I read the cell from the spreadsheet the Method/Factory can decide which type of cell to create.
Now because the cell is an abstract from the real implementation it does not know / does not need to know of what type it is. For writing / modifying the cell I solve this problem by calling .write(ICellWriter) on the cell I want to persist. As the cell itself knows what type of data it contains, it knows which method of ICellWriter it needs to call (static polymorpism).
My problem:
Writing to the xlsx file is no problem. My problem is, how do I get the data out of my cell into my DTO/PONO without resorting to type checking -> If TypeOf variable is ClassX then doesomething End If. As Methods / Properties have to have different Signatures and differentiating by only using a different return type is not allowed.
The holder (collection, in this case a row of a table/spreadsheet) of the objects (refering to the cells) does not know the concrete implementations. So for writing a cell I pass it a Cellwriter. This Cellwriter has overloaded methods like Write(num as Integer), Write(text as String), Write(datum as Date). The cell object that gets this passed to it then calls the Write() method with the data type it holds. This works, as no return value is passed back.
But what do I do when I need the concrete data type returned?
Any ideas, advice, insight?
DTO: Data Transfere Object
PONO: Plain Old .Net Object
xlsx: referring to file ending of excel workbook files
The Cell "subtypes" implement a common interface and do not inherit from a common superclass.
After some thinking about the problem I came to realize that it’s not possible without reflection or knowledge of what type of cell I am expecting. Basically I was trying to recreate a spreadsheet or something with similar functionality and way too abstract/configurable for my needs. Thanks for your time & effort put in to writing the answer. I accepted the answer that was closest to what I realized.
I don't think you can.
If I'm understanding correctly, you have a different types of cells (StringCell, IntCell) and each of those concrete classes returns an object of type 'Object'. When you are using the base class 'Cell' and getting it's value - it's of type Object.
To work with it as a String, or Integer, Or Date, etc...etc... I think you need to inspect the type of that object, one way or another. You can use TypeOf like you demonstrated; I've also seen things like '.GetValueAsString()/.GetValueAsInteger()' on the base class. But you still need knowledge enough to say 'Dim myInt as Integer = myCell.GetValueAsInteger()'
Generally speaking, at least if you subscribe to the SOLID principals, you shouldn't care.
It states that, in a computer program if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e., objects of type S may be substitutes for objects of type T), without altering any of the desirable properties of that program (correctness, task performed, etc.)
If you have subtypes of cells, but you can't use them interchangeably, it's a good candidate for not using inheritance.
I don't know what you intending to do with the values in the cells that would require you to have the concrete class instead of using the base; but it might be possible to expose that functionality in the base itself. IE - if you need to add two cells, you can accomplish that treating them as generic cells (perhaps. At least provided they are of compatible types) without knowing what subtype they are. You should be able to return the base class in your DTO, regardless.
At least, I that's my understanding. I'd certainly wait for more people to chime in before listening to me.