how to query amazon dynamodb using pentaho - pentaho

I have tried to connect amazon dynamodb using pentaho using a generic database connection in pentaho but i'm unable to connect. how to query Amazon dynamodb using pentaho?

Assumption: No DyanmoDBInput or DynamoDBQuery kettle plugins available
My Suggested Solutions:
You can write your own kettle plugin using AWS DynamoDB Java SDK
Bonus: Contribute it to the community :)
You can write a Java class that does what you need and uses AWS DynamoDB SDK. Build a jar file that has all the dependencies in it. Drop the jar file into kettle lib directory.
Then use "User Defined Java Class" plugin, create an instance of your class and pass the parameters from the stream as input to dynamodb query and pass any output & error codes/messages to the stream.
Both these solutions are reusable. I have used the 2nd solution to connect to other data sources and it works well.


What is the best approach to sync data from AWS 3 bucket to Azure Data Lake Gen 2

Currently, I download csv files from AWS S3 to my local computer using:
aws s3 sync s3://<cloud_source> c:/<local_destination> --profile aws_profile. Now, I would like to use the same process to sync the files from AWS to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (one-way sync) on a daily basis. [Note: I only have read/download permissions for the S3 data source.]
I thought about 5 potential paths to solving this problem:
Use AWS CLI commands within Azure. I'm not entirely sure how to do that without running an Azure VM. Also, I would like to have my AWS profile credentials persist?
Use Python's subprocess library to run AWS CLI commands. I run into similar issues as option 1, namely a) maintaining a persistent install of AWS CLI, b) passing AWS profile credentials, and c) running without an Azure VM.
Use Python's Boto3 library to access AWS services. In the past, it appears that Boto3 didn't support the AWS sync command. So, developers like #raydel-miranda developed their own. [see Sync two buckets through boto3]. However, it now appears that there is a DataSync class for Boto3. [see DataSync | Boto3 Docs 1.17.27 documentation]. Would I still need to run this in an Azure VM or could I use Azure Data Factory?
Use Azure Data Factory to copy data from AWS S3 bucket. [see Copy data from Amazon Simple Storage Service by using Azure Data Factory] My concern would be that I would want to sync rather than copy. I believe Azure Data Factory has functionality to check if a file already exists, but what if the file has been deleted from AWS S3 data source?
Use Azure Data Science Virtual Machine to: a) install the AWS CLI, 2) create my AWS profile to store the access credentials, and 3) run the aws s3 sync... command.
Any tips, suggestions, or ideas on automating this process are greatly appreciated.
Adding one more to the list :)
6. Please do also look into Azcopy option .
I am not aware of any tool which helps in syncing the data , more or less all will do the copy , I think you will have to implement that . Couple of quick thoughts .
#3 ) You can run this from a batch service . You can initate that from Azure data factory . Also since are talking about Python , you can also run that from Azure data bricks .
#4) ADF does not have any sync logic for the files to be deleted. We can implement that using the getMetadat activity .
AzReplciate is another option - especially for very large containers

AWS EMR - how to copy files to all the nodes?

is there a way to copy a file to all the nodes in EMR cluster thought EMR command line? I am working with presto and have created my custom plugin. The problem is I have to install this plugin on all the nodes. I don't want to login to all the nodes and copy it.
You can add it as a bootstrap script to let this happen during the launch of the cluster.
#Sanket9394 Thanks for the edit!
If you have the control to Bring up a new EMR, then you should consider using the bootstrap script of the EMR.
But incase you want to do it on Existing EMR (bootstrap is only available during launch time)
You can do this with the help of AWS Systems Manager (ssm) and EMR inbuilt client.
Something like (python):
emr_client = boto3.client('emr')
ssm_client = boto3.client('ssm')
You can get the list of core instances using emr_client.list_instances
finally send a command to each of these instance using ssm_client.send_command
Ref : Check the last detailed example Example Installing Libraries on Core Nodes of a Running Cluster on
Note: If you are going with SSM , you need to have proper IAM policy of ssm attached to the IAM role of your master node.

Move S3 files to Snowflake stage using Airflow PUT command

I am trying to find a solution to move files from an S3 bucket to Snowflake internal stage (not table directly) with Airflow but it seems that the PUT command is not supported with current Snowflake operator.
I know there are other options like Snowpipe but I want to showcase Airflow's capabilities.
COPY INTO is also an alternative solution but I want to load DDL statements from files, not run them manually in Snowflake.
This is the closest I could find but it uses COPY INTO table:
Also : How to call snowsql client from python
Is there any way to move files from S3 bucket to Snowflake internal stage through Airflow+Python+Snowsql?
I recommend you execute the COPY INTO command from within Airflow to load the files directly from S3, instead. There isn't a great way to get files to internal stage from S3 without hopping the files to another machine (like the Airflow machine). You'd use SnowSQL to GET from S3 to local, and the PUT from local to S3. The only way to execute a PUT to Internal Stage is through SnowSQL.

Export data from QlikSense cloud to AWS S3 bucket

I am trying to create a pipeline to export Qliksense app data to AWS S3 bucket, but not sure if I can do it directly.
Two options I tried:
Use export API to export data as qvf to local disk, then connect to S3 via python script and push the data.
2.Store the data as csv using qliksense script locally and then push to S3.
Basically my ideal solution would be use a single python script to connect to Qliksense, read the data, convert to csv and export to S3.
Any ideas/code/approach would be helpful.
Qliksense is a tool to consume data and display in general, but when there is need
STORE INTO vFile (text);
is easy option. This way you will get csv file saved on drive. If you are running python script on the same machine is easy as you can EXECUTE statement which can run python script and store it to s3 using boto3 library.
Otherwise just use network drive instead and then in cron put data from there via python to s3.
Last option is that on qliksense server you can map s3 bucket. There are few tools for that like TnTDrive.
So much depends on your infrastructure.

Using data present in S3 inside EMR mappers

I need to access some data during the map stage. It is a static file, from which I need to read some data.
I have uploaded the data file to S3.
How can I access that data while running my job in EMR?
If I just specify the file path as:
in the code, will that work ?
S3n:// url is for Hadoop to read the s3 files. If you want to read the s3 file in your map program, either you need to use a library that handles s3:// URL format - such as jets3t - - or access S3 objects via HTTP.
A quick search for an example program brought up this link.
You can also access the S3 object through HTTP or HTTPS. This may need making the object public or configuring additional security. Then you can access it using the HTTP url package supported natively by java.
Another good option is to use s3dist copy as a bootstrap step to copy the S3 file to HDFS before your Map step starts.
What I ended up doing:
1) Wrote a small script that copies my file from s3 to the cluster
hadoop fs -copyToLocal s3n://$SOURCE_S3_BUCKET/path/file.txt $DESTINATION_DIR_ON_HOST
2) Created bootstrap step for my EMR Job, that runs the script in 1).
This approach doesn't require to make the S3 data public.